Chapter Three: Engaged?! Let the training Begin!

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Hey everyone! It's me again back with another chapter. I'm on my grind trying to put up new chapters as soon as I can. So without further wait, let's pick up where we left off.

Last time,

Vegito formally met everyone and told his story of the Saiyans. In exchange Rias told him of the supernatural world of devils, fallen angels, and angels. Also, Vegito explained how he was a fusion of two people. We ended with Vegito telling the group of the origins of Goku and Vegeta. Now that's out of the way a shocking secret will be discovered about Rias.

Vegito yawned as he got up. He looked at the clock on the dresser which read 9:00 A.M. Issei was kind enough to let the fused Saiyan crash in the guest bedroom of his house. Upon explaining to his parents he made up that Vegito was the new P.E teacher at school who didn't have a place of his own which honestly wasn't that far of a stretch considering Vegito's muscular physique.

Vegito got out of bed and stretched out. He was ready to take on the day in this strange world. But he couldn't deny how dull it is compared to his life in his own world. From what he could gather there was no significant power worth noticing. No knock off to those kids, they were strong, just no where near his power level. It was in his Saiyan blood to find worthy opponents to fight. Guess he would just have to wait for that day to come. Until then, he could smell breakfast so he got downstairs in record time.

Since it was the weekend Issei had slept in. His loss if theres no more food once he gets down.

As Vegito walked into the kitchen Issei's mother Miki Hyoudou making breakfast. Lucky for Vegito Issei's parents were nice enough to let him and Asia stay as long as they needed to. And on top of that, Issei seemed to have given a tip to his parents to cook more than usual due to Vegito's black hole of a stomach. He noticed that Issei's father, Goro Hyoudou, was absent so he guessed he had to go to work.

Miki: Ah Vegito! Just in time. I'm finishing up cooking breakfast so if it's not too much trouble could you please get Issei and Asia up?

Vegito: It's no problem at all.

Vegito went back up to see that Asia was up.

Asia: Mr- I mean Vegito! Good morning.

Vegito: Good morning to you too Asia. I'm just about to wake up this guy. *points at Issei's room* Wanna help?

Asia: *giggles* Sure!

Vegito opened Issei's door where said person was still snoring away.

Vegito: Would you like to do the honor?

Asia: O-Oh me? I-I'm good. You can go! It would be rude of me to wake him up so suddenly!

Vegito smirked at her flustered expression. It was pretty clear she had a crush on the idiot.

Vegito could have waken him up plenty of different ways but he thought about how he was a part of the "Perverted Trio" at school. With a wicked grin on his face he woke him up.


His words proved to be effective as the boy bolted up looking for said naked girl. When he realized he had been played he sent an annoyed glare at Vegito as Asia giggled.

Issei: *groans* Did ya have to wake me up like that man. So not cool!

Vegito: Well too bad, it was either sleep in or get no breakfast at all.

Issei: Eh, ok. That's actually a good point.

The boy got out of bed and stretched before he followed the two downstairs.

Miki: Ah! About time you got up sweetie!

Issei: Mom! Not in front of them...

Mika: Oh I'm sorry dear, it's just nice to see your expanding your friend group more. My baby boy has such a nice girlfriend! *cries*

Issei: M-Mom! She's not my girlfriend!

Both Issei and Asia blushed as red as Rias' hair. 

Asia: *whispers* Soon...

Only Vegito heard the girl whisper due to his enhanced  senses and smirked at that. He would remember to use that later for teasing.

Mika: Oh dear, I'm running low on ingredients. Issei, I'm going out real quick sweetie. Remember to leave a note if you go out while I'm gone!

The woman was out leaving the three alone to their breakfast. More like Vegito's breakfast as he devoured everything in sight but remained aware to leave enough for Issei and Asia.

Issei: Hey Asia are you alright? You seem out of it.

Asia: Oh, I'm alright Issei thanks for worrying. It's Rias I'm worried about.

Issei: Really, why's that?

Asia: Well have you noticed she hasn't been herself lately?

Issei: Well now that you mention it she seems a bit harsher. I dunno why though.

Vegito: *mumbles* Must have something to do with a blue birdie.

Issei: What was that?

Vegito: Nothing. But I notice it too. Something is bothering her.

Issei: Well how bout we play detective and crack this case!

Asia: I'm with you Issei!

Vegito: *chuckles* Guess I'm in too.

Issei: Alright! Come on Asia, let's get ready so we can head out.

The two headed upstairs to their respective rooms to get changed leaving Vegito to his thoughts.

I sure hope they're doing ok without me. Dam you Zamasu!

Vegito was pulled out of his thoughts when Issei and Asia came down ready to go.

Issei: Hey, you not going to change?

Vegito: Nah, these are the only pair of clothes I'll ever need.

Issei: Doesn't it get dirty?

Vegito: Extras.

Issei: Makes sense. Alright, let's head out!

Before Issei could open the door Vegito stopped him.

Vegito: Hold on a sec. I have an easier way to get there. Grab onto me.

Issei and Asia looked at each other confused. Issei shrugged his shoulders and did what the fused Saiyan asked grabbing onto his shoulder while Asia followed with the other one. Vegito put two fingers to his forehead head and found a familiar ki source at the club room. But there seemed to be two that wasn't familiar. Something just didn't feel right with one of them.

Vegito: Alright, here we go. Oh, and just a warning, you may feel a bit dizzy.

Issei: Wait wha-

Before the boy could finish they teleported to right outside the ORC room.

Issei held his head and so did Asia.

Issei: Gah what the hell man!

Asia: Oh I feel like I'm going to pass out...

Vegito shrugged his shoulders.

Vegito: I warned you didn't I?

Issei: Whatever. Let's go in already. Wait what are you doing?!

Vegito had grabbed Issei's hand before he could touch the doorknob. Issei looked at Vegito but instead of seeing his usual smirk he had a serious look.

Vegito: There's something in there other than Rias. I sense the others in there as well but there's a few people I don't recognize. 

Issei sensing the seriousness waited for him.

Vegito: I must be overthinking it, let's crash this meeting already.

Vegito gave the boy his usual smirk which he returned.

Issei: You read my mind dude.

Issei opened the door with a considerable amount of force to get everyone's attention. And that he did.

Inside the room was everyone except for two new people. One of which was a woman who looked to be in her early 20's with long silver hair that was put into two braids. Her eyes were silver and her attire consisted of a maid outfit which confused the newcomers. But Vegito sensed that she was stronger than everyone in the room. The next person was the definition of a rich asshole based on his looks. He was a grudgingly handsome looking young man who was in his early 20's. He had short blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a burgundy blazer with gold embroidery on the right with matching pants and black dress shoes. Underneath his open blazer is a white dress shirt that wasn't buttoned all the way up leaving a slight view of his chest.

His whole smug look screamed arrogance, but even though he is all that Vegito sensed he had some great power as well. Not enough to surpass the silver haired woman, but it was still up there.

Rias: Issei? What are you doing?

Issei: Crashing this conversation, what else?

Rias: Issei, this is my business-

Riser: Ah my lovely Rias, so this is the pawn you spoke so highly of. *sneers* I don't see what's so special about him. Looks like another shitty brat to me.

Issei: And who are you supposed to be? A rich asshole?

Grayfia: Watch your tone. This is Riser Phenex. A pure-blooded, high-class devil and the third son of the Phenex family.

Issei: Phenex family?

Grayfia: Yes, he is also the fiancé of the Gremory family's heiress apparent.

Issei: Wait a minute, don't tell me...

Grayfia: That is right, he is engaged to Lady Rias.

Issei: What?! Engaged?

This was a shock for Asia and Vegito also. Rias was engaged?

Issei: You mean to tell me that Rias is engaged to this jerk?

Rias: Issei thats enough! And Riser, I told you for the last time I will not marry you!

Riser: Oh my lovely Rias, your family is at a brick wall, so you're in no position to be this selfish.

Rias: I'm not bringing down my family, I intend to marry someone that isn't you. Someone who I want to be with.

Riser: But you don't understand Rias, pure-blooded devils are a rarity after the last war. Our fathers arranged this marriage for the common good.

Rias: Well my father doesn't understand he's moving too fast. I'll say it again Riser, I won't marry you.

Riser: You know, Rias, I am the face of the Phenex family. I cannot have you sully my family name. I will bring you to the underworld myself even if it means killing all your servants.

It was tense in the room after Riser said that. Vegito meanwhile seriously didn't like this guy. He wanted to clock him so bad but he knew this wasn't the time to act out of line.

Grayfia: That is enough. Lady Rias, Riser, I am here on Sirzechs' orders. I will tell you now I do not intend to stand idly by if one of you were to escalate the situation.

Riser: It appears I have no choice but to tone it down. Even I fear the strongest queen.

Grayfia: Lord Sirzech predicted something like this might happen so he came up with a proposal.

Rias: A proposal? What is it?

Grayfia: A rating game between Lady Rias and Riser Phenex.

Issei: Rating game?

Vegito: A what now?

Issei: Oh now I remember. The student council president mentioned it.

Vegito: I'm completely lost, what is a rating game.

Asia: I would like to hear more about it as well.

Kiba: It's like a game of chess where high-class devils fight using their servants.

Issei: I see.

Riser: Hah! I've played the game many times and won many times as well. While you are not even an officially qualified player, let alone have any experience.

Akeno: Originally, only seasoned devils were allowed to participate in a Rating Game.

Issei: What? Then she's already at a huge disadvantage!

Riser: Oh, so this is your servants Rias.

Riser eyed all of Rias' peerage and sneered.

Rias: What if they are?

Riser: Compared to mine, you stand no chance. You see, I have fifteen! A full set. Your queen is the only one worth mentioning. Now feast your eyes on my beautiful servants!

Riser snapped his fingers and all his servants appeared. Strangely they were all female.

Issei: What? Why are they all beautiful girls! This is unbelievable!

Riser: H-Hey, Rias, that servant is crying out loud while looking at me.

Rias: His dream is to have a harem.

Ravel: That's creepy.

Riser: Oh, I see. Yubelluna! Come here.

A well endowed woman with long wavy purple hair came over.

Yubelluna: Yes master?

Riser: You'll never be able to do things like this, you lowly imp.

Riser proceeded to make out with the purple haired woman right in front of everyone.

Issei: Shut up! I can tell you'll flirt with other girls even after marrying our president! That isn't fair to her at all! Piece of shit!

Vegito: Ok I can definitely tell this guy is worse than Issei. Issei might be a perv but at least he's a nice guy. This guy definitely getting his ass whooped.

Riser: Seems like this one has a sharp tongue. Don't you know your place?

Issei: I don't care! All I'm aware of is my position...

Rias: Issei don't!

Her words fell on deaf ears.

Issei: Rias' servant! Nothing more, nothing less!

Rias: Issei please!

Issei: We don't need a stupid rating game, I'm taking you down right here right now!

Issei summoned his boosted gear and charged at Riser.


Riser: Mira! Take care of him.

Issei: Wait what? This small girl? I can't attack her.

That was enough for the girl to bring Issei down.

Asia: Issei!

Asia started to heal him.

Rias: Issei! Hang in there!

Issei: Rias, I'm sorry...

Riser: Hah! Who knew the holder of the allegedly strongest weapon, Boosted Gear, would be such a worthless guy?

Rias: All right, we'll settle this with a rating game.

Grayfia: Very well.

Rias turned back to Riser with a heated glare.

Rias: Riser! I swear I'll blast you away!

Riser: I sincerely doubt that my love. I'll be nice and give you 5 days to prepare.

Rias: Your giving me a handicap?

Riser: Of course, wouldn't want you to make a fool of yourself. Think of it as delaying the inevitable. But I doubt even with the extra time your servants won't be any match for mine.

By this point Vegito had enough of this ass wipe. He comes in thinking he can marry Rias without her having a say, insults his friends, and hurts Issei?! That was enough.

Vegito: You don't know when to shut your mouth do you?

Riser: Tch, and who are you supposed to be?

Vegito: The guy who will destroy your whole peerage. That's who I am.

Riser: Hah! I never knew you your servants were funny Rias. First the boy thinking he could beat me now this one telling me he could take on my WHOLE peerage? What a joke! *laughs*

Vegito: The funny thing here is you thinking it's a joke. Oh, by the way here's your little birdie.

Vegito threw Riser's drone bird that was in pieces.

Vegito: So sorry that had to happen, but I hate little peepers.

Riser: Tch! Whatever, point is you don't stand a chance.

Vegito: I beg to differ. Just you wait pal.

Riser: Oh really? Then I look forward to the rating game and humiliating you.

Riser's arrogant confidence disappeared along with his smirk when the ground around Vegito started to slowly lift up as Vegito's hair flashed for a brief second to gold. His eyes however were now green.

Vegito: Oh I think on the contrary that it is YOU who will be humiliated quite bad. In fact, I can do it right here, right now if one more piece of bullshit comes out of the shit hole I call your mouth. So what's it going to be tough guy?

Riser backed away as he saw Vegito's eyes that were cold and uncaring. Riser almost shit himself right on the spot. Meanwhile Rias and her group got shivers down their spine. They had never seen Vegito be so cold. And the look in his eyes...

Grayfia on the other hand could only sweat. This was the same power that was sensed yesterday! She would immediately have to report this after her business here was done.

Riser: D-Don't think this is over! I'll crush all of you!

With that, Riser and his servants were gone. Vegito took a deep breath as his eyes returned to their normal color.

Grayfia: It is settled then. The game will be held in 5 days. Originally you were supposed to be given 10 days to preapare but Riser insisted on giving you half.

Issei: Nice guy my ass...

Rias: Alright then. Everyone, change and let's head out!

Everyone: Right!

Everyone except Vegito changed into more comfortable clothing for walking. Rias had chosen to have their training in an inhabited mountain cottage. Once there, the group got to work. Issei needed to be trained more since he was still fairly new. He needed to be ready for the rating game.

Rias stood on the sidelines with everyone else as they watched Issei spar with Kiba. 

Vegito watched Issei's movements.

He's sloppy. Just running in wildly and hoping to land a hit. I'll have to train him once evryone else has their run with him.

Kiba had disarmed Issei meaning the match was over.

Kiba: You need to keep an eye on your opponent. Focus more. *hits Issei on the head*

Issei: Ow!

Rias: Vegito, may I speak to you in private?

Vegito: Uh, sure.

Rias: You guys continue on. Let's go Vegito.

Vegito followed the girl to a secluded part of the house so no one would eavesdrop.

Vegito: What's up?

Rias: Vegito, I know that you are most likely stronger than Riser.

Vegito: Please, I'm DEFINITELY stronger than that arrogant jackass.

Rias: I see...

Vegito noticed Rias looked torn.

Vegito: Come on now, what's wrong?

Rias: Vegito, I know that you want to crush him, but can you hold back?

Vegito: Wait, hold back? But why?

Rias: I...I want to be able to handle this as much as I can on my own. I want everyone to be confident. Truth is Vegito, everyone is feeling more confident with you on our side. You give everyone...hope.

Vegito: Heh, nice to see I'm having that kind of effect.

Rias: Back to the request, can you please try to hold back? I want everyone to be able to contribute. 

Vegito sighed as he thought about it. He really wanted to beat Riser but he didn't want to disappoint Rias at the same time.

Vegito: Alright Rias, I'll do as you say. But I can't promise that I won't show off a bit.

Rias: It's close enough Vegito. Quite frankly, I don't mind if you showed off a bit. *giggle*

Vegito: Alright, should we check on the others?

Rias: Yes, let's head back.

Throughout the rest of the day Akeno had taken the liberty of teaching Issei and Asia more about magic. The latter showed some real promise while Issei struggled. Koneko had taken up the duty on teaching Issei more about close combat which she dominated in. At the end of the day Issei was beat. He had failed miserably at everything today. Even so he found something interesting.

While cooking dinner, he thought about Akeno's...well, her breast, and remarkably was able to peel all the potatoes. That gave him the idea for a new attack. (You know what I'm talking about if you watched the show.)

The boy later on snuck out to practice the new move but Asia comes out and offers to help him. Little did they know that Vegito was still up and watching them.

Vegito: You know, I like how everyone had their turn with you today. 

Issei: AH! Damn you Vegito! Almost gave me a heart attack!

Vegito: Heh, what are you two doing out this late.

Issei: About that...

Asia: Issei wanted to practice his new move so I offered to help him.

Vegito: I see, say Issei. I think it's about time I had my turn.

Issei: You mean your going to train me?! 

Vegito: Yeah, that's it.

Issei: Wow! I can't believe your going to train me. Are you going to teach me how to do that blonde hair thing?

Vegito: You mean the Super Saiyan transformation?

Issei: Yeah, that.

Vegito: Sorry bud, no can do.

Issei: What? But why not?

Vegito: Only those who are Saiyans can achieve the transformation. Besides, the way some of us needed to achieve the transformation...

Asia: Vegito?

Vegito: Ah, sorry. Spaced out there. How about another story about the individuals who fused?

Issei: Alright! Story time.

Vegito: Keep it down. Don't wanna wake up everyone else with your shouting.

Issei: Oops. 

Vegito: Let's start. You remember Frieza?

Issei: That guy who destroyed your home world? Kind of hard to not remember him.

Vegito: Well there is one thing I left out about the battle between Frieza and the Saiyan.

Issei: You mean that dude Goku? On of your, er, pieces?

Vegito: Yes, I told you he was able to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation. But in order for him to reach it, well...

Issei: Well what, don't keep us in suspense.

Vegito: How about I just show you.He put his hands on both of their foreheads. Issei and Asia found themselves on Namek from what Vegito described. There they saw Goku who they recognized from the previous memory Vegito showed them. Along with Goku there was a green skinned man who looked like an alien, a young boy with armor, and what looked like a monk wearing the same armor.

Issei: Whoa, this is Namek?

Asia: It kind of looks like Earth.

Vegito: It used to look like this. Until it exploded because of you know...

Issei: Oh right. But what's with the people there with Goku?

Vegito: The green one is Piccolo. He once wanted to conquer the world, but he had a change of heart. The little boy is one of my sons, Gohan. The last one is Krillin. He's one of Goku's best friends.

Issei: Huh, this must have been a while ago. From what I remember you said Gohan was married now.

Vegito: Yeah.

Issei: Is something supposed to happen here?

Vegito: Just watch.

Gohan was celebrating that they had won which brought smiles to everyone's faces but the smile vanished from Krillin's face when he saw someone on a rock across from them. Goku noticed it and asked his friend what was wrong.

Goku: Krillin? You ok bud?

Krillin said nothing as he stared in fear at Frieza who had an evil grin on his face as he prepared to shoot a death beam at Goku. Piccolo however saw it and pushed Goku out of the way, the beam instead hitting Piccolo severely injuring him.

Goku: Piccolo!

Frieza: Heh, if you think you and your friends can escape me your sadly mistaken.

Frieza fires at Krillin which hits him as Krillin is at the mercy of Frieza.

Frieza: I hope ypur not afraid of heights.

Krillin flies up in the air as Goku and Gohan could only watch in horror.

Goku: Krillin!!

Frieza laughs maniacally as Krillin is in the air.

Goku: Stop it now Frieza!!!

Krillin: Goku!

Frieza doesn't listen as he makes a fist which causes Krillin to explode, killing him.

Goku stares in shock that his friend had died while Gohan stares in fear.

Frieza: How about the little brat next hmm?

Goku: You heartless...worthless...bastard!

The ground around Goku rises up as his hair spiked up.

Frieza meanwhile stares wondering what the Saiyan was doing.

Goku: I won't let you get away with this! I will...make you...suffer!

Goku's hair flashes to gold for a brief moment as his eyes flash green along with it.

Gohan stares wondering what's happening to his dad.

Goku's hair and eyes change colors a few more times before he lets out a roar of rage as he completes his transformation into a Super Saiyan.

Frieza: What?!

The memory stopped there as the group found themselves back in the yard.

Issei and Asia meanwhile couldn't get over the fact that it took Krillin dying to awaken Goku's power.

Vegito: When you first transfrom into a Super Saiyan, the main fuel for it is anger as you saw. Frieza killing Krillin was the final straw for Goku.

Asia: I-I had no idea that it took that much...

Issei: Tell me about it...

Vegito: Now that you know, let me ask you again, learning how to transform a good thing?

Issei: I guess not...

Vegito: *sighs* Look man, I can see that your disappointed with how you performed today but you got 4 more days to get it right. 

Asia held Issei's hands to show she was there for him.

Asia: He's right Issei. After all, you have everyone else helping you the best they can. 

Vegito: And most importantly, there's me.

Vegito pointed to himself with his usual smirk.

Issei: Wow, way to ruin the mood.

Vegito: Heh, thanks. Let's make a deal. I train you but don;t tell anyone about this. Hear me?

Issei: Huh? But why don;t you want me telling anyone?

Vegito: Because it'll surely surprise them when your flying without wings.

Issei: Flying without my wings? Wait, are you saying...

Vegito: Yep. I'm gonna train you to use your ki.

Issei: alright! I'm getting pumped up now. When do we start?

Vegito: Early tomorrow morning. Before anyone is up. You can bring her along if you want.

Asia: O-Oh, me? I don't think I'm cut out for it, but if Issei's there, then I'll go and give it my best shot!

Vegito: That's the spirit! Now rest up you two. You got a long day ahead of you.

Issei and Asia: Right!

The two headed back to their rooms to sleep while Vegito was left to his thoughts.

Vegito: Things are going to be interesting. *smirks*

Cut! That's it for this chapter. Don't worry though, the action is coming next chapter! That's right, prepare for the rating game next! As usual, I hope you enjoyed and don't be afraid to vote for my story! See you next time!

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