Chapter Two: Explainations

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Hey everyone! Another chapter is here, so without further wait, enjoy!

Last time, 

Vegito arrived on the scene and encountered Rias and Akeno having a battle with three fallen angels. Stepping in he disposes of the fallen angels with little to no effort. Meanwhile Issei is too late as Asia passes without her Sacred Gear. Furious, he fights Raynare with his transformed gear defeating her. With Raynare and her group dead, Rias resurrects Asia as her new bishop. The only thing that remains is Vegito who has to answer some questions.

'Kamehameha'= Attack/Ddraig talk

'Text'= Thoughts

It was the morning after the battle that occurred at the church. Issei goes the usual as he gets ready and goes to school. He heads towards the ORC room and walks in to find Rias drinking a cup of tea.

Issei: Hey Ms. President, whats up?

Rias: Oh, good morning Issei. How are your wounds?

Issei: They're completely healed thanks to Asia. Man her healing is helpful.

Issei takes a seat across from Rias.

Rias: I see she's already doing her job as a bishop. No wonder the fallen angels wanted her.

Issei: President? Can I ask you something.

Rias: Of course.

Issei: There's an evil piece for each chess piece right?

Rias: That is right. Why do you ask?

Issei: It's just that I know there are 8 pawns in chess so will that mean there are going to be 7 more pawns like me? But that would mean more rivals...I'm joking! Joking!

Rias: It's alright Issei, in fact your my only pawn.

Issei: Huh?

Rias explained how the resurrection works and how she had to use all 8 pawns to resurrect him.

Issei: Whoa wait, you had to use all 8 on me?

Rias: Mhm. It was for that reason I decided to make you my servant. Humans who have that much potential is rare, so I took a chance. It was because you have Boosted Gear, one of the thirteen Longinus. 

Issei: Emperor of the Red Dragon huh...

Rias: Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess and Gauntlet of the Emperor of Red's a perfect match don't you think!

Issei: Yeah!

Rias: Aim to be the strongest pawn there is Issei.

Issei: The strongest pawn...Sounds good to me!

Rias walks over and presses a kiss to his forehead. 

Rias: Think of it as a good luck charm! *giggles*

Issei: Alright! I'm one step closer to my dream of becoming harem king!

Rias: I should stop coddling you like this, I don't want our newest member to feel jealous after all.

Issei: Wait, jealous?

Asia: I-Issei?

Issei turns and notices Asia.

Issei: A-Asia? 

Asia looks flustered.

Asia: I mean, President Rias is beautiful, s-so it's no wonder you're attracted to her. No, no! I shouldn't be thinking like that! God, please forgive my sinful soul—Ow!

Asia hold her head in pain as she forgot that saying God's name causes come pain to devils. 

Issei: Asia, wh-what's the matter?

Asia: Me head hurts all of a sudden!

Rias: Well you are a devil now.

Asia: Oops, kind of forgot about that.

Rias: Do you regret it at all?

Asia: No, I'm very grateful! I'm happy to be close to Issei like this, no matter what I am!

Issei takes notice of Asia wearing the school uniform. 

Issei: Wait, your transferring to our school Asia?

Rias: She is, my father is involved with the school's management, so it was no problem at all. 

Issei: Wow, I never knew that. 

It was then the rest of the club showed up.

Kiba: Good morning everyone!

Koneko: Morning. Glad to see your not dead.

Akeno rolled in with a cake.

Akeno: Oh my, we're all here to celebrate our newest member!

Rias: Issei?

Issei: Yeah?

Rias: You did good. I was very impressed with you. Keep it up.

Issei: O-Oh! Thanks for that.

Vegito: Wow, is that cake? 

Everyone jumped when Vegito appeared out of no where, again, and scared them.

Issei: Wait a minute, you again!

Vegito: Yep, I see you forgot my name already.

Issei: No I didn't! It's um...

Koneko: Vegito.

Issei: Yeah! Vegito! I knew that.

Vegito: Heh, well red, I came like I said I would.

Rias: Indeed you did, now, I think its time for you to start explaining yourself.

Vegito: Guess your right, but I want to hear you first. Guarantee you my story is much more complex than yours.

Rias: Very well then, better get comfortable.

Vegito: Oh, before you start, is anyone going to eat that?

Vegito points at the cake.

Akeno: Oh don't worry dear, I'll get you a slice.

Akeno cuts a slice and hands it to Vegito who in the blink of an eye devours his slice.

Everyone sweat drops at that.

Kiba: *chuckles* Oh dear, seems like someone's hungry.

Vegito took in his surroundings.

Vegito: Not a bad place, doesn't compare to Capsule Corp though.

Rias: Well this is our place to hangout. It's where our club meets.

Vegito: You guys are a club?

Rias: Yeah, we're the Occult Research Club or ORC for short. We basically study anything that is related to the paranormal.

Vegito: Sounds neat.

Vegito got an idea.

Vegito: Hey this is a school right?

Rias: It is. The building you see right out there is the school.

Vegito: Do you mind if I go to the cafeteria after. I haven't had anything to eat in a while.

Rias: I don't mind that, now why don't we start?

Rias went on to explain the three factions of devils, fallen angels, and angels and the great war that went on as well as the conflict and tension that goes on today. Rias also explained what a peerage was to Vegito and how everyone in the room had their own role. Apparently Vegito knew everyone wasn't human by just sensing their energy.

Vegito: Doesn't surprise me your all not human.

Issei: Really, why?

Vegito: Need I remind you I was there last night in the church. I saw your devil wings. And besides, I sensed it.

Issei: Wait sensed?

Vegito: Oh that's right, guess it's my turn to start explaining. I sensed your energy and I sensed negative energy within all of you. Which makes sense I guess, being devils and all.

Rias: You can sense our life force?

Vegito: Yeah. It's pretty easy since I mastered it a long time ago.

Rias: I'm impressed, to be able to use a skill like that is certainly incredible. But onto other matters, you mentioned something about not being human yourself. Care to explain?

Akeno: Thats right, I was there too when you said it, so no dodging anything fufufu.

Vegito: Eh, guess I'll start. But I haven't heard your names yet.

Rias: Thats fair. Let me properly introduce you to everyone. First up is Koneko. She's the rook in my peerage which are basically the tanks. She also gains an incredible amount of strength.

Koneko: Hope we get along.

Vegito couldn't get much from her monotonous voice. He eyed the white haired girl and didn't see how she could be strong. Appearances can be deceiving I guess. But he also sensed something else within the girl other than devil. Was He decided not to pry for now. 

Rias: And the blonde prince is Kiba, he's my knight meaning he gains a massive amount of speed.

Kiba: Pleasure to meet you!

Rias: Moving on the other blonde is Asia, you may recognize her from the church last night. She's my bishop. And bishops support the rest of the peerage using their magic.

Asia: Hello! I hope we can become great friends!

Vegito: Heh, me too. Glad to see your feeling better after what happened.

Asia: Thank you Mister Vegito!

Vegito: Heh, no need to call me mister, Vegito is fine.

Rias: Now this is Akeno. She's my queen which is the second strongest under me. She basically has all the other qualities of each piece. She is highly skilled in using magic attacks, specifially lightning thus she is known as the Priestess of Thunder. She can also be a bit sadistic at times.

Issei: *mumbles* A bit sadistic is putting it lightly...

Akeno: What was that Issei? 

Akeno had a growing dark aura behind while having that same sweet smile.

Issei: A-Ah! N-Nothing. Nothing at all. Right guys?

Asia and Kiba nodded their heads quickly as they were also intimidated by the queen.

Vegito could only sweat drop. She sure reminded him of both wives he had really.

Akeno: Anyways, it's nice to formally meet you! If you ever wanna hang out just let me know ok sweetie? Hehe~

Vegito sweat dropped again. Was she always like this?

Rias: Finally, there's Issei. He's a bit new still but he's growing impressively. He's the pawn of my peerage.

Vegito: The pawn? As in the sacrificial pieces?

Issei got offended at that.

Issei: Hey! Stop talking like I'm cannon-fodder!

Vegito: Alright, jeez. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

Issei: Gah!

Rias chuckled seeing the interaction between the two.

Rias: Alright you two thats enough. But Issei's right Vegito. There's more than meets the eye for a pawn.

Vegito: I'll take your word for it. I'll give to you though kid, you have serious determination from what I saw last night.

Issei puffed his chest in pride at hearing that.

Rias: Alright, now that introductions are out of the way you can start your story Vegito.

Vegito: Alright, first off, have any of you ever heard of the Saiyans?

Everyone was completely lost. They have never heard of these Saiyans in their lives.

Rias: I'm assuming thats your race?

Vegito nodded his head in confirmation.

Rias: Interesting, can't say I've heard of them before. This is the first time.

Vegito: Doesn't surprise me that you don't know about us, we're basically extinct.

Asia: E-Extinct? What happened to you all?

Vegito: A tyrant by the name of Frieza destroyed our planet with just the flick of his finger.

That shocked everyone that someone could effortlessly destroy a whole planet with just one finger.

Issei: Whoa, your saying this Frieza guy destroyed a whole planet with just the flick of his finger?! And your actually an alien?

Vegito: Yes and yes.

Issei: Well you don't look like those aliens on TV and movies.

Akeno: Yeah, your wayyy too handsome to be one of those ugly aliens.

Vegito: Well Saiyans have a similar anatomy to humans, the only difference is that we're significantly stronger. And the fact that we were born with tails. 

Issei: Whoa you were born with a tail?

Vegito: Yup, but thats not all. When there's a full moon we turn into great apes.

Everyone gave Vegito a 'are you serious look' after he said this.

Vegito: Hey I'm being one hundred percent honest! Yeesh.

Rias: It's alright Vegito, we trust your word. But what happened to your tail?

Vegito: That's a story for another time if you don't mind. Now where was I. Oh yes, in addition Saiyans boast an incredible strength therefore they are known as the most powerful race.

Vegito said that last part with some pride and a smirk. A trait no doubt was inherited from Vegeta.

Rias: The strongest you say?

Vegito: Yes, that's why Frieza wanted to employ us. He wanted to use our brute strength to help conquer other planets. But it didn't matter as he was using us the whole time. 

The others looked on in concern wondering if this Saiyan was going to conquer them.

Vegito noticing their looks assured them he wasn't going to do that.

Vegito: Geez, no need to get worried, we don't do that anymore. 

Issei: If most of your whole race is extinct then how many of you are left?

Vegito: Counting pure blooded Saiyans, there was two left. They each have offspring of their own, half Saiyans. Half human, half Saiyan, simple as that.

Rias: You said there was? What happened then?

Oh boy. She's a perceptive one. Guess I'll just drop that bomb on them then.

Vegito: You see, those two pure blooded Saiyans are me.

Everyone had a mixed reaction of confusion and shock. 

Issei: Whoa whoa whoa, I am so confused here.

Kiba: *chuckles* Trust me Issei you aren't the only one.

Rias: I agree, please explain yourself Vegito.

Vegito: Gah. Explaining things are so not my forte. So how about I just show you.

All of a sudden the room was engulfed by a bright light as everyone covered their eyes.

Issei: Gah what the hell?! What kind of trick is this guy pulling on us?

When the light died down they were all floating in the air in an endless void which surprised them.

Issei: What the hell? Where are we?

Vegito: My memories.

Rias: These are your memories?

Vegito: Yes.

Issei: But why is there nothing here?

Vegito: I can control what memories you are allowed to see.

Issei: Really? Alright then. What are you gonna show us?

Vegito: I'll show you where I was before I met all of you.

Another flash ensued as the group found themselves in a destroyed city: They were in Future Trunks' time.

Asia: Where are we?

Issei: I dunno, but what the heck happened here?

Vegito: It would be better if you just watched.

The group did and saw a very ugly looking being whose face looked like one side was melting. And on top of that it looked like their right arm was mutated. 

Issei: Gah! Who the hell is that ugly piece of shit?

Vegito: Zamasu.

Issei: Huh, who is that?

Vegito: It's a bit complicated. He's an apprentice from universe 10.

Issei: Um, what?

Vegito: *sighs* No need to worry about that.

Issei: What's the deal with him?

Vegito: He went rogue. Now shush and keep watching for answers.

The group continued to watch as merged Zamasu preached about mortal sins and divine justice.

The scene switched over to a group of people. Two in particular were the reason Vegito was here in the first place.

One was a man in orange gi. The most distinguishing feature about him was his gravity defying black hair that looked like some sort of palm tree. He clearly was well toned based on the muscles he had. This was Son Goku. The second man looked significantly shorter than Goku. Like Goku he had black hair that seemed to defy gravity. His hair is spiked upwards and has a widows peak. He seemed to be slimmer looking than Goku but he was still well built by looking at his muscles. 

Goku: Come on Vegeta! This is the best bet we have to beat Zamasu!

Vegeta looked frustrated as he finally caved in and put on the Potara earring.

Vegeta: Grr, fine! Just this once and that's it!

The group watched in astonishment as they recognized the earrings the two had on. They were the same ones Vegito had!

Goku: Alright, it's on then!

They watched as the earrings glowed and the two Saiyans fused together to form Vegito.

Vegito jumped up on a piece of concrete.

Vegito: Alright!

Zamasu: Who are you supposed to be.

Vegito: You became one, so we did as well. I am the fusion of Kakarott and Vegeta, Vegito. And this is...Vegito BLUE!

The memory looked like it was paused there. Everyone turned to Vegito.

Issei was the first to break out of his shock.

Issei: Dude... you mean to tell us that your those two guys together in one body?

Vegito: Yes. But I'm my own person. I have both of their memories, fighting styles, powers, personalities, and so on.

Rias: Incredible...but what was with your hair? It changed color?

There was another flash as they were back in the ORC room.

Issei: Whoa that was trippy as hell. But Ms. President is right, what was with your hair? Is your power changing your hair color or something.

Vegito let out a loud laugh at the assumption.

Vegito: Oh how hilarious that is for you to say. It's more than changing hair color. Let's just say it makes me stronger.

Rias: How so?

Vegito: Like this! 

Vegito let out a might yell as he transformed.

Vegito's aura flared to a brilliant golden. His hair remained the same but the main difference is that it was now the same shade as his aura. His eyes were a captivating shade of green. Everyone stared at Vegito with wide eyes. It was just breathtaking to see. Vegito smirked seeing their reactions, what can he say? He just loved to showoff.

Vegito: Call me Super Vegito!

Little did Vegito know what turning into a Super Saiyan would cause the three factions to fucking PANIC because the power that he let out. When I mean everyone I mean EVERYONE was scared. Even the Chaos Bridge sensed Vegito's out of this world power and knew there was going to be problems. This power far exceeded theirs and even Ophis herself. Issei was the first one to break out of his stupor.

Issei: What the actual fuck?!

Rias: W-While Issei's reaction is a bit vulgar, I agree. This is quite the transformation.

Akeno: Oh dear, it seems like you just became more lovable! Just for the record I'm into blondes too. Hehehe~

Issei: Well, at least there's one more blonde in the group. Right guys?

Issei directed that joke towards the only other two blondes in the peerage, Kiba and Asia.

Asia: O-Oh! I-I don't mind at all!

The girl was flustered while Kiba could only shake his head but still had a smile on his face.

Vegito's aura disappeared as he remained in his Super Saiyan state.

Rias: That is truly an amazing transformation Vegito. Is there a name for it?

Vegito: Yes. This form is called Super Saiyan. 

Rias: Super...Saiyan?

Vegito: Yup, it basically multiplies my power times 50.

Rias: T-Times 50? And how strong are you intially?

Vegito thought for a moment before he gave a sheepish grin.

Vegito: About that, I don't know.

Everyone one present comedically dropped to the floor at the fused Saiyans answer.

Issei: What do you mean you don't know!

Vegito: Well I can't give you an exact number really. I really only transform if I really need to or if I just want to scare everyone with my power.

Issei: sound way too casual about this.

Vegito: What can I say? I just love to showoff.

Akeno: Well I don't mind~

Rias: Anyways Vegito, you certainly are one interesting individual. And very powerful. If you don't mind, could we perhaps become allies?

Vegito: Wait, you aren't gonna turn me into a devil are you?

Rias: No no! I originally thought of that but I realized you wouldn't want to forget about your Saiyan heritage, so no strings attached.

Vegito: Well then I have come to a decision. I accept your offer.

Rias: W-Wait. Just like that? 

Vegito: Yup. I can sense you don't have malicious intent so I trust you.

Rias: Alright Vegito, may our alliance be a strong one.

Rias extended her hand for a handshake which Vegito did.

Vegito: Geez, quit it with that alliance crap. We're all friends, aren't we?

Rias raised a brow.

Rias: You consider us friends? We've only known each other for about a day.

Vegito: Well you all helped me when I was lost in this new world so yeah, I consider all of you my friends.

That was his friendly side he got from Goku shining through.

Rias: Well Vegito, since we are pretty much done here we'll show you to the cafeteria. 

Vegito: Alright! I'm starving.

On cue a loud growl was heard which got everyone on guard. All Vegito could do was look sheepish.

Vegito: Heh, sorry about that. My stomach can't wait any longer I guess.

Rias: Well let's not keep it waiting then. You guys coming with?

Everyone said yes as the group made their way to the cafeteria. Vegito had powered down back to his base form. Luckily for the group no one was in the cafeteria since lunch just ended meaning everyone was in class. Once there the Saiyan went wild as he grabbed everything he could before finding an empty table and devouring his food. Everyone who was present had their mouths wide open in shock at what this strange new person was doing. Each minute that passed by Vegito's mountain of food started to go down. 20 minutes later the fused Saiyan let out a huge burp that shook the whole cafeteria. All everyone could do after that was be silent. What could they say after seeing that?

Koneko: The man has no table manners whatsoever.

Kiba: *chuckle* One things for sure, he certainly has an appetite. 

Issei: He eats even more than Koneko does!

Koneko heard this and cracked her knuckles.

Koneko: Are you implying that I'm fat pervert?

Issei: Gah! N-No. I didn't say that!

Koneko didn't care as she slowly walked over to the brunette while said brunette backed away.

Issei: H-Hey, come on now Koneko. It's a joke! Ever heard of one? Come on! Guys? A little help?

Akeno: Sorry Issei, if there's one thing you don't make fun of, it's a lady's weight.

Issei: Oh come on! Seriously?!

Seeing as he wasn't getting out of this he prepared for his fate.

Issei: Ah crap, at least be gentle this time Koneko.

Koneko: Don't worry, Asia will be right here to heal you back up.

Issei: WAHHH!

Issei was sent flying into a wall.

Asia: I-Issei!

Asia hurried over to the boy and started healing him. Everyone else could only chuckle at his misfortune. Vegito sighed at the situation but couldn't keep himself from chuckling at the boy. Vegito might be the strongest warrior there is but he wasn't that stupid to piss off a woman. He learned that the hard way. 

Rias coughed to get everyones attention.

Rias: Well now thats over I forgot to ask something Vegito.

Vegito: What is it?

Rias: Well I remembered seeing those two people in your memories and they...fused? 

Vegito: Yeah...*gestures to go on*

Rias: Aren't you going to defuse soon?

Ah. Vegito forgot about that. It's been more than an hour and he was still fused.

Vegito: Well I guess I should tell you. See these earrings?

Everyone took a closer look at the strange earrings on his ears.

Vegito: Well these aren't no ordinary earrings. They are called the Potara earrings. The way they work is two people put one earring on their ear and after that they fuse.

Issei: Magical earrings? Sounds like something out of an anime...

Rias: But back to the original question, are you going to defuse soon?

Vegito: Oh, you see, about that...this is permanent as far as I know.

Cue moment of silence.

Everyone: WHAT?!!!

Vegito: Geez! Way to overload my ears...

Issei: That isn't the problem man! How are you going to live like that for the rest of your life?! Isn't two people in one body hard or something?

Vegito: I already said this earlier and I'll say it again, I am my own being. I share the traits of each person.

Issei had a sheepish smile.

Issei: Oh yeah...kinda forgot about that.

Vegito: Continuing on, this wasn't supposed to be permanent. You see, it was supposed to be a temporary thing to be able to fight Zamasu.

Issei: Zamasu? You mean that ugly dude we saw in your memory?

Vegito: Yeah, him. I was told that the Potara fusion only last an hour for mortals. But it's been more than a day which is well past one hour and I'm still like this.

Rias: An interesting dilemma you found yourself in Vegito.

Vegito: Yeah, but I don't mind.

Rias: You sound rather calm about this whole not being able to defuse thing.

Vegito: Well I'm not those two so I've got nothing to worry about besides...Zamasu. 

Everyone stared at him with concern. The laid back attitude was now replaced with one of seriousness.

Rias: Vegito, are you alright?

Vegito: I'm just worried is all. I was in the middle of fighting Zamasu when that portal opened. Now that I'm gone it's all up to Trunks to finish what I started...

Everyone was confused at the new name but Vegito beat them to it.

Vegito: Trunks is one of my sons. He's a half breed. I just hope he has enough to end it...

Issei: Hey come on man. Your like crazy strong so if he's your son then you got nothing to worry about!

Vegito: I guess that's true. You know what kid, your right. My son will kick his sorry ass!

Everyone smiled seeing his happy attitude return. But it made them realize something else.

Issei: Wait back up! You have a KID?!

Vegito: Kids, plural, each from one person.

Issei: That means your also married right?

Vegito: Uh, yeah?

The Saiyan answered not knowing where this was going. He didn't notice Akeno's pout at the news that he was already taken.

Issei: Yes! If he's married then that means less competion! Meanining I'm that much closer to becoming the Harem King!

Vegito: Harem King?

Issei cursed himself realizing he said that out loud. Vegito looked to the others in confusion and amusement at the boy's claim.

Koneko: Don't listen to him. It's a stupid dream of his. Pervert.

Issei: *comedic tears* Your so mean Koneko!

Everyone laughed at the boy before Asia wanted to ask the fused Saiyan something.

Asia: E-Excuse me, Mr. Vegito?

Vegito: How many times do I have to tell ya, just call me Vegito! 'Mr' makes me feel older than I actually am.

Asia: O-Ok, if you don't mind me asking, could you tell us more about the two individuals before they fused to become you?

Vegito: Well I don't mind that. Let's take this back to your club room. 

The group started heading back as Vegito began his story while walking.

Vegito: Well, it all started when a baby landed on Earth. He was found by an elderly man who named him...Goku.

Thats all for now folks! Another chapter in the books. Seems like Vegito caught everyones attention with his power. What crazy adventures will take place now that Vegito's around? Find out next time!

AN: It seems like I have more time than I originally thought to update because this COVID-19 stuff is getting serious to the point where school was cancelled for the rest of the year. Yikes. Keep in thought that I am in college meaning I have online classes until the next school year starts. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and a reminder to please stay safe! See ya next time.

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