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I often do wonder what my childhood might have been like not on the run. And, if I was born normal. But I'm not. So my life has been a constant struggle to live. In my country having powers is illegal and using them is a great way to get yourself killed, or worse, captured by the C.I.A. which I think actually stands for something but I don't know what it is. My brother calls them the 'Crabby idiots association'. Whatever than means. We're twins, but somedays I'm not sure we're even related, save the fact that we literally look like the male and female version of each other. He can be loud and rambunctious and Im quiet and Reserved. He is, however much braver than I am by a long shot, so I guess that makes up for it? I often wonder who we would be if we weren't born 'gifted' as Alfred calls it. Would we be normal highschool kids living a simple life like the teens we see everyday? Maybe. Maybe not. The truth is we don't know and we probably never will. It just the sad truth about being born Illegal. Alfred says we're lucky to be alive. The C.I.A takes all babies born super the very day they are born. Same would have happened to my brother and friends and I if Alfred hadn't gotten to us first. Twins used to be an exciting thing for expecting parents, but now its a reason for dread. Alfred says one in every ten sets of twins are born super, and well, over three/fourths of those are taken before they can be rescued. It's sad to me. Doesn't the government realize we're not a threat? I guess maybe some of us are, but not my friends and I, we're just a group of scared teens who are moved around the country every time we're compromised. I don't get it. But I make the most of it. Even though it's hard. It's kind of of routine for me, or, it was, until we were separated. To be frank, it was my fault. All of it.

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