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A/N: this might be a bit unexpected of me but I thought eh, why not do different POVs just for this chapter. Anyways, some ideas for this chapter was thought up by: @samjaybay212 (sorry if the mention doesn't work)

Your POV:
You head over to the docks to have a bit of time by yourself. You hear a rustle in the bushes. You look in the direction and see nothing. "Who's there?" You say out loud. You hear the rustle again and look where you thought it came from. You look behind you and scream. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" You yell. He chuckles and put his hand over my mouth.

"*tsk* *tsk* *tsk* no talking." chills run down your spine at the sound of the mysterious man's voice. All of a sudden, you find yourself blacking out.

Garroth's POV:
I saw ___(your name) head over to the docks while I was patrolling. She smiled at me. I just continued to patrol. To too long after though I heard her scream. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" I heard her yell. I ran to her as fast as I can but before I made it... It was too late. I went down to the ground knowing, I have failed.

??? POV:
"Kidnapping the princess seemed easy enough. Hope Garroth doesn't mind me taking her. I smirk. I get the reward AND this lovely princess here."

Your POV:
You wake up. "Where am I " you groan. You realize you are in a strange place with THAT MAN! Now you had a good look at him you see what he looks like. Glowing red eyes, a green cloak from the looks of it, and brown hair. He smirks.

"Glad to see your awake, Princess." He say mischievously.

"How did you?" You ask him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. The answer is not until later." He smirks.

"Who are you anyways." You hiss. He sighs.

"Might as well tell you before I hand you over to your father and marry you." "I'm Zenix."

"Zenix, that name. It sounds familiar, but where have I heard it before?" You think but you can't put your hand on it.

Zenix's POV:
I use a splash potion on her to make her fall asleep. "Now, I must get to the king and get her hand in marriage."

Garroth's POV:
"There has to be something we can do to get her back right?" I sighed.

"Sorry but, all we can do now is hope for the best and have a search party to go find her." Aphmau suggests.

"Garroth, I'm just as worried as you are. She was one of my old friends. If you want I can come help you look for her." Zoey says to comfort me. Suddenly I remember about the missing poster.

"I Know exactly where to look! That person probably took her back to her kingdom so he can get married to her!" I said out loud. "Aphmau! We should head there immediately!" I said. She nodded and we were on our way to ___(your name)'s home village.

A/N: intense huh? Don't worry. I'll make a part two later!

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