Chapter One: Where The Hell am I?

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Hey everyone! A new chapter is here. I'm not gonna say much, so enjoy!

Last time,

The battle between Vegito and merged Zamasu was more destructive than anyone thought. Powerful enough to open a portal in which Vegito was knocked into. With the fused Saiyan missing, it is up to Trunks to finish this once and for all. But the important question to ask is where is Vegito?

Inside the portal Vegito fell in was Vegito himself as he continued to fall. He was in his normal state. When it seemed like there was no end to the falling, a portal on the other end opened as Vegito fell through it.

Vegito: About time I stopped falling.

The fused Saiyan floated as he took in his surroundings. It seemed to be nighttime.

Vegito: Hmm, seems like I'm definitely not in the future anymore. But I can't sense Trunks or Zamasu's energy anywhere...

Vegito sat in midair as he thought about the dilemma he was in. He couldn't sense any familiar energy which concerned him a bit. What he did sense though was plenty of negative energy and it seemed like there was a gathering of that energy near by which interested him.

Vegito: Humph. Seems like an evil gathering is taking place. I think it's time I crash it.

Vegito smirked as he flew off to the place.

Meanwhile inside the church a young brunette man was fighting his way through in order to save his new friend. Issei ran past every exorcist with Kiba and Koneko backing him up.

Issei managed to get past as he got Asia down. Asia was a young blonde who's hair went down past her midback. Her clothes were torn as she was barely holding on.

Without her sacred gear, she will, with the lack of a better term, die.

Issei remembered those words. He refused to believe that Asia was dying. He made a promise that he would be her friend forever.

Raynare: Yes! It's all mine!

Raynare hold the Sacred Gear as she releases Asia form the cross. Issei caught her in time.

Issei: Hey come on, stay with me! You'll be alright, so stay with me!

Raynare: Heh, how touching. It makes me sick. Now be gone for good!

Raynare hold up her light spear ready to impale Issei but he manages to get out the way in time.

Kiba: Issei! Get out of here.

Issei: What? But what about you guys. I'm not going to just leave you!

Kiba: Don't worry about us, we'll hold them off! Just get going!

Issei looks at Kiba and Koneko.

Issei: I promise you guys that one day you won't have to do this for me again! Next time it'll be me protecting you guys!

Kiba and Koneko smile at his words as the boy makes his way up to the main part of the church. Issei gently puts Asia down on one of the benches. Asia slowly opened her eyes as Issei grabbed her hand.

Issei: Hey now, come one Asia, your gonna make it out of here!

Asia: Issei, even if it wasn't for long, I'm so glad I was able to have a friend like you.

Issei stared at the girl in shock.

Issei: H-Hey, what are you saying. Your getting out of here! There's still so much I have to show you! We'll go bowling, do karaoke. Best of all, we'll have a huge party for you! W-We can do so many things together. Just please stay with me...

Asia: If I had been born here and had gone to school with you, it would have been so wonderful...

Issei: Stop acting like your gonna die, because your not!

Issei had tears flowing down his face.

Asia: Your crying for me? I couldn't ask for more...

Issei: A-Asia?

Asia: Thank you Issei...

With that, Asia was gone.

Issei: *crying* No...why? Why was it you that had to die? You were the kindest girl ever. You didn't deserve this! God, I know your listening, don't take her! Please! She deserves to live just as much as I do! She just wanted to make friends. Is it because I'm a devil you won't listen? Just because of that her life doesn't matter? ANSWER ME!

Raynare: My, what do we have here, a devil repenting in a church? What an odd sight.

Issei: Raynare!

Meanwhile outside the church Rias and Akeno were dealing with the three other fallen angels.

Donhasheek: You seem to be thinking that kid's so capable, but he doesn't stand a chance against Raynare, no matter how good he is.

Mitlet: She's his ex-girlfriend, after all! Raynare told us about what she did to him. It was hilarious!

Dohnasheek: Don't go there, Mitelt. Just thinking about it makes me laugh out loud!

Kalawarner: Well, I have to admit it was really funny! What a joke!

With that the three threw their formed spears at the girl but it did nothing but bounced off her.

Kalawarner: What? It bounced off her like it was nothing!

Rias: You made fun of my servant...

Akeno: *giggles* Oh your so in for it now. Shouldn't have made her mad silly fallen.

Before Rias could do anything though a new voice interrupted them all.

?: What do we have here. So this is where all that negative energy is coming from.

Everyone found the source of the voice by the form of a man who was floating in the air above. The man had sharp eyes and the upper part of his hair stood up while his hairline has two bangs sticking out like a downward "V" shape. His outfit consisted of blue gi with the sash being the same color sash with an orange undershirt. He also wore white gloves with white boots and on his ears were strange looking earrings. He had a cocky smirk on his face. Vegito had arrived.

Dohnasheek: And who the hell are you supposed to be.

Vegito: Well that isn't a nice way to greet someone now is it.

Dohnasheek: Tch, why you!

Vegito: You see, I'm looking for something.

Mitlet: *laughs* What, a barbershop for that hair?

This got her fellow fallen to laugh with her.

Vegito: Hmm, seems like you three don't know the meaning of respect.

Kalaware: Don't treat us like we're some lesser beings than you! Now get lost human.

Vegito: *chuckles* Who ever said I was human. From the look of things, you three are definitely the bad guys here.

Dohnasheek: Ha! Bad guy? Did you guys hear that. *mocking tone* Oh no, look at the three bad guys. What ever will you do, play hero?

Vegito: I'm starting to get real tired of this. I'm losing brain cells by just talking to any of you. And why is it that every villain has the worse fashion sense.

Dohnasheek: That does it! We're killing you first. Hear that Gremory, you and your little queen get to live a little longer while we deal with this wannabe "hero."

Rias was about to attack when Akeno held her back.

Rias: Akeno, let go of me.

Akeno: Listen, it might sound crazy Ms. President but let the guy handle them.

Rias: W-What, but why? Even if he's not human, how do we know he'll be able to take care of them?

Akeno: Just watch, you sense his power, yes?

Rias: Now that you mention it, his power is unreal. It makes you wonder what he's hiding.

Akeno: We'll have to wait and see then. But oh my look at that body, hehehe~

Rias: Oh Akeno...*facepalm*

Dohnasheek: It's over for you little shit! Now die!

The three fallen angels threw their light spears at the fused Saiyan but he just stood there his cocky smile never leaving his face. He just crossed his arms and watched as the spears dissipated before they even touched a part of him. The fallen angels along with the two devils were shocked at this.

Mitlet: W-What? How was he able to do that?

Vegito: Hah! If that was your idea of an attack, then this is going to be easier than I thought. *towards Rias and Akeno* You two! You don't mind if I steal your thunder right?

Akeno: Oh no, we don't mind at all~!

Vegito: Good. I don't feel like toying these weaklings more than I already have because I sense more energy coming from inside that church. Now, make like a rabbit and disappear.

He held out a hand as a ball of light formed in it.

Kalaware: What the hell are you! Some kind of monster?

Vegito: Heh, real funny coming from you. Now eat this, Big Bang Attack!

The fallen angels couldn't do anything. That was all it took to wipe the three fallen angels out of existence. Down on the ground the two devils could only stare with wide eyes at what the mystery man did. He took out three fallen angels without breaking a sweat!

Vegito: Wow they were weak. What a waste of my time. Now to check-

Vegito stopped mid sentence as he turned to Rias and Akeno who stared at him warily.

Vegito: Um, hi?

Noticing the looks the two gave him he tried to calm them down.

Vegito: Whoa there, no need to give me those looks.

Rias: We'll stop if you tell us who you are.

Vegito: Listen ladies, I would love to stay and chat but I'm going to that church. Maybe we'll pick this up later. Ciao!

Before the two could do anything Vegito pressed two fingers to his head and teleported.

Rias: What? He can teleport without a circle?

Akeno: What an interesting character.

Rias: I'll see you at the church Akeno.

Akeno: Right Ms. President!

Rias teleported to the church where Issei was.

Meanwhile back inside the church Issei and Raynare were still talking.

Raynare used the Sacred gear and healed the cut Kiba had given her on her arm.

Raynare: What a marvelous power to have. With this my status as a fallen angel will surely soar! And it will please Azazel and Shemhaza!

Issei: Like I care about that shit. She never discriminated between fallen angels and devils!

Raynare: This is the destiny of the chosen ones: those endowed with a Sacred Gear.

Issei: Sounds like a load of bullshit to me! She could have lived a peaceful life!

Raynare: Oh how naive you are. She wouldn't be able to.

Issei: What?

Raynare: Sacred Gears are too much for a human to handle. No matter how wonderful they are, unusual powers are bound to be feared and their wielders shunned.

Issei suddenly remembered.


Asia: I was branded a heretic because I had the power to even heal devils. I don't have any friends, you see.

Issei: What? What kind of dumb reasoning is that. Well I think it's cool how you don't care about anyones race. You care for everyone.

Asia: That's nice of you to say but not everyone shares the same ideals as you...

Issei: Well it's settled then!

Asia: Huh?

Issei: I'll be your friend!

Asia: W-What? A-A-Are you sure?

Issei: Of course, I'll be your first friend!

Asia: T-Thank you Issei...

End of Flashback

Raynare: That's simply the way it is. That's just how humans are.

Issei: But I...I'm Asia's friend! I tried to protect her as a friend!

Raynare: But she died! That girl's dead! What you tried is irrelevant. You failed to protect her back then and now as well!

Issei: I know! That's why I can't forgive either of us...I can't forgive any of it!

Rias' words echoed in his mind. Use your brain. Sacred Gear is activated by its owner's will. The greater your willpower, the more powerful it will become.

Issei: Give her back...give Asia back!

[Dragon Boost!]

Raynare: Like I said, twice nothing is still nothing.


Raynare: You may have gotten a little stronger. But your still a weak little shit!

Raynare threw several light spears at Issei. They made their mark, but Issei did not go down.

Raynare: Light is deadly poison to devils! Just coming into direct contact with it burns them! It causes devils sharp, excruciating pain, especially if they're low-class devils like you.

Issei: So what? This pain is nothing compared to what Asia had to go through. Compared to that...*pulls out light spears* This is nothing!

Raynare: My, you lasted long for a low-class devil. I commend you for that at least, but you reached your limit.

Issei: Lord...Well Satans in this case. I'm sure there's one. Since I'm a devil, grant me a favor? Please. I don't need anything else.

Raynare: What are you babbling on about? Did the pain make you insane?

Raynare was stunned. How was he not burning? He should have been burning right now!

Raynare: Impossible! You've got to be kidding me! You shouldn't be able to stand. The light must be burning your entire body from the inside out. A low-class devil without the ability to alleviate light should be unable to take it.

Issei's devil wings popped out.

Issei: Give me the power to end this bitch! I admit, this hurts like shit, I feel like I'll lose consciousness any second. But I'm so pissed off at you that it doesn't matter in the slightest!


Raynare: N-No way! How is he this strong! His gear is only a Twice Critical. How?!

Raynare tried to fly away but Issei caught her.

Issei: You're not going anywhere, bitch! This one is for Asia!

Raynare screamed as she was sent flying out.

Issei: Serves you right. *wings fold back*

Issei buckled due to exhaustion but Kiba was there to help support him.

Kiba: Well look at you handling all that on your own.

Issei: *chuckles* You're late, pretty boy.

Kiba: Sorry. I would have stepped in but I was told to stay back. Rias' orders.

Issei: She did?

Rias: I did. I knew you could defeat her. I was done with my business, so I teleported to the basement here. Once there, I saw Kiba and Koneko fighting a whole bunch of priests.

Kiba: Yea, I don't think we would have made it out without her.

Rias: Oh, and Issei, nice job out there. That reminds me, have you seen anyone pass by around here?

Issei: Huh? Can't say I have. I was busy fighting Raynare the whole time.

Rias: Strange, he appeared out no where when me and Akeno were dealing with the other three fallen angels.

Issei: Really?

Rias: Yeah, he took all three of them out without breaking a sweat.

Issei: What?! Are you serious President?

Rias: As serious as I can be. What caught me though is he said he wasn't human.

Kiba: Not human? Is he a devil then?

Rias: No, he wasn't a devil, angel, or fallen. He floated in the air and I didn't see a pair of wings anywhere.

Issei: Then what was he then?

Rias: I have no idea, but be cautious if you do see him. His power far exceeds the whole underworld population combined, and possibly even God himself.

Issei: *Shocked* What? He's that powerful?

Rias: Yes.

Koneko busted through the door with Raynare.

Koneko: President, I brought her.

The petite girl threw the fallen angel to Rias.

Rias: What an entrance. Nice to meet you, fallen angel Raynare. I'm Rias Gremory.

Raynare: Tch, so you're that Gremory brat!

Rias: That would be me. Oh I'm sorry what happened to your fallen angel friends.

Raynare: What? What did you do to them?!

Rias: Oh, I did nothing. Someone beat me to it. Too bad, I wanted to be the one to kill them, oh well. They were rather rude to me and my friend.

Rias threw feathers from the now deceased fallen angels.

Raynare meanwhile could only stare in disbelief that her comrades had fallen.

Rias then takes notice of Issei's Sacred Gear which had transformed.

Rias: Huh? Your gear had transformed Issei?

Issei: Yea. It changed during battle. Don't know how.

Rias: Red dragon...I get it now.

Rias turned her attention back to Raynare.

Rias: Well Raynare, it seems like you were too blind to take notice of Issei's Sacred Gear. His gear is not a mere Twice Critical.

Raynare: What?

Rias: Known to double its holder's power every ten seconds; allowing any who possess it to surpass even a Satan or God in power temporarily...there is no doubt about it. This is one of the thirteen Longinus: the Gauntlet of the Emperor of Red Dragon, the Boosted Gear.

Raynare could only stare in shock knowing how much trouble she was in.

Raynare: H-How can a brat like him wield a powerful Sacred Gear?!

Rias: Now then, let's get this over with-

Raynare: Issei!

Issei's eyes widened as he heard her voice. Raynare had transformed back into Yuuma shamelessly to try and get Issei to spare her.

Raynare: Issei please help me! You won't let these devils hurt me right?

Issei walks towards her.

Kiba and Koneko get ready to intervene but Rias stops them telling them to stay put.

Raynare: Please save me Issei!

Issei: I won't fall for it...

Issei however saw right through her and bottles up any kind of feelings that are left. He turns away.

Issei: Rias, please...I can't do this.

Rias nods her head as she walks up to the fallen angel getting ready to blast her out of existence.

Rias: How dare you play with my servants feelings. Get out of my sight.

Rias does the deed and Raynare is no more. Meanwhile Issei can't help but feel gloomy after her death is confirmed as he thought about the times with his first "girlfriend."

After a new voice comes in as Vegito appears form his hiding spot.

Vegito: Well thats one way to get rid of someone.

Everyone is startled by his sudden appearance as they get into a battle stance.

Vegito: Whoa there, no need to all hostile.

Rias meanwhile recognized him as she slowly lowers her guard.

Rias: You again?

Vegito: Aw why don't you sound excited to see me, I took care of those weaklings for you, didn't I?

At that moment Akeno walks in and notices the tense situation.

Akeno: Oh dear, if it isn't our handsome mystery man.

Vegito: What a nice welcoming party for me.

Rias: You know you still haven't told us who you are.

Vegito: As much as I would love to talk don't you have someone important to tend to?

Vegito pointed towards Asia who was dead.

Issei suddenly remembered and was at her side.

Issei: Asia...

Vegito could only frown at the situation. The girl was already gone. If he had gotten there sooner he possibly could have given her a senzu bean and she would be fine.

Issei: President, I'm sorry...all that big talk about how I was gonna save her and I failed...

Rias puts a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

Rias: It's alright Issei, you just lacked experience is all. No one blames you for this.

Issei: But...

Rias: It's worth trying. Issei, you know what this is?

Rias held up a Bishop piece.

Issei: A chess piece?

Akeno: A bishop to be more exact.

Rias: A bishop's task is to support other devils in the household with their magical abilities. Her healing abilities would be a big help.

Issei: Does that mean...

Rias: Yes, I will try to resurrect this nun as a devil.

Vegito who was still there was confused what a chess piece had to do with all of this.

Vegito: You know I'm totally confused about all of this.

Rias: It's only natural for someone who isn't familiar with all of this. You still have to explain somethings too you know.

Vegito: So do you.

Rias: Fair point, now. I, Rias Gremory, hereby order you, Heed me Asia Argento. Bring your soul back to this world, and become my devil servant. You shall become my bishop and rejoice in your newfound life!

Issei: Is she?

Rias: Quiet.

After a few Asia slowly got up.

Issei: A-Asia?

Asia: Issei?

Rias: Issei you'll be taking care of her. It's only right of you as her senior after all.

Vegito: Well that was truly interesting.

Asia: Issei?

Issei doesn't say anything as he hugs her happy that she's alive again.

Issei: Let's go home Asia.

The rest of the group can't help but have smiles on their faces.

Issei turns his attention to Vegito.

Issei: You got a lot of explaining to do buddy.

Rias: That's right.

Vegito: That can wait tomorrow. I'm sure you all want to get some rest first.

Rias: *sighs* I guess it can wait. Alright everyone, meet in our usual spot tomorrow. *towards Vegito* You need directions?

Vegito: Nah, I'll know where to find all of you. So don't sweat. I'll see ya then!

Rias: Wait! We didn't even get your name after all this.

Vegito starts to float which surprises those who haven't seen him do it yet. The fused Saiyan gives a two fingered salute and a smirk.

Vegito: Names Vegito. Don't forget it!

With that, he flew off leaving the group to themselves.

Rias: Vegito huh. What kinds of secrets are you hiding?

And cut! Phew. Another chapter for this story done. I have a relative idea of where I want to go for this story so I'll try to update it as often as I can. For now, in the next chapter Vegito has some explaining to do. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Your support is very much appreciated and I'll see you all next time!

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