Under his spell

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A/N: the title is kinda referenced off under our spell. It's a song.

Zenix's POV:
"My plan is working. Hmm an hour until we are there. Hmm I should use the potion before she wakes up."

Garroth's POV:
"We have to hurry if we ant to cut them off and get her back!" I informed. "I think I know a shortcut on how to get there so we can cut them off. We have to be careful though. She's probably on with whoever it is with him!"

Your POV:
You wake up once again, finding yourself on a carriage. You sit up realizing not only you hair is back to its natural color but you were sleeping on ZENIX's LAP!! He gives a chuckle. "Glad to you are wake my love."

"WAIT! WHAT DID HE JUST CALL ME!?!" "LEMME AT HIM! Wait, my body isn't responding to me. Great 😑." He grabs your chin leaning you in for a kiss. Just before he does someone bumps the carriage.

Garroth's POV:
We bump the carriage hoping to catch him by surprise.

Your POV:
You snap out of the effects of the potion. You look outside and see Garroth. You carefully open the door. And signal Garroth to come over here. Zenix's sees you signalling Garroth and pulls you back. You try to slip away and succeed. Garroth is where you signalled him to go to. (A/N: forgot to mention that they are on horses) you trust him so you decide to risk it and jump. He catches you.

"Are you ok?" He asks. You hold onto him tight.

"Yes, and thanks you for coming to find me."

"No need to mention it, but who was the one who took you?" He asked.

"Zenix if I remember correctly." And just as you say that Zenix jumps out of the carriage. Garroth takes his horse to a halt and tells me to stay back and that he can handle Zenix himself. You nod and walk back. You notice aphmau and Zoey was with Garroth.

"I saw what you did with Garroth and we both thought that it was cute, you trusting Garroth to catch you." She awed. You blush.

"ZOEY ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" You basically yell while blushing.

"OOH! Someone is in love!" Aphmau teases. The fact that they are teasing you doesn't make the situation any better and you blushing more than you already were.

"Can we just see how Garroth is doing with Zenix?" You ask. They both nod.

Garroth's POV:
"I'm fighting for ___(you name)'s sake. I'll admit even though she is a princess I kinda liked her before I knew she was one. Wait, I gotta concentrate on fighting." I swing my sword at Zenix's chest. He dodged. "Hmm, better than when I last saw you." Zenix swings his sword and aims for my head. It hits my helmet and it falls off.

Your POV:
"Wow, Garroth is kinda cute without his helmet." You mumble out loud. You hear two chuckles

"I know right" both girls say. You suddenly hear a someone.

"Colin?" You say out loud.

"Princess?" You hear Colin ask. "Wait that outfit, YOU WERE THAT GIRL FROM THE OTHER DAY?! I should of known" he sighs. You can't help but chuckle.

"I need your help Colin." You request.

"I need your men to arrest the man in green to one of our best secured prisons." He nods. He tells the other guards to arrest Zenix. Garroth holds his helmet and comes over to us. Your heart starts to skip a beat. "Do I like Garroth?" You wonder.

"Princess, are you going to come back to the castle and live with your father?" Colin asks. You shake your head.

"I'm afraid not, Colin. I'm going to live my life as a normal person I will replace my father's throne if I have too. But Colin can I ask you one more favor?" You ask.

"Of course your highness." He says.

"Can you tell my father I'm alright, I don't want him too worry too much. And tell him I'm in good hands." I request. He nods. "Also, if there's any news from the kingdom and it's very important. Tell me immediately.

"Will do, your highness." He nods and heads off with his party. Aphmau's mouth is 'wide open'.

"Wow ___(your name). I never knew you had a side like that in you." She complements. You scratch the back of your head.

"Heh, it's nothing really. And it kinda runs In the family." You turn to Garroth. "Look quite handsome without your helmet if I say so my self." Garroth blushes. And you hear Zoey and Aphmau aww their hearts out. You chuckle at the fact that he is blushing.

"We should, er. Head back. It's getting late." Garroth says as he puts his helmet back on.

You see that aphmau brought you horse in a golden lasso. You thank her for brining you horse and all four of you head back to Phoenix drop.

A/N: that was a one of my longer chapters. So yes, later on I will add more shipping. But anywho this too, at least an hour and a half to write. And in the next chapter is where I will murder you all with cuteness. I know I just did a 300+ reads but now I got 400+ reads on the same day! I SWEAR! You guys are the best! Well I gotta start writing in my other story life on campus. Thank you all so much and I will see you in the next chapter!

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