Chapter one: the nightfall

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On a little Island in an abandoned town, Keith was hiding in an old shrine as the moonless night on Altea has come in and his human self has been here.

"Damm, how long does this last?" Keith said, looking through his reflection for a compact-mirror.

"Shiro." Keith said.

"Yeah." Shiro said.

"Make sure you come back in one piece." Keith said.

"I will." Shiro said.

Elsewhere in the forest, Hunk and Pidge are chasing someone into the forest, it was Sendak, a commander and lieutenant of the Galra Empire.

An evil force that had conquered and destroyed Altea with their war, led by Zarkon and his evil witch Haggar.

"You can run for forever." Pidge said as throws her shield at Sendak.

"I'm not planning to, now." Sendak said.

Under command two members of the Bad Batch, Wakun and Kam had ambushed Pidge.

"Look out, Pidge!" Hunk shouted, rushing to her aid. He summoned his massive strength and delivered a powerful punch, sending Wakun flying back.

Pidge swiftly rolled to her feet, her determination shining through. "Nice hit, Hunk! Now let's take care of Kam together!"

They both sprinted towards Kam, forming a formidable duo, ready to face whatever obstacles stood in their way. Pidge unleashed a barrage of sharp projectiles from her weapon while Hunk used his immense size and strength to overpower Kam.

Meanwhile, back at the old shrine, Keith's anxiety grew as he waited for his friends to return. Time seemed to crawl by, the eerie silence of the abandoned town amplifying his worries.

"I can't just sit here, waiting," Keith muttered to himself. He decided to venture out and see if he could help his friends.

As he made his way through the moonless night, Keith could sense a growing darkness in the air. The evil presence of Zarkon and Haggar seemed to be looming closer. He quickened his pace, determined to find his friends and confront the Galra warriors together.

Back in the forest, Pidge and Hunk exchanged glances, their excitement escalating. They knew they had to find Sendak and put an end to his ruthless actions.

"Let's finish this, Pidge," Hunk declared, determination burning in his eyes.

Pidge nodded, a steely resolve taking over. "Agreed, Hunk. We won't let the Galra Empire continue their reign of terror."

Just as they were about to resume their pursuit of Sendak, they heard a sound behind them. They turned to see a mysterious figure standing in the shadows. It was another member of the Bad Batch, Rose Nebel, who summoned a poison mist.

She swings but Hunk and Pidge quickly leapt out of the way, narrowly avoiding the mist.

They quickly gather their weapons and prepare to fight as Pidge swings again but the shield is stuck in the side of the tree giving the daemon the advantage as she releases a plethora of thorn limbs to contain him.

Before she can kill her though, Kiaion jumps upon his back prepared to strike until Rose releases a large wave of poison mist to throw the other daemon off.

"Kiaion!" Hunk said as he quickly draws his blade to slash Rose at who jumps as she attacks

He quickly moves past her but Hunk and Pidge are determined not to let her escape as she quickly collects the shield and rushes after him with Kiaion at her side.

She hops on to Kiaion's back with Hunk as she warns another ally ahead. "Lance, They're coming your way!"

Lance stands at the ready with his left hand-drawn over the prayer beads that sealed his ice hand.

In the midst of the moonless night, Lance stood at the ready, his hand trembling with anticipation. His teammates' warning echoed in his ears. They were closing in fast, and he knew he couldn't afford to hold back any longer.

"I've waited for this, to feel the wrath of the power," Lance said, his voice steady, as he released his hand from the prayer beads that sealed his ice hand. A surge of icy energy enveloped him, crystallizing his hand in a shimmering blue glow.

Hearing Lance's proclamation, Rose Nebel and her loyal daemon companion, Kiaion, halted in their tracks. Rose's eyes widened with a mix of admiration and instinctive caution.

"Well, well, it seems I've underestimated you," Rose sneered, breaking the silence. "But don't think your icy tricks will save you from our grasp."

Lance narrowed his eyes, his focus unwavering. "You're going to regret underestimating me."

Without hesitation, Lance unleashed a powerful wave of ice, propelling it towards Rose and Rokuro, another member of the Bad Batch.

The frozen shards danced through the air, striking at their opponents with a chilling precision.

Kiaion lunged forward, attempting to deflect the onslaught of ice with his agile movements, while Rose conjured up a wall of swirling dark mist, attempting to shield herself.

But Lance was determined to break through their defenses. With each stride, he channeled the power of his ice hand, augmenting his speed and agility. He maneuvered around Rukuro's agile attacks and concentrated his icy onslaught on Rose's mist.

One by one, the frozen shards pierced through the mist, inching closer to Rose. She evaded as best she could, but Lance's relentless assault proved too overwhelming. A sharp shard grazed her cheek, leaving behind a frosty mark.

Infuriated, Rose retaliated, unleashing dark tendrils of energy from her hands. They snaked through the air, seeking to ensnare Lance and trap him within their clutches.

But Lance was prepared. He had trained relentlessly, honing both his ice powers and his agility. With swift grace, he leaped and somersaulted, nimbly evading Rose's tendrils, his icy footsteps leaving a frosty trail behind.

As the battle raged on, Pidge and Hunk arrived, their presence bolstering Lance's resolve. Together, the trio formed a unified front, their teamwork multiplying their strength. Pidge's agile acrobatics combined with Hunk's sheer power created a formidable force.

Rose and Rukuro found themselves on the defensive, their attacks faltering under the relentless assault. The tables had turned, their arrogance replaced with fear as they realized the true strength of their opponents.

With a final coordinated effort, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk advanced, their determination unshakable. They fought with unwavering resolve until Rose and Rokuro were eventually overcome, forced to retreat into the shadows from which they had emerged.

Breathing heavily, Lance's ice hand slowly returned to its dormant state. He turned to his teammates, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction visible in his eyes.

"We did it," Lance said, a small smile gracing his lips. "We showed them the power of our unity."

Pidge and Hunk nodded, their grins mirroring Lance's sentiment. Their victory against Rose and Kiaion was just a small step, but it gave them renewed hope and strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would continue to fight against the Galra Empire and bring justice to Altea.

And so, under the moonless night sky, the resolute team stood united, ready to face the next chapter of their journey. Little did they know, their paths intertwined with even greater adventures and destinies yet to unfold.

However, Adam appears with Sendak and the bad Batch are forced to stop by the power of Lance's ice as Adam sends for a bomb from his jacket.

"What! A bomb!?" Lance quickly closes his ice hand before he can be hit with the bomb but at the sacrifice of opening himself to Adam's grasp.

"Uagh!" Lance yelled as he's held up by his neck while Adam smirks at him

"Hehehe...perish," Adam said until from the distance a glowing protection is fired in his and Adam's direction, causing him to let go of his arm and hold on Lance.

Shiro stands tall as he draws back his hand and sword.

Adam's grip weakens as he is struck by the protective force unleashed by Shiro. Lance gasps for breath, clutching his throat as Shiro approaches with determination.

"You won't get away with this, Adam!" Shiro declares, his voice laced with determination.

Adam, recovering from the shock, scowls at Shiro. "You think you can stop me? I'll show you just how wrong you are!"

Before Shiro can react, Adam lunges towards him, his movements fueled by rage. With lightning-fast reflexes, Shiro parries Adam's attack and counters with a swift strike of his own. Sword clashes against sword, the clash of steel echoing through the moonlit forest.

As the intense duel escalates, the rest of the team rallies around Lance, who is still catching his breath. Pidge and Hunk move closer to provide support, their determination evident in their eyes.

"We won't let you harm our friend!" Pidge calls out, her voice resolute.

Hunk squares his shoulders, standing tall beside Pidge. "Yeah, you messed with the wrong team!"

Together, they unleash a barrage of projectiles and punches, distracting Adam and making it harder for him to focus on Shiro. The combined effort of the team quickly turns the tide of battle.

In seconds Lance, Hunk. Kiaion, Pidge, and the shrine that held Keith and Stats before the limbs of Rose implode, sending out a shockwave. As the smoke clears however a large red Rose rises in the place of Rose roaring in anger.

"Is that her true form?" Shiro said, looking at the daemon.

"Shiro!" Lance called.

"Where's Keith?" Hunk asked.

"Not yet!" Shiro said before she turned her head toward Adam and Rose, dropping all barriers but the one around the hut. "But we won't stop here!"

"Let's go Kuro!" Shiro said as he and Lance hopped on the back of the black daemon lion riding into battle.

"Constellation Breathing will not be suitable for this one I'm afraid," Shiro through before changing Senbonzakura to blade form allowing the stars to swarm him

Pidge swings the shield forth to try and strike Adam but the attack is blocked by a barrier.

"Oh no a barrier!" Hunk said as he and Pidge fly by to catch the shield.

Shiro quickly runs across with Kuro and Lance makes upon the lake water to draw closer to the daemon Rose's form.

The daemon turns to sense him and quickly sprays a miasma to try and send him away but Shiro would have none of it.

"Tenth Form: Radiant Girl." Shiro shouted as the stars swarmed him in a typhoon-like mass blowing away the miasma and clearing his path.

"Maybe if we take out his legs, we can get a better shot at him!" Pidge said to Hunk.

"Right Kiaion flies under his belly and attack". Hunk said.

Elsewhere in the village, Keith tries to peek out and see what's going on. "Dammit, what the hell are they doing out there?!"

"I can't stand it anymore!" Keith said standing quickly

"Stats!" Stats said. "Stats!"

"Shut up!" Keith said when he looks out of a crack hearing the screams of the giant red Rose.

Keith saw Shiro was faced out toward the demon as his sword swirled around him protectively.

"Shiro..." he said, watching the young man.

Outside Shiro stood before the daemon rose as it closed in on him and he took a deep breath, he looked out toward the mountain peaks and saw the sky turning lighter meaning he only needed a little more time.

"As much as I want to kill you...and believe me I do..." Shiro began looking up at the daemon that towered over him. "It's not my place..."

Shiro summons, saying. "Fourth Form: Burning hearts, Summer fireworks" he begins to secure the limbs of thorns one by one immobilizing him. For added measures, he pierces the body down to the large with one large lightning as the sun rises overhead.

"Let's go...Keith!" Shiro said, trying to hold the rose for as long as possible.

The land once cloaked in darkness is quickly filled with light before the black-chair Galra daemon emerges from the shrine behind her with a confident smirk and his blade drawn. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Adam."

"As Shiro said, I'm the one you really wanna fight!" Keith said rushing forward with his blade drawn back

"Go, Keith! Use this blade to break the barrier!" Shiro said

Keith's blade glows a furious red before Keith swings it in Adam's direction and blows away the barrier that protected Adam and his team.

"Barrier broken, time to go in for the kill." Shiro said before he yelled out to the others "Alright everyone! Give them everything you have! I'll hold him as long as I can!"

"Lance, you take the right!" Pidge said as they flew overhead, throwing the shield.

The weapon slashes through the left side of the rose's legs sending the left side of the body crashing into the lake water. Simultaneously, Hunk and Pidge fly through a gap in his right legs and Lance himself personally slashes through them with his staff.

Rose's thorns are sent crashing into the lake still pinned by Shiro in its midsection. Keith stares at the daemon head-on as he shouts to Shiro. "Shiro, where's Adam and his team?"

"On his back ... .center of that scar!" Shiro yelled.

Keith nods before taking a large leap overhead straight for where Shiro told him where Adam, Sendak and his team would be. "DIIIIIIEEEE!!!!"

Keith stabs the back when his body suddenly releases more of that smoke, sending Keith flying back. The parts of Rose petals that followed seemed to still be under Rose's control and began to merge together and rebuild the daemon. Keith quickly tries to slash at the pieces but they only continue to grow.

"Need a hand!" Shiro said, jumping into battle, placing his back against Keith as he quickly slash with his sword too.

"Dammit, Shiro, get out of here!" Keith said.

"Not a chance, we're in this together!" Shiro said destroying the pieces inside them, "I'm not letting you do this alone!"

"Keith becomes one with the flesh!" Adam's voice calls as large tentacles arise.

The other quickly swooped in trying any method of destroying the flesh but nothing seemed to be working. The flesh of the Giant Rose begins to amalgamate together as Adam reveals his face to the group.

"Try as you might, your attempts are all in vain!" Adam said smugly.

"Pidge!" Lance called, throwing her his staff.

Pidge catches it before combining it with her Shield and sending them to Adam's exposed section.

Adam is quickly bisected from the larger half of his body as he glares at Pidge and Lance. "Ugh! wretched fools!"

"Prepare to die!" Keith said drawing his blade "fire Scar!"

Keith focuses his energy, unleashing a powerful wave of fire that engulfs Adam. Shiro, ever ready, follows up with a swift strike from his sword.

"You're finished, Ninth Form: Sagittarius!" Shiro declares, his voice cutting through the chaos.

The combined force of Keith's fiery attack and Shiro's precision strikes overwhelms Adam. In a blinding flash, the explosion of power consumes the battlefield, obscuring the view for the rest of the team.

Keith holds on tightly to Shiro, shielding him from the intense blast of light and heat. The force of the explosion pushes against them, but Keith remains steadfast, protecting his comrade.

As the flash subsides, revealing the aftermath of their powerful attack, the team cautiously regains their vision. The once menacing figure of Adam lies motionless on the ground, defeated.

Silence blankets the area, broken only by the crackling embers of the dying flames. The team takes a moment to catch their breath, their expressions a mix of relief and determination.

"We did it," Keith breathes out, his voice tinged with both exhaustion and triumph.

Shiro nods, a grateful smile gracing his lips. "Thank you, Keith. Your fire made all the difference."

The rest of the team approaches, their expressions a mix of awe and relief. They gather around their fallen adversary, their victorious presence marking a turning point in their journey.

Pidge's voice breaks the silence, filled with determination. "This is just the beginning. There's still much to do."

Hunk adds, his voice filled with conviction. "Together, we'll bring freedom and peace back to Altea."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the team looks out at the moonless night sky. A sense of hope takes hold as they realize that they have the power to shape their own destinies and fight for a better future.

And so, under that sky, the team takes a moment to honor their victory and steel themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. The path may still be uncertain, but their bond remains unbreakable.

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