Chapter 11: Suited for Success

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We start things off with the interior of your home as you were in one of the spare rooms. The room itself had been decked out to look like a training area or dojo as a few fighting dummies littered the room. I say littered because it was quite literally that as the room had several strewn bits of what used to be dummies as a result of your training sessions.

And that just so happened to be what you were doing right now as you were standing in front of a fighting dummy delivering several fast blows to its head and body while occasionally backing away to pretend it were throwing a punch at you. A few more blows later and V/N's nagging voice came up in your head yet again.

(V/N): I thought you said you were done with being a savior.

(P/N): Hey, it doesn't mean I should slack off when it comes to my fighting skills. After all, you never know when you need to use them. It has nothing to do with being a savior.

You retorted, flying another punch into the dummy's torso along with three fast ones.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Oh suuure. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it'll actually come true if you just believe hard enough.

(P/N): *sarcasm* I detect sarcasm.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Well, would you look at that, fillies and gentlecolts! P/N has an actual brain in his head since he can see sarcasm!

(P/N): Aaaaaand my session's ruined.

With one more magic powered attack, you smashed the dummy into pieces as bits fell like rain while you stood nonchalantly and dusted yourself off afterwards.

(V/N): Aren't these things expensive to get?

(P/N): Eh, I've got repairing magic. I can just put it back together when I get the chance.

You then oddly rubbed your head with a pained expression.

(P/N): Although, it leaves me with a severe headache after that.

(V/N): You know, you could just go out and look for ferocious animals to train with.

(P/N): I'm not gonna go out and beat up a bunch of animals, V/N. Besides, Fluttershy would be devastated if she ever found out.

(V/N): Did you not hear me say ferocious animals? I never said they had to be every day animals you can find anywhere. I mean, just go and find a Manticore or something like the one you fought in the Everfree Forest.

Wiping some sweat from your brow, you exited the training area and into the living room.

(P/N): Firstly, we were lucky enough to not have that Manticore rip my friends and I to shreds. Secondly, it doesn't really do any good to go out and purposefully provoke a wild animal. Thirdly, that Manticore was mostly like that due to having a giant thorn shoved into its paw.

(V/N): Then find one that's actually mean and show it you mean business.

(P/N): Okay, why am I even having this conversation with you at all?

(V/N): Because I'm severely bored and in desperate need of something to do.

Sighing, you went to your couch and sat down.

(P/N): I guess you do have a point there. After that training session, I don't really have much else planned for today. We could probably go out for another walk around town.

(V/N): *groans* What is it with you and walking all the time? If you plan to even remotely go somewhere, have a real destination in mind.

You wanted to make a good comeback to his complaint, but after analyzing it more closely, you had to admit that he was kinda right about that. Not that there was anything wrong with walking, it's a good way to get exercise after all, but you did need to do something else besides it. Looking around the room, you searched for something that could occupy your time until your sight stopped on the golden ticket that laid upon your coffee table which was covered in a very thin layer of dust. Using some magic, you shook off the loose dust and brought it up to your face to see that it was your Grand Galloping Gala ticket.

(P/N): Oh yeah. I kinda forgot that I had this. Jeez, Twilight went practically nuts during that whole ticket crisis of trying to substitute her two tickets for all of our friends.

(V/N): No need to remind me. If it weren't for me putting them in their place, you would have probably dealt with a broken friendship. You're welcome, by the way.

(P/N): Yeah, I... guess I should thank you for that. It may have been through extreme measures, but it did fix the problem. Now, we've got this ticket with us.

You then put the ticket down after you had a sudden moment of realization. Humming to yourself, you got off the couch before you turned and headed up the stairs and into your bedroom where you proceeded to look through your dresser to see that you mostly had everyday clothes.

(P/N): Huh, I thought I had a suit or at least a fedora. There's nothing formal in here.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Oh really? Not one formal suit or anything? I wonder why.

(P/N): Okay, the sarcasm is getting old. No need to rub it in.

You closed the dresser and went over to your nearby bedroom window to peek out of it. You looked around at the quaint town of Ponyville, just doing a little once over to take in the buildings while thinking of what to do. It wasn't until you spotted the top spire of Carousel Boutique in the distance that an idea was formulated.

(P/N): Hey, maybe I should stop by Rarity's to see if she has anything that'll suit me.

(V/N): *groans* Why do you always have to go to her for that? Is there really no other clothing stores in- wait... was that a pun you just made?

His question got a look of surprise from you along with a sigh.

(P/N): I think it was. I've been hanging around Pinkie for too long.

After turning and leaving your room, you proceeded out through your front door and left for Carousel Boutique which didn't take too long. Once there, you headed inside only for the fashionista herself to be nowhere in sight, so you assumed she must have been upstairs somewhere. You headed to the back where you found a set of stairs before ascending them as they took you to the second floor. Looking around, you spotted a door at the end of a hallway and you decided to try that one first. Right as you went up to it however, two voices from behind stopped you.

???: Oh, hi there, P/N.

???: Howdy, sugarcube.

You turned around and were met with Twilight and Applejack as the bookworm mare had brought her saddlebags with her.

(P/N): Hey, you two. What brings you here?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I was gonna ask Rarity to fix an outfit I have with me and Applejack here decided to tag along.

Applejack: What about you, P/N?

(P/N): I came to ask Rarity if she has any outfits I could wear for the Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? That's actually kinda funny since the outfit I have with me is the one that I plan to wear for the Gala.

(P/N): Huh. That's quite the coincidence.

Applejack: *chuckles* It is. Come on. Let's see if Rarity's available.

She walks up to the door and knocks on it a few times before unceremoniously pushing it open not a minute later.

Applejack: Howdy, Rarity!

She called out as you and Twilight entered right after her. Once in, you three saw Rarity as she was currently occupied with sewing some fabric together and using a mannequin to help her out. Twilight shushes the both of you as she didn't want Rarity's concentration to break.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Can't you see Rarity is trying to concentrate?

Applejack nods understandably as they drew closer to Rarity to try and see what she was making. You were about to try and sneak a peek as well before you heard a small meow to the left of you. You turned your head and laid your eyes on a small persian cat with light turquoisish gray fur with a darker tail, light spring bud eyes, and had mulberryish gray eyeshadow. It wore a purple opal-studded collar around its neck, and a purple ribbon on the top of its head. This was Opalescence, Rarity's pet cat with an infamous temper.

(V/N): Okay, really answer this for me. Why would Rarity, a pony who's a total neat freak, have a cat as a pet? Not only do they shed so much that you could make a whole fur coat out of it, but those things are the most unpredictable little cretins around!

(P/N): *thinking* You're asking the wrong guy, dude. I'm just wondering why she chose a cat like Opal in the first place. I mean, look at that thing.

Almost as if she heard your thoughts, Opal shoots you a small, half-lidded glare as she growls.

(P/N): *thinking* See? She may as well be a tiger trapped in a cat's body.

(V/N): Or a T-Rex.

You chuckled at the idea before joining Twilight and Applejack who were still trying to see what Rarity was making.

Applejack: *whisper* What do you think she's makin'?

She asked you as you were unknowingly irking Rarity who kept trying to focus only for your whispering to continue.

(P/N): *whisper* I mean, it's obviously a dress of some kind, so...

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* What kind of dress though?

Applejack: *whisper* I don't know. Maybe it's a new gown or maybe even a jacket. Since this is a dressmaker's shop and all.

Eventually, Rarity couldn't hold her focus anymore as she looked over her shoulder at the three of you with a forced smile.

Rarity: Is there something I can help you with?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, so very sorry to trouble you, Rarity, but I need a quick favor.

She turned her head around and reached into one of her saddlebags before pulling out the dress she mentioned before and put it on a nearby table. It was a simple three red toned dress with orange and yellow sleeves and two yellow buttons as one of them hung loosely from a broken thread.

Twilight Sparkle: Could you please fix the button for me? It's my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala.

Rarity took only one look at Twilight's dress before she gasped in mild shock.

Rarity: Oh, no, no, no! You can't wear this... old thing. You need a glamorous new outfit for the Gala and I'll make it for you. No problem at all. It will be my pleasure!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, that's really sweet of you to offer, Rarity, but I can't let you do that. It would be so much work. This dress is fine.

(P/N): Twilight, you realize who you're talking to, right? Once Rarity's mind is made up, it can't be unmade.

Rarity: P/N's absolutely right, Twilight! I insist on making you a new dress.

Twilight Sparkle: But...

She tried to back out again, but Rarity was quick to stop her by waving a hoof in front of her.

Rarity: Not another word! I won't take no for an answer.

She insisted, making Twilight finally relent.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, in that case... thank you for your generosity, Rarity. Knowing your handiwork, I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful.

Rarity then turns to you.

Rarity: And what is it you've come for, P/N dear?

(P/N): Well, I was kind of wondering if you had anything I could wear for the Grand Galloping Gala since-

(V/N): Since he was too lazy to get one until now.

He said in your head, interrupting you only for a second.

(P/N): Since I haven't really had the time to go out and get one myself.

(V/N): Pfft! My answer is better.

Rarity: Hmm, I'm sure I have something you can try on once I'm finished with Twilight's outfit.

(P/N): Whatever you can find will work for me, Rarity.

(V/N): Even if it's a jester's hat since you play the fool almost every day?

You almost let your face contort into a scowl in response to his comment as you tried your best to hide it.

(P/N): *thinking* I'm just gonna ignore that.

Rarity then faces Applejack and gives her a skeptical look.

Rarity: Let me guess, Applejack. You don't want a new gown either.

Applejack: Gown? Shoot. I was just gonna wear my old work duds.

Her answer was responded with an exasperated gasp from Rarity.

Rarity: You can't possibly be serious, Applejack! You absolutely must wear formal attire.

Applejack: Hm... nah.

(P/N): Come on, AJ. Rarity just wants to add more pizazz to your outfit and no offense, but I don't think your duds will live up to the standards of the ponies over in Canterlot. In fact, they detest that kind of fashion.

Applejack gives you a thoughtful look before sighing.

Applejack: Oh, alright. Since Rarity's up for it and all. Just don't make them too... frou-frou-y.

She said, looking at Rarity.

Rarity: Deal!

When the deal was struck, you were then startled by a voice from high above.

???: Look out below!

A crash through the ceiling reveals your brash Pegasus friend landing in the center of the room and bouncing off the floor. Just as she was about to crash into a collection of mannequins, you used some quick magic to stop her midair as your face shifted to mild deadpan.

(P/N): Let me guess, you tried doing a new trick and it didn't end the way you hoped.

Rainbow could only offer a shameful smile at your probing.

Rainbow Dash: Maaaaybe?

You sighed after setting her back down to her hooves while the others shook their heads in slight amusement.

(P/N): Why am I not surprised?

You asked when Rarity all of a sudden let out a loud gasp when her brain hatched an idea when Rainbow entered the picture.

Rarity: Idea! I'll make you an outfit for the Gala too, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow looks to the left and right of her before showing Rarity a confused expression.

Rainbow Dash: Outfit for the what now?

Rarity: I'll make one for you and you and all of you! Oh! And of course Pinkie and Fluttershy too. Oh, and when I'm done, we can hold our very own fashion show!

Twilight Sparkle: What a great idea! If you're sure you can handle it.

(P/N): Yeah, I mean, we'd hate to shove a bunch of unnecessary work onto you.

Rarity: Oh, it'll be a little bit of work, but it will be a wonderful boost for my business. Plus, fun!

Rainbow Dash: Oh, I love fun things!

Rarity: Then it's settled. We'll have a fashion show starring us!

Rainbow Dash: So, all you have to do is make a different, stunning, original, amazing outfit for six mares and one suit for P/N here in only a few days?

Rarity: Oh Rainbow Dash, you make it sound as if it's going to be hard.

She replied, coyly. Despite her clear confidence, you stood there feeling a little bad that she still had to go through all of that by herself. Looking away for a brief moment, you thought about what to do until you came up with an idea of your own.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, maybe I could help her.

(V/N): No, we're not.

(P/N): *thinking* Yes!

(V/N): No!

(P/N): *thinking* Yes!

(V/N): No!

(P/N): *thinking* Yes!

(V/N): No, we're not going to hhhelp her out!

(P/N): *thinking* Yes, we'll hhhelp... her freggin out!

(V/N): You know P/N, there's a certain word out there that describes when a guy tries pathetically sucking up to or obsessing over a mare and that would be a simp... yeah, you're much lower than that right now.

(P/N): *thinking* Hmm, if I'm supposedly a simp for Rarity then you're a simp for Sugarcube Corner treats since you obsess over them.

(V/N): ...That comeback was so weak that I'm not even gonna dignify it with a response.

(P/N): *thinking* Just like how I don't want to dignify your own existence.

(V/N): And yet here we are!

Ignoring him after that, you stepped forward towards Rarity.

(P/N): Hey, if you're willing, maybe I can help you out, Rarity.

Rarity: O-Oh, you wish to help?

She asked, surprised by your proposal.

(P/N): Sure, why not? You've helped me out a few times before, so I think it would only be fair if I helped you now. Besides, handling all of those dresses plus one suit is surely gonna be a huge task to bear through. What do you say?

Rarity stares blankly for about ten seconds or so before she smiles widely.

Rarity: Well, thank you ever so much, P/N! I'll gladly accept your help!

(P/N): Good. Now, where do we begin?

You and Rarity proceeded to start the work on the Gala outfits for you all as Twilight and Applejack said their goodbyes and left soon after. When the project began, Rarity decided to make things more upbeat by singing a song.


♪ Thread by thread, stitching it together ♪

(V/N): *groans* Just kill me now and get it over with!

♪ Twilight's dress, cutting out the pattern snip by snip ♪

♪ Making sure the fabric folds nicely ♪

♪ It's the perfect color and so hip ♪

♪ Always gotta keep in mind my pacing ♪

♪ Making sure the clothes' correctly facing ♪

♪ I'm stitching Twilight's dress ♪

♪ Yard by yard, fussing on the details ♪

♪ Jewel neckline, don't you know a stitch in time saves nine? ♪

(V/N): Saves nine what?!

♪ Make her something perfect to inspire ♪

♪ Even though she hates formal attire ♪

(V/N): Then just don't make her one!

♪ Gotta mind those intimate details ♪

♪ Even though she's more concerned with sales ♪

♪ It's Applejack's new dress ♪

♪ Dressmaking's easy, for Pinkie Pie something pink ♪

♪ Fluttershy something breezy ♪

♪ Blend color and form, ♪

Rarity: Do you think it looks cheesy?

She asked you and her cat Opal as you could only shrug while Opal offered a blank look.

(V/N): I think so!


♪ Something brash, perhaps quite fetching ♪

♪ Hook and eye, couldn't you just simply die? ♪

(V/N): I really wish I was!

♪ Making sure it fits forelock and crest ♪

♪ Don't forget some magic in the dress ♪

♪ Even though it rides high on the flank ♪

♪ Rainbow won't look like a tank ♪

(V/N): Oh, no worries, her hideous flank does it for her!

♪ I'm stitching Rainbow's dress ♪

♪ Piece by piece, snip by snip ♪

♪ Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip ♪

♪ Thread by thread, primmed and pressed ♪

♪ Yard by yard, never stressed ♪

♪ And that's the art of the dress! ♪

(End Song)

When the song came to an end, the sound of clapping could be heard as Rarity looked to see you as the one clapping as you held an impressed smile.

(P/N): I gotta admit, that was quite the show, Rarity.

The fashionista pony blushed from the comment and looked away to try and hide it.

Rarity: W-Why, thank you, darling.

(V/N): Simp!

(P/N): *thinking* Leech!

To no one's surprise, your hoof flew right into your face in a mean right hook to which you grunted lightly. Thankfully, Rarity didn't see the punch as she turned back to you.

Rarity: Now, how about we finish up?

(P/N): Sounds like a plan.

You said as she looked back to her clothing as you smiled before one of your teeth fell from your mouth from V/N's punch.

(P/N): *thinking* Dude...really?

(V/N): Oh, don't get melodramatic. That was a baby tooth.

(P/N): *thinking* remember our age, right?

(V/N): Hold on, I'm supposed to keep track now?

You followed that up with a facehoof as you resumed helping Rarity with the Gala outfits.


An unprecedented time later, Rarity had finally finished with the outfits. During your time with her, you helped as best you could even if you didn't have much experience with clothing as you would have hoped. Rarity didn't seem to mind however as you were thankful that she didn't expect you to be a master.

Now came the time for her to show off your outfits as at the moment, she was leading you and the rest of the Mane Six into her work area with your eyes closed.

Rarity: That's it. Keep them closed. Don't look.

She ordered in noticeable excitement and you had to admit, you shared her enthusiasm as well because you too greatly anticipated your outfit for the Gala. Rarity led you further into the room until you reached the center.

Rarity: Okay, you can look now!

You all gladly did so as you opened your eyes and simultaneously gasped at the sight of your new outfits.

Rarity: These are your new outfits!

First there was Applejack's outfit as hers had a western theme to it including green boots with red and white trimming which included red bands around the bases of the boots, a green collar with an apple in the center, a stetson hat that shared similar looks to Applejack's hat that had stitched on apples, a green dress with a white band separating the dress from brown tassels, and several apples embroidered onto the band.

Rarity: What do you think of your old duds now, Applejack? Pretty swanky, are they not?

Then there was Twilight's outfit as hers had a blue cape and light blue saddle and clusters of stars gathered all around the ends of the dress with most being white while others took on blue colors with one centered behind the ear and another around the center of the neck.

Rarity: And Twilight! I made this dress for you and I designed each outfit theme to perfectly reflect each pony's unique personality.

Up next was Rainbow's outfit as hers had gold sandals wrapped around the front hooves, a pearl necklace with grapes in the middle, a pair of olive themed branches that rested on the head, and a rainbow colored dress with puffy outlining that closely resembled clouds.

Rarity: Oh, it took me forever to get the colors right on this one, Rainbow Dash, but I did it. Oh, and it turned out beautiful, don't you think?

Then came Fluttershy's outfit as hers had sandals similar to Rainbow's only they were green and themed to fit more in with nature with ribbons made to look like vines wrapped around the hooves and front legs, a green neck adornment with a large blue colored butterfly with another on the ear, and a beautifully flowing green dress that was adorned with flowers.

Rarity: And I know you are going to love yours, Fluttershy. It just sings spring!

Next was Pinkie's outfit as hers was by far the silliest of them all with pink shoes with white and light blue striped ribbons, a white hat with light blue lining it and a yellow button with pink frills surrounding it, a pink bow tie holding a saddle striped white and blue with white frills on the front, on the back of it were light pink frills, dark pink frills, a white train with lollipops and candy corn lined along the base and a pink dress with a light blue ribbon wrapped around the base.

Rarity: And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your favorite!

And finally came your outfit as yours was a (F/C) colored tuxedo with gold lining and cuff links, a white undershirt, a black bow tie, (F/C) colored formal shoes, a (F/C) colored fedora with a bow as a (F/C) colored umbrella leaned on the stand it was situated on which meant that it went with the outfit.

Rarity: And here is your suit, P/N! Guaranteed to make you a truly stunning and handsome stallion complete with an absolutely adorable umbrella that I thought went very well with all of it. Oh, aren't they all just amazing?

She excitedly asked, waiting for your answer with a huge smile. You, along with the rest of the Mane Six, didn't say a word as you all still remained staring at the outfits Rarity made for you. You were the first to make a move as you slowly walked over to your outfit as a large grin soon appeared on your lips.

(P/N): I... I have no other words for this other than... it's fantastic! The suit looks like it'll fit me perfectly! It's all so amazing, Rarity!

(V/N): Pfft! And you say you're not a simp.

Rarity's eager smile doubled in size from your compliments as she turned her head back to see how the others were reacting. However, in contrast to your astonishment, the others all carried looks that suggested that they were indeed surprised... but not in a good way. This was only proven further by their next set of words.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow... they're...

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, they're...

Applejack: They sure are... somethin'.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes! Something.

Pinkie Pie: I love something! Something is my favorite!

Fluttershy: It's... nice.

You walked up beside Rarity and raised an eyebrow at them all.

(P/N): You girls feeling okay?

(V/N): Um... am I the only one that can tell that they obviously don't like the outfits. Their body language alone is enough to prove that.

Rarity: Indeed.

She agreed to what you said a second ago.

Rarity: Whatever's the matter? Don't you like them?

Twilight Sparkle: They're very nice...

Applejack: And we're plumb grateful 'cause you worked so hard on them.

They both answered, trying their best to seem grateful only for Rainbow to immediately stomp out their façade by being blunt.

Rainbow Dash: Mine's just not as cool as I was imagining.

Both Twilight and Applejack were quick to shoot the pegasus mare with a hard glare.

Rainbow Dash: What? She asked.

Twilight Sparkle: I guess what we're all saying is that they're just not what we had in mind.

Your befuddled face only turned to more perplexity as you really didn't understand why they didn't like the outfits.

(P/N): Wait, hang on a minute. How could all of you not like the dresses? Rarity worked tirelessly on them. If you just put them on, you'd surely look great.

In response to your comment, Fluttershy and Pinkie gained a small blush to which they quickly got rid of by shaking them away while the rest of your friends held their current expressions.

Twilight Sparkle: We're not saying they don't look good, P/N, because they do, but they just... aren't what we imagined them to be.

Applejack: There's just a few things that we wish were... you know, different.

The others nodded in agreement before Rarity sighed tiredly.

Rarity: That's okay. Not a problem. There's plenty more where that came from. They were only a first pass. You're my friends and I want you to be one hundred and ten percent satisfied. Not to worry, I'll redo them.

Hearing that made your jaw crash into the floor and your eyebrows smash through the ceiling.

(P/N): Y-You can't be serious, Rarity! You spent so long on these outfits! You can't just make more!

Rarity: It'll be okay, P/N. They're our friends and their happiness matters a lot to me, so if they say that they don't like them then I must do what I can to fulfill their requests.

(P/N): B-But imagine how tired you'll feel after making more of them! You can't just start over because they don't like them!

Fluttershy: Oh, P/N's right, Rarity. You don't have to do that. They're fine.

(V/N): Suck up.

Rarity: I want them to be better than just fine. I want you to think they're absolutely perfect.

Applejack: Are you sure? I mean, we wouldn't wanna impose.

Rarity: Oh, it's no imposition. Really, I insist.

She replied, taking Twilight's outfit off the mannequin it was on.

(P/N): No, no no no! Rarity, you can't-

You were stopped when Rarity turned and showed you a confident look which suggested that there was no convincing her otherwise. Seeing this made you slump where you stood.

(P/N): Let me guess... your mind's made up, isn't it?

She answers with a confirming nod before you reply with a deep sigh.

(P/N): In that case, I guess I'll help you out with this new line of outfits then, Rarity.

(V/N): Wait, I didn't agree to this!

(P/N): *thinking* And I'm not agreeing with it either, so we're on the same boat, pal, but we don't have a choice! It's like I said before. Once Rarity's mind is set on something, you can't talk her out of it.

(V/N): That doesn't mean we should suffer for it, and by we, I mean me!

(P/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* Riiiiight, because the whole world revolves around your wants and needs.

(V/N): It might as well revolve around me due to how much I go through!

(P/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* Because you're totally the only victim here.

Rarity: I appreciate the help, P/N. If I want these outfits to be perfect, I must abide by what makes my friends happy.

(P/N): In that case, there's no need to change a thing about my outfit. I love it just the way it is, *mumbles* unlike certain ponies around here.

You mumbled, glaring sideways over at the others.

Rarity: Very well, dear. If it is what you want.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, in that case... thank you again, Rarity.

She and the rest of your friends turned and left while Rarity gave them a forced smile. Once they were gone, Rarity sighed, which was easily caught by you.

Rarity: What have I gotten myself into?

(P/N): *sigh* Rarity, this is what I was afraid of. You clearly don't want to do this, but you also don't want to disappoint our friends, so you feel obligated to do so.

Rarity: You... you might be right, darling, but... I promised that I'd make them new outfits and that's what I must do.

(P/N): Is it even worth doing it, though?

Rarity: Look, I'm sure it'll be okay, P/N. These new ones might actually turn out great. We won't know unless we try.

She turns away and heads for the other mannequins before taking off the other outfits.

(P/N): *sigh* Fine. I have a feeling that this whole thing will go south, but I guess it's worth a try. I'll help in any way I can, Rarity.

Rarity smiles and blushes slightly.

Rarity: Thank you ever so much for the help, darling.

(V/N): This is a huge waste of time and you know it, P/N.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* I know... but she's not backing down, so I'm afraid my hooves are tied here.

(V/N): Might I suggest that I put those friends of yours in their place again?

(P/N): *thinking* It hasn't gotten that extreme yet, so that's a no, V/N.

(V/N): Oh, come on! You are just no fun!

You ignored him before you started helping Rarity make the new outfits for the girls.


Later that day, you and Rarity were finishing up Fluttershy's new outfit, although it seemingly came with a cost. Rarity's usually beautiful flowing mane now showed signs of dishevelment and unkempt which meant that the work was getting to her. Obviously, you took note of this as you showed concern for your friend.

(P/N): Rarity, are you doing okay there? You seem very haggard.

Rarity: H-Huh? O-Oh, me? I-I'm perfectly fine, darling! No need to worry!

She denied, not wanting you to worry, but that didn't make it go away as it only made you feel even more uneasy. You couldn't call her out on it due to the door to the room opening as Fluttershy stepped in.

Fluttershy: Hello? You wanted to see me, Rarity?

Rarity: Fluttershy! Your new-new gown's ready. I completely revised it and I know you're going to love it.

Moments later, you, Rarity, and Fluttershy were in another room as Fluttershy wore her new outfit which shared some similarities to her old one aside from a few minor changes.

Rarity: What do you think?

Fluttershy looks over her outfit briefly before putting on a forced smile.

Fluttershy: I... love it.

Rarity: Oh, you're just saying that.

Fluttershy: No, no. I do. It's... nice.

Rarity: "Nice"?

Fluttershy: Nice.

Rarity: If you don't like it, you should just tell me.

Fluttershy: Oh, but I do like it.

Rarity: Like it or love it?

(P/N): Uh, Rarity, I don't-

(V/N): Shut up! This is actually getting good!

Fluttershy: Um... both?

Rarity: Which is it?

(P/N): Rarity, you really shouldn't-

(V/N): I said shut it! This is the most entertaining thing I've seen all day!

Rarity: Please Fluttershy, just tell me what you really think.

Fluttershy: No, that's okay...

Rarity: Tell me

She demanded, now getting into the poor mare's face and backing her into the wall behind her and looking down on her. You facehooved from her actions.

Rarity: Tell me!

Fluttershy: I... like it...

Rarity: Tell me, tell me, tell-me-tell-me-

You finally managed to silence her by putting your hoof over her muzzle.

(P/N): *sigh* Fluttershy, just please tell us what's wrong with the outfit.

(V/N): *through gritted teeth* Killjoy.

Fluttershy: Okay. Since you really wanna know... *deeply inhales* the armscye's tight, the middy collar doesn't go with the shawl lapel, the hems are clearly machine-stitched, the pleats are uneven, the fabric looks like toile, you used a backstitch here when it clearly called for a topstitch or maybe a traditional blanket stitch, and the overdesign is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture.

Both you and Rarity stood in utter disbelief from Fluttershy's criticism as she went back to being timid again.

Fluttershy: But, uh... you know... um, whatever you want to do is fine.

You and Rarity still remained shocked as your jaws hung loose as you weren't quite sure how to react, but you both certainly knew what to think.

(P/N) & Rarity: *thinking* Celestia, help us. We're in big trouble.


More time passed before we saw Rarity hard at work on Twilight's new outfit while Twilight was giving her directions while you wrote in a notebook to keep track of all of Twilight's requests.

Twilight Sparkle: Now, the stars on my belt need to be technically accurate. Orion has three stars on his belt, not four.


♪ Stitch by stitch, stitching it together ♪

♪Deadline looms, don't you know the client's always right? ♪

♪ Even if my fabric choice was perfect ♪

♪ Gotta get them all done by tonight ♪

♪ Pinkie Pie, that color's too obtrusive ♪

♪ Wait until you see it in the light ♪

♪ I'm sewing them together! ♪

Pinkie Pie: Don't you think my gown would be more "me" with some lollipops?

(P/N): Lollipops? How would that even-

Pinkie Pie: Balloons?

Rarity: Well...

Pinkie Pie: Do it!


♪ Hour by hour, one more change ♪

♪ I'm sewing them together, take great pains ♪

♪ Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind ♪

♪ Rainbow Dash, what is on your mind? ♪

♪ Oh my gosh, there's simply not much time ♪

♪ Don't forget, Applejack's duds must shine ♪

♪ Dressmaking's easy, every customer's call ♪

♪ Brings a whole new revision ♪

♪ Have to pick up the pace, still hold to my vision ♪

In a new scene, Twilight shows you and Rarity a board filled with different constellations in the night's sky that she wanted to put onto her dress.

Twilight Sparkle: That constellation is Canis Major, not Minor.

Both you and Rarity could only stare in perplexment at her description and Fluttershy shows the two of you a drawn picture of what she wanted for her dress.

Fluttershy: French haute couture, please.

You sighed to yourself before going and retrieving the fabric Rarity needed to make Fluttershy's dress. Another scene shows you two conversing with Applejack about what she wanted for her dress.

Applejack: What if it rains? Galoshes!

You and Rarity looked at each other with conflicted expressions.

(V/N): You're killin me, Jacks!

We then see you back on Pinkie's outfit as Rarity kept putting in what Pinkie wanted.

Pinkie Pie: More balloons! Oh no, that's too many balloons. More candy! Oh, less candy. Oh wait, I know. Streamers!

Rarity: Streamers?

Pinkie Pie: Whose dress is this?

You put on a forced, toothy smile at that.

(P/N): *through clenched teeth* Streamers. Is just. Fine!

(V/N): You asked for this... you asked for this, P/N. No one else is to blame, but you.

The next scene showed you now working on Rainbow's outfit as she didn't really add any input to what she wanted, but rather leaned on a desk while saying nothing. It wasn't until you and Rarity stared at her for a few seconds when she finally said something.

Rainbow Dash: What?

Rarity: Aren't you going to tell me to change something too?

Rainbow Dash: No, I just want my dress to be cool.

Rarity: Do you not like the color?

Rainbow Dash: The color's fine, just make it look cooler.

Rarity: Do you not like the shape?

Rainbow Dash: The shape's fine.

(P/N): Then, what exactly are you looking for?

Rainbow Dash: Just make the whole thing... you know, cooler. It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.

All Rarity could do in reply to that was lean her head onto a mannequin while you pulled your cheeks down and showed your inner eyelids while also gritting your teeth in frustration.

[Pinkie Pie]

♪ All we ever want is indecision ♪

[Rainbow Dash]

♪ All we really like is what we know ♪

[Twilight Sparkle]

♪ Gotta balance style with adherence ♪


♪ Making sure we make a good appearance ♪


♪ Even if you simply have to fudge it ♪

[Mane 5]

♪ Make sure that it stays within our budget ♪


♪ Got to overcome intimidation ♪

♪ Remember, it's all in the presentation! ♪

♪ Piece by piece, snip by snip♪

♪ Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip ♪

♪ Bolt by bolt, primmed and pressed ♪

♪ Yard by yard, always stressed ♪

♪ And that's the art of the dress! ♪

(End Song)

At last, the new outfits were complete before Rarity fainted in exhaustion from having barely any sleep as you ran up to check on her.

(P/N): Rarity, you okay?!

Rarity: Oh, P/N. These are the ugliest dresses I've ever made.

She confessed in distress. You looked up at the outfits Rarity made and almost gagged at the horrid sight.

(P/N): *thinking* Even my stomach finds them repulsive!

(V/N): I'm pretty sure decades of my life were shaven off from their mere presence!

Looking back down at Rarity, you decided to try and alleviate her worries.

(P/N): *sheepish laugh* M-Maybe uh... maybe my outfit will be so good that... that no one will even think to look at these ones?

(V/N): Who are you even trying to kid here? These things make homeless ponies' rags look like tuxedos by comparison and even they wouldn't want to wear these!

Rarity didn't look to be cheered up from what you said as yet another sigh leaves her and her frown remains.

Rarity: Thank you ever so much for your assistance, P/N. I more than appreciate what you've done.

(P/N): Of course. Okay, you rest here while I go get the girls and we'll show them these... if we can even call them that... dresses.

(V/N): I think "Tartarus spawn abominations" would be the more accurate descriptor.


Later, we now find you, Rarity, and the girls in the main front area of the boutique as the new outfits were on full display showing their "splendor" and "glory." You had to really keep it together because every time those new dresses entered even your peripheral vision, you'd almost upchuck the lunch you had today. Opal was in a similar mood to yours as she hissed and swiped angrily at the new outfits and even gagged in disgust.

(P/N): Glad we're both on the same boat, Opal. These... are terror incarnate.

Opal nods in agreement before Rarity addresses the others.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh my!

Fluttershy: It's... perfect!

Rainbow Dash: It's cool!

Applejack: Why, they're the best duds I ever did see.

Mane 5: It's exactly what I asked for!

Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, P/N and Rarity!

(P/N): Of course. That's just what... *through clenched teeth* friends do.

You replied, forcing yourself to smile.

(P/N): *thinking* V/N, remind me to burn these horrific things to ash when this whole thing is done.

(V/N): I'll do you one better. I'll personally burn them myself!

(P/N): *thinking* Good, good. Glad we can agree on that.

Pinkie Pie: Are you as happy with them as we are? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Rarity: Well, I'm... happy that all of you are happy. I'm just relieved to finally be done.

(P/N) & (V/N): *thinking* Ditto.

Suddenly, the front door to Carousel Boutique slammed open before Spike stepped in while out of breath.

Spike: You are never gonna believe this! You've heard of Hoity Toity?

Twilight Sparkle: The bigwig fashion hotshot in Canterlot?

Spike: Uh-huh. He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I happened to mention it to him... he's coming here all the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!

Applejack: Whoa, Nelly! You could sell a ton o' dresses to this guy. Your business will be boomin'!

The Mane 7, with you and Rarity as the exception, all gave their excitement for this while you and Rarity now showed great concern on your faces.

Rarity: Hoity Toity? He's coming here? To see THESE dresses?

Spike: Yep! Get ready for all of your dreams to come true.

Rarity's stress now only skyrocketed from the news that one of the biggest fashion critics in all of Equestria was coming to Ponyville to judge her dresses. These... terrible, terrible excuses for dresses. Her anxious behavior was quickly noticed by you as you thought of what to do.

(P/N): *thinking* This... this isn't looking good for Rarity. If Hoity Toity sees these Celestia forsaken outfits he's gonna hate them for sure! Her credibility will be shot and her reputation will be ruined! How in the hay could this be salvaged?! V/N, I don't suppose you've got something, right?

You waited a second before you heard him sigh.

(V/N): Do I really look like a guy with a plan? The way I see it, your little girlfriend is screwed.

(P/N): *thinking* *through gritted teeth* She's not my girlfriend!

(V/N): *sarcasm* Yep! And that's the definitive truth alright! *sincerely* *sigh* Seriously though, it doesn't look like things will turn out good for Miss Drama Queen, so I'd suggest you think of something good and think of it fast.

You frowned and brought a hoof to your chin and scratched it while trying to come up with a good plan.


It was now later that night as a stage for a fashion show had been set up in front of Carousel Boutique to show off the new "outfits" Rarity had made. In the backstage, you wore your Gala suit Rarity made for you as the girls wore their desired outfits as well... which were just about the ugliest, most eye melting things you could imagine.

Yet again, you had to keep yourself from hurling everywhere backstage from just how bad their outfits looked as you spun around to not only get them out of your sight, but also to take a peek through the curtains. Rarity peeked out as well and you saw a huge crowd of ponies gathering around the stage, eager to see what Rarity had to show off. Rarity suddenly gasped when she saw a certain pony in the crowd.

Rarity: There he is!

She points to the pony she was looking at. You followed her hoof until you stopped on an Earth pony stallion with a phthalo bluish gray coat, a light sapphire bluish gray mane with light gray stripes, and his eyes were covered by a pair of purple shades and he also wore a fancy-looking dress collar. His Cutie Mark was that of a paper fan. This was Hoity Toity, one of Equestria's biggest fashion critics.

Seeing him made you and Rarity hide behind the curtains before Rarity began to hyperventilate in a panic.

(P/N): I'm guessing from your near panic attack, that's Hoity Toity, isn't it?

Rarity: Y-Yes! Whatever am I going to do, P/N?! My friends might like their outfits, but he might not! Maybe he will, maybe he won't! I don't know!

She whisper-shouted in a panic. You were just about to offer her some kind words to try and calm her down when all of a sudden, one of your hooves came up and smacked her right across the cheek, making her face freeze along with her eyes enlarging in surprise.

(P/N): *thinking* V-V/N?! Why'd you do that?!

(V/N): What? That's what you normally do to make someone stop panicking.

(P/N): *thinking* I was going to try and talk her into calming down!

(V/N): *sarcasm* Uh-huh, because we all know that you're not just a retired savior, you're also a full-time psychologist.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, I hope you're sincerely happy because now she's probably gonna give me Tartarus for that!

You sighed in defeat before trying to salvage the moment.

(P/N): S-Sorry for that, Rarity, but you've gotta keep it together. Panicking isn't going to fix the situation. *thinking* I swear, if I end up on her manure list V/N, I'm gonna-

Rarity breathing in slowly and exhaling at the same pace managed to stir you from your thoughts.

Rarity: Y-You're right. I just... need to keep my cool.

(V/N): *sing-song* You're welcoooome!~

(P/N): *thinking* Oh, shut up! *speaking* *sigh* We should have just been honest when we were presenting the new outfits to our friends. Those outfits are awful. Rarity, I know that you wanted to make our friends happy and all, but they should have learned that they need to let the expert do their work. They were way too overly critical and should have been more appreciative of what they had.

You took one more peek out at Hoity Toity before making your head shake in disapproval.

(P/N): We can't let Hoity Toity see these outfits... I can't let him see these outfits.

Rarity: *sigh* I don't want him to see them either, but we don't have a choice. He came all this way to see them and I'd hate to just waste his time.

(P/N): Rarity, it'll be a waste of his time either way.

Your brain started to work in overdrive to think of an idea, any idea, to help Rarity out here. It took some work, but it seemed that your inner brain cells sparked up an idea in the blink of an eye. Although, the current facial expression you were making suggested that it was one that you were reluctant to do, but knew it had to be done.

(P/N): Rarity... I've got a plan.

Rarity: R-Really?!

(P/N): Yeah, although... it may involve having to do something regrettable. I can't really explain it, but... I just need you to trust me on this.

You grabbed one of Rarity's hooves, making almost all of her face burn bright red.

(P/N): You can trust me, right?

Your question was initially answered with a longing stare from Rarity along with not a single word spoken at all. You were almost fearful that she may take too long to respond had it been not for her finding her voice.

Rarity: Y-Yes, I'll... I'll trust you.

You didn't hesitate to give her a smile and a nod before letting go of her hoof.

(P/N): Good.

You then went more into the back without a single word when the lights above suddenly flashed on, causing her to panic again.

Rarity: What's wrong with the lights?! Oh, yes. That means the show's starting. Good.

Music then started to play thanks to a certain, familiar DJ pony who bobbed her head to the beat. Spike spoke into a microphone as his voice came over the speakers for he was chosen to be the announcer for the show.

Spike: Since the beginning of time, the elite of Equestria have longed for pony fashions that truly expressed the essence of their very souls. Patiently waiting decades—no, centuries—for the perfect pony gown. Today, at long last, Equestria, your wait is over! Let's hear it for the breathtaking designs of Ponyville's own Rarity!

With the announcement out of the way, the girls all stood in front of the main curtains as they were just about to open up, but you had a different plan in mind as you were on a catwalk just above the entrance looking down on them.

(P/N): *sigh* I'm really sorry for this, girls...

Right afterwards, your eyes glowed (F/C) before V/N assumed control, smiling sadistically.

(V/N): But I'm not.

He lifts a hoof up before summoning a small, (F/C) colored flame that floated just above it before he lifted it up near where the sprinkler system was. The smoke slowly wafted up to the nozzle as sure enough, right when the smoke came in contact, the sprinklers spewed out buckets of water everywhere. Most, if not, all electrical equipment short circuited which meant the lights for the stage and the audience went out, encasing them in the dark of the night. The audience gasped while Hoity Toity stood in his seat in both shock and anger.

Hoity Toity: Whatever is going on here?!

Back in the backstage area, the girls ran every direction they could while screaming as both them and their outfits were drenched in water. The excessive pelting managed to degrade a few of their outfits to the point where they were left a soggy mess, causing your friends to hastily pull them off and try to shake off some of the water.

Applejack: What in tarnation could have possibly caused the sprinklers to go off?!

Rainbow Dash: How should I know?!

Right then and there, the sprinklers turned off as an odd sound could be heard. They all snapped their heads over to where it came from to see you standing over by the sprinkler system shut off and turning the valve to shut off the water. Once it was fully turned, you faced your friends and went closer to them.

(P/N): That would be my doing.

Twilight Sparkle: P-P/N?! Why would you do that?!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, what the hay was that for?!

They shouted with them, including the rest of your friends along with Spike, looking at you in anger while Rarity the only one showing a look of surprise. You didn't tell them right away as you headed through the curtains and onto the stage to face everyone who were still in shock from what happened. You raised up your hooves, focusing their gaze onto you.

(P/N): Attention, everypony! There's been some unfortunate technical difficulties. I'm sorry to say that because of said problems, we'll have to postpone today's fashion show until tomorrow. Again, I apologize severely for the inconvenience and I do hope that you'll all attend the show again tomorrow once the problems have been fixed. Thank you and we're sorry again.

Your announcement made the audience very unhappy as some booed and jeered at you before turning and leaving as Hoity Toity was one of the last to leave.

Hoity Toity: Technical difficulties?! *groans* Fine! I shall return tomorrow to see what Rarity has concocted. These outfits had better be worth my time, otherwise, I will be severely disappointed.

He declared before finally taking his leave behind the audience ponies. Letting out another sigh, you headed back into the backstage area to see the girls all looking at their soggy outfits with disappointment while Fluttershy stared at hers with slightly watery eyes.

Fluttershy: M-My dress! My beautiful dress is ruined!

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* It's okay, Fluttershy. M-Maybe Rarity can make you a new one.

Applejack examines her drenched outfit for a few seconds before her expression contorted into anger as she spun around and got right into your face.

Applejack: Why in the wide world of Equestria would you do that, P/N?!

Rainbow Dash: You'd better start explaining if you want your family jewels to stay intact!

You winced from the warning as you slightly crossed your back legs.

(P/N): *thinking* *groans* Oh, come on! First the punch to the face and now she's going for... them?! What's wrong with her?!

(V/N): You know what? I take it back. If anyone needs help, it's her, because that's just a low blow, even coming from her. Wait... am I making unexpected puns now?! *groans* You're ruining me, P/N!

Twilight Sparkle: Why would you go and do something like that, P/N?!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! That was a really mean thing to do!

Fluttershy didn't offer up any words as she was too busy sadly planning for her outfit's funeral in her head. You didn't say a word as you silently pointed to Rarity as she was staring wordlessly back at you.

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcasm* Well, that's just fantastic! *sincerely* You ruined this evening so much that you made Rarity speechless! Rarity, we're really sorry that P/N had to-

Rarity's sudden action of walking past her and the girls made her stop mid sentence as she felt confused by what Rarity was doing.

Twilight Sparkle: Rarity?

Rarity doesn't acknowledge her friend as her focus was on you as she stopped just in front of you.

Rarity: P/N...

She mutters your name before gently wrapping you in a hug.

Rarity: Thank you... it may have been a tad unconventional, but... you saved me from humiliation.

Twilight Sparkle: W-What?! Humiliation?! P/N ruined the whole show! How could he have saved you from humiliation?!

She shouted, not fully understanding why Rarity was praising you for putting a stop to the show as Rarity turned to her and the rest of the group.

Rarity: Because of the... *clears throat* "outfits" you all wore.

Applejack: Our outfits? What's wrong with our outfits?

Rarity glances at you sideways and nods her head, letting you tell them as you gladly did so.

(P/N): Oh, ho ho ho ho boy! Do I have quite a lot to say about what you're all wearing! *sarcastically playful* Let's see!

You hummed while observing each of the Mane 5 before stopping on Twilight.

(P/N): You know Twilight, your outfit really does live up to space alright. In fact, you wanna know what it most reminds me of? A black hole and do you know why?

You asked, earning a sputtering response from her.

(P/N): Because it sucks up all joy and happiness just from being near it!!

You then looked at Applejack.

(P/N): *sarcastic laugh* Applejack, Applejack, Applejack. I certainly gotta give you credit for the style you picked for your outfit. Tell me, was the theme for yours "Rejected Rodeo Clown?"

You asked, getting a similar response like Twilight.

Applejack: U-Uhh... w-well-

(P/N): Because you're making rodeo clowns look sophisticated right about now!!

You then faced Pinkie Pie.

(P/N): Oh Pinkie, normally, you bring such laughter to your friends and those you care for. Your outfit, on the other hoof? It, quite literally, is the only thing you came up with that doesn't make me laugh. In fact, it doesn't even remind me of a party. You know what it looks like the most? A funeral, because it makes me feel sad just looking at it!!

You then faced Fluttershy.

(P/N): Fluttershy, honestly, yours perplexes me the most. Was your end goal to envision an outfit that represents the worst aspects about nature? Because I'll tell you this, it certainly won't make animals wanna come near you, it makes them wanna run away in fear!

You then finally turned to Rainbow Dash.

(P/N): Oh ho! And you, Rainbow? Your outfit is quite honestly the worst of the worst. I gotta tell you, if the Wonderbolts gig doesn't end up working out for you, there's something else out there for you. Taking your outfit into account, I can think of one other perfect line of work you'd be good at; A DEFECTIVE CRASH TEST DUMMY!!!!

Your loud voice makes the whole group flinch as you back up and stand by Rarity again.

(P/N): What! Is! Wrong with all of you?! You just couldn't be happy with what Rarity willingly gave to all of you! You had to be needlessly selfish and force her to add so many unnecessary changes to outfits that were already perfect on their own, and yet somehow, you were still unsatisfied! It would really serve you all right if Rarity decided to never make outfits for any of you ever again because if this is how ungrateful you're gonna be for whatever she makes you then maybe you shouldn't get anything else from her all together!

The more you spoke, the more your words stung the girls as they slowly began to realize just how selfish they were being as they now held guilty looks.

(P/N): I mean, have none of you ever heard of the phrase "let the expert do the work?" What would any of you know about what looks good in fashion and what doesn't?!

You facehooved with a sigh.

(P/N): Okay, just do me one huge favor, will you? Look at yourselves. I mean really, REALLY look at yourselves. Do you truthfully think that you look good in those outfits?

They did as you requested and looked back at their dresses as they really took in their appearances. However, upon really taking in the details, they all came to realize the same thing: the outfits were awful. Rainbow was the first to make that very much clear as she looked at the helmet that came with her outfit as her face showed much distaste. The same went with the others as they too cringed at just how ugly their dresses were.

Rarity: I'm... I'm ashamed to admit it, but... they really are awful, girls. I'm... sorry you had to find out this way.

Twilight Sparkle: I... I get it now.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Oh, so, now they get it! Wonder what was the ultimate tipoff!

Fluttershy: I never knew just how ugly it really looked. *thinking* I guess I'll be canceling that funeral after all.

Pinkie Pie: I-I get it now.

Applejack: Yeah... me too.

Rainbow Dash: Me three.

She added, hanging her head in shame.

Twilight Sparkle: We understand now why you didn't want to show these off.

Rarity: Oh, girls. I just wanted to make you all happy and I thought that if I went through with your requests for the dresses, that you'd like what I gave you.

Applejack: *sigh* It ain't yer fault, Rarity. We got really ungrateful and we should have accepted what you gave us. We're awfully sorry.

Fluttershy: I got way too judgemental with what I wanted. *sadly* *sigh* Some Element of Kindness I am.

Pinkie Pie: We turned into a bunch of spoiled meanies over what we wanted our dresses to be.

She rubbed one of her forelegs with the other while looking away shamefully.

(P/N): *sigh* Girls, you've gotta understand. Rarity's an expert when it comes to fashion and she knows what looks good and what doesn't. If you don't like what she's done with it, I'm sorry, but that's your problem, not hers, and it was really unfair of you all to make her feel like she didn't do a good job. As the old saying goes, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

(V/N): Huh, gift hor- OH, SON OF A B-

You tuned out his cursing rant enough to hear what Twilight had to say.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right, P/N. We were terrible friends that took Rarity for granted.

The girls all then bowed their heads to Rarity.

Mane 5: We're sorry, Rarity.

The apology was followed by a long, relieved sigh as Rarity donned a grin.

Rarity: It's alright, girls. I'm just happy that you understand now.

(P/N): You can still make up for it. I'm sure Rarity's still hanging onto the original outfits she made for you girls, right Rarity?

Rarity responds to that with an eager nod.

Rarity: Why, of course I still have them! And I am thrilled to see you all in them!

Twilight Sparkle: And since P/N was able to postpone the fashion show until tomorrow, we can still show you our thanks and apologies this way.

Rarity: Then let's not waste any more time!

Everyone nodded determinedly before going to Carousel Boutique to start setting things up.


The next day had arrived as Hoity Toity was inside Carousel Boutique while waiting for you and the Mane 6 to show off your new outfits. His patience had run thin at this point as he expected to be truly dazzled, especially after the delay from last night.

Hoity Toity: Take two.

Spike closes the curtains and renders the room completely dark for only a few seconds before Rarity's horn shone brightly, illuminating the entire room. The light grew in intensity before it expanded into a nova-effect and soon grew into a galaxy theme with white and blue stars. They flew through the void before they stopped mid flight and the camera pans out and reveals Twilight posing in her original white and blue star themed dress while the background still showed the galaxy teaming with stars.

Hoity Toity was quick to find himself impressed, so much so that he pulled down his glasses to reveal his light cobalt colored eyes.

Hoity Toity: Hello...

He was then blinded again, this time by the bright sun in the sky as we now lay eyes on a whole orchard of apple trees with one apple being lassoed off a branch and twirled in the air. Eventually, the apple is tossed away as we now see Applejack in her original outfit with her mane and tail now braided and with her front legs crossed.

Hoity Toity: Simply magnificent! And I suddenly have a fierce craving for some Dutch apple pie, candied apples on a stick, apple turnovers, apple cobbler...

He goes on as we now see a pink mist covered sky before they formed into real clouds and candy of all shapes and sizes rained down with some landing and aligning themselves onto Pinkie as she stood before a gumdrop came down as she happily stuck out her tongue, caught it, and ate it before smiling and posing in her outfit.

Hoity Toity: Brilliant!

He comments before a thunderclap makes him gasp and flinch while also nearly making his glasses fall off as rainbow colored thunder roared through the sky and a storm cloud appears before rainbow colored light pierced and shined through it before it revealed Rainbow Dash who now stands proudly in her Gala dress.

Hoity Toity: Oh, spectacular!

Then, a (F/C) colored orb appeared as it suddenly took off into the sky like a firework before exploding brightly like one. The sparkles that soon followed then swirled around before forming the cufflinks on your outfit before they spun and flew around until they came to a stop on your sleeves before you were now seen in your amazing outfit as you opened the umbrella and posed proudly with it above you.

Hoity Toity: *gasps* Ohhh, so bold! Maybe I should include an umbrella with one of my outfits some time!

He then gasped at the sight of vines growing from the ground and forming into all kinds of flowers before their pedals popped off in an elegant display. Butterflies then entered the frame as one flew onto Fluttershy's ear before she posed with a hopeful smile in her beautiful Gala outfit.

Hoity Toity: Now this is a fashion show! All of these dresses are absolutely amazing. Who is responsible? Step forward, show yourself!

He was then blinded yet again by the same light that came from Rarity's horn earlier, only this time, she was in an outfit of her own. This one being something the girls had all made for her as a way of not only showing their appreciation, but also for saying how sorry they were for their behavior. She wore a ball gown that was pink, magenta, purple, and yellow with jewels sewn right into the fabric in just the right places that also came with a radiant yellow tiara.

Hoity Toity: Brava! Brava! Magnifico! Encore!

He added to his comments with a series of impressed claps for yours and the girls' Gala uniforms.

Rarity: Oh, thank you. Thank you! Oh, thank you so much!

She thanked happily as the rest of you stood behind her and smiling. When the excitement of the moment was over, you all took a moment to admire your outfits while Twilight was giving her friendship lesson to Spike who wrote down what she had to say.

Twilight Sparkle: Dear Princess Celestia, This week, my very talented friend Rarity learned that if you try to please everypony, you often times end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself. And I learned this: when somepony offers to do you a favor, like making you a beautiful dress, you shouldn't be overly critical of something generously given to you. And as my friend P/N best put it, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Spike finishes the letter before he rolls it up and uses his magic fire to send it to Princess Celestia. After that, Rarity was approached by Hoity Toity.

Hoity Toity: Rarity, my congratulations to you on a most impressive fashion debut. Would you do me the great honor of allowing me to feature your couture in my Best of the Best Boutique in Canterlot?

Rarity gasped excitedly at the offer before she heard the rest of what Hoity Toity said.

Hoity Toity: Now, I'll need you to make a dozen of each dress for me by next Tuesday.

Almost immediately, a thump rang throughout the room as you all saw Rarity passed out and on her back with her legs dangling in the air.

Hoity Toity: Did I say something that upset her?

(P/N): *tiredly sighs* No. Rarity's just been through a lot these past few days, so she's really exhausted.

Hoity Toity: Hm, I see. In that case, I shall allow her to acquire the necessary amount of rest she needs to fulfill my request. I bid you all adieu.

He leaves Carousel Boutique as you went over to the now unconscious Rarity before using your magic to lift her up and set her on your back.

Twilight Sparkle: What are you doing, P/N?

(P/N): Rarity's had a rough time these past few days. I'm gonna go put her to bed.

You brought Rarity up to her bedroom and you saw her bed nearby before you used your magic to gently set her down upon it. Rarity then stirs awake from her slumber as she sits up in bed and sees you.

Rarity: P-P/N? What in the world happened? Is Hoity Toity still here?

(P/N): He left just a moment ago.

Rarity: O-Oh dear! I-I must go and-

She tried to step off the bed before you brought up your hoof to stop her.

(P/N): Don't worry about it, Rarity. You need to get some rest, and a lot of it at that. Besides, Hoity Toity agreed to give you some time off until you were ready to work again. You just focus on getting your sleep.

Rarity: B-But P/N, I can't-

She stopped when she saw you making a face similar to the one she made when she was adamant about changing your friends' outfits.

Rarity: *sigh* Your mind is made up... isn't it?

(P/N): *chuckles* Yep! Look, you've done a lot of work, Rarity, and whether you like it or not, I care too much about your personal health to let you overexert yourself.

Rarity was touched by your words as she lightly blushes and smiles back at you. You then went closer to her before wrapping her up in a hug as she returned it. After some time had passed, you pulled back and decided to do a rather bold move by pecking the tip of Rarity's horn much like the one she gave you back when you helped her collect gems and when the Diamond Dogs attacked the both of you. The reaction Rarity had was quite the same as yours was as her whole face was as red as a tomato.

(P/N): *chuckles* Just wanted to return the gesture.

You said, smiling before lightly booping her nose and leaving the room soon after. Rarity rubs the tip of her muzzle and the corners of her mouth stretched up into a dreamy smile.

Rarity: *thinking* P/N... you truly are a gentlecolt. You may be a tad rough around the edges, but... what beautiful diamond isn't? Could... could you be the one I'm destined to be with?

End of Episode 11...

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