Chapter two: the bath

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Elsewhere, in a foggy swamp, the former priestess Allura halted her steps as she felt the energy of the attack and turned in its direction. 

In another part of the land, Adam and Sendak also felt the energy as they recovered from the attack from Shiro and Team Samurai. 

"Man, that was an exhilarating experience," Kum said.

Wakun said, "I know, I have the scars." 

"It won't matter, We'll soon have new ones." Adam replied. 

"Commander." A voice called.

"Did you get what we wanted?" Adam said as he, Sendak and others recovered from the attack from Shiro and Team Samurai.

"Yes, Commander," a voice called.

Adam turned to see Rokuro approaching. "What is it?" he asked.

"We have the scroll," the soldier said.

Adam smiled. "Good work," he said. "Now, let's get out of here."

The soldiers quickly gathered up the scroll and followed Adam and Sendak out of the area. 

Elsewhere A young man carrying a weapon wanders almost aimlessly through a bamboo forest until he stops in surprise...a flow of memories returning to his mind as he speaks.

"My sister Pidge..." He says

Back at the site of the battle

As the dust settles the others are finally able to look ahead and see what had become of their mortal enemy.

Peeking from behind Kiaion carefully, Pidge speaks. "Did we do it?"

Keith and Shiro look ahead at the large crater that remained as Lance quickly rushed to their side. "Did we do it!? Did we finally defeat them?!"

"They are still alive," Shiro affirmed as he surveyed the large crater.

"What?" Keith exclaimed.

"Are you positive?" Lance asked.

Shiro nodded. "I have a strong feeling that they are. I can't explain it, but I know they're out there somewhere."

Keith and Lance exchanged glances. "Well, if you say so," 

Keith said. "But I still don't understand how they could have survived that."

"Neither do I," Shiro said. "But I'm sure we'll find out soon enough."

Shiro turned and walked away, leaving Keith and Lance to stare after him.

"I hope he's right," Lance said.

"Me too," Keith said. "But I'm not holding my breath."

Elsewhere at Sunset

An active volcano spews smoke into the sky as the sun sets in the distance. Through a disheveled forest, Sendak and the Bad Batch walk with Adam, who looks around suspiciously.

"Adam, what exactly do you expect to find in a place like this?" Sendak asked, looking ahead at the man.

"Something that can help us and the Galra Empire," Adam replied.

Sendak grunted. "I hope you're right." Sendak followed the man to what seemed to be a cave in a forest. 

On that night, a crescent moon hung high in the sky as darkness descended upon the land. A rustling of bushes was heard before a young girl parted them with a sigh. "I don't know how I'm going to get to Mount Fuji," she said. "It's so dark, I don't know which way to go."

"Ahhh~" a voice called in the distance, catching the girl's attention.

Elsewhere, at a hot spring, clothes lay on the side of rocks as Shiro leaned back into the water, sighing in relief. "This feels great," he said. "It's been so long since I've been in a hot spring."

"Not to mention since we've been able to relax fully like this," Lance said, looking over to Shiro as Stats floated between them on a small floaty tube.

"Shiro, what do you intend to do with Adam?" Keith asked.

Shiro turned to face Keith. "I'm not sure," he said. "I need to think about it."

"We have been dealing with Adam and Zrakon," Keith said. "I know he was your boyfriend, but we will not deal with them indefinitely." 

"Pardon?" Shiro asked, looking at Keith with confusion.

"I'm not saying that we should get up on him," Keith replied.

"I see," Shiro said.

"Do not forget that Adam has also taken Sendak," Hunk said, leaning back further in the water. "And even in death, I doubt he would have made them easy to find for us."

Shro thought, "When Adam and I find a way home, I will have to protect the crystal somehow, since the duty now falls to me." He thought for a moment. 

At that moment, Keith was getting ready when he saw a book entitled The Call of Cthulhu.

"Hey, Shiro." Keith called.

"Yeah, Keith." Shiro said. 

"What is this book?" Keith asked.

"Oh, it's called The Call of Cthulhu, it's a novel from earth." Shiro asked.

Keith looked at the book in Shiro's hand. "The Call of Cthulhu? Sounds boring."

Shiro smiled. "It's actually a pretty good book. It's about a group of people who investigate a cult that worships an ancient evil god."

"That sounds like something I'd like to read," Keith said.

"I'll let you borrow it," Shiro said. "But be warned, it's pretty creepy."

Keith laughed. "I'm not afraid of being a little creepy."

"You should be," Shiro said. "The book is based on a real cult that worshiped an ancient evil god."

Keith's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah," Shiro said. "And the book says that the cult is still active today."

Keith shivered. "I don't know if I want to read that book now."

"It's up to you," Shiro said. "But I think you'll find it interesting."

Keith thought about it for a moment. "Okay, I'll read it," he said.

"Good," Shiro said. "I think you'll enjoy it."

Keith took the book from Shiro and started reading. He was hooked from the first page. The book was so well-written and the story was so suspenseful. Keith couldn't put it down.

When he finished the book, he was left with a feeling of unease. He knew that the book was just a story, but it still felt like something evil was lurking in the shadows.

He decided to keep the book. He knew that he would never forget it.


"Oh...young men."  The girl from the bushes said blushing heavily as she observed Shiro and the other's bathing place "Celestial men's bathing."

The girl is so engrossed in her work that she does not hear Pidge's footsteps approaching her until it is too late. Pidge taps her on the shoulder, startling her.

"Excuse me," he says.

"Huh?" Hunk says, quickly ducking under the water.

"Who's there!?" Shiro yells, turning and covering himself.

Pidge turns back to the girl. "Can you tell me what you're doing?" he asks.

Before she can answer, a large lock is thrown at Pidge's face, knocking them off balance. She and the girl tumble down the hill, landing in the bath with the boys.

"Give it a rest, Pidge!" Shiro yells. "Can't we even bathe in private?"

"Yeah, that sounds like Lance," Keith says.

"Hey, I don't look like that!" Lance says.

"You have it wrong!" Pidge exclaimed, defensively raising an arm. "I saw a girl here!"

"What girl?" Shiro asked, his brow furrowed.

"I...just...she's just here," Pidge said.

Pidge's voice trailed off, and she looked away from Shiro. She knew that she sounded crazy, but she was sure that she had seen a girl. She had been working on the castle's computer when she heard a noise. She had looked up and seen a girl standing in the tree. The girl had been about Pidge's age, with long dark hair and green eyes. She had been wearing a blue dress, and she had had a strange look on her face. Pidge had only seen her for a second, but she had been sure that the girl was real.

"Are you sure?" Shiro asked.

"Yes," Pidge said. "I'm sure."

"But where is she now?" Shiro asked.

"I don't know," Pidge said. "She just disappeared."

Shiro frowned. "I do not understand," he said. "Who was she?"

"I do not know," Pidge said. "But I am going to find out."

"If you do, you will not be allowed to go to the hot springs," Lance said as he pushed the rocks away.

Elsewhere, Adam walks through shallow water deeper into the cave from earlier with Sendak still in tow as they slowly approach a small shrine.

 "A mirror?" Sendak said, looking at what was contained in the shrine.

Adam begins. "We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."

"Who." Sendak said.

"A Quote from H. P. Lovecraft." Adam said.

"H. P. Lovecraft?" Rukuro said. 

As Adam finishes rubbing down the mirror giving it a clear view which begins to reflect moonlight from a crevice in the cave that reflects back at the mirror in the shrine. The mirror in the shrine glows bright light before a feminine voice begins to speak, causing Sendak to look in surprise.

"So it's been so long since that day..." the voice said before the image of a woman within a star appeared in the shrine mirror "Now all living things must be eliminated...and the sea will rise."

  "Who are you, name yourself?" Sendak asked cautiously

 "I am the priestess of the seas...Ithaqua " the woman in the mirror said

Nearby, waters become unsettled and turbulent before something begins to break its surface. A castle slowly rises from the depth of the water, massive and foreboding.

 "Behold, the dream land of the seas, R'lyeh where my master waits dreaming."Ithaqua said, "Adam your plan is but a fleeting illusion."

"Heh, so what if it is?" Adam said. "What about it?"

"I shall show you everlasting freedom," Kaguya said as Roman now held her mirror "I know your true wish and I can grant it."

Adam considers the offer as a brisk wind passes his face while he turns his attention to the castle ahead of him. "Something for us to do to pass the time."

Back at Aurs.

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age." Keith narrates.

"I have looked upon all the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me." Shiro added. 

"Wow, Shiro, you are right," Keith said. 

"About what." Shiro said. 

"About it being creepy." Keith said. 

Shiro nodded, a solemn expression crossing his face. "Indeed, the depths of reality can be unsettling, we have glimpsed of existence, that H.P. Lovecraft wrote in his novel and Big Giant monsters." 

With renewed determination, Keith, Shiro embarked on the next leg of their journey. Together, they faced the daunting challenges that lay ahead, their collective strength and resilience guiding them through even the darkest of moments.

As they ventured into the unknown, they encountered eerie landscapes and mysterious creatures. They pieced together fragments of knowledge and unraveled the secrets of ancient civilizations. Through each trial, they grew closer as a team, relying on their unique skills and the unwavering support they offered one another.

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