Chapter 6: Past Scars, Enter the Excalibur!

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Surprised? I'm back with a new chapter after months of going missing. If you read my  announcements that should explain why I've been gone for so long. But yea, new chapter. Sorry if it seems half hearted. I actually got halfway through this a long while back and just finished it today. But enjoy.

Text= Flashbacks/Thoughts

Last time,

With their victory in the Rating Game it meant Rias being free. Vegito and Akeno have a little talk and it seems Vegito is interested in training the peerage. Our Saiyan also met up with Sirzechs and had a little chat about Ki with the devil king being able to unlock it. And it seems like a...holy presence was detected by our fused Saiyan. Wonder who that could be? 

A new day had come. The weekend was over meaning the crew was back to school. As for our fused Saiyan, well let's say he got some very interesting news from Rias.

Earlier that morning...

The morning had gone off as usual. Vegito went for his early morning training while the Hyoudou matriarch prepared breakfast for Vegito. Everyone else's  breakfast was already done. It became a norm for the woman to cook a large amount of food for the Saiyan. 

Miki: Issei honey, breakfast is ready! You don't wanna be late for school.

At that moment Vegito had entered the house.

Miki: Ah Vegito. Your breakfast is just about done. If its not too much trouble do you mind waking up Issei and the girls?

Vegito: It's not a problem at all. I'll get em.

The Saiyan went up the stairs and knocked on the boys door.

Vegito: Yo Issei! Get your ass up before I eat your breakfast!

From behind the door the fused Saiyan could hear tumbling and the voices of Rias and Asia. 

'Seems like its business as usual in there.'

Vegito had gone back down to the kitchen and started to devour his enormous breakfast. A couple minutes later the three teens came down the stairs in their school uniforms. Miki had left to go on a grocery run due to Vegito's black hole of a stomach which left the 4 to themselves.

Vegito: Ahhhh. That hit the spot. Your mom knows how to cook you pervert!

Issei: Wha- I have a name you know!

Vegito: Yea yea, but I like pervert better! Suits ya more.

While the brunette silently fumed over something that was 100% true, Rias had something to tell Vegito.

Rias: Oh! That reminds me. Vegito. My brother forgot to tell you something during your last meeting.

Vegito: Hm? What is it.

Rias: You have a job at the school as our new gym teacher! Isn't that exciting!

Vegito had a blank look on his face at the news.

Issei and Asia were surprised at the news. Asia responded by clapping happily while Issei responded with a loud 'NANNNIII?!!'

Vegito: Your kidding right.

Rias: I'm not Vegito. Don't look so down. This could be a good thing for you!

Vegito: How is teaching high school students physical education a good thing for me.

Rias: I don't know. But at least you'll be close to us! Isn't that great!

Vegito answered with an unenthusiastic 'hooray.'

End of flashback

Now fast forward to now. The group of 4 headed on their way to school, but not before Rias made Vegito change into something that wouldn't make him stick out. And so now he was wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off his muscles along with gray sweatpants. The Saiyan grumbled at wearing such clothing. To be fair he hasn't changed from his usual outfit since coming to this dimension, so it was due for a good clean. But how would he fight in these clothes! If felt as if his shirt was about to rip any moment. When the group arrived at the gate many jealous looks were given, specifically towards Issei as Rias clung onto one arm and Asia onto the other with a pout. But then whispers broke out over Vegito commenting on his ripped body and rumors started about who he was. The Saiyan could only close his eyes in annoyance at them.

Rias: Alright guys, you head on to class. I'll get Vegito settled in.

After the two said their goodbyes Rias lead Vegito over to the principals office where they briefly talked, mostly just an introduction and such. And with that it was time for Vegito to make his debut as gym teacher.

Rias showed Vegito to where the gym was. 

Rias: And here we are! Ready to become a teacher Vegito?

Vegito wore a deadpan expression.

Vegito: No.

Rias: That's the spirit! Ok, class is about to start, I'll see you later after school~!

Vegito: Can I at least-

Vegito didn't get the chance to finish as the bell rang. Vegito sighed in defeat. Might as well get this over with already...

A few minutes later the students came trickling in with a majority of them being female which made sense considering Kuoh Academy used to be a girls only school that recently changed to a co-ed school. The students began chatting to each other gossiping on who the new P.E instructor might be. 

?: Mura, you think it's that hunk from this morning?

?: Kat, he was walking with Issei so there's a chance he caught Issei's perverseness.

Why does everyone assume I'm perverted right off the bat?! I blame you Issei...

Vegito took this as his cue to make his presence known. All students eyes were on him as he walked into the gym. He noticed the flustered looks on the girls faces who looked at his muscles while the guys gave him jealous looks.

Vegito waved awkwardly to the class.

Vegito: Yo. Names Vegito, and I'm your new P.E instructor. Any questions?

A few hands went up. The first one was the brown haired girl with golden like eyes. Her long brown hair was in a ponytail. Vegito nodded at her.

Murayama: Vegito-sensei, what is your relation to Issei Hyoudou?

Vegito rose a brow.

Vegito: First off, none of that 'Vegito-sensei' crap, makes me feel old. Just call me Vegito. And  why do you ask about my relation to Issei?

Before the girl he learned was named Murayama could answer, a girl with short pink hair interrupted her. She had brown eyes and a white headband atop hear head.

Katase: Are you a pervert is what she's trying to ask Vegito-sensei. 

Murayama: KATASE! Why are you so blunt about it!

The now named Katase only shrugged. Vegito sweat-dropped at that. It was clear Katase was the blunt type who wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind.

Vegito: Well to answer your question, I am NOT by any means a pervert. Besides, I'm in my fourties and happily married.

There was a chorus of 'WHATTT' mainly from the female population in the room. Vegito decided to leave out the part where he technically had two wives.

Vegito: Alright, I'll take one more question. Katase quickly raised her hand.

Katase: I'm pretty sure everyone is thinking this, how are you well, that!

She gestured to his body where it was pretty much muscle everywhere.

Vegito answered in a deadpan tone with a straight face.

Vegito: I trained hard. Now then, shall we get started? Keep in mind I am not a soft instructor, so be ready to go past your limit. Is that clear?

Everyone responded with a 'Yes Sensei!' Poor souls don't know what was coming, thinking the fused Saiyan was just joking.

A few minutes Later...

Random Male Student: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS HELLLL!!!

Vegito: Did I say you can stop?! Keep going!

All in all, Vegito had to admit he was having more fun with this than he initially thought.

Fast forward to after school where the group decided to have their usual meetings at Issei's house. They were greeted by his mother, who seemed ecstatic that her son was making so many friends. 

Miko: Ohh its so nice to know my boy has so many friends!

Issei: Mom cut it out, its embarrassing!

Miko: Oh I just can't help it sweetie. 

The Hyoudou noticed that Vegito was absent from their group so she asked her son where he was.

Issei: Oh, he had to stay after school for a bit. Said something about a meeting I think.

Miko: Oh alright. You kids can go on then, I'll check back with you in a few.

After that they headed to Issei's room and started their meeting.

Rias: Alright everyone, let's go ahead with our normal meeting. For this months contracts, Akeno is in with 11, Koneko with 10, Kiba with 8, and Asia with 3.

The group congratulated their most recent member for doing a good job.

Rias: And Issei, you have zero.

Issei: Man, I feel embarrassed for not having any.

Rias: Don't feel that way, I'm sure you'll be getting contracts in no time. You just have to work hard is all.

Issei: Yea your right!

It was then Issei's mother came in.

Miko: Oh, sorry if I'm interrupting anything. I just thought you all would like a little break by seeing these!

She held up some photo albums from Issei's childhood.

Issei: Mom no!

It was at that moment Vegito came in.

Vegito: Yo, did I miss anything?

Rias: No you did not Vegito, oh by the way, how was today at school?


Rias beamed at that.

Rias: See! I told you you would have fun!

Vegito: Can't deny that I did.

Rias: Anyways, your just in time, we're about to look at pictures of little Issei!

Vegito grew a smirk at that.

Vegito: Little Issei hmm~?

Issei: I don't like that look...

The group took a few albums and began looking through them. Rias and Asia cooed at how cute Issei was when he was younger while the others had amused smiles at the antics Issei did when he was younger.

Kiba: Your mother seems to be enjoying this.

Issei: (groans) Come on man, I don't need teasing from you too!

Kiba: It must be nice to have a family...

Only Issei and Vegito had heard what the boy said. Issei didn't think much of it but that concerned the fused Saiyan a bit. It was obvious that the boy had some sort of family issues.

Kiba flipped the page in one of Issei's photo albums and one made him do a double take to make sure he saw what he saw.

Kiba: Issei, this photo...

Issei looked at what Kiba was staring at.

Issei: Oh I remember that kid. Me and him used to play all the time until his family had to move overseas. 

Kiba: I see, and do you remember that sword?

Issei: Huh? No not really. I never really paid mind to it. Why you asking?

Kiba: Oh it's nothing. After all this time, I can finally get my revenge.

Vegito noticed the look in the boys eyes. That was a look of one who was seeking vengeance. The question now was, who did Kiba hold such a grudge against and why?

Later that evening the group had been called to take care of a stray devil in an abandoned factory. 

Issei: This is it?

Rias: It is, alright guys business as usual. Eliminate the stray devil.

Vegito: I don't understand why you won't let me fight.

Rias: Because Vegito, we all know you are very strong. You would just end up toying with it instead of actually fighting.

Issei: Ohhhh, burn man!

Vegito: Tch, shut the hell up pervert.

Rias: Alright, lets stop messing around and get going.

(Skip battle because I'm too lazy)

The battle with the stray devil had ended with the team's victory. It really wasn't too much trouble but everyone noticed Kiba wasn't himself. He was clearly distracted during the battle which almost ended with him getting hurt a few times. Rias couldn't take silence so she was the one who asked him what was wrong.

Rias slapped him across the face.

Rias: Kiba what is with you?! You could have gotten hurt or worse, ended up dead!

Vegito had a gloom cloud over him. He could have easily stepped in if anyone was in trouble.

Vegito: I'm here by the way...

No one noticed him due to the serious tension.

Kiba: fine Buchou. I thank you for worrying, but I need to go.

Rias: Kiba!

Kiba started to walk away as the others tried to stop him but to no avail. Issei ran up to him before he could go any further.

Issei: Hey what the hell dude, whats up with you. Your usually not like this.

Kiba: What do you mean by that?

Issei: It's just that, you would never act so distant with us. You know you can talk to us man, don't shut us out!

Kiba let out a sigh.

Kiba: You did nothing wrong, none of you did anything wrong, this thing I have to do can be done by me alone...

Issei: Kiba-

Issei didn't get a chance to say anything else.

Kiba: No Issei, just don't. This is my time to finally get revenge, my time to finally destroy Excalibur. I have to do this on my own.

Issei: Excalibur...?

Kiba: See you Issei...

Issei: Kiba!

Kiba didn't listen as he left, leaving a confused but worried Issei behind.

Vegito: Jeez what did he mean back there.

Issei: Gah! Dammit dude stop doing that!

Vegito had a deadpan look on his face.

Vegito: I was here the whole time.

Issei: Anyways, something is clearly up, he mentioned something called 'Excalibur.' But what does revenge have to do with it?

Vegito: Beats me dude. 

Later that night at the house Rias was with Vegito, Issei, and Asia in Issei's room. Issei decided to ask the question that was on everyones mind.

Issei: Rias, what was up with Kiba. He mentioned something called 'Excalibur.'

Rias had a solemn look on her face at the mention of it. She told the three a bit of Kiba's past.

Rias: Kiba was a part of The Holy Sword Project.

Asia was surprised that the church did such a project. She never even heard of it.

Asia: They must have had to keep it super secret because not even I heard of it when I was still involved with the church.

Rias nodded her head to that.

Rias: It was said that the project was a huge failure. It's normal that the church would cover up a failure as big as that. And Kiba...he was the only survivor of the whole thing.

Everyone let out a gasp of shock minus Vegito who was stone faced.

So he was the only one to make it out of that hell. Looks like we share one thing in common.

Issei: It was that picture earlier. That's what freaked him out. That was a holy sword wasn't it? 

Rias looked at the picture.

Rias: Right. It's a holy sword no doubt about it. Not as strong as Excalibur but still...

Issei: It makes sense now, that kids family would always invite me to go to the church, and it was annoying.

Rias: I see, to think that it would come back to haunt him...

Rias changed her mood to try and get rid of the gloomy atmosphere.

Rias: Well its getting late, so we should head to bed.

Rias began to undress.

Issei: Whoa slow down!

Asia not wanting to be outdone began to undress as well.

Vegito meanwhile got out of there quick.

Hell no, not staying in there. No sir. NOPE!

 The fused Saiyan went out for a nighttime stroll, not caring for the rain but he sensed something after a few minutes of being out.

What was that? Wait a minute, its the same energy as before. That holy energy. Once might have been a fluke, but twice? I'm going to check it out. Wait...why are they in different places? That is strange...

Vegito sensed the energy coming from two different directions. One of them was higher than the other so of course he flew towards that one.

Whatever it is, I have a sneaky feeling that a storm is coming real soon....

Arriving at the location where the energy was Vegito noticed that he was back at the church where he first met the ORC group.

How strange, who would want anything to do with a broken down church?

Vegito was broken out of his thoughts by what sounded like two people, female, talking to each other from inside.

Guess I'm about to find out...

The fused Saiyan thought about how to approach the situation. A) He walks through the door like a normal person or B) He teleports in there and ends up startling the people inside and possibly get attacked. He went with the former option. 

Pushing the door open he announced his presence.

Vegito: Hellooo, anyone in here?

What happened next was a figure came flying with a sword in hand.

That sword is letting out a ton of holy energy. I definitely found the right place.

The mystery person brought their sword down in attempt to try and harm Vegito, key word try, but the Saiyan merely put up his hand and caught the blade.

?: W-What?! 

Vegito: Hey now, no need to be so quick to attack.

?: It's only fair that I do. As of right now your my enemy.

Vegito: Really now. As your enemy then, I suppose I should show no mercy then.

Any confidence that the girl had was wiped right then and there. A new voice interrupted their little standoff.

?: Hey! What do you think your doing to her?!

The other girl also brandished her sword. 

Vegito: Hey! Calm down now. I think that this is all a really big misunderstanding. If you just put your weapons away, I'll promise I'll explain myself, got it?

The two girls looked at each other and made a silent agreement that they would listen.

?: Alright, we'll listen to what you have to say, now speak.

Vegito: Alright alright, not patient I see. But before we do that, I think we should introduce ourselves.

?: ...Xenovia.

Sheesh, she really does not like me.

?: Irina Shidou, nice to meet you! And how about you mister?

At least she seems more friendly...

Vegito: Names Vegito, so now this is the part where I explain myself I guess. 

Oh boy, here we go with the long story AGAIN.

Vegito: Better get comfortable because this is gonna take a while, it all started on a distant planet...

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