Chapter Two

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I woke with a start like I always do on nights like this. I look around to make sure I didn't just hear one of the others making noise. Nope, everyone is fast asleep, I was right. I'm always the first to hear oncoming attackers without fail. I strain to try and hear how far away they are before silently hopping off of my cot. I weave through the maze of cots holding the others before reaching the door. I pull it open and it creaks, I look around, hoping I didn't just wake everyone up. I at first think I'm safe until I see Cassia sit up. She rubs her eyes and scans the room before she sees me. She opens her mouth to speak but closes it, she hears it too. "Wake everyone." I say. She nods and gets up before shaking Carter. I slip out quick and run down the short hallway to Alfred's room. He is already awake when I knock quick and open his door. I swear the man doesn't sleep. He looks up casually from his book as if he knew I was coming when I step in.  "They're coming." I say. He closes the book, 

"How many?"

"Six or seven trucks each holding Twelve." He nods, 

"Have you awakened everyone?" 

"Cassia started when I left."

"How long do we have?"

"Ten minutes?"

"Tell everyone to be in the bus in five." He says. I nod and run back to the room. Cassia has nearly woken everyone up when I arrive, all but some of the boys. 

"Clark!!" I say, throwing a pillow at him. It bounces off his face and he bolts up, in his shock he lingers in the air for a second before drifting back down. His dark curly hair is somehow nice looking after sleeping, but his Blue eyes are very tired. "Get up we need to leave!" I say. He gets up off his bed and procededs to dump all of his meager possessions onto his bedspread before grabbing all four corners and pulling it into one big bag. His way of packing is crazy and unorganized but what the heck. Sadly this is how most of the boys pack, save Bruce, who is the biggest perfectionist on the planet. In a matter of minutes were all packed, and we quite literally run to the bus, which, this time, is a big brown ugly school bus Alfred got from a junk yard. We switch up now and then. It isn't the best situation, but it's better than Bartholomew's idea which entailed Clark and I carrying everyone at super speed. Yes we're strong enough but the thought makes me shudder. Last time I carried someone in my arms it was Harley, and she was dying. I try to erase that image as I climb in the bus. I sit down next to Atlanta and Cassia and across from Clark and Arthur, who are hilariously trying to sit on the same bench. We must huddle together for warmth, but two broadshouldered boys with long legs don't go well with bus seats. I always sit next to Atlanta, not just because we're super close friends but because she and Arthur have the ability to retain body warmth. Alfred says it's so they can swim comfortably in freezing cold or quite hot water and be comfortable. Sadly they only use this gift to keep us warm. Alfred climbs in and we take off.

"Be ready Everyone." He says, like always. Hopefully we can get out of this without having to use our powers, but its not likely, and it's dangerous. Using our powers only helps the C.I.A learn our weaknesses by studying our powers. Plus, none of us want the kill anyone. I meet Clark's eyes and can tell that he's thinking the same thing. We ride in peace for a half hour before all of the sudden a car appears in front of us. Alfred slams on the breaks but he'll never stop in time. Clark and Arthur notice and jump behind them to where Bartholomew and Leon are to protect them. I jump up and grab Selina and Beatrice from directly behind me, shielding them with my body. I know that Cassia and Atlanta can take much more than a normal person but although Selina and Bea are extremely agile, there is no way they could survive the force of a crash. Cassia and Atlanta follow suit and in a mere all sixteen of us are all huddled in the isle. The bus swerves and rolls and everything goes black…

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