Chapter seven: Ithaqua's attack

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Elsewhere, soul collectors float through an evening forest following their master as she travels through the forest. Allura stops seeing the figure waiting for her up ahead.

"The dead priestess who lives off the souls of the departed." Sendak said, "You're looking gloomy as usual..."

Allura grips her bow and prepares an arrow. "Answer me, is this all Zarkon's doing?"

"Are you still worried about my emperor?" Sendak asked.

"He doesn't?" Allura asked.

There's a moment of silence between the pair before Allura fishes into her dress before taking out the stone Idol of Cthulhu and throwing it down to Sendak looking at the Idol in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Allura said, "Won't you accept it? It's what you seek is it not?" seeing Sendak's hesitance

Sendak kneels while picking up the Idol. "You're very generous about this."

"I'm not like you," Allura said, walking down the path closer to Sendak and passing him as her soul collectors return once more.

"Such a creepy woman..." Sendak muttered to himself "But I am indebted to her, for now, I have my last sacred object. And for that I am grateful." He finished before heading off.

Elsewhere, Lance and Kosmo join the elder man they had met earlier in his hut. "There is a terrifying legend that has been passed down in this village."

"One day, a priestess was in a spring by the village with her followers." the elder man said "A man who saw her stole the robe she had left hanging on a tree branch."

"Oh yes, I know that story, old man." Lance said while drinking some tea "The man who stole the robe and the priestess were married."

"The story in the village is different." The elder man challenged "The being whose robe was stolen grew mad with fury, and consequently developing nightmares of her and her daemon."

The already tense mood grows dimmer after hearing the depiction of the darker tale. Crows caw from the roof of the hut as the elder man continues the story. "By a stroke of luck, a group of Monks came upon this village and sealed the priestess inside a mirror, known as the Mirror of Life."

"I can't help but wonder if she was indeed a priestess, or was he merely a wild daemon disguised as one," Lance said.

"I do not know." The elder man said fiddling with his hands "But, I've heard that the robe stolen by the man was genuine."

"Does this robe still exist in this village?" Lance asked.

"No one knows where it is now." the elder man said.

"What about the Mirror of Life in which the maiden was sealed?" Lance asked the elder.

"It was placed on the altar with a divine spring in the Forest of Illusion, at the Shrine of the Mirror of Life." the elder man said.

At the final part of the sea, Adam and Sendak over the lake as Sendak holds the stone Idol of Cthulhu in his hands. Soon he lets the Idol fall from his hand into the waters below as Adam recites the last part of the story.

"The Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Those Old Ones are gone now, inside the earth and under the sea."

A yellow seal glows beneath the water. All five seals are now undone as the star that seemingly binds Kaguya becomes undone as well. Her mirror glows blindingly bright in Roman's hands before white and green Sakura petals flow out of it revealing the full body of Ithaqua in all its physical glory.

"The moon is truly beautiful when on the water," Ithaqua said gazing at the moon.

"I've kept my promise." Adam said quickly "the conquest of the Galra empire is now, Ithaqua."

"Not yet..." Ithaqua said firmly.

"Hm?' Adam mused surprised.

"There is one more thing I require of you," Ithaqua said looking over her shoulder at the pair.

Elsewhere, the night once again descended upon the land as Shiro and his companions sat around a fire for the evening. Armandra slept under a nearby tree with Stats and Romelle, while Shiro and Keith huddled together to keep the fire going.

"What are you doing?" Shiro asked, seeing Keith gazing intently into one of his books.

"Ah, here it is," Shiro said, moving closer to the young man. "Take a look."

He held out the book to Keith, who read aloud: "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."

"What does it mean?" Keith asked.

"I'm not sure," Shiro admitted. "But it sounds like something we should be careful of."

"Hm?" Keith said, looking at him.

"Starstone of Mnar, Flute of the Servitors, Ring of Eibon, Medallion of Y'ha-nthlei and Idol of Cthulhu " Shiro said quickly "Each of Them are part of Mythos of Cthulhu."

Up by the tree, Stats looks down at Shiro and Keith with a small smile. "Thay make a nice cozy twosome, huh?"

"Alas, unrequited love," Armandra said sadly as she hugs her knees under her chin.

"So what's your problem?" Romelle asked him. "Are you in love with Shiro or Keith?"

"When I first glimpsed them through the steamy mist, I thought they were a being from the heavens," Armandra said.

"Hmm?" Romelle said until she realized "Ahhhh, I get it you were the spying pervert that night."

Armandra jumps in fear "Hush, Hush, Hush!"

"Don't ever say that aloud!" Armandra said as Stats and Romelle's face becomes mischievous

"Stats," Stats said.

"What." Armandra said.

"You heard him, you have to be our servant from now on." Romelle said.

"Huh?" Armandra sighs in agreement as long as the two promise to keep her secret.

Returning to Shiro and Keith:

"You did know that happened in the Call of Cthulhu," Shiro stated.

Keith responded, "What are you talking about?"

Before Keith could answer, Shiro's attention was drawn to a shooting star.

Shiro said softly, "A shooting star... Like when Adam and I were still together."

Keith added, "Adam joined the Galra empire. He wants to take over the world with Zarkon, Haggar, and Sendak."

Shiro sighed as he looked at the book in his hands. "Don't remind me," he said. "I've been trying to forget about that for months."

Keith looked at him curiously. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Shiro hesitated for a moment, then said, "It's a long story. But basically, it involves a bunch of ancient gods and monsters that are trying to take over the world."

Keith's eyes widened. "That sounds serious," he said.

"It is," Shiro agreed. "And I'm afraid that we might be the only ones who can stop them."

Keith took a deep breath. "Well, then we better get started," he said.

Shiro nodded. "Agreed," he said. "But first, we need to find out more about these gods and monsters. And the only way to do that is to read this book."

Shiro opened the book and began to read. Keith listened intently, his eyes wide with wonder.

As Shiro read, Keith began to understand why Shiro was so worried. The gods and monsters that Shiro was talking about were truly terrifying. They were powerful beyond imagining, and they were determined to destroy the world.

Keith knew that he and Shiro had a long and difficult journey ahead of them. But he also knew that they had to do whatever it took to stop these gods and monsters. The fate of the world depended on it.

As Shiro sighs before looking at Keith. "Hey, remember what we talked about in my room before we left?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Keith said.

"You never did answer one thing." Shiro said before he looked at him. "Are you still going to become a full daemon?"

"I...I'm not so sure now." Keith said softly.

"Huh? What changed your mind?" Shiro asked him.

"Well...You." Keith said as Shiro turned to him in surprise. "Me?"

"Those times where I was like I was drowning in this dark place with no one to help me." Keith said "All I could feel was this desire to kill whatever I could get my hands on...but, When you stood before me in that state...I wanted my body to just collapse on itself before I could hurt you. I would never forgive myself if I were to hurt you."

"That's not the only reason is it..." Shiro said.

"Of course not...that day when we first met." Keith said, "You refuse to die here, I never understood it until I see the real you, that something that Adam never understood that you didn't want to change..."

"Wow, you Know..." Shiro said, turning to him. "There's nothing I'd change about you, think about it! As a half-daemon, you have accomplished so much more than any full demon. Every daemon we've come across has been a full daemon or Galra and you've defeated them all...An even more true testament to how strong you are, you defeated a full daemon that even your mother, couldn't....If you asked me...there's absolutely no reason for you to become a full demon." Shiro said as he looked him in the eyes "I've always liked you just the way you are ..."

"Shiro..." Keith said until falling cherry blossoms alarm them both

"Hey what's that?" Shiro said looking in the air

"Strange. How can cherry blossoms fall in this season?" Armandra said

Shiro and Keith quickly go on guard looking around ."Something's not right here...something's coming."

Across the water, in front of them, a mirror appeared as the voice of a woman rang through the air. "Alas, the time has now come. Behold the robe from heaven to drape upon my shoulders."

"And for you, it is but a deep sadness that I feel." the voice continued until the body of a woman appeared holding the mirror

"Thanks for saving me the trouble of hunting you down," Keith said, matching the voice to the face as he drew out his blade.

"Not the two of you again..." Ithaqua said seeing he was faced with Keith and Shiro once more "What poor luck I have to come across such fools. Where is the robe of Hydra?"

"Hydra...wait, she can't mean..." Shiro said looking back carefully at Stats, Romelle and Armandra

"There it is..." Ithaqua said, looking at Armandra before Keith leaps into action.

"You aint gettin it!" he yelled as he sent an attack towards Ithaqua.

Ithaqua raises her hand beginning to chant as she watches the attack come forth. The fire scar is soon reduced to nothing as it disperses before reaching Ithaqua.

"What!?" Keith said in surprise.

Ithaqua raises her mirror, turning it towards Shiro and Keith as she speaks. "You won't interfere!"

A flash of pink light suddenly sends Keith flying as he is pinned to the forcibly bloomed cherry blossom tree behind the group as vines drop down to hold him in place.

"Keith!" Shiro said before he drew his sword and rushed to him.

"What's happening!?" Keith grunted through his teeth as keeps her mirror focused on him.

"Hmm, I wondered why you were so weak." Ithaqua said "Now I see. You're merely a half-daemon."

"That's a problem for ya!?" Keith growled until his body is shocked

"No!" Shiro said as he went to slam his blade onto the roots, getting shocked in the process


"Shiro!" Keith said.."Stop, get away!"

Shiro is thrown back by the force of the electricity as he pants are barely able to hold himself up. Romelle, Stats and Armandra rush to try and help but trip over the roots and one another. In the process, Armandra drops his carrier which held the celestial robe.

"Yes. There it is." Ithaqua said, moving closer "The robe of Hydra for which I've searched."

As Ithaqua chants again, Armandra rushes to try and pick the robe up quickly. Keith yells out to Armandra who's in the way "Run you fool!"

The mirror glows again brightly but a voice calls out. "I'm still here, Ithaqua!"

Shiro sends an arrow in Ithaqua's direction tearing through her sleeve. "Such Impudence..."

"Constellation breathing...that bears a powerful energy." Ithaqua said as she smirked, "Interesting."

Shiro rushes up looking at the branches knowing she couldn't touch them, nor could Constellation breathing but...maybe his Hoshi Dance could.

"Eighth Form: Star Sky Radiance!" Shiro said quickly casting cuts around the branches quickly

"Get out of here, Shiro!" Keith said.

"No won't not till you're free!" Shiro said before he cast another move. "Tenth Form: Radiant Girl!"

The vine imploded, releasing the vine for only a short bit before they quickly regrew. "What!?"

"They could keep going back faster than I can eliminate them!" Shiro thought before he looked at Ithaqua."I need to put her down first.

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