Chapter Four: The Rating Game

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Hey everyone! Welcome back for another chapter. Prepare yourselves for the rating game!

Last time,

Vegito, Issei, and Asia all notice Rias not acting herself and decide to investigate. However, upon doing so they meet Riser Phenex who is Rias' fiancé. Issei attempts to attack Riser but is injured doing so causing Rias to accept the proposal of a rating game between the two. We left off with Vegito agreeing to train Issei. The rating game is drawing near, who will win?

The next day dawned as Issei got up remembering Vegito would train him. He got ready fot the day and made sure to quietly make his way to where Vegito said to meet.

Asia: Issei?

Issei turned and was met with Asia who was dressed also.

Issei: Asia? You heading with?

Asia: Yeah. I want to see what ki is all about. Plus I wanted to be with you.

Asia said that last part with a small blush which thankfully Issei didn't notice.

Issei: Alright then, lets go Asia!

Asia: Yeah!

The two ventured off to the yard where they saw Vegito meditating.

Issei: Yo Vegito!

Vegito turned to look at the two.

Vegito: Ah so you have come. Asia too?

Asia: Y-Yeah, I think it would be good for me to learn something.

Vegito: I don't see a problem with it, as long as you are able to keep up. In that case, grab on.

The two did and this time were more prepared for the effect of Instant Transmission.

Upon landing the two noticed that they were rather high up.

Issei: What the hell? Where are we?

Vegito: We are on a mountain.

Vegito said that with a deadpan expression.

Issei: I get that but where is this mountain exactly?

Vegito: Calm down dude, we're just above the cottage. See?

To prove his point he pointed to where the cottage was which seemed really small at the moment.

Vegito: All right you two, you are gonna be pushed to your absolute limit in order to bring out your ki, so be prepared, I am not a 'Mr. Nice Guy' type of teacher. So lets begin shall we?

Vegito said that last part with a mischievous smirk which sent shivers down Issei and Asia's spines.

Issei: *gulps* Hey Asia, I think I made a mistake.

Asia: O-Oh don't say that Issei. It can't be too bad, right?

Oh how wrong Asia was.

A few moments later...


Meanwhile back at the mansion the rest of the group had got up and prepared to train again, not before making some breakfast courtesy of Akeno.

Rias walked in yawning.

Rias: Good morning everyone. Anyone seen Issei or Asia this morning? I didn't find them in their rooms.

Akeno: Oh, it seems like they went to a more private spot for naughty time. Hehehe.

Rias: Akeno! Surely they aren't doing that.

Akeno: Oh~? Is Ms. President jealous?

Rias: I am not! Now back to the matter at hand, where are those two? And Vegito as well.

Kiba: Well I'm not sure, but Vegito seems like the type to train really early in the morning. So maybe he's off training somewhere?

Rias: Hmm, that would seem like something he would do. But that doesn't explain where Issei and Asia are.

Right on queue the two said people came into the dining room looking exhausted. Issei fell backwards and Asia landed on top of him.

Akeno: Well well speak and they shall appear.

Rias: There you two are. Where have you been?

Issei: Too...tired...must eat.

Koneko: The pervert has struck again it would seem.

Issei: Your so mean Koneko! *comedic tears*

Rias: *chuckles* Alright alright, come on you two, eat up before we train again.

Vegito teleports in.

Vegito: Yes! I know I smelled that from outside. Lets dig in!

Before anyone could say anything Vegito starting eating plate after plate of food while everyone stared in amusement at the scene.

After Vegito devouring most of everything it was back to the same routine as yesterday with Issei failing again. Later on that night Issei is having a talk with Rias about Riser's abilities.

Issei: You mean he can regenerate? Even if he gets his arm cut off or something?

Rias: Yes, it'll be tough to take him down, which is why we need to take care of his other pieces. We need to focus on him.

Issei: I get it, so we gotta take em' out as fast as we can so we can focus on knocking that asshole out.

Rias: Precisely.

Issei: Uh, Rias? Do you mind me asking why you rejected the engagement? Besides Riser being an arrogant jackass.

Rias: I...I didn't want to be treated like a breeding machine. All he cares about is his end goal. He doesn't care what I have to say. To him I'm just an object...

Issei: Rias...

Next morning came and Issei went to find Vegito. Asia decided to sit this training session out due to Issei insisting that she should rest due to her still being sore from the last training session.

Vegito: Ready to go again?

Issei: Yeah.

Vegito noticed Asia's absence.

Vegito: Wheres Asia?

Issei: Ah. I told her to sit this one out. Besides, she was still feeling sore from the training.

Vegito: That means it's working.

Issei: It's working alright, on breaking our bones.

Vegito: The only way to learn is through discipline.

Issei: Whatever...lets just go, ok?

Vegito noticed the boy looked more glum than his usual happy perverted self.

Vegito said nothing as Issei grabbed onto his shoulder and teleported to the mountain again.

Vegito: Tell me what's wrong.

Issei: Nothings wrong ok!

Vegito: Something is definitely wrong. I'm not going to train you if your just an emotional wreck. It's better to vent your frustration out. So might as well spill it.

Issei: *sighs* Vegito do you think I'm a failure?

Vegito rose a brow at the boys question.

Vegito: Why would you ask that?

Issei: It's because I feel like I am a failure. I mean look at me. I haven't accomplished anything. Even if I have the Boosted Gear I'm still a failure.

Vegito: Your right. You are a failure.

Issei: What kind of talk is that?! This is the part where your supposed to say I'm wrong!

Vegito: I'm right. You are a failure. You know why? It's because your throwing in the towel. That is pathetic. Where did all that confidence go all of a sudden? All I see in front of me is a boy who gave up because he told himself to. Let me ask you something. Are you a failure?

Issei: No...

Vegito: What was that?

Issei: No.

Vegito: Can't hear you still.


Vegito: Heh. Theres the Issei I was looking for. Now come on. If your going to awaken your ki, today is the day. Remember what I told you the first time. Focus you energy into the palm of your hand.

Issei closed his eyes and shut out the world around him. All he wanted to do was to make Rias, make everyone, proud of him. He wanted to repay them for everything. Beating Riser would be that repayment.

Issei opened his eyes to see a smirking Vegito looking at him. Seeing the boy was confused, Vegito nodded his head to his palm. Issei's eyes widened at the sight. In his hand was a ball of ki. Not a small one mind you, it was at least the size of a basketball.

Issei: Whoa, this is my ki?

Vegito: Yep. You can use it in many different ways. To fly, as you know already, sensing others energy, and my favorite one. Here, throw it.

Issei: Uh, just throw it?

Vegito: Yea, throw it at that mountain next to us.

Issei did as instructed and threw the ki ball at the mountain. After a few moments, a huge chunk of the mountain blew up.

Issei: Whoa! I just blew up a mountain. Wicked!

Vegito: That was impressive. Your ki is strong for a beginner.

Issei: Is it? Must have something to do with the dragon inside me.

Vegito: Dragon? Inside you?

Issei: Yea, long story short theres this dragon named Ddraig that's in my gear.

Vegito: Your talking like thats a normal thing here.

Issei: Well it isn't.

Vegito: Yeah...we're getting sidetracked, try to use your ki again.

A few minutes later

Vegito: I must say I'm genuinely impressed. Your learning faster than I thought.

Issei: What else is there? I'm eager to learn more!

Vegito: Well, Rias and the others will be up soon, so I'll teach you one more thing. It's a technique I learned a long time ago...

Meanwhile back at the cottage everyone was up and ready to go. While eating breakfast Issei was absent yet again which didn't go unnoticed.

Rias: That's strange, Issei is late for breakfast again. Anyone seen him?

Akeno: Can't say I have.

Rias: Well he better get here soon, this is the last day we have to train before the rating game.

Issei: Yo! What's up?

Rias: Waiting for you. You've been late for breakfast lately. Mind telling me why?

Issei: Oh, you know, just trying to get my own training regimen in.

Rias: Really now. Well it's nice your trying to improve on your own.

Issei: Yep.

Vegito teleports in as usual. The group being no longer startled by it after getting used to it.

Vegito: Yes! Made it just in time.

Rias: And where have you been? You've been late for breakfast too.

Vegito: Training.

Rias: You know, it does raise a question.

Vegito: Well, shoot.

Rias: Why would you continue to train? You are already strong as it is. So why keep it up?

Vegito: Heh, you know, it's funny you ask that. Someone important to me asked the same thing. You know what I said? Limits were meant to be broken. I strive to break my limit.

Rias: But what about your loved ones? Don't you have to worry about them?

Vegito: That's the reason why I want to break past my limit. So I can have the power to protect them.

Akeno: *dreamy sigh* I wish I had a man like that. Your wives are lucky to have you.

Vegito: *chuckles* I wouldn't worry if I were you. You will certainly find someone out there.

Akeno: Awww! That's sweet of you to say Vegito. Your making me blush.

Vegito: Ok back up. I'm not trying to make moves on someone who is twice as young as me.

Issei: Wait, are you saying your over 30?!

Vegito: I'm honored you think I'm that young.

Issei: What the, 40's then?

Vegito: How about we just say I'm over that age.

Issei: Dude, how the hell are you that old but your body is, that!

Issei gestured to the fused Saiyans body.

Vegito: Saiyan warriors age slower in order to be able to fight for a longer time.

Issei: Man, is fighting all you guys do?

Vegito: Besides eating, pretty much. Now can you please stop asking questions, this breakfast is waiting for me.

Vegito went and chowed down on everything, the usual.

After eating breakfast, the group went out to start on their last day of training.

Issei and Kiba had another sparring match. However, unlike the previous sparring matches, Issei seems to have greatly improved thanks to his training with everyone as well as Vegito's training.

Issei: Not bad, right pretty boy?

Kiba: You certainly have improved.

Issei: You know it! I'm feeling pumped up. Now take this!

[Dragon Shot!]

Kiba barely gets out of the way in time as the blast goes zooming past him straight into a mountain destroying a sizable chunk of it. That's it for Issei as he is completely exhausted. That was it. Now the day of the rating game would come.

The next day

It was time. The day had come for the rating game. Rias went over the strategy with the group. Soon after, it was time for them to begin. Sona and Tsubaki wished them luck before going in.

Once teleported in, it was time to start.

Vegito: So this is it huh.

Rias: It is. Everyone, remember the plan. Now move out!

Rias had ordered Kiba, Akeno, and Koneko to set out and lay traps to prepare for Riser's assault.

Once the preparations were done, everyone went off on their own ways. Issei went with Koneko to head to the gymnasium. Not knowing what to do, Vegito stayed with Rias.

Vegito: So, got anything for me to do? Besides not doing anything?

Rias: Don't be like that Vegito, your time will come. You just have to be patient is all.

[Riser Phenex's three Pawns and one Rook retires]

Meanwhile with Issei and Koneko, the two had defeated four of Riser's servants after Issei revealed his new move, the dress break, which basically rips all the clothes off a person.

Issei: Now that's done.

Koneko: The next move is to meet up with Kiba and take down the enemies there.

Issei: I wonder if he's doing alright.

Meanwhile with Kiba

Marion: Do they seriously think traps like this can protect them?

Bulent: Look there, that must be their main base! It's in the bag now! What the-

Marion: What just happened?

Kiba: That's too bad, you aren't going anywhere now. Thanks to our queen, she created a barrier. You three are trapped.

Bulent: Shoot, we were distracted by the traps and didn't notice!

Kiba: We're gonna need clever tricks to overcome our lack of manpower.

Schlia: Do you really think you'll defeat the three of us on your own pretty boy?

Kiba: Why not give it a try?

Back with Issei and Koneko

Issei: Well knowing him, he's probably doing fine with that handsome smile of his. We should get going Koneko.

Koneko: Don't touch me pervert.

Issei: Aw come on! I would never do that to my own teammate!

Koneko: Still, you devoted your time to practice that technique?

Issei: Looks like she's seriously hating me for that...Wait up!

Out of no where came a surprise attack taking out Koneko.

Issei: Koneko!

Issei was at her side trying to find a way to comfort her.

Koneko: I'm sorry...I wanted to be more useful to Rias and the others...

Issei: H-Hey, come on now Koneko, we'll just take you to Asia and she can heal you and-

Issei is helpless as her body is enveloped in light and disappears.

Rias: Issei! What's going on, what happened to Koneko!

Issei: Dammit!

Yubelluna: What's wrong, Boosted Gear holder. I would have thought you would protect your poor teammate form my attack.

Issei, enraged, challenges Yubelluna.

Issei: Damn you. I challenge you right here, right now!

Yubelluna: Hah! You challenge me? Don't make me laugh.

Akeno: Issei wait!

Issei: Huh? Akeno, when did you get here.

Akeno: I rushed over when I heard the announcement that Koneko was taken out. Issei, let me take care of her instead. Besides, you have your role to fulfill.

Issei: Alright, you better win!

Issei took off leaving Akeno and Yubelluna to battle it out with each other.

[Rias Gremory's Rook retires.]

Back with Rias, she cursed to herself at the announcement. Koneko had been taken out meaning that Issei was on his own. Akeno had most likely went to aid Issei meaning her whole game plan had been thrown off. She would have to fight Riser on her own.

Vegito: Damn...I can't believe she got taken out.

Rias: I made contact with Akeno. Riser's queen was behind it and she's keeping her busy at the moment. Issei went to group up with Kiba.

Vegito: And what are you going to do?

Rias: Take on Riser.

Vegito: By yourself?

Rias: It wasn't the original plan, and everyone else is having their own battle at the moment.

Vegito: Hello! I'm here you know.

Rias: I know you are itching to battle Vegito, so go back up Kiba and Issei.

Vegito: You sure you'll be alright on your own?

Rias: I'll be fine, don't worry.

Vegito: If your sure...

Vegito flew off in the direction of where Kiba and Issei were while Rias went off to Riser.

Back with Issei and Kiba, they were dealing with Riser's remaining pieces, Ravel, Riser's sister and Bishop, Karlamine, Riser's Knight, Isabela, Riser's Rook, Siris, Riser's other Knight, and Ni and Li, Riser's twin Pawns.

6 of them were there, a majority of Riser's peerage was there to secure that area. Kiba and Issei had their work cut out for them, but if they were able to succeed here, it would mean they would have the upper hand.

Karlamine steps forward and challenges one of them to a duel due to Knights honor. Kiba steps up to the plate and accepts her challenge while everyone else is confused why the female knight would challenge someone to a duel in the middle of a very important match. Issei takes on Isabela and is able to defeat her after using the dress break move to immobilize her and finishing her off with a Dragon Shot.

[Riser Phenex's Rook retires.]

Seeing that Rias was at a disadvantage against Riser, his hope to become more useful to her allowed his Boosted Gear to evolve into the Boosted Gear Gift.

Issei pointed his arm at Kiba.

Issei: Kiba! Take them out. [Boosted Gear], [Gift]!


Issei transferred the power over to Kiba. Thanks to this power boost Kiba was able to take out Riser's remaining pieces aside form Ravel.

[Riser Phenex's two knights and two Pawns retire.]

Issei: Nice work man!

Kiba: You too, if it wasn't for that power boost I don't know if I would have pulled it off.

[Rias Gremory's Queen retires.]

The happy mood disappeared hearing that announcement. Akeno had been taken out. Issei knew Riser's queen was behind Akeno's elimination.

Issei: *gasps* Kiba! Look out!

Kiba didn't have any time to react as he was hit with a fireball.

Issei: Kiba!

[Rias Gremory's one Knight retires.]

Issei: Dammit!

He looked in anger. He was the only one left and Rias was alone facing Riser. Granted Asia was there too, but she wasn't a fighter.

Hold on Rias, I'm coming!

Ravel: What are you doing boy, you stand no chance against Riser!

Issei ignored her words as he rushed into Riser's headquarters before being promoted to Queen. But due to him reaching his limit, he was in no condition to help at all. Rias was struggling, Asia had been hurt, Vegito was no where to be found.

Riser: What a shame, the holder of the almighty Boosted Gear has come this far only to fail. Tell me, how does it feel knowing you failed your King?

Issei: I didn't fail her long as I'm still standing, I haven't-AGHH!!

Issei didn't get a chance to finish as Riser continued to pummel the boy punching him while all Rias could do was watch in horror.

Rias: I-Issei!

[Riser Phenex's Queen and remaining Bishop retire.]

Everyone but Issei and Rias was confused at the announcement. Who could have knocked them out? The rest of Rias' servants had been taken out and were out of the game. Despite the pain he was in, Issei couldn't help but chuckle at the confused look on Riser's face.

Riser: What's so funny you brat?!

Issei: Oh nothing, just the funny look on your face chicken boy.

Riser: That's it! You are through. Rias is mine to have!!!

Before Riser could finish off Issei, Rias tackled him.

Riser: What?!

Rias had tears falling as she looked at Issei.

Rias: Issei look at me.

Issei did and saw her tear stained face.

Issei: R-Rias?

Issei's voice was breaking down. He had an idea of what Rias was going to do, and he didn't loike it one bit.

Rias: I can't bear to see you or anyone else get hurt because of me. Everything will be alright, Issei, I promise.

Issei couldn't hold back his tears. Rias was about to resign meaning she would lose and have to marry Riser! The thought of that scumbag touching Rias awakened something inside him. An anger that was so high, higher than anything he's ever experienced.

Rias: I sur-

Issei: NO.

Rias: Issei?

RIser: What did you say brat?!

Issei: I said NO!

Everyone flinched at the way his voice sounded when he said that last word.

Riser: Tch, it surprises me your still up. Now to put you down for good.

Rias: No! Stop this right now Riser!

Riser: Get out of my way!

Riser shoved Rias who landed with a thud.

Issei meanwhile couldn't believe what he just saw, this piece of shit had just shoved Rias, the person he is going to marry if he wins. That was the last straw.


[Partner, your pushing yourself too far, at this rate you may not end up making it.]

Issei: I don't care if I'm not the same after this. If it means Rias can live freely then so be it!

Rias couldn't help but be touched by her pawns words.

Rias: Issei...

[Dragon Shot!]

It hit Riser dead on but the blast itself was weaker than it should have due to Issei pushing himself too hard. It wouldn't have mattered since Riser regenerated where he was it in the shoulder.

Riser: One last hurrah for you huh.

Issei: Nope. *smirks* But I got one last trick up my sleeve. I saved it just for you chicken.

Issei cupped his hands to his side and concentrated.

Flashback The Day Before

Vegito: Well, Rias and the others will be up soon, so I'll teach you one more thing. It's a technique I learned a long time ago...

Issei: Oh boy! I'm so pumped!

Vegito: Whoa there boy, calm down!

Issei: Alright, I'm just excited.

Vegito: Alright, what you wanna do is cup your hands like so and bring it to your side like this.

Issei did as instructed.

Vegito: This next part may take a few tries. Focus all your energy into that one spot.

Issei tried and tried but wasn't getting anything.

Vegito: Your trying too hard.

Issei: Well I'm trying my best man!

Vegito Let me show you what it's like. KA...MEEE...HA...ME....HAAA!!!

Vegito fired his beam towards the sky.

Issei stared bug eyed at the feat the fused Saiyan pulled off.

Vegito: Impressive, huh?

Issei: And your saying I could do that?!

Vegito: Yeah, if you out in the work.

Issei: Awesome! No one will get in my way with that technique.

Vegito frowned a bit.

Vegito: Tell me Issei, why do you want me to train you?

Issei: To get stronger of course and beat everyone's ass!

Vegito: That's what I thought. Let me give you some words of wisdom I heard once. "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need."

Issei: Whoa...that's...actually deep.

Vegito: I know, think about those words. Let me ask again, why do you want me to train you?

Issei thought for a moment.

Issei: Because, I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I want to be able to protect them. My friends, my family... all of them.

Vegito: Hmm, not a bad answer. Maybe your not the pervert everyone thinks you are.

Issei: *comedic tears* Not you too man!

Vegito: Whatever, quit whining and try again.

Issei: Right.

Issei focused and when he felt the tingling sensation he did what Vegito did.


Issei fired his beam in the sky although it wasn't as big as Vegito's as his dwarfed in comparison.

Issei: *pants* Why is mine so small?

Vegito: Don't worry about it, you can't expect to master it on your first try. If it makes you feel better, Goku's was smaller than yours.

Issei brightened at hearing that.

Issei: Wow really?

Vegito: Yup. You can get so much better if you keep training. And remember what I said about power.

Issei: Yeah...

Flashback End

Issei remembered Vegito's words.

Issei: *whispers* Power comes in response to a need...

Issei thought about the need. He needed to win. He needed to win to save Rias. He needed to be able to protect everyone.

Issei focused and said the magic words.

Issei: Ka..meeeee

Riser: What are you doing fool, delaying the inevitable won't save you!

Issei: Haaa...MEEEE....

Riser charged right at Issei who now had a ball of ki charged up.

Issei: Alright asshole, this ones for Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Asia and most importantly, for Rias...

Vegito who was silently watching the whole situation from his spot smirked proudly at his student.

Vegito: Heh, I always knew you had it in you let him have it.

Issei: Well Riser, I saw Rias cry. I never want to see that ever again! Now CHOKE ON THIS! HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Issei fired the blast point blank at Riser. From Riser's point of view, all he saw was a ball of light in Issei's hand and stupidly charging in. The last thing he saw was Issei firing his blast before everything went black.

[Riser Phenex [King] retires. The winner of the rating game is Rias Gremory!]

Oh. I just left you all on a cliffhanger of sorts. Oh well. It looks like Issei was able to use the Kamehameha like Vegito taught him to win! Now Rias won't have to marry some douchebag! Yay! Next time will be a celebration. Wooo!

Phew! Another chapter done. I'm busting out these chapters faster then I thought. As always, the support is much appreciated and I hope you all enjoyed. See y'all next chapter!

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