Chapter Five: Aftermath

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Hello again everyone. It's been a while since the last update and I'm sorry for that. It was just me having writers block. Hopefully I can start to publish more frequently. Some chapters will be updated for spelling and grammar errors. As always, enjoy the chapter.

 Damnit!= Thoughts

Last time,

The much anticipated rating game between Rias and Riser went down. It was looking bleak for Rias and her group but thanks to Issei's unmatched determination, they were able to pull out a win. Now it's time to celebrate! 

[Riser Phenex [King] retires. The winner of the rating game is Rias Gremory!]

The announcement sent shockwaves throughout the whole arena. Rias had won? Meanwhile with the spectators Rias eliminated pieces were celebrating their win.

Kiba: They did it! 

Koneko: The pervert amazed even me.

Akeno: Hey now come on guys, we all did it. Together.

The other two smiled at Akeno's words.

Sona meanwhile watched with her queen Tsubaki. Needless to say, both were impressed with Rias being able to win this considering how many disadvantages she had going into the match. Sona wondered how Issei was able to pull off that technique he did. Everyone was. They had never seen anything like that before. Perhaps there was more than meets the eye to the current Red Dragon Emperor. 

Meanwhile back with Issei and Rias the latter still couldn't believe that she had won. Right when she was about to give up, Issei wouldn't quit for her. Thinking about it made her all giddy about how much her Issei cared about her.

Issei: *pants* Aw yeah! We did it! Rias, can you believe it?! You won't have to marry that douche anymore!

Issei was startled as Rias suddenly hugged him.

Issei: R-Rias?

Rias: Oh Issei, you don't know how much this means to me...thank you.

Issei: Don't mention it, I would endure all the pain all over again if it meant saving you.

Rias: Idiot... don't say those kinds of things...

Issei: Seriously though, I would do anything if it meant you being able to live freely.

Rias pulled away from the hug and cupped Issei's cheeks.

Rias: Well on that note, let me give you a reward.

Rias said it in a seductive tone in which Issei couldn't resist. As they were about to lean in further Vegito popped in with a shit eating grin knowing exactly what he just interrupted.

Vegito: Well I just love to barge in when it's moments like these.

Issei and Rias separated from each other sporting a massive blush.

Issei: Can you stop doing that!!

Vegito: Geez dude, chill. Seriously though, I'm impressed with what you pulled off there.

Issei: Huh? Really?

Vegito: Yeah, I don't lie about this kind of stuff.

Rias: He's right Issei, I've never seen anything like it before! I'll admit it was cool.

Vegito: What she said, as much as I wanted to do that myself you looked badass firing your Kamehameha point blank right in his dumb face! 

Issei blushed in embarrassment at the praise he got.

Issei: Ah it wasn't that cool.

Rias: Oh stop being so humble Issei. That deserves some recognition!

Vegito made a sound of agreement and the others agreed.

Issei: Well I wouldn't have done it without a great teacher.

Rias tilted her head in confusion.

Rias: Teacher? Who could have taught you that?

Issei: Yeah, speaking of which, I thank you senpai.

Issei bowed in respect to his elder/teacher.

Rias: Wait, Vegito taught you?!

The others has the same look of surprise on their faces. 

Issei: Yeah, I promised him I would keep it a secret until the time came.

Vegito: No need to keep it a secret anymore then.

Rias: W-What, how did you, what even-

Vegito: Nice job man, you broke your girlfriend.

Issei: G-Girlfriend?!

Rias: What's the matter Issei? Do you not like the idea of me being your girlfriend?

Rias pouted cutely.

Issei: A-Ah, i-it's not that I don't want to be your boyfriend. U-Uh...

Vegito: Heh, now who's stopped working.

Rias does the same thing before Vegito interrupted, cupping Issei's cheeks and leaning in until their lips finally met.

Issei is stunned as Rias is kissing him!

Rias pulled away after a few more moments.

Rias: Well there's your reward, my precious pawn.

Issei couldn't say anything after that. He was a stumbling mess.

Vegito: Heh, way to break him. And congrats you lovebirds.

Before anything else happened the arena started to disappear around them.

Vegito: What the, whats happening?

Rias: Since the battle is over the arena is gone after.

Issei: WAAAA!!

Issei was falling but was caught by Koneko.

Issei: Koneko?

Soon the other members came up.

Kiba: Nice job man.

Akeno: Ara ara, my cute junior seems to have stolen Ms. President's heart. So romantic!

Issei: W-What. You mean you guys-

Koneko: We saw everything, pervert.

Issei: Hey-WOOHHH!

Koneko threw Issei but Rias was there to catch him.

Rias landed with Issei as the others soon followed. The group continued to praise Issei on the feat he was able to pull off as the teen sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, flustered from the attention he was getting.

Issei: Ah come on guys, like I told Rias, it was nothing really. I just thought about how much I wanted to repay you guys for everything you've done for me. 

Akeno: Awww! That's so sweet of you to say Issei!

Issei's face was soon buried in Akeno's bosom and he really couldn't complain. Rias sent a heated glare at her queen. How dare she does that to HER Issei in front of her. Akeno noticed this and gave her master one of her sweet smiles. Issei meanwhile was in heaven.

Issei's perverted mind went into overdrive so he didn't feel the killing intent of Rias. Akeno eventually let go.

Rias: On that note Issei, I'll be living with you from now on! Isn't that great?

Issei: WHAAAAT??!!

The setting sun dawned on as the group of devils plus Vegito chuckled at Issei's reaction to Rias's news.

Meanwhile Sirzechs looked at Vegito with a curious glance wondering who he really was and what kind of power he was holding back. Vegito caught him though and he raised a brow at the devil king who could only look sheepish.

Vegito: Any reason why your looking at me?

Sirzechs: Ah, I assure you there was no ill intent. You see, Rias had spoken to me about an ally of hers that is "so awesome."

The devil king put air quotes on the phrase so awesome.

Vegito: Heh, guilty as charged. I assume your her brother then?

Sirzechs: That is correct. Let me formally introduce myself, I am Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the four devil kings.

Vegito: Whoa, your the Lucifer? You look so... normal though. I expected a tail and the pointy ears. 

Sirzechs: *chuckles* Well you look normal for an alien.

The light hearted retort got a laugh from the fused Saiyan.

Vegito: Touché. Anyways, the names Vegito. 

Sirzechs: Ah, a fine name for a strong warrior.

Vegito: Pleasantries aside, I assume this isn't just a friendly chat?

Sirzechs: Ah, perceptive I see. Vegito, let me assure you I have no ill feelings towards you, it's just that your power seems to have put all three factions in a state of panic.

Vegito rose a brow at that. He was causing panic?

Vegito: Oh really now?

Sirzechs nodded his head in reply.

Sirzechs: You see, a few days ago everyone felt an immense power coming from Kuoh. A pwer that could easily beat all three factions. Now knowing that it was only you, I can assure the others that there is no need to panic.

Vegito: Well that's nice to hear.

Sirzechs: It certainly is, and I appreciate you looking out for my sister and her peerage. 

Vegito: Ah it was no problem. She and her friends helped me when I was lost in this world so its the least I could do. 

Sirzechs: Is there anything that I could do for you? Consider it as my thanks to you for the fine job you did in the rating game.

Vegito thought about it for a moment.

Vegito: Nothing comes to mind right now, so you think I could save that for later?

Sirzechs: That's no problem, just tell me when you want that favor. Putting that aside, perhaps some other time would you like to sit and chat? I am very curious about your abilities.

Vegito: Sure, feel free to drop by anytime. 

There was a moment of silence between the two before a very loud growl was heard. Everyone stopped what they were doing and searched for the source.

Vegito: Whoops! Guess I am a little hungry after that. Heh...

Issei: Damn it man, stop scaring us like that!

Vegito: Hey! Not my fault. Thing has a mind of its own.

Rias: Well on that note I think we all should head home for the night.

Issei: I hear you on that, I don't think my body has ever ached so much.

Rias: Aww my poor precious pawn. Lucky for you I have us a ride home.

A griffon appeared.

Issei: W-Whoa, what is that thing?

Rias: It's a griffon silly! Isn't he the cutest?

Rias petted the large creature.

Issei: Y-Yeah. Whatever you say...

Vegito: Heh, I'll leave you two lovebirds to yourself. I'll see you at home I guess. You coming Asia?

The former nun pouted that Rias was getting alone time with Issei. She grabbed the Saiyan's shoulder before the two teleported away to Issei's house.

The rest of the remaining spectators went their separate ways to retire for the night just leaving Issei and Rias. The griffon flew off with the two.

Sirzechs: Vegito, what an interesting fellow...

Issei: *sighs* Man what a day. That was some crazy shit. I don't think I've ever pushed myself so far until today.

Rias: Well I'm glad you did, because if you didn't...

Rias didn't finish as she let out a quiet sob. If it wasn't for Issei, who knows where she would be right now. Most likely with Riser which sent shivers down her spine just thinking about it. 

Issei noticed this and pulled the redhead into a hug which calmed her.

Issei: Its ok now Rias, as long as I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you. That's a promise! I'll even give up an arm or a leg if it came down to it!

Rias was shocked by his words. Yes, she was well aware of his extreme perverseness, but his dedication he had to protect his friends, especially her was really endearing to her. She had come to see her peerage as her family and she didn't know what she would do if anything were to happen to them.

Rias: (whispers) Let's hope it doesn't come to that...

Issei: You say something?

Rias: Ah, no. Don't worry Issei, for now, we need some much needed rest.

The two arrived at Issei's house wjere as soon as the boy opened the door they were met with Vegito and Asia sitting on the couch where it seemed they were waiting for them for a while. One wore a shit eating grin having an idea what went on while the other pouted at seeing how close the two were. (You can guess who) 

Vegito: Well well, enjoy your little ride love birds?

Issei: S-Shut up man! 

The boy had a noticeable blush on his face which only upset a certain blonde nun further.

Vegito: Whoa calm down dude, I'm only teasin' ya!

Issei grumbled something under his breath as Rias said her hellos to the two.

Asia who seemed to have stopped pouting informed the two that they covered for them when Issei's parents asked where he was. They made up that Issei had to stay late to finish up a school project. Lucky for the brunette his parents seemed to buy it.

Issei: Well I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty beat after today. 

Vegito: I see, you all should head to bed. I'm sure you all could use some much needed rest after today. Good work all of you.

The three devils beamed at the praise from the Saiyan. 

Rias: What about you Vegito? Not tired yet?

Vegito: Nah not really, I'm going out for a little late night stroll. See ya in the morning I guess.

The three said their goodnights to Vegito before the blonde nun and the red headed heiress began arguing over who should sleep with Issei. Vegito shook his head in amusement as Issei had a nosebleed from being smothered in the girls bosoms. 

Vegito: That kid, he is something else... he might be more perverted than Roshi. Wait scratch that, he IS more perverted than the old man.

As the Saiyan closed the door behind him and began walking he couldn't help but wonder how everyone else was fairing back home. 

Vegito: Are they even alive? I'm worrying too much, of course their fine. After all, Trunks should be able to get the job done, hopefully...

Vegito shook those thoughts out of his head and thought about other things, like Issei. The boy was a pervert no doubt about that, but whenever someone threatened his friends he seems to get serious. As for the others he hadn't really interacted with them enough to get a feel for their personalities. And that other girl he saw before the Rating Game, Sona? She seemed...kinda scary in a way. Vegito kept thinking about things that he didn't notice a familiar face.

Akeno: Well dear, it's a little late out wouldn't you say?

Vegito: Oh, hey Akeno. Didn't see ya there.

Akeno: Hmm, really now, I'm pretty hard to miss~

Vegito: (sweat drops) Yeahhh whatever you say.

Akeno: Sooo what brings you out here at this time?

Vegito: Ah nothing really. A little late night stroll. What about you?

Akeno: Same! So what's got you thinking.

Vegito: Ah it's nothing really. Just thinking about everything that happened today with the fight and all.

Akeno: I see...about that Vegito. I never really got to thank you.

Vegito: Thank me? For what exactly?

Akeno: For helping us when you could have been trying to find a way to get back home.

Vegito: Oh that. That was nothing. Besides, the asshole had it coming.

Akeno: I don't think you understand Vegito...

The Saiyan noticed how her usual sultry tone became serious.

Akeno: If Riser had won, that meant we would all belong to him, everyone in the peerage. And i think you can guess what he was going to do...

Vegito thought about how Riser had kissed that purple haired woman, Yubel or something? If Rias and the others had lost, then that meant Riser would be able to do whatever he wanted to them... It didn't take long for Vegito to figure it out as he narrowed his eyes at the thought of the scum putting his hands on Akeno, Rias, Asia, and Koneko. Now he wished he had been the one to end him.

Sensing his anger the half breed put a hand on his arm to calm him down. Taking a deep breath the Saiyan calmed down before giving a reassuring smile to Akeno that told her 'I'm ok now' Seeing that he was calm now the girl decided to be bold and gave him a quick peck to the cheek which flustered the Saiyan. Akeno giggled seeing his flustered face.

Akeno: For an old man you sure got some fight left in you~

Vegito: HEY! I'm not that old!

Akeno: Whatever you say sweetie~

Vegito: ANYWAYS, I'm gonna stay out for a little longer, what about you?

Akeno: Welll I was going to go back home but it looks like you could use some company.

Vegito: Thats nice of you Akeno but shouldn't you be resting after today? That bomb queen did get you pretty good you know.

The two saw a bench and decided to sit.

Akeno pouted at the reminder that purple haired bimbo "beat" her. 

Akeno: Heyyy, for the record I had her on the ropes. If only she didn't use those phoenix tears I would have beaten her.

Vegito nodded in agreement at that. From what he saw, Akeno was certainly skilled when it came to her thunder magic. But if he were to see a weak point in her style of combat its that she relied too heavily on her magic to win a fight. If someone were to get in close using hand to hand combat it would put her at a disadvantage. Not to mention that her...interesting personality was hiding some sort of secret. Vegito could tell.

From what he saw during the Rating Game everyone seemed like they specialized in something and had their fair share of weaknesses. 

For example, Rias like Akeno relied heavily on her magic to be able to win and didn't have too much experience in close combat. 

Asia was nice and kind, although a bit oblivious to some situations at times. From the get go Vegito could tell she was one that was not meant to fight, but instead be more of a support. Her Sacred Gear was meant to heal people. Vegito didn't wanna be mean, but she didn't belong in a fight. She was easy picking for enemies. When he trained her with Issei the poor girl struggled to keep up. At the very least he could teach her some basic moves so she just won't be a sitting duck.

Kiba on the other hand could hold himself better. He specialized in sword style combat. Vegito wasn't a sword master by any means so he couldn't really judge Kiba's style. He used his speed to his advantage, but the boy had a problem of tunnel vision Vegito could tell. But he could tell that something was bothering him, something dark form his past. He didn't wanna pry so he figured that he would tell him at some point down the line.

Koneko was hard to get a read on. She always seemed...indifferent. She didn't show her emotions often, in fact Vegito was pretty sure he hasn't seen her smile once the few days he's known her which kinda unsettled him a bit, but he wouldn't let anyone know that a 15 year old girl kinda scared him. Anyways, with her she was a brawler, that much was clear. She knew how to fight but like with Kiba she seemed to have had some sort of traumatic past. And like Kiba, he would wait until she was ready to tell.

Last but not least Issei. Where did he start with him? First of all, he was a massive pervert that much was clear. He would shamelessly stare at any woman he thought was gorgeous and imagine groping their breasts. 

Besides that, he was actually an alright guy once you get past that. He was the kind of person who would lay his life on the line if his friends and family were in any kind of danger.

Now he was an enigma when it came to fighting. From what he could gather he was still fairly new to the devil life and recently had awakened his 'Boosted Gear' which was a 'Sacred Gear', a gift from god or whatever, and apparently he had a powerful one. It was clear he was still learning how to use it. With his ki unlocked came more growth for him. If Issei was able to master the power of the Boosted Gear and keep up with his ki training, then he would be a force to reckoned with, although that one attack, the Dress Break? Yea, Vegito did not want to think about that right now.

Akeno: -Even listening to me?!

Wait what? Ohhh thats right, he completely forgot Akeno was still there...

Vegito: Oh right, sorry bout that. Kinda forgot you were there.

Akeno puffed her cheeks out in annoyance at that.

Akeno: Well aren't you rude tonight?

Vegito: I said I was sorry geez...I was just thinking about some stuff is all.

Akeno: Hmm. Mind telling me what's going on in that head of yours?

Vegito thought for a second. It wouldn't hurt to tell her. Besides, he was going to train all of them at some point, might as well give her a heads up.

Vegito: Well, I'm thinking about training all of you.

Akeno was a little surprised by that. She knew he had already taken Issei under his wing but she didn't expect the fused Saiyan to train all of the peerage.

Sensing what Akeno was about to ask Vegito answered her before she could ask.

Vegito: If your wondering why, it's during the Rating Game that I got a chance to see you all fight for real. You all are skilled but there are somethings that could use improving. Like you for example, you are pretty skilled with your thunder magic, but tell me, what happens when an enemy gets too close? Are you going to rely solely on your magic? 

Akeno didn't expect that. She didn't know the answer to that. Vegito was right though, she relied heavily on magic to win a fight. 

Vegito: This is why I want to train you all. To improve on those weaknesses.

Akeno: Thats certainly kind of you Vegito.

Vegito: It's nothing really, think of it as my payment to you all for helping me.

There was a brief moment of silence between the two before Akeno stood up.

Akeno: Well I don't know about you but I'm going to head home.

Vegito: Go on, you deserve a much needed rest.

Akeno said her goodbye and left the scene leaving Vegito alone again. 

Deciding that  it was time to head on home Vegito began walking instead of simply teleporting. When he reached the house he could have sworn he sensed something that was strange, it felt..holy in a way. The Saiyan decided he had enough for today. If it came up again he would investigate, but for now he headed to bed.

The Next morning

Vegito normally got up earlier than everyone else. This morning was no different as he got up to get ready to do his normal morning training routine. The digital clock on a small desk next to his bed read 5 AM. As he made his way towards the staircase he noticed the door to Issei's room was left slightly open. Curiosity got the better of the Saiyan and he poked his head in. What he didn't expect was for both Rias and Asia to be in bed with Issei, naked. Deciding he had seen too much he got out of there and made sure to close the door quietly so he wouldn't wake anyone up.

Flying around Vegito scanned the area where he could train without casuing too much damage. Thinking back he remembered the cottage that Rias and her family owned, the one where they trained for the Rating Game. So he flew there. It didn't take long to reach. Once there he landed and began doing his usual. After powering up a bit he began to do some basic martial arts training before he really got into it. Unbeknownst to him there was a surprise visitor.

?: Ah, you seem to be quite skilled Vegito.

Turning quickly ready to attack if needed he relaxed upon seeing it was only Sirzechs.

Vegito: Sirzechs, uh, what a surprise seeing you here?

It came off more as a question. Why was the devil king here?

Sirzechs: I can see your confused why I'm here.

Vegito nodded his head yes in reply to the devil king.

Sirzechs: Well my family does own this land.

Vegito: Mhm. I'm sure that Rias wouldn't mind if I used it to train.

Sirzechs: You always train this early?

Vegito: Well yea. I'm not one to slouch in my training.

Sirzechs: I can see that.

Vegito: Not to be mean or anything, but whats the real reason you are here.

Sirzechs: Straight to the point I see. To put it simply Vegito, you are an interesting individual. 

Vegito: Oh yea, I know that.

Vegito smirked at that statement.

Sirzechs: You are someone who holds strength that is unseen by anyone. I can tell during the Rating Game you held back significantly when dealing with Riser's peerage.

Vegito: Your sister asked me to hold back. I respected her wish so I did.

Sirzechs: Sounds like something she would do. Wanting to prove herself.

Vegito: Yep. I'll admit from the short time I've known her she can be a bit hotheaded at times. Stubborn too. No offense.

The devil king could only smile in response. The fused Saiyan had nailed a description of his sisters personality. 

Sirzechs: None taken, as her older brother I know everything about her.

Sirzechs seemed to have been proud of that. Vegito sweat dropped at that.

Vegito: Is it me or does he seem like a siscon? I assume that this isn't just a friendly chat.

Very sharp indeed

Sirzechs: You would be right Vegito. There's nothing wrong. Just me being curious is all.

Vegito: Curious? About what exactly.

Sirzechs: It's your power. What exactly is it? I assume the attack young Issei used on Riser was due to your teachings.

Vegito: Hehe, guilty as charged. 

Sirzechs: Well, I got some time so start whenever you want.

Vegito went on to explain the properties of ki, what you can do with it, and how to bring it out for the first time. Sirzechs ended up being able to unlock his ki without much difficulty which wasn't surprising considering he is one of the devil kings.

Sirzechs: Well this has truly been a pleasure Vegito. I must thank you for showing me this Ki.

Vegito: It's no problem at all.

Sirzechs: Perhaps we can hang out sometime as my sister would say. You never did tell me your origins.

Vegito: Yea, one day I'll tell you. Oh that reminds me. I was planning on training Rias and her peerage. Just wanted to ask if that was alright with you.

Sirzechs: I do not have any problems with that Vegito. It would benefit them to learn from someone who is very skilled in combat.

Vegito: Alright then. I better head back now. Don't wanna miss breakfast!

Sirzechs: Alright then, until next time Vegito.

Vegito: See ya!

Vegito used Instant Transmission teleported back to Issei's house.

Sirzechs: Oh dear. I forgot to tell him about his new position at the school. Oh well. I'm sure Riri will tell him. 

A magic circle appeared and the devil king went back to his duties.

Vegito, I wonder how much more there is to you.

And cut! Chapter finished. This was more of a calm type of chapter. As you can see, Vegito will be training the peerage sometime down the line! And it seems like Vegito has himself a job at Kuoh! Next time will begin the Excalibur arc, which means some new characters will be coming. As always, hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave a comment. For now, peace!

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