Chapter 10: Call of the Cutie

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(Jordanwolfboy9743: Hello, my peeps! Jordanwolfboy here! I wanna apologize exponentially for the long wait on this chapter. As usual, I've been occupied with other things in my life such as playing new games I've gotten such as Pokémon Legends: Arceus and a few others.)

(*Suddenly, Pinkie comes in with Jordan's Nintendo Switch in hand.*)

(Pinkie Pie: Jordy, check it out! I caught a shiny Hippowdon and a shiny Drifloon!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh, that's fantastic, Pinkie! Wait... you didn't waste too many Poké Balls just trying to catch them, did you?)

(*His question was met with a forehead sweating look from Pinkie as her eyes darted from left to right.*)

(Pinkie Pie: Nooooo?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Pinkie...)

(Pinkie Pie: Whaaat? Drifloon was easy to catch except for... well, Hippowdon. It just kept escaping while I had to keep running away!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You do know that you can just fight it in battle to weaken it and increase your odds of catching it, right?)

(Sora: She tried that, but she kept making them faint over and over again. She searched for so many hours and got into countless fights, so she resorted to catching them by themselves.)

(*Sora added, now entering the room which now made Jordan facepalm.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Pinkie, you can't just go wasting those Poké Balls all willy nilly.)

(Sora: Then again, it's kinda to be expected since that's Pinkie for ya.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* True.)

(*He turns back to the audience*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Anyways, folks, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I'm gonna go deal with Pinkie's daily dose of shenanigans. Until next time!)

Another day at Ponyville had come around as you were at the Ponyville market browsing around for a few essentials. You sifted through some apples as you heard an annoyed sigh in your ears.

(V/N): Do we really need to get so many of these disgusting fruits? Can't we just get stuff from Sugarcube Corner?

(P/N): *thinking* V/N, we've talked about this. If you don't maintain a healthy diet, you'll give an elephant a run for its money in terms of weight. Besides, apples are delicious.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Well gee, I wonder if a certain apple themed cowpony inspired this love for the wretched things.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, I had a liking for apples long before I met her, alright?

(V/N): You sure it wasn't just some unexpected form of intuition or foresight?

You sighed and shook your head as you paid for a bushel of apples and began the walk back to your place.

(P/N): *thinking* Foresight has nothing to do with it. Anypony can like apples any time, anywhere.

(V/N): Oh, speaking of apples...

Your head suddenly spun ahead and your gaze locked onto Apple Bloom who walked with her head hung low and her face looking glum.

(V/N): What's got that little shrimp so depressed?

(P/N): *thinking* I don't know. She probably had a bad day at school perhaps. Also, do you really think it's necessary to call her a shrimp?

(V/N): Hey, if you're allowed to come up with nicknames for these ponies then I should be allowed too.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, whatever nickname it is, make sure they can't hear it. The last thing I'd want is to insult them.

(V/N): Hmm, sorry. Can't promise that.

Shaking your head to that again, you walked closer to Apple Bloom and called out to her.

(P/N): Why so glum, AB?

She stopped and peered up at you as her frown maintained.

Apple Bloom: Oh... hi, P/N. It's... it's nothin'.

(P/N): You sure about that? Because your voice and body language tells me otherwise. Come on, kiddo. You can talk to me.

In response, Apple Bloom rubbed one of her forelimbs with the other.

Apple Bloom: If... if I do, can you promise not to laugh or think it's silly?

(P/N): Bloom, come on. Whatever's bothering you can't possibly be something I'd laugh at.

(V/N): Speak for yourself.

She thinks about it briefly before deciding to let you in on it.

Apple Bloom: Well... alright. Here it is.

She takes a long intake of air and lets out her troubles in quick succession.

Apple Bloom: There's a cute-ceañera this afternoon and everypony in my class will be there and they'll all have their Cutie Marks and I wanna get my Cutie Mark but I'm no good at sellin' apples but I really wanna go to the party but how can I go to the party if I don't have my Cutie Mark which my big sister says I'm gonna get eventually but... I WANT IT NOW!

She finished, leaning her face closer to yours. Well, you had to give yourself credit, you were right about her problem being something you wouldn't laugh at. No, instead you were left totally perplexed. You stared back, blinking a few times and feeling bewildered by her dilemma.

(P/N): I-I'm... sorry, I blacked out somewhere in the middle. This has something to do with a... Cutie Mark, right? More specifically yours?

Apple Bloom: *sighs* Yeah. There's this party that my class and I were invited to and I really wanna go, but all of my classmates have their Cutie Marks and... I don't have mine yet.

(P/N): And why's that such a bad thing?

Apple Bloom: I can't go to that party without my Cutie Mark, P/N! I'll be laughed at and made fun of for sure! Not to mention, without a Cutie Mark, I'm just... just... not special.

She looked at the ground sadly before sitting down and slumping more than she was earlier.

(P/N): Apple Bloom, you and I both know that's not true. Everypony has something special about them, you included. Look, your Cutie Mark will show up. It just needs time for it to do so.

Apple Bloom: That's what Applejack keeps tellin' me, but if I go to that party without a Cutie Mark, I'll be the laughing stock of the whole party.

(P/N): AB, are you sure that you're the only one in your entire class that doesn't have a Cutie Mark? There's bound to be at least one or two other students that don't have one either. Look, just because you don't have a Cutie Mark, doesn't mean that you are any less special than your fellow students that do have theirs. In fact, I can argue and say that it could potentially make you even more special.

Perking up a bit, the young filly turned her head up to look at you.

Apple Bloom: How... how so?

(P/N): Well, think about it. You've yet to discover what your special talent is, right? Maybe that can be a set up for a game you could make out of it. It can be a fun way to discover what your true calling in life is since you've got so many options. You could be good at anything: Carpenting, Skiing, Birdwatching, Painting, the list is endless.

You placed a supportive hoof onto her back.

(P/N): Look, forget about whatever those other fillies and colts may be saying about you, alright? They're all probably just jealous that they rushed into getting their Cutie Marks and you haven't. Don't let their sour words dampen your spirits because you can rise above it all and show them that they were the delusional ones all along.

Apple Bloom: You... you really believe that?

(P/N): Certainly.

It took a few seconds, but Apple Bloom soon found herself smiling brightly again as she hugged one of your forelegs due to her small size.

Apple Bloom: Thanks, P/N!

You smiled and wrapped a single hoof around her.

(P/N): No problem, kiddo. Say, I've gotta go drop off these apples at my place, how about afterwards I take you to get some ice cream?

Her smile tripled in size from your offer.

Apple Bloom: Sure! Let's do it!

You nodded in agreement before you resumed your walk back to your house with the young filly by your side.

(V/N): You know, walking back to your place with a young filly will not look so good in the eyes of other ponies.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Seriously? You're really gonna go there?

(V/N): Hey, I'm not the one who's walking with a filly all by herself. There's probably going to be ponies that will assume that you're one of those stallions. You know, the ones who offer "candy?"

(P/N): *thinking* Okay, firstly, I'm nothing like those sick and disgusting low lifes. Secondly, I'm pretty sure those kinds of stallions wouldn't do that in a public area, they'd most likely be a lot more sneaky about it.

(V/N): Hey, you'd be surprised by how blind some of these ponies can get or how desperate those kinds of stallions can be. I'm just saying, you might wanna keep your distance if you want to avoid that kind of attention.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, I'm just trying to be a good friend to her! Trust me, that kind of public image is the last thing I'd want, but all I'm doing is taking her out to get some ice cream.

(V/N): How... can you not see... how self-contradictory that last sentence is?

(P/N): *thinking* Oh, shut up!


Meanwhile, in another part of town, two young fillies were walking side by side with each other. The first filly had a pale magenta coat, brilliant cornflower blue eyes, and a pale, light grayish violet mane with white streaks. Her Cutie Mark was that of a tiara which mostly matched the one she wore. The filly next to her had a cornflower bluish gray coat, moderate violet eyes, and a braided mane that was two shades of light azureish gray. Her Cutie Mark was that of a fancy silver spoon with a heart in it. She also wore pale opal glasses and a pearl necklace. They were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Currently, the two of them were conversing as Diamond as the first to speak.

Diamond Tiara: Ha! I can't wait for that blank flank to show her face at my cute-ceañera!

Silver Spoon: *chuckles* Yeah. Imagine how devastated she'll look when everypony there sees just how pathetic it is for her to not have a Cutie Mark yet.

Diamond Tiara: Oh, it'll be embarrassing for sure!

They soon rounded a corner and came to the Ponyville marketplace.

Diamond Tiara: I tell you, Sil, if that blank flank knows what's good for her, she should just go home and plague up that literal pigsty she calls a home with her-

She looked forward and paused in the middle of her sentence when her eyes caught something. A jump cut happens as we now see that what she was looking at was you. Around her peripheral vision, a shade of pink was present and some music began to play from seemingly no discernible source.

(Start at 0:18)

You walked in slow motion as the wind started to blow through your mane, whipping it around your head and making you look stunning, at least to Diamond Tiara's perspective anyways. Speaking of Diamond, she stared at you with widened eyes and a gaping mouth, very clearly awestruck.

Silver Spoon: Di, are you feeling okay?

She asked, waving a hoof in front of her friend's face to no effect as Diamond kept staring at you.

Diamond Tiara: *whisper* Be still... my ever beating heart.

She silently spoke while holding a hoof over her now rapidly beating chest, her eyes still fixated on you. Silver followed her friend's gaze and she saw you. However, she didn't get the same reaction as her friend as she mostly stared with confusion.

Silver Spoon: Are you looking at him? What could possibly be so-

Diamond brought a hoof up and shoved it into her friend's face and pushed it away, effectively silencing her as she yelled out a "hey!" beforehand. Diamond's pupils grew in size until they had become the equivalent of puppy dog eyes as they held a sparkle of amazement, and quite possibly something else. Meanwhile, you had walked a decent way into the market before you looked back and gestured your head for someone behind you to follow. Apple Bloom walked into frame and as soon as she did, the music stopped and Diamond's swooned expression instantly transitioned to shock.

(End song here if you're still playing)

Her shock soon gave way to anger however as she snorted and steam came out.

Diamond Tiara: *thinking* It's one thing to curse us all with your blank flank, but now, now you're hanging out with this perfect specimen before me?! I won't stand for it! I won't let you steal him! I won't-

Her envious thoughts stopped when Silver Spoon's hoof smacked the top of her head, knocking her tiara off and dazing her for a second.

Silver Spoon: Snap out of it!

Her friend demanded. This gave Diamond the chance to shake her dizziness away as she gave Silver a hard glare.

Diamond Tiara: H-Hey! What was that for?!

Silver Spoon: You were off in your own little world while staring creepily at that guy! What's with you? You're never like that.

Diamond's face started to show nervousness as a light blush burned onto her cheeks.

Diamond Tiara: O-Oh, I-I uh.. I was just... just... thinking to myself! Y-Yeah, that's it! I was having a thought and I just so happened to be looking in his general direction!

Silver wasn't convinced by her answer as she raised an eyebrow at her.

Silver Spoon: "Just so happened to be looking in his general direction?" That's the lamest lie I've ever heard.

Diamond Tiara: O-Oh, s-shut up!

She responded, her blush doubling in size.

Silver Spoon: *sigh* This much denial isn't good for your mental health, you know.

Diamond Tiara: T-That's besides the point! Look who he's hanging out with!

She directed her friend who turned her gaze to see Apple Bloom walking with you.

Silver Spoon: Seriously? She's trying to annoy stallions with her blank flankyness now?

Diamond Tiara: I know, right?! Come on! Let's see what they're up to.

She commanded before walking ahead as Silver followed. Meanwhile, you and Apple Bloom were on your way to Sugarcube Corner for the ice cream you promised earlier.

Apple Bloom: Thank you in advance for the ice cream, P/N.

(P/N): No problem, AB. It's the least I can do.

Diamond Tiara: Well, well, well. Look who it is.

She said, getting both your attention as she and Silver Spoon walked in front of you as Apple Bloom now felt her glumness come back.

Apple Bloom: *whisper* Oh no. Not them again.

Silver Spoon: It seems little Miss Blank Fla-

Once again, she's silenced by her friend who was strangely quick to smack a hoof onto her head as she yelped for the second time.

Diamond Tiara: What she meant to say was that it's soooo good to see our bestest friend Apple Bloom!

Apple Bloom's glumness quickly went away as now all could do was stare back blankly, feeling more confused than ever at seeing her biggest bully being nice all of a sudden.

Apple Bloom: Uhhh... what?

She asked as you soon joined the conversation.

(P/N): Oh, I'm guessing you two are good friends with Apple Bloom?

Silver Spoon: *groan* We most definitely aren't-

Again, she's cut off with a hoof slapped to her lips by Diamond Tiara who carried a sheepish grin.

Diamond Tiara: We most definitely aren't not friends with her, that's for sure! *nervously laughs*

She interjected, now sweating from the forehead like crazy as her gaze now locked onto you as you tilted your head in puzzlement. Hoping to mask her awkwardness, she cleared her throat and threw on a grin.

Diamond Tiara: A-Anyways, I don't think you've introduced us to your handsome- er, I mean, stallion friend here, Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom: Uhh... well, this is P/N. *thinking* What in the hay is up with her all of a sudden? It's like she's become a completely different pony.

She replied, still perplexed by Diamond's odd behavior.

(P/N): Pleasure to meet you both. And you are?

Diamond Tiara: Oh! Where are my manners? I am Diamond Tiara, and this is my friend Silver Spoon.

She gestured to her friend who initially rolled her eyes and crossed her forelimbs before Diamond gave her a hard jab to her side.

Diamond Tiara: *whisper* Say hi, or I break you!

Her threat was met with a sigh from Silver Spoon who turned her annoyed gaze up at you.

Silver Spoon: *dryly* Hi.

(P/N): Uh... hi?

You greeted hesitantly, taking note of her attitude.

Diamond Tiara: A-Anyways, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one that took down Nightmare Moon? I bet it was soooo cool to see you swoop in and save the day like the hot- I-I mean, heroic stallion you are.

She nervously chuckled yet again as you furrowed your brows.

(P/N): Uhh... sure. I guess you could put it like that. It wasn't exactly as "heroic" as you put it, but it had to be done. Plus, it wasn't just me. My friends were a huge factor in it too.

Diamond Tiara: O-Oh, I bet!

She replied, clearing her throat to steady herself as best as she could.

Diamond Tiara: B-But anyways, P/N, I don't suppose you have anything... planned for this afternoon, do you?

She asked, twiddling her hooves.

(P/N): I don't think so. Why?

Diamond Tiara: W-Well, I was wondering if, maybe, you were interested in coming to my cute-ceañera this afternoon?

You found yourself taken aback by her request.

(P/N): Wait, your cute-ceañera? I guess that means you're the one hosting it, right?

Diamond Tiara: That's right! So smart, this stallion! We seriously need more like him, right Silvy?

Silver Spoon: *sigh* Sure... whatever.

She replied in her still dry sounding tone of voice as Diamond hastily diverted your attention back to her.

Diamond Tiara: Please excuse her. She's had a rather bad day today. Anywho, it would really mean a lot if you came to my party. Besides, this way, I'll be able to keep my eyes on you.~

She gave you a sultry wink afterwards as you recoiled in disgust.

(P/N): *mumbles* Blaugh! *thinking* Oh no... if what I think is happening is happening... it better not be.

Diamond Tiara: So, what do you say, cutie- I mean, dashing- I mean, charming- I mean... P/N?

She followed up her question with another sheepish smile as that now confirmed your suspicions.

(P/N): *thinking* It... *sigh* It is. Celestia... freaking... damn it.

V/N then started to bust out into a hysterical fit of laughter as it rang through your head, hurting your ears.

(V/N): I truly cannot believe this! You're making even fillies fall for you! *hysterically laughs*

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, I don't need you making it any more awkward than it already is! Besides, this is obviously a classic case of puppy love. She'll likely get over me in time.

(V/N): That, or she'll turn into a total creeper psychopath before she locks you up in her basement and keeps you as a pet for the rest of your life!

(P/N): *thinking* Oh, yeah? You realize that if that were to happen, you'd be stuck in it and forced to endure it as much as I would, right?

Your question made him go completely silent for a moment until he finally said something.

(V/N): Dear Celestia...


(P/N): *thinking* Okay, okay! Just take it easy. I think I know what I'm doing.

(V/N): You have no idea what you're doing! Just say no and get it over with!

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Alright, fine. I'll just say that I've got other things to do.

You finished your thought before gazing back at Diamond who was now trying to pull off the biggest case of puppy dog eyes she could manage which made you freeze. Now, you found yourself in a panic as you scrambled for the right words. You could almost feel the ponies inside your head zipping around the inside of your skull to find the proper words. Eventually, they put together something as you managed to utter them.

(P/N): Sure, I'll go.


















































He retorted as Diamond's grin grew.

Diamond Tiara: Excellent! I look forward to seeing you there!

(V/N): Where is your moral compass, P/N? You know what she's gonna do.

(P/N): *thinking* I don't... *sigh* I don't have the strength to resist that, V/N.

(V/N): Well you better because that filly is thirsty for us and I hate myself for ever saying that, but it's the only way I can describe this! *sigh* I swear, if you even TRY anything with her, it'll make you more sick than I am.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, hey. I'm with you on this. I think we can both agree that this is a situation we don't want to be in.

(V/N): Touche.

Diamond Tiara: We'll see you both later this afternoon!

Silver Spoon: Do we really have to-

Once again, she couldn't get another word out due to Diamond scooping up a handful (or in this case hoofful) of dirt and shoving it into her mouth, silencing her for the third time now. Diamond gives you one final wink along with a sheepish wave before grabbing the dirt mouthed Silver Spoon and sprinting away as you gagged silently to yourself.

(P/N): *thinking* Dear Celestia, I think I just threw up a little!

(V/N): I never thought in my life that you would end up being the one screwing us both over. Where is your backbone, P/N?!

(P/N): *thinking* I'm talking to it!

Swallowing the built up lump of bile in your throat, you looked back down at Apple Bloom to see her still staring ahead and utterly puzzled by what just happened.

(P/N): Something wrong, AB?

Your voice managed to snap her out of her trance.

Apple Bloom: P/N... they're the ones that have been givin' me a hard time about not havin' a Cutie Mark.

(P/N): Wait, really?

(V/N): Why's that such a surprise to you? I was able to tell that they were manipulative little turds just from a single glance. Plus, if one of them wants to have their way with you, you know she's got daddy issues.

He stated while Apple Bloom nodded.

Apple Bloom: Yeah. Although, I'm not sure why Diamond Tiara was suddenly being nice to me.

(P/N): I've got a good hunch on what it is.

Apple Bloom: What is it?

(P/N): It's uh... an adult thing. You'll understand when you're older.

You answered, trying to avoid an awkward conversation with the young filly.

(V/N): Puberty. The worst thing that happens to everyone. Brought to you by Primates.

(P/N): But anyways, I get that you want to have a Cutie Mark to avoid ridicule, AB, but I stand by what I said; you can't rush for your Cutie Mark.

???: Did somepony say they can't rush a Cutie Mark?

A familiar tomboyish voice asked from up top. Yours and Apple Bloom's eyes peered up just in time to see Rainbow Dash land right beside you after hopping off a lone cloud.

(P/N): *sigh* As a matter of fact Rainbow, I was just talking to Apple Bloom here about how she has to wait for her Cutie Mark to appear when it does.

Rainbow Dash: Oh Pfft! Why wait for something to happen when you can make it happen?

(P/N): *sarcasm* Uhh... because it destroys the whole point of it? *sincerely* It's meant to be a special moment in everypony's life that comes in due time, kinda like Graduation. It also happens to you once in a lifetime.

Rainbow Dash: Then how did you get yours then, huh?

She crossed her hooves, waiting for your response. Just as she asked her question, you found yourself completely quiet and unable to say a word. Your eyes swiveled away in slight anxiety.

(P/N): I'd... I'd rather not go into detail right now. Let's just say it involved... unfortunate circumstances.

Rainbow was unsurprisingly disappointed by your answer and she sighed with a shake of her head.

Rainbow Dash: Apple Bloom, you're better off learning how to get a Cutie Mark from me than P/N here. I mean, you're talking to the pony who was first in her class to get a Cutie Mark!

She boasted, getting Apple Bloom excited.

Apple Bloom: Really?!

Rainbow Dash: You bet! I always liked flying an' all, but I was going nowhere in a hurry. It wasn't until my very first race that I discovered a serious need for speed, and KAZAM, this sweet baby appeared as fast as lightning!

She proudly showed off her rainbow colored lightning bolt Cutie Mark to Apple Bloom who's eyes sparkled with amazement.

Rainbow Dash: Y'know, if you're interested, I could help you get a Cutie Mark. If I was able to get one really quickly then surely you can too.

Apple Bloom: That... sounds... amazin'!

(P/N): And possibly really dangerous.

You interjected, making Rainbow groan.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, P/N! What's the harm in trying to hasten AB's Cutie Mark?

(P/N): Because you could potentially give her one that she might not like. If she gets one too early, she might be intrigued at first, but later down the road, she might regret getting it and she'll be stuck with it for the rest of her life.

Rainbow Dash: Oh please! She wouldn't ever get bored of a Cutie Mark I'd help her get. It's me we're talking about, remember? The same pony who can easily pull off the Buccaneer Blaze like it ain't no thing.

(P/N): You're also the same pony that crashes into the sides of mountains, the ground, and the townsponies' houses.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! I don't crash into everypony's houses! Just... you know... the ones that get in my way.

Your hoof is almost immediately thumped against your forehead in a facehoof from her reply.

(P/N): *thinking* Does she even hear herself talk sometimes?

(V/N): I think listening to what she says is the lowest on the list of her most important priorities. Pretty sure that was already pre-established.

Sighing, you faced back with Apple Bloom.

(P/N): Apple Bloom, look, this isn't the way to get your Cutie Mark. Just give it some time and it'll come, I promise.

Rainbow Dash: That sounds like an empty promise to me. AB, it's simple: either potentially spend the rest of your life trying to get a Cutie Mark or get one immediately thanks to my help. Which one sounds more ideal to you?

Apple Bloom was now left with a big decision as she swiveled her head to both you and Rainbow Dash, all while thinking about what to do. Meanwhile, you and Rainbow were quietly waiting for Apple Bloom to make up her mind. However, as the young filly weighed her options, the taunting voices of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon along with the other fillies and colts in her class came back to her from the depths of her memory. The more she thought, the more she leaned towards Rainbow's side. She knew you meant well, but she really didn't want to be made fun of anymore, not by Diamond or Silver, not by anypony.

Sighing sadly, Apple Bloom sauntered over to Rainbow who now grinned widely from the young filly's choice.

(P/N): Apple Bloom, don't do this!

You tried to dissuade her, but Apple Bloom was dead set on this as she gave you a sad look.

Apple Bloom: I... I'm awfully sorry, P/N, but... I can't stand being made fun of anymore. Rainbow's right. For all we know, it could take the rest of mah life to get a Cutie Mark and I can't wait that long. I don't wanna be the only filly in my class that's Cutie Markless. I have to try.

(P/N): B-But Apple Bloom, you can't-

You stopped when the young filly hopped onto Rainbow's back as she spread her wings out, preparing herself for flight.

Rainbow Dash: Guess that means we're off, P/N.

(P/N): *sigh* Rainbow, I'm asking as your friend to not do this.

It was now Rainbow's turn to sigh as she now showed you a look of sympathy.

Rainbow Dash: Look P/N, I know you mean well, but the kid obviously needs this. The least I can do is try to help her. Besides, she's in safe hooves with me. I won't let anything happen to her.

(P/N): Rainbow, no offense, but do you really expect me to believe that you can safely take care of her, especially considering the reputation you've earned?

Rainbow Dash: This'll be different, alright? I've got a kid with me, so now I really do need to be careful. Look, you'll see just how effective my surefire training is when Apple Bloom comes strutting around town with her awesome new Cutie Mark thanks to yours truly. We'll talk later, P/N, okay? We've gotta go.

Rainbow turns away again before taking flight with Apple Bloom on her back as she yelled in delight from the speed. You were now left alone as you stared up into the sky at where they had gone for what felt like minutes. Groaning, you kicked some of the dirt below before walking away, now irritated.

(P/N): *thinking* I guess Applejack's not the only stubborn one in the family.

(V/N): What did you even expect? When you're hanging around somepony long enough, you tend to inherit some of their traits. Plus, she's still a kid, so she's bound to make some idiotic choices here and there.

(P/N): *thinking* Even still, she should still be old enough to know that not having a Cutie Mark shouldn't be treated as a bad thing. And you know what? I refuse to believe that she's the only one in her class that doesn't have one yet. There has to be at least one or two other students that are just like her, but are just too ashamed to talk about it with anypony.

Suddenly, right when that thought came to you, so did an idea as well as you stopped for a second as you now found yourself smiling again.

(P/N): *thinking* And I think I know just the pony that can tell me for sure.

(V/N): And who would that be?

(P/N): *thinking* Well, think about it. There's only one pony in all of Apple Bloom's class that would most likely keep tabs on who does or doesn't have a Cutie Mark, and that would be the teacher.

(V/N): You know... talking to a young filly's teacher strangely doesn't make you any less creepy, P/N.

(P/N): *thinking* And that, right there, is why I never like to ask for your advice on anything.

With your plan thought up, you started to make your way to the Ponyville schoolhouse which wasn't too far away from where you were, so the trek didn't take very long. You soon arrived at the school as it was painted a strawberry pink. It also had everything a school usually had: a bell on top of the building, a flagpole, and even a playground.

Rounding the fence that blocked off the playground from the path, you came to the front door to the schoolhouse and knocked firmly onto it. You waited for a few seconds before the door opened, revealing who you believed to be the teacher. They were an Earth pony mare with a moderate cerise coat, grayish harlequin eyes, and a pale, light grayish rose mane with light ceriseish gray stripes. Her Cutie Mark was that of three light pink and yellow flowers with smiley faces on them.

???: Oh, hello there! How may I help you today, kind sir?

She greeted you politely in a cheerful voice.

(P/N): Uh, hello. You wouldn't happen to be Apple Bloom's teacher, would you?

Your question made the mare before you nod with a smile.

Cheerilee: That I am! I am Miss Cheerilee! And who might you be?

(P/N): I'm P/N. I'm a friend of Apple Bloom along with her older sister.

Right as your name came up, Cheerilee's eyes shot open in surprise and her smile widened even more.

Cheerilee: Oh! I know you! Everypony in town talks about you and your little bunch of friends. You're all heroes in their eyes, mine included.

Hearing that made a twang of disappointment hit your inner core.

(P/N): Oh, is... that a fact?

Cheerilee: Uh-huh! You're practically the talk of the town. Oh, did you wish to step inside?

She queried, offering to step aside to allow entry for you. Ignoring the disappointment you now felt, you nodded and thanked her before stepping inside the school with you still in thought and while Cheerilee closed the door behind you.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* I don't get it. All I want is to leave that kind of life behind, so how do I keep getting mixed up in adventurous situations?

(V/N): No idea, but it keeps giving me reasons to make fun of you for it, so I'm not complaining. Besides, I can't help it that you're so wishy washy all the time.

(P/N): *thinking* This coming from the sociopathic fu-

Cheerilee: So, what brings you here on this fine day, Mister P/N?

She asked, interrupting your insult and making you snap back to reality.

(P/N): Well, first of all, I'm really sorry if I'm interrupting anything important you might have been doing right now.

Cheerilee: Oh, don't you worry at all! I was only getting things ready for my class' next lesson, but I still have plenty of time to get it all done. Now, what was it you wished to see me about?

Her reassurement brought a small smile to you.

(P/N): Alright, like I said, I'm a friend of Apple Bloom's and she told me some... rather distressing news today. Apparently, she was invited to a party along with the other students in her class, but she's afraid of going because she doesn't have her Cutie Mark yet. She told me that some of the other kids have been teasing and making fun of her about it.

Cheerilee's upbeat expression instantly switched to that of concern from what you told her.

Cheerilee: *gasp* O-Oh dear, that... that's terrible! Had I known about this sooner I could have helped or said something to her.

(P/N): Well, you know how it is with fillies and colts these days. Unfortunately, some of them are too scared to speak up because they may be called a snitch while other times they're afraid of anything that could happen to them.

Cheerilee: This is distressing news indeed. I'll be sure to investigate this as soon as possible.

(P/N): Thank you. Although, that's actually not the main reason I came here.

Cheerilee: Oh? Then what is?

(P/N): Apple Bloom seems to believe that she's the only student in her whole class that's without a Cutie Mark. Seeing as how you're her teacher and all, I wanted to come and see if that was true. You wouldn't happen to have any other Cutie Markless students in your class, would you?

Cheerilee thinks on that briefly before her eyes lit up and she grinned once again.

Cheerilee: As a matter of fact, I have just the thing to answer that!

She gallops over to her desk at the far end corner of the room and rummages through one of the drawers. From where you stood, you couldn't make out what she was going through until Cheerilee's head popped back up into frame now with two student files in her teeth. She puts them on the table and pushes them closer to you, giving you permission to study them closely. The files not only had basic info about the students in general, but they also included pictures.

The first picture was that of a young Unicorn filly with a light gray coat, pale, light grayish harlequin eyes, and a grayish mulberry mane with pale, light grayish rose colored streaks.

Upon examining her file, you were able to see that her name was Sweetie Belle and to your surprise, you found out that she was also the sister of Rarity.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh, I didn't know Rarity also had a little sister besides Applejack.

(V/N): Seriously? You spent how much time with her and you never once asked if she had any sisters or siblings for that matter? Just how clueless are you?

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, in my defense, Rarity never really gave any indications that she even had a sibling to begin with.

(V/N): You're still a dumbass for never asking, so don't try and act all smart about it.

You groaned under your breath and looked at the second student file. The picture included with it was that of a young Pegasus filly with a light brilliant gamboge coat, grayish purple eyes, and a moderate cerise mane.

As you read her name and took in her details, your eyes squinted as a random feeling came to you.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh... I don't know why, but I'm getting some serious Rainbow Dash Jr. vibes just from looking at this Scootaloo kid.

(V/N): What in Tartarus even gave you that kind of feeling? It definitely wasn't me, if that's what you're thinking.

(P/N): *thinking* I don't know. I just am.

(V/N): Okay, that does it. You're staying away from fillies and colts for at least a month after this is all over.

(P/N): *thinking* Would. You. QUIT IT ALREADY?!?!

You snapped back internally before refocusing on the files. Soon enough, you found yourself smiling again at the thought of your instincts being right and that Apple Bloom wasn't the only Cutie Markless filly in her class after all because upon closer examination of the photos, you noticed that neither Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo had their Cutie Marks.

(P/N): *thinking* See? What'd I tell you? I knew Apple Bloom wasn't alone when it came to having no Cutie Mark!

(V/N): *sarcasm* Whoopie! You solved the mystery!

(P/N): *thinking* You know, it wouldn't hurt to dial back on the sarcasm.

(V/N): Buddy, I think we both know the answer to that. Did you really think I'd agree to that?

(P/N): *thinking* No, but it was worth a shot.

Closing up the files, you handed them back to Cheerilee who puts them back into the drawer.

Cheerilee: Just what do you plan to do with that information, Mr. P/N?

(P/N): Well, let's just say that I think I've got a plan on how to help Apple Bloom see more clearly, and those two fillies may just be the answer.

Cheerilee: Hm, in that case, I'll trust you in assisting poor Apple Bloom.

(P/N): I'm hoping this'll work. Well, that's all I came here for, Miss Cheerilee. Thank you for the help.

Cheerilee: I'm glad that I was of some assistance, Mr. P/N.

She responded, smiling as you returned it with your own.

(P/N): *chuckles* Just P/N is fine. I'm not really one for formalities.

Cheerilee: In that case, you can just call me Cheerilee then. It was a pleasure to meet you, P/N.

You waved to her as you headed out the door and back onto the dirt road you came from, but not before giving a few last words to Cheerilee.

(P/N): Oh, one more thing. Do you think you can keep our conversation private? I'd rather not have other students finding out and labeling poor Apple Bloom as a snitch.

Cheerilee nods in understanding.

Cheerilee: Very well, I won't say anything, but I will still try and talk to her about it the next chance I get.

(P/N): That's fine. Have a good one, Cheerilee.

Cheerilee: You too, P/N. Take care!

With a final salute, you turned away and strode down the road, now with a better understanding of what to do. The stroll carried you to the Ponyville town square where you decided to collect your thoughts all together.

(P/N): *thinking* So, we've got Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo; two fillies unlucky enough to not have Cutie Marks. Still, I don't really see any issues with it.

(V/N): I do. What exactly is so wrong with getting one earlier than usual again?

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Because you might end up being stuck with one that you won't like for the rest of your life. I'm just afraid of that happening to Apple Bloom.

(V/N): As I said before, you're not personally responsible for others' happiness or problems. If Apple Bloom wants to get a Cutie Mark earlier than planned then why not just let her? It doesn't concern you, so why do you care so much?

(P/N): *thinking* Because number one, I'm her friend, and number two, I... *sigh* let's just say that... that I know what it's like to be stuck with a fate that you didn't want.

(V/N): *groans* Again with you being a savior? I get tha-

(P/N): *thinking* It's not about me being a former savior, alright?!

You shouted internally, interrupting V/N in the middle of his sentence.

(P/N): *thinking* It's... it's about something that happened to me... a long, long time ago, something I'd... rather not choose to remember.

(V/N): Okay, first of all, I'm gonna punch you in the face later for cutting me off like that. Second of all, is this in relation to the orphanage you used to stay at?

(P/N): *thinking* No, it's... further than that. Wait, how do you not remember? Don't you see everything I see?

(V/N): Again, I tune out some stuff from time to time. Guess you can say I've got selective memory or something like that.

(P/N): *thinking* How could you still not remember something like this? I mean, it was practically-

Once again, the sentence couldn't be finished when you just noticed something fast coming your way as it screeched to a stop just before it could hit you, making a cloud of dust rise up and impair your vision shortly. You coughed and wafted away the dust until you were able to see again and when you did, you looked down and finally saw what had stopped. Your eyes widened when you recognized the form of the Pegasus filly you saw in the case file, the one named Scootaloo. She rode on a sky blue colored scooter with red handles and wheels and she also wore an indigo colored helmet with two white stripes down the middle.

Her eyes were trained up to your face as hers bore a sheepish grin and she chuckles nervously. Finally deciding to not let the awkward silence take over, she said something in a raspy voice similar to that of Rainbow's.

Scootaloo: Heh, s-sorry about almost running you over, mister. I-I got so into the zone that I didn't-

She stopped when a feeling came to her when her eyes observed your facial features.

Scootaloo: Hey, I... feel like I've seen you somewhere before. Have we met or something?

The shock of her almost slamming into you still left you silent for just a little bit, but you soon snapped back to reality.

(P/N): Not face to face, no. I get that a lot, so you're not the only one to-

Yet again, you're interrupted by Scootaloo suddenly gasping loudly as her face now had an excited grin and stars shone in her eyes.

Scootaloo: Wait! Aren't you best friends with Rainbow Dash?!

Her question leaves you with a raised eyebrow.

(P/N): Uhhh... I don't know if I would go as far as to say that we're best friends, but... we're okay friends I guess.

Your answer makes the small filly squeal like a crazed fanboy or fanfilly in this case.

Scootaloo: I am her absolute BIGGEST fan of all time! She's the coolest, most amazingest pony EVER! I've never been able to meet her, but now that I've run into you, I might finally get a chance!

She then gets right up into your face while keeping up the sparkly eye look she had.

Scootaloo: Do you think you can introduce me?!

You blinked while staring blankly right back at her.

(P/N): Uhh... if I say yes, would that calm you down?

Scootaloo: Sure!

She answered, nodding enthusiastically.

(V/N): Sheesh, she'd better not be one of those kinds of fans that... collect locks of manes and the likes.

(P/N): *thinking* Glad I'm not the only one with that kind of hope.

You thought a little more before you got an idea right out of the blue and you smiled to yourself. You nodded before giving your attention back to Scootaloo.

(P/N): Before I do though, there's something I really need to discuss with you, Scootaloo.

Her excitement instantly changed to shock at you calling her by name.

Scootaloo: Wait, how do you know my name?

(P/N): Your teacher Cheerilee showed me your student file. I know how you don't have a Cutie Mark yet.

Her expression this time transitioned to a sad, embarrassed frown and she used one of her wings to cover her bare flank.

Scootaloo: O-Oh, you... know about that? You're... you're not gonna make fun of me for it, are you?

(P/N): No, no, of course not.

You replied, adding to it with a shake of your head.

(P/N): Quite the opposite, in fact. Look, I'm sure that you're feeling alone due to your current problem, but I'm here to tell you that there's somepony else that can relate, two of them to be accurate.

The frown Scootaloo had was now replaced with one that showed curiosity.

Scootaloo: R-Really? You mean I'm not the only pony without a Cutie Mark?

(P/N): Yep. Admittedly, I wasn't expecting to run into you like this, but it still gives me a chance to talk. You see, I came to help you out with introducing you to the two other ponies just like you.

Scootaloo's smile came back along with her happiness.

Scootaloo: Y-You did?! That's so awesome! Thank you, Mr... uh, s-sorry. I don't really remember your name.

She admitted, sheepishly before you offered her a hoofshake.

(P/N): Just call me P/N.

Scootaloo grins before accepting your hoofshake with hers.

Scootaloo: Oh right, now I remember! You're the guy that fought that Ursa Minor, aren't you? That was so cool!

A small chuckle escaped your lips and you shrugged modestly.

(P/N): I mean, it really wasn't all that special, but thanks anyways. Anywho, you were probably on your way to Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera right now, right?

You asked which was met with a nod from her.

Scootaloo: Yeah. Why?

(P/N): Go there without me. I'll bring one of the other Cutie Markless ponies with me and you'll meet them at the party.

Scootaloo: Okay. What about the third pony?

(P/N): She'll be there too. You just worry about getting to the party on time.

Scootaloo seemed a little unconvinced from your reassurement, but she didn't want to argue about it, so she decided to trust your judgment.

Scootaloo: Alright. I guess I'll see you there then?

(P/N): Yeah. Oh, one more thing. For future instances, try not to cut it close when it comes to almost running somepony over, will you?

The young Pegasus filly responded to that with yet another sheepish laugh.

Scootaloo: N-Noted. See you there.

She hops back onto her scooter and with a flap of her wings, she takes off. Not hesitating for a second, you began your trek to Rarity's home. Once there, you noticed the front door opening and as if fate wanted to throw you a bone twice in a row (or in this case an author who wanted to make this encounter quick and convenient), Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle exited. She now wore a small pink dress that covered her flank. In fact, that seemed to be the idea as when she stepped out, she glanced at the back of her dress with a face that carried worry.

Sweetie Belle: *sigh* I hope this works.

She muttered in a somewhat squeaky voice. She walks ahead a few feet and you decide to introduce yourself.

(P/N): You look a little down there, kid.

The young Unicorn filly flinches from your sudden arrival and she nervously turns to you.

Sweetie Belle: M-Me? N-No, nononono! N-Nothing's wrong! I-I just...

She goes quiet when she analyzes your face more closely.

Sweetie Belle: Hey, you wouldn't happen to be-

(P/N): P/N? Yeah, I've been kinda getting that a lot. And you must be Sweetie Belle; Rarity's little sister.

Sweetie Belle: Y-Yeah. How'd you know that?

(P/N): Ms. Cheerilee gave me your student file. You seem to already know me on the other hoof. I'm guessing Rarity's told you about me?

Sweetie Belle: Well, that, and I've heard about all the cool adventures you've been on. Rarity goes on about you all the time, you know.

That made your eyebrows raise a little.

(P/N): How much does she say?

Sweetie Belle: *chuckles* A little too much if you ask me. Still, she seems to really admire you a lot.

The urge to sheepishly scratch the back of your head made your forelimb do so as you added a chortle to the mix.

(P/N): T-That so, huh?

(V/N): Do you still believe that she's only fixated on Blueballs?

(P/N): *thinking* Firstly, it's Blueblood.

(V/N): That's even more disgusting.

(P/N): *thinking* Yeah, I'm sure his parents were on something on his birthday. Secondly, Sweetie Belle said that all Rarity did was talk about me a lot. It doesn't automatically mean that it was out of romantic feelings. You can still talk about someone a lot and not have it involve romance at all.

(V/N): *groans* For Celestia's sake, P/N, wake up and touch grass already! Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie obviously have deep feelings for you and you're just gonna sit there and pretend that none of it is happening?!

(P/N): *thinking* Are you saying I'm stupid?

(V/N): I—

(P/N): *thinking* Do I you?

(V/N): If you can't pick up on these hints, obviously you are.

(P/N): *thinking* And you always putting me down doesn't make it any better!

Sweetie's voice cuts off your inner argument.

Sweetie Belle: *sigh* Well, it's been nice, P/N, but I've gotta get going.

She turned and was about to head off before you called to her.

(P/N): Look, I know about how you don't have a Cutie Mark, alright?

The filly stopped in her tracks and aimed a shaky stare your way.

Sweetie Belle: W-What do you mean? O-Of course I have one!

You weren't convinced by that in the slightest as you crossed your forelimbs and raised one of your eyebrows to show it.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Oh really? *sincerely* Show it to me then.

Sweetie Belle: W-What?

(P/N): If you've really got a Cutie Mark, show me what it looks like.

A small shock of realization hits you right after you made that request.

(P/N): *thinking* Oh jeez. That sounded kinda wrong.

(V/N): Kinda? KINDA wrong?! Do you even have a clue what that means?!

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, I- *sigh* you know what, you might be right about that. I might just get a dictionary some time.

(V/N): Uh, no. What you need, and by you I mean me, is therapy.

(P/N): *thinking* I don't need therapy!

(V/N): Exactly what a therapy deprived pony would say.

(P/N): *thinking* ARGH!!!

You bellowed inside your cranium as Sweetie Belle decided to break the silence with yet another sigh.

Sweetie Belle: Okay... I admit, I... don't have a Cutie Mark.

She confessed before pushing off her dress to reveal her bare flank.

Sweetie Belle: It's just really... really embarrassing to admit. I'm the only one in my class without one and it's just so humiliating. I just wanna crawl into a hole and live there for the next one hundred years.

She mortifiedly shrunk to the floor with her forelegs wrapped in front of her to support her head. Sighing, you went up and stood next to her.

(P/N): Sweetie Belle, the lack of a Cutie Mark shouldn't be treated like a bad thing. I've said this before with somepony else, but this can allow you to explore what your special talent could be.

Sweetie Belle: Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not good at anything!

She slumped even more.

(P/N): You don't know that for sure. You'll come across something you're good at in due time. Besides, no one said you had to do it alone. There's two other ponies that are just like you that are on the same boat.

Sweetie Belle: W-What do you mean?

(P/N): I mean that you aren't alone in terms of lacking a Cutie Mark. As I said, two other students in your class don't have theirs either and they're both gonna be at Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera. If you don't believe me, go there and see for yourself.

Sweetie's nerves came back and she found herself shaking in fear again.

Sweetie Belle: B-But I can't-

(P/N): It'll be okay. Go there, find them, and introduce yourself. Who knows? You might actually end up being really good friends with them.

You reassured the Unicorn filly who now slowly calmed herself.

Sweetie Belle: You... really believe that?

You offered her a comforting nod and smile.

(P/N): I do.

She looks away and thinks about it, really carefully deciding her next move. As she thought, a few things came to her. You seemed to be sincere with what you just said about there being others like her, but the nagging feeling of something going wrong and being insulted at the party still itched at the back of her head. Before long, she decided that she didn't really have much to lose if she still went and you seemed adamant about these supposed other ponies being at this party, so there's a chance that things may go her way.

Taking all of that into consideration, she gives you a hopeful nod.

Sweetie Belle: Alright... I'll trust you. I'll go and put this dress back and I'll see you over at the party.

(P/N): Sounds like a plan. See you there, Belle.

You waved to her as she mirrored your action before going back inside her home while you walked away. With a confident step in your stride, you headed towards Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera... only for you to stop almost immediately afterwards upon realizing something.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... where's the cute-ceañera taking place again?

There was a long bout of silence until V/N finally stepped in.

(V/N): You're...are you plucking serious?! You never once asked where the party takes place?! P/N... I'm not even so sure if the word "dumbflank" would be right in describing you anymore.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, obviously, it didn't occur to you to ask either!

(V/N): Remind me who's the one in control right now? Of course I'm not gonna know about it!

After some quick thinking, you finally had struck the gold mine of realization in your head.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait, if it's a party then there's only one place in town known for having them.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Oh wow! Now you've come to a conclusion! That must have taken one whole brain cell to pull that off. I'm so proud!

(P/N): *thinking* You know, you can be real mean sometimes.

(V/N): And you're an idiot, so that makes us even.

Deciding not to indulge in his nonsense, you began heading over to where you assumed the cute-ceañera would be. Your prediction was soon proven to be true as you arrived at Sugarcube Corner to see dozens of ponies passing through the front door. You could see just inside that the interior had been fully decorated with the necessities for a party.

(V/N): Hang on. Don't we need a gift or something?

(P/N): *thinking* I don't think so. Diamond never mentioned anything about bringing her a gift.

You stopped walking for a second.

(P/N): *thinking* Unless... we're the gift.

You stood while pausing for several seconds before you shuddered while V/N shuddered as well albeit through voice alone, but you could almost feel him doing so. Trying your best to forget it, you walked inside Sugarcube Corner with the party in full swing. Things seemed to be going well aside from one odd scene involving a mare taking a bite out of a cupcake to reveal its oddly burnt filling as the mare recoiled and spit out her bite in disgust to which you raised a perplexed eyebrow.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh, Pinkie's not known for burning her treats. Wonder what happened with that one.

(V/N): I can take a guess.

Your head was then forcefully pulled to the front to show where your vision needed to be and it widened slightly at the sight of Apple Bloom standing at the far end of the room next to a chocolate pony statue before she hastily hid behind said statue seemingly in a panic. Your expression soon alters to disappointment at seeing this.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, well. It looks like Rainbow's "surefire" training didn't seem to work because that's the look of a filly that didn't get her Cutie Mark on time.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Nooo, that's more of the look of the happiest kid in Equestria.

Sighing to that, you went up to Apple Bloom from the other side of the statue as she peered her head around the side she hid from.

Apple Bloom: *whisper* How could I have forgotten the time?! How could I have forgotten Pinkie Pie was hosting the party?! How could I have forgotten it was at Sugarcube Corner?

Pinkie suddenly comes out of nowhere and puts a party hat on Apple Bloom's head.

Pinkie Pie: Don't forget your party hat, Forgetty Forgetterson!

She hopped away as Apple Bloom remained behind the statue.

Apple Bloom: I have to get out of here before anypony sees me.

(P/N): I'm afraid it's much too late for that.

Your voice came from behind, making the filly scream before she slapped her hooves over her mouth to silence her. She turns and removes her hooves before gazing up at you and smiling nervously.

Apple Bloom: O-Oh uh... h-howdy there, P/N. I-I was just about to, you know, show off mah new Cutie Mark and-

She's stopped by you raising a hoof.

(P/N): Don't even attempt to lie, Bloom. Rainbow's training didn't work, did it?

You asked, narrowing your eyes right at her smaller form. She sweats from the pressure as her body trembled until she finally gave in with a sad sigh and she turned her body to show you her flank which still remained barren of a Cutie Mark.

Apple Bloom: *sadly* No... it didn't. I even tried baking cupcakes with Pinkie to see if I'd get one in baking, but I just ended up burnin' them all. I even tried askin' Twilight if she'd make one appear with her magic... *sigh* only for it to not work either. I'm... I'm just a good for nothin' blank flank.

(P/N): *sigh* Apple Bloom, come on. It's one thing to be sad about the lack of a Cutie Mark, but it's a whole other thing when you start bringing yourself down with ugly nicknames.

Apple Bloom: I didn' come up with it. They did.

She slowly points to the middle of the room where unsurprisingly, the young hostess and her maniacal henchfilly stood proudly in the center as both Diamond and Silver now wore dresses that suited the occasion, at least in their eyes. You frowned to yourself in disappointment as V/N decided to comment.

(V/N): Okay, this annoying, creepy little turd and her equally irritating friend are really close to being on my list of ponies that I plan to "cross out," if you catch my drift.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Okay, while I agree that they are getting on my nerves as much as they are on yours, they're still just kids. "Crossing them out" is kinda extreme.

(V/N): Hey, you want her to not have that crush on you, right? Well, this may just be the only thing we can do to-

(P/N): *thinking* We're not doing that, V/N.

You replied, firmly.

(V/N): *scoffs* Fine, but if we end up as her play thing, I'll personally make sure that the rest of your life will be spent in misery.

(P/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* I'll keep that in mind.

You then saw Scootaloo out of the corner of your eye come out from one of the bathrooms as you also noticed Sweetie Belle come in through the front door and a smile stretched onto your face as a result.

(P/N): *thinking* Perfect! They're both here. Now to set things in motion with-

You turned to look back at Apple Bloom only to see that she was no longer standing by you. Quickly checking around, you easily spotted the littlest Apple trying to make an exit out the front entrance only to be stopped by Applejack who blocked her path.

Applejack: Apple Bloom, you made it! After I heard about Twist, I was afraid you wouldn't show up. I sure am glad you came to your senses about this whole Cutie Mark thing. These things happen when these things are supposed to happen. Trying to rush 'em just drives you crazy.

As she spoke, her taller frame pushed Apple Bloom back into the room as she tried desperately to claw at her only salvation, but to no avail.

(P/N): That's what I tried telling her, but she didn't seem to listen.

You pointed out, entering the conversation

Applejack: Well, howdy, P/N! Here for the party too?

(V/N): *sarcasm* Noooo. We're here because we just like standing around.

(P/N): Yeah. Diamond herself actually invited me.

Applejack: Huh, ain't that interesting? Must be because of the deeds you've been pullin' lately.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Certainly not because of an unhealthy attraction or anything.

(P/N): H-Heh... yeah, must be. Hey, can I see Apple Bloom for just a minute?

You asked as you didn't wait for an answer as you quickly pulled the young Apple to the far side of the room to speak with her. What you didn't know however, was that Silver Spoon had spotted you and Apple Bloom together and her gaze narrowed into a scowl.

Silver Spoon: *thinking* So, little Miss Blank Flank decided to show up after all, along with her bodyguard. *groans* Just what is it about him that Diamond's so obsessed about? He's not even that good looking!

Gazing back at Diamond, she sees that her friend was too busy talking to some of the other party guests to notice either of you which only made Silver even more irritated.

Silver Spoon: *thinking* So, if you won't bother putting her in her place while Mister "Perfect's" around, then I'll just have to do it myself.

Once her mind was made up, she snuck away from Diamond and headed towards you and Apple Bloom as you were talking with her.

(P/N): Apple Bloom, you can't just let those two bully you like this. Who cares what they or others think?

Apple Bloom: I do, P/N! This'll ruin me for the rest of mah life!

(P/N): Only if you let it ruin you. Can't you see that the idea of having no Cutie Mark being a bad thing is all in your head?

You facehooved before letting out a tired sigh.

(P/N): Look, just to show you that you shouldn't be ashamed of not having a Cutie Mark, there's something I've gotta show you. Just stay here and don't go anywhere, okay?

Apple Bloom: B-But P/N-

(P/N): Okay?!

You asked again, this time getting yet another sigh from Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom: Okay.

She relented which made you nod approvingly. A part of you felt kinda bad for raising your voice like that, but you also felt like it had to be done to make her listen.

(P/N): Good. I promise that this'll be worth it. I'll be back in a second.

You walked away from her as you went over to Scootaloo who was currently helping herself to some of the confectionaries with the exception of the cupcakes for obvious reasons.

(P/N): So, you made it.

You greeted her, getting her to stop and look at you.

Scootaloo: Hey, Mister P/N!

(P/N): *chuckles* Didn't I say that you could just call me P/N?

Scootaloo: O-Oh, right! *chuckles* I forgot. Anyways, those ponies you mentioned before, are they here yet?

(P/N): They sure are. Here, I'll even introduce one of them to you.

You looked around briefly and spotted Sweetie Belle again as you brought Scootaloo over to her. Sweetie notices you approaching and she finds herself smiling again.

Sweetie Belle: Hey there, P/N! You made it!

(P/N): Yep. Anywho, I wanna introduce you to someone.

You stepped aside to allow Scootaloo to speak.

Scootaloo: Hi there! I'm Scootaloo! It's a pleasure to meet you! P/N's told me that you don't have a Cutie Mark either.

Hearing that made Sweetie's eyes widen in surprise.

Sweetie Belle: So, it's true then? You really don't have a Cutie Mark either? I-I thought I was the only one in my whole class!

She exclaimed, smiling wider than she did before.

Scootaloo: I thought so too! It's nice to know that I'm not alone.

Sweetie Belle: Same here! Oh, I'm Sweetie Belle by the way. It's great to meet you too.

She shakes Scootaloo's hoof enthusiastically as you couldn't help but smile proudly at the scene before you.

(P/N): See? You two don't have to feel ashamed anymore.

You said as they smiled up at you.

Sweetie Belle: You're right, P/N! Thank you for this!

Scootaloo: Yeah, thanks!

(P/N): Anytime, squirts.

Sweetie Belle: Hey, I just remembered. Didn't you say that there was a third pony like us?

(P/N): That's correct.

You answered before turning to face the direction of where Apple Bloom was.

(P/N): She's right over-

Yet again, you were silenced when you saw Silver Spoon approaching Apple Bloom as there was no doubt in your mind as to what her intentions were likely going to be.

(P/N): *sigh* On second thought, you two may wanna hold off on the introductions for just a minute.

Scootaloo: Why's that?

She questioned, but you didn't answer as you walked over to Apple Bloom as Silver had gotten to her first.

Silver Spoon: Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up.

Apple Bloom's nerves went up again before she tried keeping her cool by hiding her flank from Silver's gaze by facing her fully.

Apple Bloom: O-Oh, Silver Spoon! W-What a surprise!

Silver Spoon: Hmph! An unpleasant one at that with you being here. So, I'm sure you came here to amaze us all with your glorious new Cutie Mark. *mock surprise* Oh wait, that's right, you don't have one!

As she went on, Diamond finally took notice of her friend's absence and finally found her with Apple Bloom as she was instantly flabbergasted. However, it was then time for her shock to turn to panic as she also noticed you nearing them as well.

Diamond Tiara: *thinking* P/N's here! Oh no! Nonononononononono! I can't let him see what she's doing!

She goes into a sprint towards Silver Spoon and like a might cougar, she lept at her friend and crashed right into her and onto the ground, effectively silencing her. This managed to gain the attention of the crowd as everyone had now stopped what they were doing to look at the two fillies on the ground with Apple Bloom standing a foot away now with her earlier look of confusion. Realizing that all the attention was on her again, Diamond stood up and sheepishly tried to play it off with a nervous smile.

Diamond Tiara: F-Forget what you saw, everypony! I-I was just about to greet dear Apple Bloom over here when I tripped and fell onto Silver here! Sorry about that, Silvy!

She apologized to her friend which was only replied with a dizzy expression on the gray filly's face.

(P/N): Oh, quit being so innocent already!

You shouted, making everyone's eyes train on you now as you held a frown that was aimed at Diamond Tiara.

(P/N): You and I both know that what you did wasn't just a simple tumble, Diamond. You intentionally tackled Silver to keep her from insulting Apple Bloom any further!

Diamond Tiara: Whaaat? N-No, no, t-that's crazy! I-I'd never do that, especially not to Silver here!

She tried to deny as Silver finally recovered from the tackle and pushed Diamond off of her as she now found herself scowling at Diamond just as you did.

Silver Spoon: What's gotten into you, Diamond?! Why are you suddenly so accepting of this-this... blank flank?!

She shouted, pointing a hoof back at Apple Bloom who now slumped sadly to herself.

Diamond Tiara: I-I... w-well-

Scootaloo: You got a problem with blank flanks?!

The young and brash Pegasus shouted from the other side of the crowd as it soon dispersed to allow both her and Sweetie Belle to walk through as they too held angry frowns.

Scootaloo: I said, you got a problem with blank flanks?!

Silver Spoon: The problem is, I mean, she's like, totally not special!

Sweetie Belle: No, it means she's full of potential!

She retorted, now standing beside Apple Bloom as Scootaloo followed her example while standing on the other side.

Scootaloo: It means she could be great at anything. The possibilities are, *mocking* like, endless.

(P/N): You've got that right, Scoots.

You agreed, walking over and also standing by Apple Bloom.

(P/N): Apple Bloom could be anything she wanted to be. She could be a great scientist, or an amazing artist, or a famous writer.

Sweetie Belle: She could even be mayor of Ponyville someday!

She added to your points which made you nod back at her.

(P/N): Exactly.

Scootaloo: And she's not stuck being stuck-up like you two.

She says to Diamond and Silver as the hostess herself was too much at a loss for words to say anything, but that didn't stop her friend however.

Silver Spoon: This is ridiculous! How could you both possibly even take her side?!

Sweetie Belle: Because...

She and Scootaloo then proudly showed their barren flanks to the crowd which truly filled Apple Bloom with astonishment as she gasped loudly.

Apple Bloom: You don't have your Cutie Marks either?! I thought I was the only one!

Scootaloo: We thought we were the only two.

Sweetie Belle: It wasn't until P/N showed us that we weren't alone.

She said as both she and Scootaloo smiled warmly at you as you walked up and ruffled their manes, making them giggle.

(P/N): And I was proud to do so.

You then faced back towards Apple Bloom.

(P/N): Do you see now, Apple Bloom? You weren't the only Cutie Markless filly in your class. You don't need to rush for your special talent because you've got two others that know what you're going through.

Twilight then steps out of the crowd and speaks.

Twilight Sparkle: He's got a point there. And I for one think you are three very lucky fillies.

Silver Spoon: Lucky? How can they be lucky?!

Twilight Sparkle: They still get to experience the thrill of discovering who they are, and what they're meant to be.

Applejack: And they got all the time in the world to figure it out.

(P/N): And trying to make it happen earlier than it should will only bring nothing but stress and pressure. It's best to take your time with it because the special day will come for your true self to shine.

You said the last part while smiling warmly back at Apple Bloom who mirrored your expression for a second before other fillies came up to her smiling and talking to her.

Tornado Bolt: Wow, Apple Bloom, I wish I could be a scientist!

Piña Colada: Do you really think you could be mayor?!

Coronet: Maybe I got my Cutie Mark too soon!

They crowded all around her as the rest of the party members decided to huddle her too, leaving only Diamond and Silver to themselves.

Diamond Tiara: H-Hey, what's everypony doing?! This is my party, everypony is supposed to be paying attention to me!

She tried saying, but no one so much as even gave her a tiny glance. She stood in complete disbelief for another few seconds before you came up beside her.

(P/N): You know, girls, if you focus too much on being the center of attention all the time, you'll really miss out on what's really important in life.

You walked ahead a few inches before stopping and peering over your shoulder at Diamond one last time as V/N was now in control.

(V/N): Oh, and one more thing, Diamond. You and me?

Her glance now turned to an angry glare as he turned your head more.

(V/N): *through clenched teeth* Never. Gonna. Happen.

Diamond lets out a small gasp and she recoils, feeling genuinely hurt from what V/N said as you regained control and walked away. Diamond stood, mortified from the prospect of you shutting her down like that and not fully believing it. However, after a few seconds, she was now hanging her head low and frowning.

Diamond Tiara: *thinking* Oh yeah? We'll just see about that! I don't know how or when, but some day, you will be mine, P/N! You'll see! ...yeah. You'll... you'll see.

She thought as her anger subsided and gave way to disappointment as Silver tried cheering her up.

Silver Spoon: Pfft! Who needs him? Him and those blank flanks are all just a bunch of losers, right Diamond Tiara?

She asked only for Diamond to respond with yet another sigh.

Diamond Tiara: Not now, Silver Spoon. *murmurs* This is all your fault, anyways.

We cut back to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo as they introduced themselves to each other.

Scootaloo: Name's Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle: And I'm Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom: Apple Bloom.

You approached them again as you held a smile on your face for them.

(P/N): I'm really proud of you three.

Apple Bloom: Heh, thanks!

She then twiddles with her hooves and looks at you with a now apologetic face.

Apple Bloom: P/N, I'm... really sorry for not listening to you about waiting for mah Cutie Mark. I just didn't want to get ridiculed and made fun of for it.

(P/N): I understand, but like I said, it's not a bad thing to not have a Cutie Mark. Although, now that you've got two new friends here that are just like you, you'll surely find out in no time.

Apple Bloom: Yeah, I guess yer right!

She said, smiling at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom: I was thinking, now that we're friends... I mean, we are friends, right?

Scootaloo: How could we not be? We're totally alike. We don't have Cutie Marks, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon drive us crazy--

Sweetie Belle: Totally crazy.

They shared a laugh right after that.

Apple Bloom: Well, now that we're friends, what if the three of us work together to find out who we are and what we're supposed to be?

(P/N): I think that's a fantastic idea, kiddo.

Sweetie Belle: Ooh! Ooh! We could form our own secret society!

Scootaloo: I'm liking this idea!

She agreed.

Apple Bloom: A secret society. Yeah! We need a name for it though.

Scootaloo: The Cutie Mark Three?

Sweetie Belle: The Cutastically Fantastics?

Apple Bloom: How about... The Cutie Mark Crusaders?

Her suggestion was met with praise from her new friends as they happily agreed to the name.

Scootaloo: It's perfect!

Sweetie Belle: This is gonna be so great!

Apple Bloom: We're gonna be unstoppable!

Scootaloo: What do you say we celebrate with some of these delicious cupcakes?

She suggested while taking out a cupcake and putting it on the table. Right before she could eat it, Apple Bloom was quick to stop her.

Apple Bloom: Not the cupcakes! Trust me.

Meanwhile, you stood by and chuckled.

(P/N): Well, I guess my work here is done. I'll leave you three to it then. Keep me up to date, will you?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Sure will!

You waved them goodbye before going to join the festivities as they glanced one final time at you.

Scootaloo: You know, I think we should be really grateful for P/N.

Apple Bloom: I'm with you there. If it weren't for him, we probably wouldn't have become friends.

Sweetie Belle: Yeah, probably.

She added, now staring at you as you were conversing with your friends.

Sweetie Belle: *thinking* Heh... I can see why Rarity likes him so much. He's actually a really nice guy. Not to mention... very handsome.

As she stared, a feeling rose in the pit of Sweetie's heart... a feeling she didn't have before. Soon enough, the outlines of her vision grew a pinkish tint to them as music once again began to play.

Suddenly, several hearts appeared all around Sweetie's head as they popped like bubbles with her expression now being that of one who's swooned with her eyes half lidded and her lips curled into a dreamy smile. However, as so suddenly as it began, it also abruptly ended when Apple Bloom's voice snapped her out of it.

Apple Bloom: You alright there, Sweetie Belle?

Sweetie Belle: H-Huh? O-Oh, yeah! I-I'm fine! Just thinking is all! *nervously chuckles*

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared a puzzled look with each other in response to Sweetie's strange behavior.

Scootaloo: Uhhh... okay? Hey, Let's see if there are any cookies.

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Come on!

The three of them ran for the table where the confectionery was as Twilight observed them hanging out with one another with a smile of her own while also thinking about what she was going to write to Princess Celestia for her friendship lesson.

Twilight Sparkle: Dearest Princess Celestia, I am happy to report that one of your youngest subjects has learned a valuable lesson about friendship. Sometimes, the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out...

Some time later, Princess Celestia can be seen in her royal chambers reading Twilight's friendship lesson out loud.

Princess Celestia: *reading* ...can actually be the thing that helps you make your closest friends and realize how special you are.

She hums and smiles to herself while gazing down at her blazing sun Cutie Mark fondly as the scene fades to black.

End of Episode 10...

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