Chapter six: Weird Stories

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That night, as darkness reigned over the sky, two friends shared some dango to pass the time.

"Help yourself," Lance said, sliding a tray of dango sticks toward Kosmo, who took one.

"The full moon has not waned in a long time," Lance remarked.

"This very same phenomenon occurred 50 years ago," Tom'jr said.

"Oh, really?" Lance said, interested.

"My grandfather and several of the monks put a spell on an evil daemon that caused the ocean to rise," Tom'jr said.

"You're talking about Haggar, I suppose?" Lance asked.

"No," Tom's Jr corrected him. "A greater evil is coming."

"What?" Lance said.

"That's why you must go to my grandfather's grave." Tom's Jr said

Lance gives a sigh before hunching over as he asks. "Is that why you summoned me? What's the problem? It's not like the nightly ocean bothers anyone."

"Grandfather wrote in his will, she rises the water without care or remorse, and destroys all living beings." Tom's Jr said.

Lance stood up straight. "I see. Then I must go."

Later that Night, Elsewhere beyond the walls of a fortified and flourishing village, a grave lay in the ground with flowers on top as gifts for the dead.

Near the grave, Hunk sits praying for their souls before he stands preparing to head inside for the night when he looks up to the sky.

"Another full moon?" Hunk asked, "How could that be?"

"The water rises during a full moon." Herschel said.

"The water?" Hunk said, looking up at the sky.

"Yes, the water," Herschel replied. "It rises during a full moon."

Hunk looked at the water, which was now starting to lap at the edge of the village. "But why?" he asked.

"I don't know," Herschel said. "But it's been happening for as long as anyone can remember."

"But the village isn't surrounded by water." Hunk said.

"That is true," Herschel said. "But the water always seems to find its way here."

After that, Hunk returns to a hut where the roof has sunroof letting in more of the moonlight. Hunk walks over to Pidge and Miles who was still resting after the treatment of his wounds from the daytime. Hunk looks over his forms when he notices a small abnormality on his back near his shoulder.

"What's this..." he said, reaching out and gently brushing the spot with his fingertips until Miles stirs awake.

"Miles..." Pidge said softly as the boy looked at her before sitting up "You feel well enough to get up?"

Miles sits up quietly before he observes his surroundings. "Where am I?"

"The village of the daemon explorers, our village. " Pidge said

"Our village?" Miles asked softly.

" still don't remember much about what happened do you?" Pidge asked

"I'm sorry Miss Pidge..." Miles said, looking down.

"It's okay, no need to be sorry," Pidge said.

Pidge carefully lays her head on her brother's shoulder in a comforting way as she begins to think about the situation.

"You're still not free from Haggar's grasp..." Pidge thought.

There is a long period of silence between them until Miles utters a word that grabs Pidge's attention. "Sister..."

"Miles?" Pidge said in surprise "What did you say?"

"Sometimes...that word will suddenly come back to me." Miles said, "Then, the pain comes, like my heart is being crushed."

"It's okay." Pidge said "Don't try too hard. The memories will come to you in time."

Just then, an alert comes in through the village, even Kiaion is suddenly unsettled as the air begins to shift, alerting her that something is coming.

The lion quickly rushes out of the hut, alarming Hunk and Pidge.

"Kiaion?" she said watching the lion go outside and transform.

"Dad, what's going on?" Hunk said.

But Herschel is soon faced with the Galra lieutenant, Sendak, as Pidge rushes to his side. "Sendak!"

Miles rushes to the door of the hut behind Pidge and she becomes protective. "Leave him alone! He's not going with you again!"

Sendak smirks before he speaks. " All I want is the Medallion that he possesses, nothing more."

"Medallion?" Herschel said.

Miles glares, placing a protective hand on the item as Sendak makes his demand again, charging his robotic arm again. "Hand it over without a quarrel and I'll spare your life."

"Miles, get my shield!" Pidge said quickly as the boy ran back into the hut to get the weapon as Sendak sent his robotic arm forth.

"Get inside!" Herschel yelled tacking Hunk and Pidge back into the hut for some sort of safety from the oncoming attack

The robotic arm tears through the village leaving nothing in their path standing.

"Miles!" Pidge yelled for her brother.

Sendak sends his arm toward getting what it was he came for. "Thanks for the gift..." he said.

Miles screams as he falls back to the earth until Kiaion comes to his aid with Hunk as well. The two eventually land and try to regather themselves. Herschel helps Pidge retrieve the shield until she falls to the ground tired and in pain.

"How's your leg?" Herschel asked him.

"Nevermind me, what about my brother?" Pidge said.

"He's fine." Hunk said.

"Where is the medallion?" Herschel asked, looking at Miles.

"The medallion? Do you mean...Medallion of Y'ha-nthlei" Miles said

"I see," Herschel said. "It's in the wrong hands then."

"Medallion of Y'ha-nthlei, what is that". Hunk said.

"It part of unleashed a great evil." Herschel said.

"What will happen?" Miles asked Herschel looking concerned further about the endeavors he might have gotten into under Haggar's watch

"The spell will be broken," Herschel said

The next day, across a windy field and under a cloudy sky, Miroku and Kosmo travel to where his grandfather's final resting place is. They looked down into the place of a crater where a grave marker lay with flowers placed on it "This this the one?"

Lance said, "It's the grave of my grandfather, Monk Tom."

"Excuse me, you there." a voice called from behind the pair.

They turned to see an elderly man holding a fresh set of flowers. "Tell me, monk. Did you know about Master Tom?"

In the skies elsewhere, Sendak rides the skiff across the wind and returns to yet another area on the ocean. Sendak drops the medallion into the water as Adam continues yet another Quote from H.P. Lovecraft.

"Only poetry or madness could do justice to the noises heard by Legrasse's men as they plowed on through the black morass toward the red glare and the muffled tom-toms. There are vocal qualities peculiar to men, and vocal qualities peculiar to beasts; and it is terrible to hear the one when the source should yield the other."

A blue symbol appears at the depths of the sea signifying that only one more item was needed to completely break the spell.

"One more object remains." Adam said "The Idol of Cthulhu."

Elsewhere, Shiro, Keith, Romelle, Stats and the girl sit under a tree resting together as they all eat some of the food that Romelle has brought with her for the journey.

"Think there'll be another full moon tonight?" Romelle asked

"Well, it works just fine for me," Keith said as he chewed through some noodles.

His ears twitch however as the girl speaks up joyously after drinking something from one of Romelle's food.

"Romelle!" The girl said as he looked at Romelle happily "Your food tastes just like home!"

"Ah really?" Romelle said, chuckling "Thank you very much!"

Keith's eye twitches as he grips the bowl in his hand unknowingly chipping it.

"Hey, Keith are you alright?" Shiro whispered to the male.

"Just what the hell are they talking about?" Inuyasha asked, "That chick's hanging onto Romelle's every word...whatever she's saying."

"Huh?" Shiro said softly "Don't tell me you're jealous of her..."

Keith shoots Shiro a glare before looking back at Romelle and the girl. He sees the girl place a hand on Romelle's shoulder and something in him cracks slightly.

Romelle stops her conversation with the girl hearing a growl come from her left side making her turn. "Keith? Something wrong?"

"Eh? Nothing..." Keith said going back to his ramen and making her shrug before she looked back at the girl.

"Sorry, so where are you heading to?" Romelle asked the female curiously.

"And we never got a chance to know your name." Shiro added.

"My apologies but I can't reveal that information so casually and my name is Armandra," Armandra said looking to Shiro who tilted his head.

"Armandra." Shiro said.

"You've been saying you're on a mission this whole time..." Romelle said "I can only assume it has something to do with your family heirloom. A delivery perhaps?"

"A very perceptive memory..." Armandra said with a sigh "I suppose it can't hurt to tell you."

"I'm on my way to the Daemon Explorer village at the request of my father to seal away," he said

"seal away...." Shiro said pieces the mission together "Why?"

"The robe was entrusted to my father's family generations ago." Armandra said, "It previously belonged to an immortal priestess, they say."

"Since then, we have cherished it as our family treasure, until one day a very high ranking monk came with this warning." he continued

"When the full moon shines for many, many nights, give the robe to the daemon Explorer, otherwise great calamity will fall upon the land." He finished before looking back at the others.

"If you've been watching the skies, the past several nights, the moon has been full." Jun said "The monk's prediction came true. The robe must be sealed as soon as possible."

"Heh, what a story," Keith said.

"Huh?" Armandra said.

"If what the monk said is actually true, What kind of calamity is supposed to happen?" Keith asked

"I don't really know, but it was said that in old language that has been forgotten." Armandra said. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

"Wait..." Shiro said softly "This all sounds very familiar."

"What do you mean Shiro?" Keith said.

"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming" Shiro said. "The Call of Cthulhu, remember."

"Cthulhu?" Keith said. "The story from H. P. Lovercraft,"

Shiro said. "It's about an ancient, powerful creature that sleeps beneath the surface of the earth and awakens to cause chaos."

Keith nodded. "Yeah, I remember. I remember now." He took a deep breath. "We need to be careful."

"Yes, Adam is up to something." Shiro said.

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