Chapter 9: A Royal Visit

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The scene began in Twilight's library as she was busy organizing some more books that had come in earlier today. Spike was helping her with moving huge stacks from one side to the other as he had worked up somewhat of a sweat from the strenuous activity as they had been at it for a little over an hour now.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, would you mind organizing these alphabetically when you get the chance? I'd like to keep them all organized to the best that we can.

Spike: You can count on me, Twilight.

He saluted her before going over to one of the stacks of books. However, before he could grab one, he felt the sudden urge to burp out of nowhere as he held his stomach with a claw. Sure enough, he belched and out came a wisp of magic that soon formed into a scroll as Spike caught it with one of his claws.

Spike: Woah, Twilight, check it out!

He goes over to her and shows her the scroll which did manage to surprise her.

Twilight Sparkle: A letter from Princess Celestia? She probably wants something from me.

Spike opened the scroll and read its contents. After reading the first couple of words, his eyes widened and he looked up at Twilight.

Spike: Twilight... this isn't addressed to you.

It was now Twilight's turn to feel surprised as she raised an eyebrow.

Twilight Sparkle: It... it isn't?

She asked, earning a head shake from her assistant.

Spike: Nope, it's addressed...


(P/N): To me?!

The scene jump cuts to a few minutes later as you were standing in the doorway to your home while Twilight and Spike stood outside the front.

Twilight Sparkle: It looks like it. I wonder what she wants from you.

You took the note from her and read it out loud.

(P/N): *reading* Dear P/N, after receiving your last letter, I had some time to think to myself and I realized something. We never did have much time to speak with one another about your Element of Harmony or just to talk in general after taking care of Nightmare Moon, so I am cordially inviting you to spend some time with me and possibly even my sister at the castle. We can discuss whatever may be on your mind or as I said before, find out what your Element of Harmony may represent. I'm curious as to what we'll find out. Please, come at your earliest convenience as I wish to not disturb whatever plans you may have. I look forward to getting to know you better. Sincerely, Princess Celestia. P.S. If any guards give you trouble, be sure to show them this note and they will allow you entrance. P.P.S. Luna says hi as well and she can't wait to see you too.

You finished before looking back at Twilight and Spike.

(P/N): Huh, well, I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend.

Twilight Sparkle: This is such a huge honor, P/N! Being able to spend time with the princesses, that's something that rarely happens with common ponies!

(P/N): Heh, obviously. Hang on, didn't we already figure out what my Element of Harmony represented?

Twilight Sparkle: Not exactly. I only made an assumption as to what it was if you remember which I believed to be Courage.

(V/N): Pfft! Courage? I think what it should represent is Dimwittedness since that's what you most succeed at. 

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Any chance a time comes along for you to insult me, you've just gotta take it, do you?

(V/N): Don't you know? It's kind of my thing, remember?

Letting out an internal groan, you turned your attention back to Twilight.

(P/N): You really still think it's courage, Twi? Even if I don't always show it?

Twilight Sparkle: It's like Celestia said before, P/N. True courage isn't about not having any fear, it's the ability to overcome and conquer it which is exactly what you did. You stood up against Nightmare Moon despite not having an Element of Harmony yourself and that is a true testament to courage.

Twilight's words brought a smile to your lips and your face flushed a little from the compliment.

(P/N): Heh, it's strange that you have a really high opinion of me despite the fact that we've had a rocky start.

Twilight Sparkle: None of us are perfect, P/N. Plus, one of the things that friendship stands for is looking past each other's mistakes. You've forgiven me for things I've done before, so I'm willing to forgive you for the things you've done before too.

Her meaningful words served to widen your smile even more and you walked closer to her and offered her a hug to which she gladly accepted.

(P/N): Thanks, Twilight. It... means a lot to hear that.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* You're welcome.

You ended the hug a second later and looked at the clock in your living room.

(P/N):  I guess I should start getting ready for the trip. You mind sending Princess Celestia a note, letting her know that I'm on my way?

Twilight Sparkle: Of course. I hope you have a wonderful time with her and Princess Luna, P/N. From the sounds of it, she's eager to see you too.

(P/N): Well, after helping with saving her from her edgy dark side, it's kinda to be expected at this point.

Spike: I'll say. Hey, could you see if Canterlot's got any special gems up there you could bring back for me while you're at it, P/N?

He begins to salivate at the thought of eating such gems.

Spike: Just thinking about it makes me hungry!

In response, Twilight gives him a light smack on the top of the head to snap him out of his daydreaming.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, this is about P/N spending time with the princesses and figuring out what his Element of Harmony could mean, not about satisfying your case of the munchies.

Spike: R-Right, sorry.

He nervously laughs while giving the back of his head a scratch.

(P/N): *chuckles* It's okay, little bud. Tell you what, maybe on the last day or so, I'll see if I can find something for you to munch on. Sounds good?

Spike was quick to smile at your offer as he grew excited.

Spike: Really? Thanks!

Twilight rolls her eyes playfully and smirks before looking at you again.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, the last thing I need is you spoiling him.

(P/N): Aw, come on, Twi. The little guy works his butt off to make sure that huge library of yours is spotless every day. The least you could do is spoil him from time to time.

Spike: Yeah, what he said!

He joins, resulting in an amused head shake from Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* You two are unbelievable. Anyways, I think we should get going, Spike. P/N's surely gonna need some time to pack for his trip. And P/N, be sure to give Princess Celestia and Luna my regards.

(P/N): Sure thing. Take care, guys.

Spike: Have fun, P/N!

(P/N): Heh, will do, Spike. Will do.

They waved one final time before they turned and left as you went back inside to pack your things. As you did so, V/N decided to voice his thoughts.

(V/N): I wonder how Luna's doing.

(P/N): Since when do you show concern for other ponies?

(V/N): Hey, I may be malicious but I'm not heartless, at least not entirely. Besides, she had an alter ego like you. Wouldn't you at least be somewhat concerned? I mean, ponies could be treating her like manure for all we know.

(P/N): If that's the case, I'll be sure to give them a piece of my mind. By the way, I expect you to be on your best behavior.

(V/N): Oh, what?! Come on! Can't I have a little fun?!

(P/N): No, you can't. We're going to be in the presence of both the princess of the sun and the princess of the moon which means we have to show our utmost respect. That means you can't get involved in any shape or form, especially considering your track record as of late.

(V/N): *sarcasm* As if your track record is an improvement.

(P/N): Hey, I'm not the one with major anger issues here and even when I do get angry, it doesn't last for very long.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Suuuure.

You sense him do an eye roll.

(V/N): Well, if you've been paying any attention, you've asked me to take over for you during any frustrating situations recently. The way I see it, I'm better at venting than you.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Good for you. I'll be sure to attend self help seminars to appease you.

(V/N): You know, it wouldn't hurt to attend at least one of those things considering the fact that you can't seem to trust anypony these days.

(P/N): It's not about a lack of trust, it's... *sigh* it's complicated, okay? I don't know how to explain it. Look, I need to pack, so would you mind staying quiet so I can concentrate?

(V/N): Whatever, man.

He finally goes silent, allowing you to resume packing your things. A few hours later, you were at the Ponyville train station along with the Mane Six as they were sending you off.

Fluttershy: We hope you have a safe trip, P/N.

She says, giving you a quick hug.

(P/N): Thanks, Fluttershy, and I will. I'll admit, I wasn't really expecting to be spending time with the princesses of all ponies.

Rainbow Dash: I can, considering that you were able to make a new element and all.

Applejack: I'm still mighty confused by that. The legend only told of six elements, so how was it that P/N was able to create a seventh?

Twilight Sparkle: Hopefully, Princess Celestia will be able to provide some answers for that. If not then at least some convincing enough theories.

You nodded in agreement before a certain pink party pony rushed up and swallowed you into a bone crushing hug, making your eyes pop out.

Pinkie Pie: I really, really, reeeealy hope you have fun, P/N! I'm gonna miss you!

In reaction to Pinkie's show of affection, the rest of the group all simultaneously sweatdropped.

Rainbow Dash: Uhh, Pinkie? You know that he'll only be gone for a few days, right?

Pinkie Pie: I know, but it may as well be years since it'll still be a while!

She replied, still hugging you tight like a teddy bear.

Rarity: Pinkie darling, I would strongly advise you to let go of poor P/N now.

Pinkie Pie: Huh? Why's that?

Her question was answered the moment she looked back at you to see your entire face turning blue from a lack of oxygen. Pinkie got the hint and immediately let go of you, letting you regain your breath again.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, sorry P/N. 

(P/N): *pant* It's... *pant* it's fine, Pinkie. *pant*

(V/N): Really? She nearly chokes you to death and it's fine?

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, at least we're not dead from it.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Yeah, a real miracle.

A scarf surrounded in a light blue aura then suddenly floats over and gently wraps itself around your neck as you see that it was Rarity who gave it to you.

Rarity: I hear it can get quite chilly up in Canterlot, so do try to stay warm if need be, darling.

(P/N): I don't think it'll get that cold when I get up there, but I appreciate the thought, Rarity. Thank you.

Sadly, your conversation with your friends had to be cut short as one of the train conductors leaned out from the entryway for the train.

All Aboard: The train for Canterlot leaves in one minute!

(P/N): *sigh* I'll take that as my cue to get going. Take care for now, you guys. I'll see you in a few days.

As one last goodbye, your friends all gave you a group hug which lasted for a few seconds while they all voiced their own farewells. When you parted, the train's whistle sounded, meaning that it was just about to get moving as you scrambled on and took a seat in one of the carts. You leaned out the window and waved one final time to your friends while they mirrored your wave with their own as the train slowly left the station and began to make its way to Canterlot. When the forms of your friends disappeared into the distance, you sat back down and leaned your head against the window, deep in thought.

(P/N): *thinking* It's been a while since I've seen the princesses. It'll be nice to see how Luna's faring as far as getting used to the modern era since her time was more, well, olden timey.

(V/N): *groans* We're not gonna spend the whole trip telling her "what this is" or "what that is," are we? Because I'm sure that my sanity will crack in milliseconds.

(P/N): *thinking* You have sanity? As in, actual sanity?

(V/N): *sarcasm* Real funny, wise guy. *sincerity* Seriously though, doesn't the thought drive you crazy as well?

(P/N): *thinking* We might have to, alright? Remember, she spent the last one thousand years trapped on the moon, so there's bound to be plenty of stuff that she's not familiar with. By the way, I thought you said you cared?

(V/N): I said that I wondered how she was doing. I didn't volunteer to meticulously explain stuff to her like she's a foal.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, it'll give us something to do when Princess Celestia's busy with something. Besides, aren't you curious as to what my element could represent?

(V/N): *sarcasm* Like I would need to know about that.

(P/N): *thinking* What's that supposed to mean?

(V/N): It means diddly squat is what it means.

You responded to that with a typical shaking of the head while the train sped towards Canterlot. Some time later, you arrived at the Canterlot train station and disembarked soon after. You were greeted with the sight of Canterlot once again as well as the large castle that was the epicenter of it all. Making your way to the front gate, you looked up at the castle and you had to take a few steps back once you realized just how tall the castle really was. It really could be seen as a beacon of hope in what some would consider to be a chaotic world. You took a few steps closer before two spears rose up and blocked your path, surprising you greatly. You looked and saw two royal guard ponies standing on either side of the entrance to the castle.

Royal Guard: Halt! State your business or leave immediately!

You shook yourself out of your initial shock and pulled out the note Celestia gave you.

(P/N): Calm down, sirs. Princess Celestia asked me to come here.

You handed one of them the note as he and the other guard gave it a thorough read. After a moment, his and his fellow guard's serious expressions softened.

Royal Guard 2: Ah, you must be P/N. Please accept our most sincere apologies for the confusion. Right this way.

The guard to the right motioned for you to follow as he guided you into Canterlot castle. While walking, you looked around and admired the interior's architecture with paintings lined up all across the walls along with tons of windows. Finally, you made it to a set of large double doors which was the entrance to the throne room, at least to what you surmised at the moment. The guard opened the doors and they slowly swung up to reveal your assumption to be true.

The throne room was massive as it was a straight shot to the throne itself as to the right and left of the room were rows of stained glass windows depicting various scenes and events.

Sitting on the throne was none other than the Princess of the Sun herself, Princess Celestia. Currently, she was busily looking through scrolls while also writing into some with a quill as her eyes were trained on them at first. The guard walked closer and cleared his throat.

Royal Guard 2: Your highness, P/N has arrived as you requested.

Celestia tears herself away from the scroll she had and swivels her head in your direction. Her lips curled into a gentle smile the moment her eyes landed on you.

Princess Celestia: Oh, hello, young P/N. So nice of you to make it.

She greets you before turning to the guard and nodding which gave him the signal to leave which he did immediately. You both were now alone in the large throne room as Celestia stood and walked gracefully towards you, but not before putting away the scroll she had. Deciding not to be disrespectful, you gave Celestia a bow of your head.

(P/N): Princess.

Celestia smiles again before drawing closer and putting a hoof under your chin, bringing you back up into a standing position.

Princess Celestia: I see that you have received my letter.

(P/N): I did. I assume Twilight told you that I was coming today?

Princess Celestia: She did. Though, I must confess. I became so consumed with my work that I lost track of the time. I'm deeply sorry if I seemed distracted.

You shook your head dismissively.

(P/N): It's fine. You're a princess, so I'd imagine that you've got a lot of work to take care of. I can come back later if this is a bad time for you.

It was her turn now to shake her head dismissively as she did so.

Princess Celestia: It's quite alright. I wasn't working on anything too important anyways, so it's good that you came.

(P/N): Well, that's a relief.

As you talked, you couldn't help but notice just how tall she was. Her stature pretty much towered over yours which made sense since she was the princess after all, but it still did surprise you somewhat. Another thing you took notice of was just... how pretty she was. The way her mane flowed gracefully without effort as if it was being blown by wind even if there was no source of it anywhere. Her eyes that glittered in the sun she reveled in. Even her voice sounded like it had been woven by angels. To put it simply, she resembled that of a true goddess in both looks and personality. Said princess took notice of your staring and her face grew concerningly.

Princess Celestia: Is there something wrong, young P/N?

You managed to snap back to reality and you nervously rubbed a hoof one one of your forelimbs.

(P/N): O-Oh, uhhh, it's just that... I kinda forgot how... how...

(V/N): Graceful? Goddess-like? Big? Sexy?

(P/N): *thinking* Not helping, V/N!

Princess Celestia: How what?

She asked, making your forehead drop a few beads of sweat.

(P/N): How... how tall you are.

(V/N): Booooo! What kind of answer is that?!

(P/N): *thinking* Shut! Up! V/N!

Celestia tilts her head in puzzlement.

Princess Celestia: Huh?

(P/N): *sigh* I'm... I'm sorry if that offended you. It's just... I've heard stories and seen a few pictures here and there, but I never actually got to see you face to face aside from the Nightmare Moon fiasco, but even then, you weren't really what I was focusing on at the time. *groans* Listen to me, I'm-

You're cut off by the sun princess putting a gentle hoof to your lips, silencing you. Your eyes turned up and you saw that she resumed her earlier smiling.

Princess Celestia: There's no need to apologize, P/N. I can understand that my appearance might be a bit overwhelming, but I can assure you that you don't need to be nervous around me. After all, I asked you to come here to open up and talk, did I not?

She asked in her usual graceful voice before removing her hoof that was formerly situated on your lips.

(P/N): R-Right. You did.

Clearing your throat, you steadied your nerves for a few seconds. Unfortunately, you weren't able to do so for long before Celestia decided to do something rather peculiar. She leaned her head down to your level and closely inspected your face for some odd reason. Her eyes squinted as she took in your facial details while you backed away a bit, feeling a tad uncomfortable.

(P/N): Uhh... is there a problem?

You asked, but she didn't give you a reply immediately as she continued to stare at you.

Princess Celestia: Hmm... it's... odd.

(P/N): What... what is?

Princess Celestia: It could just be my imagination, but... I feel like I've... seen you somewhere before.

One of your eyebrows raised in puzzlement.

(P/N): Well, I was there when you got your sister back, so-

Princess Celestia: No, it's not that. You seem... familiar to me, somehow.

You started getting this antsy feeling in the pit of your stomach.

(P/N): *thinking* Could... could she have seen an image of me back when I was a savior?

(V/N): It's a possibility. See? What did I tell you? Your secret was eventually gonna get out and ponies would have known that-

Princess Celestia: Hmm, I might just be mistaking you for somepony else.

Her voice interrupted V/N as you breathed an internal sigh of relief.

(P/N): *thinking* That... had me on edge, I'm not gonna lie. *speaking* *clears throat* A-Anyways, you also said that you wanted to talk about my Element of Harmony.

She nods in reply.

Princess Celestia: Indeed. Firstly, let's take a walk, you and I.

She began walking to the throne room entrance as you took that as a sign to follow her as you walked beside her.

(P/N): This is a really beautiful castle, by the way.

You commented which led to Celestia grinning again.

Princess Celestia: Thank you. Many of the wonderful ponies have spent many millennia constructing Canterlot castle, letting it grow with each passing year. I remember when I was younger just how enthralled I was from its size.

(P/N): Considering that you were small at that time, I'd be impressed if you somehow weren't enthralled.

She takes you to a courtyard area where a table was set up along with a couple of chairs.

(P/N): Huh, how'd you know that I like tea, Princess?

You asked and she smiled in an all knowing way.

Princess Celestia: Twilight may have informed me of such in her letter.

(P/N): Heh, is that so? I should thank her when I get back.

She sat in one while you sat in the other as one of the servants came by and poured some tea for the both of you. Celestia thanks her before taking a sip of her tea and sighing in content.

Princess Celestia: So, please, tell me about yourself, P/N.

Taking a sip of your own tea, you set it down and began.

(P/N): I guess you could say that I used to be a traveler of sorts, never really stuck to one place. I've visited almost every corner of Equestria. You name it.

Celestia leans a little closer while maintaining her smile.

Princess Celestia: Luna Bay?

(P/N): Been there.

Princess Celestia: The Badlands?

(P/N): Definitely live up to their name.

Princess Celestia: The Crystal Mountains?

(P/N): *shudders* Still gives me chills to this day.

You shared a laugh with each other over the pun. Jeez, even her laugh sounded graceful to you. It was then that you realized something as you looked back at her.

(P/N): Hey, speaking of Luna, where is your sister by the way? I thought I would have seen her by now.

Princess Celestia: She wished to have some exclusive time with you as I did, so you'll be spending time with her once the day is over.

(P/N): Okay. How is she doing?

Princess Celestia: It's been a little rough for her considering that she has to adjust to how things go nowadays.

(P/N): I figured as much. Well, what about how it's going for her as far as getting over... well... you know who?

Your question made Celestia go silent for a moment or two while she looked away sadly.

Princess Celestia: I'm afraid... it's not my place to say.

Immediately, you caught onto what she meant and you decided to backpedal from that subject.

(P/N): Oh... well, in that case, I won't ask any further.

You said as she agreed with a nod.

Princess Celestia: Anyways, what was it like for you to travel?

You leaned on the table while crossing your forelimbs together.

(P/N): Fine, I guess. I've met a few ponies here and there. And... not much else.

Celestia didn't seem to like that response as her face grew a bit worried.

Princess Celestia: Not much else? Why does it sound like you're not telling me something?

Your eyes darted up at her as she was clearly able to see that there was more to this story than you were letting on which made you sigh in defeat.

(P/N): You see... I didn't exactly have anyone to travel with. I was... alone for the most part.

The sun princess' eyes lit up in mild surprise.

Princess Celestia: Alone? That must have been a miserable experience.

(P/N): It wasn't always bad, but... I did feel lonely at times.

Princess Celestia: Did you not have any friends to share the experience?

(P/N): At least... none that felt like real friends. I grew up at an orphanage and... well... I wasn't accepted there as I should have. For whatever reason, I was kicked out and forced to fend for myself for the longest time. This all continued until... until...

You stopped, lowering your head down and resting it upon the table. The reason being that you remembered the particular incident that V/N spoke of when you hung out with Rainbow Dash before making peace with her that one day. About the mare who you had as a friend who also had a friend who was beyond toxic and how she ended up betraying you because of him. In fact, it was so bad that it pretty much became the cherry on top of the miserable bundle of memories you had at the orphanage... one of the only ones you could actually remember oddly enough.

As a tear began to roll down your cheek, a gentle hoof rested itself on one of your forelimbs, prompting you to look to its owner as it belonged to Celestia who bore a now saddened expression.

Princess Celestia: If... it's too much for you, P/N, we don't need to talk about it.

You wiped the tear away and sighed.

(P/N): I-I'm... I'm sorry. It's just...

Princess Celestia: P/N, don't apologize. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to talk about things such as that. It brings out a lot of pain that we'd rather not deal with and I would be horrible if I tried to force you to speak. Please, don't feel ashamed of not talking about it.

As she gave you a comforting smile afterwards, you slowly began to smile too as you wiped away the rest of the tears that accumulated.

(P/N): Thanks, Princess.

Princess Celestia: You're welcome. Also, you can just call me Celestia for as long as you spend this trip here.

(P/N): O-Oh, okay. Thanks... Celestia.

She smiles and nods again.

Princess Celestia: Of course. Now, what do you say we continue having our delicious tea?

You eagerly nodded before taking your cup and holding it up to her. She takes her own cup and clinks it with yours. You proceeded to drink your tea and offer some small talk for another minute or so until you were finished. You stood and strolled through the castle together. You carried on until you made it to one particular tower and made it to the top floor where you were greeted with another large set of doors, these ones however appeared to resemble that of a vault.

Raising an eyebrow, you turned your head to Celestia.

(P/N): What's this place?

Princess Celestia: This is where I keep the Elements of Harmony safe.

Your eyebrows raised at not only the revelation, but also from being reminded of something. After Nightmare Moon was defeated, Celestia decided to keep the Elements of Harmony for safekeeping in case any threats came to Equestria. You had wondered where she was keeping them since she never disclosed where she'd put them, but now here you were learning of it. Celestia approaches the door and sticks her horn into the hole in the center. Her horn glowed and she pulled it out as the door began to glow along with the six hollows that were situated at the sides. Finally, it slowly opened to reveal a pedestal with a prettily decorated case sitting on top. She removes the case and opens it to reveal not only your Element, but your friends' Elements as well. She pulled out your crown before putting the case back inside the vault and she turned around and faced you once more.

Princess Celestia: I've been pondering a lot as to what your Element of Harmony could represent.

(P/N): Yeah, I've been wondering that too. Twilight seems to think that it's Courage.

Princess Celestia: And she'd be right to assume so considering all you've been through.

(P/N): I'm just wondering why I even got one in the first place. I mean, didn't the legend say that there were only six elements and not seven?

Princess Celestia: As it would have appeared, but it doesn't negate the fact that you somehow created one. I do have a possible theory though.

(P/N): You do?

She nods.

Princess Celestia: As magic grows in Equestria, it should include such magic as that from the Elements. Maybe, the magic of friendship doesn't exist in just your friends, but in you as well, young P/N, and may potentially exist in other ponies in the future. 

(P/N): So... you believe that there may be more Elements in the future besides mine?

She nods again and draws closer to you.

Princess Celestia: I do. For now though, you and your friends are the ones Equestria needs in threatening times.

She looks at your Element for a second and gets an idea. Once she was in front of you, she hovered the crown above your head and placed it down gently onto it which only served to confuse you.

(P/N): Uhh, is this some kind of private coronation ceremony?

Princess Celestia: *giggles* It's a tempting thought, but I'm afraid it's much too soon for that. I'm simply allowing you to keep your Element of Harmony. We don't know what kind of power it holds or what it's capable of, so I'm leaving it in your care until you're able to find out what it can do.

(P/N): Are... are you sure?

She gave you another smiling nod as you took off your Element and gazed at it.

(P/N): Well... alright then. I'll let you know if I come to a conclusion or if I find something else out.

You put your crown back on as Celestia's smile widened.

Princess Celestia: I know you will. P/N, as of right now, what do you think your element may represent?

Her question made you pause for thought as you sat and really analyzed the whole thing.

(P/N): I'm... not sure, to be honest. I wanna say it's Heroism, but that may be a tad obvious. I mean, anypony can show true heroism, but... then again, anyone can show true courage too, so I guess that can't be immediately ruled out. *sigh* I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are, Celestia.

Princess Celestia: There is no need to rush to an answer, young P/N. Your Element's true purpose will be found, but in the meantime, it's never harmful to assume and theorize.

(P/N): I suppose.

You sat up and got back to standing.

(P/N): But, like you said, we don't need to know immediately.

You shared yet another smile with each other before you left the tower and headed to a balcony on one of the taller towers in the castle. Once you arrived, you let out a low "wow" at the sight of Ponyville as well as a good chunk of the land all around it. Admittedly, it was a breathtaking sight to behold.

Princess Celestia: It's beautiful, isn't it?

(P/N): Yeah, it is.

As you stared, you felt this sense of ease around Celestia. You assumed that it must have been a natural effect that occurs when around her and you weren't objecting to it in the slightest. You needed a break such as this from all the craziness you've been facing lately. As much as you like spending time with your friends, they can be a handful sometimes, so this was a nice way to get away from it for just a little while. Your moment of thinking and sightseeing was then cut short when Celestia decided to say something.

Princess Celestia: It's been wonderful having you here with me, P/N.

She admitted, smiling warmly at you. You did the same before nodding.

(P/N): I agree. For a princess who spends most of her time with her nose in scrolls, you can be fun to be around. Uh... sorry if that started out offensive.

Princess Celestia: *giggles* It's okay. Admittedly, I do spend most of my time with my duties as a princess. However, having you here today was enough to give me a much needed reprieve from it all.

(P/N): I'm on the same boat as you. I mean, I like my friends and all, but they can be a bit much to handle at times. No offense to you or your student Celestia, but Twilight can be really paranoid a lot of the time.

Celestia responded to that with a hearty chuckle and an amused shaking of her head.

Princess Celestia: Believe me, I know what you mean, P/N. Twilight is my star student, but she really needs to loosen up and relax. One time, when she was in magic school, she freaked out over the possibility of failing a test even though she studied a good majority of the material needed to pass it. She spent many countless sleepless nights studying as a result just to make sure she wasn't missing anything important.

(P/N): Didn't you try telling her to cool it with all the studying?

Princess Celestia: I did, but that only made things worse for she learned that I had been keeping watch over her during all of it and in doing so, she felt even more nervous about possibly disappointing me. *chuckles* I'll never forget the expression she made after she learned that she passed with flying colors. With her panicking, on top of all my princess duties at the time, I was about ready to pull my entire mane out.

She laughed as you joined in with her as it lasted for about ten seconds.

Princess Celestia: I must confess, P/N. I really meant what I said and that it's been nice to have somepony with me today. As princess, I barely get enough time for... myself. But spending time with you has allowed me to unwind from it all and be myself; not a princess, not somepony who's regal, not even someone who should be admired or respected. I was able to be myself; Celestia.

(P/N): It sounds like being a Princess isn't that easy.

Princess Celestia: It isn't sometimes, but I love Equestria. Everyone in the castle, the fillies and colts, all my citizens really...

She paused briefly before saying something else in a low voice.

Princess Celestia: The same love my late father and mother had...

Her eyes drifted down glumly for some reason as you took notice almost immediately.

(P/N): Celestia?

You called her name, but she was still staring down as she remained silent for what felt like a minute until she finally broke the silence by looking at you.

Princess Celestia: P/N... is it okay if I share something with you now? Something... personal?

She asked, hopefully. Your eyebrows raised and your breath caught in your throat. Of all the things that you were expecting, you didn't anticipate Princess Celestia of all ponies to open up about something personal such as her aforementioned parents. Still, you didn't see any reason to say no, so you agreed to hear her out.

(P/N): Of course.

You answered, still surprised by the fact that she seemed to trust you enough to tell you something very personal. She breathes in deeply and lets it out slowly before starting.

Princess Celestia: My parents... they went through so much to give Luna and me a chance to govern and protect Equestria after they passed away. They believed that we had what it took to rule and be good leaders to the citizens, but... I'm not so sure if I'm what they even wanted me to be. I've... *sigh* I've made many mistakes. I took my own sister for granted, making her feel unloved and unappreciated which made her lash out and turn into a monster. To make matters worse, I used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon for a thousand years, forcing me to take on the responsibility to raise both the sun and moon.

She stopped for a few seconds to lean herself onto the railing for the balcony.

Princess Celestia: I... I sometimes feel like I could have done something else to prevent Luna from turning into Nightmare Moon or if there was a way I could have used the Elements to maybe change her back into how she was before instead of banishing her. Maybe then, she wouldn't have had to endure a thousand years of hardship, pain, and trauma.

It was then that you noticed a single tear rolling down Celestia's cheek which only added to the shock you were experiencing. For a seemingly perfect goddess-like being who never faltered or cracked, she was showing to be just as vulnerable as anypony else. She reaches up and takes her crown off before staring at it with watery eyes.

Princess Celestia: I just... feel like I could have either done something more or something different to help poor Luna. *sigh* A part of her must still hate me for everything I put her through... and I don't really blame her if that's the case. I may be a good princess, but... I'm a terrible sister.

It was at that point that you decided to step in and do something, that being walking up closer to her and gently placing a caring hoof onto one of her own, stopping her and making her turn to you again.

(P/N): Celestia... you did what you had to do. Nightmare Moon would have caused a lot of damage to Equestria if you hadn't done something to stop her. We would have had to endure her everlasting night and possibly be her forever slaves, so you made a decision that would protect your citizens.

A few more tears escaped her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she wiped them away before sniffling.

Princess Celestia: But... in doing so... I lost poor Luna in the process.

(P/N): Celestia... I'm sure that Luna doesn't hate you for that. What she became wasn't her. Sure, she may have been upset, but this dark side of her completely took over and pushed her to the back corners of her mind. I myself saw what she was enduring. She was suffering from Nightmare Moon's control and was confined within her own subconscious, unable to escape. She wanted to be free, but her darker side wouldn't allow it. After we turned her back, do you remember how sad she was and how she went to you for consolation? Sure, she gave me a hug as well, but it was ultimately you she needed because she knew that out of all the ponies she wronged, she wronged you the most.

As you spoke, Celestia seemingly calmed down the more you gave her your words of reassurement.

(P/N): Luna doesn't hate you, Celestia. If anything, she most likely hates herself for going down the path she chose. But you know what? We can help her go down a better path together. And you know what else? It doesn't have to be just the two of us. I'm sure Twilight and our friends will be willing to help too. But right now, it's you that needs help.

You then decided to do something rather bold and you hoped that this wasn't going too far, but seeing as how she needed comfort, you surmised that she probably wouldn't have minded. With that in mind, you walked right up to Celestia and wrapped your forelimbs around her, holding her in a gentle hug and placing your head onto her chest which served to earn a small gasp from her.

(P/N): Celestia, what happened between you and Luna is all in the past. Now, you have a chance to make it right with her and I'm sure she hopes for the same with you. If you want to make it up to her, then you can help her see the light once again and before you know it, you'll have back the sister you lost all those years ago. I'm certain of it.

You continued to hug her while silence overtook the scene. For a few seconds, you began to worry that maybe you weren't able to get through to her. Fortunately, it seemed that your efforts bore some fruit as you felt Celestia wrap her forelimbs around you, returning the hug. You were even able to feel her head gently resting itself on top of yours as she sniffed again and you felt something wet drip onto your head which were likely her tears.

Princess Celestia: *whisper* P/N... thank you.

You smiled to yourself as you carried out the hug.

(P/N): Any time, Celestia. Any time.

Unbeknownst to you, Celestia looked up to think for a moment before she came to one certain thought that made her cheeks light up in a blush.

Princess Celestia: P-P/N... could... could we... stay like this for a little longer?

Now, at that point, you really weren't anticipating her suggesting something like that, but again, you weren't one to complain or object to a request from the princess, so you complied with yet another nod.

(P/N): However long you need, I'm willing to hug it out.

Smiling warmly, Celestia resumed the hug you held and her head found its way back on top of yours. Meanwhile, the sun began to lower down to the horizon, meaning that Luna's night was about to begin very soon. Once it got to that point, you and Celestia decided to head back inside the castle as you were escorting her to her chambers. Eventually, you reached her bedroom doors and you stopped right beside them.

Princess Celestia: I truly had a marvelous time today, P/N.

(P/N): I did too. It was actually pretty good timing for you to send me that letter. I was most likely gonna bum around my place for the whole weekend, so this was a nice change of pace.

Princess Celestia: I agree. And P/N...

She pauses for a moment before warmly smiling once more.

Princess Celestia: Thank you... sincerely. I... really needed reassurement and you were there to provide it thankfully.

Your smile returned and you scratched the back of your head with a hoof.

(P/N): You're... you're welcome. I'm here for the next couple of days, so... if you ever wanna talk about something like that again, you know where to find me.

You shared another smile with each other before one of the royal guards came marching up to you.

Royal Guard: Mister P/N, Princess Luna wishes to see you now. She requests for you to meet her in the royal gardens.

He left soon after as Celestia looked a little disappointed to hear that, but she didn't want to show it for long as she quickly replaced it with a content expression.

Princess Celestia: I suppose this is where we part ways for now.

(P/N): Looks like it. Have a good night, Celestia.

Princess Celestia: You too.

You turned around and were just about to leave before Celestia's voice halted you.

Princess Celestia: Oh, one more thing.

You turned again to face her before she did something unexpected as well. She used her magic to lift your entire body up so that you were at eye level with her. She moved closer until her face was right in front of yours. She stared, smiled one more time, and then gave your cheek a warm kiss. To no one's surprise, your entire face burned up and your pupils shrunk to peas as your voice caught in your throat, unable to get out so much as a single syllable. Your brain was in a high state of malfunction as it was having an incredibly hard time trying to process what was happening. Here she was, the Princess of the Sun herself, one of the most regal and elegant ponies to ever exist, giving you a cheek kiss without a single hint of hesitation. Your entire body froze up and your mouth quivered from the shock.

After what felt like eternity, she pulled back and set you down on the floor gently while she grinned and giggled.

Princess Celestia: You know, the face you're making right now is quite similar to the one Twilight made all those years ago.

She turns and enters her bedroom doors before she looks back and smiles one final time at you.

Princess Celestia: Goodnight, P/N. Have fun with my dear sister.

And with that, she closes the doors and turns in for the night while you were left in your embarrassed state, still in total shock about what just happened. That is until your hoof flew into your face again, snapping you out of your euphoric daze.

(P/N): Oww! *thinking* What the hay was that for, V/N?!

(V/N): For standing around and looking like an idiot as usual! Seriously, it should be no surprise at this point that you'll receive a kiss on the cheek from virtually any mare at this point.

(P/N): *thinking* V/N... she's the freaking Princess of the freaking Sun! How am I not supposed to feel shocked by that?!

(V/N): *sarcasm* Maybe because you got a cheek kiss from your other friends? Just a thought. *sincerity* Seriously though, I'm honestly impressed that you managed to get even her to like you.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait, WHAT?!?! There's no possible way that she already likes me like that! Besides, I doubt that a princess would want to be with someone like me.

(V/N): *sigh* And here we go with your self doubt again.

(P/N): *thinking* It's not self doubt, it's called thinking realistically; something you should try some time! Look, I don't have time to argue. I've gotta go see Princess Luna right now.

(V/N): You just don't wanna admit that I'm right.

(P/N): *thinking* Your opinion matters less and less to me the more you open that fat mouth of yours, you know that?!

You continued to argue as you made your way to the royal gardens. When you arrived, your eyes scanned the area trying to find the Princess of the Night herself. You continued your search until you heard the sound of flapping wings overhead. Turning your head up, you were able to spot the moonlit figure of an Alicorn mare, this one being a tad smaller than Celestia, so this had to be Luna. However, when she landed, her features were made more apparent and they made you stop.

She did appear to be Luna, but not how you remembered her. For one, she was taller and noticeably older than before. Her mane was now a moderate sapphire blue color with a grayish Persian blue outline which was longer and flowed gracefully much like that of her sister's and her coat was now a dark blue. The only things that seemed unchanged were her eyes and Cutie Mark.

It took you a moment to process her unexpected growth spurt and when you almost could, you were embraced in a tight hug from her as she smiled widely.

Princess Luna: Mine dear P/N, we're so fortunate to meet with thou again after so long!

(V/N): *sarcasm* Oh great, she's still speaking like that. This'll be a grand old time.

(P/N): *thinking* Hey, she's still not used to how things are nowadays. Cut her some slack, will you? *speaking* It's really nice to see you too. You look... different from the last time I saw you.

You pointed out as she ended the hug.

Princess Luna: Of course.  After spending a long time towards the moon, our corporal form ne'r had the chance to grow properly and it would seem that time hath allowed us to catch up to our mature form.

(P/N): So, in other words, you're back to your original age?

Princess Luna: Indeed. We're sure that thou might not but be quite surprised by our look.

(P/N): I'll admit, I didn't see this coming, though I'll say that it's not a bad surprise.

(V/N): Eh, I prefer how she looked before.

(P/N): *thinking* Nopony asked you! *speaking* Anyways, I'm here, so what do you have planned for us on this beautiful night of yours?

You asked which garnered an eager smile from her.

Princess Luna: We're so glad thou asked. To-night shall be most special for the both of us. Join. We shall show thou what we speaketh of.

She walked ahead while you followed suit.

(V/N): Also, what's with the "we" and "we're" pronoun usage? Nightmare Moon was destroyed, wasn't she?

(P/N): *thinking* Pretty sure she's using the royal "we" which makes sense given her status as a princess. Still, another example of her not being used to modern times. She just needs to be taught all about it.

(V/N): You're kidding... that's what we came here for? I thought we were just gonna have tea or something!

(P/N): *thinking* Oh, come on. We can make it fun.

(V/N): How do you make something as tedious and slow as teaching fun and English for that matter? Besides, her English is more sophisticated than ours, I'm sure she could just adapt.

(P/N): Yeah, but-

Princess Luna: Art thou in good health, dear P/N?

Her voice interrupted you from answering and you focused back on her as she looked back at you, her face wrinkled with concern.

(P/N): I'm... I'm fine, Princess Luna. Thank you.

Princess Luna: Please, do call us Luna. Thou and thy friends saved us from a lifetime of anguish and torture. Plus, we are spending time together, so it should'st be appropriate that thou bid us by our name.

(P/N): Oh, okay. If you insist. So, how've you been lately?

You asked, now walking right beside her.

Princess Luna: We are swell, we suppose. Learning about today's customs is quite challenging, we admit. Things are much divers now from what we remembered long ere.

(P/N): You're catching up with how things are nowadays though, right?

Princess Luna: In some ways, yes.  And yet, there are many things that puzzle us greatly. In fact, 'tis one of the reasons why we wished to see you.

(P/N): Well, whatever it is, I'm willing to help in any way I can. Name it.

A smile stretched onto her lips and she finally reached the place she intended to take you; the Canterlot Library. Right then and there, it didn't take much for you to realize what she was hinting at.

(P/N): Ohh, I see. You want me to help with your speech, right?

You asked as she nodded.

Princess Luna: Marry. Our way of speaking seems quite foreign to these ponies, so we were hoping thou could spare some time to help us better understand how their grammar and speech operates, if 'tis not too much of a bother, of course.

She offered with a hint of worry in her voice. Smiling, you bowed respectfully and answered as you decided to try and mimic her way of speaking.

(P/N): But of course, your highness. I shalt plunge thy brain with as much knowledge of modern speech as much as feasibly adequate.

You said with your best olden speech sounding voice as Luna could only look at you blankly which only added to the awkwardness of the scene.

(V/N): Did you read that out of a translator?

Rising back up, you rubbed your forelimb, embarrassed from the act you put on.

(P/N): Uhh... heh, l-let's just... go ahead and pretend that didn't happen.

You said in a now embarrassed voice as you were surprised by Luna meeting your shoulder with her hoof and a gentle smile to you.

Princess Luna: No want, young P/N. 'twere a commendable effort. Now, allow us to proceed.

(V/N): *sigh* I'd rather be jellyfishing.

(P/N): *thinking* What does that even mean?

(V/N): No idea. I heard somepony say it once and that's the first thing that came to mind.

(P/N): *thinking* Sounds oddly familiar.

Snapping to action, you followed the moon princess into the library where she took you to the English wing. There, you found some books that taught how to speak in the current tongue. Blowing some dust off them, you did a quick flip through their pages in order to check out their contents and you grinned soon after. The next hour or so was spent teaching Luna how to modernize her speech. You taught her how certain phrases were put together, how to say certain words, and how the lingo worked, all while V/N cursed up a storm from having to endure it all. Near the two hour mark, you were in the middle of teaching her one particular sentence.

(P/N): Okay, let's try this one. "It's a pleasure to see you again. Lovely weather we're having." Now, you try.

Princess Luna: 'Tis... err... i-it's a pleasure to meet with... *murmurs* o-oh, apologies... *speaking* to see thou... w-we mean, you again. Grand- *disappointedly sighs* Lovely weather we're experien- eh, having, we mean. How... was that?

She asked, nervously and you sighed to yourself and closed the book you had.

(P/N): It's... a start, but let's just go ahead and try that again.

However, just as you were about to redo the lesson, Luna sighs before peering to the left in disappointment.

Princess Luna: It's hopeless.  We're afraid we're too did stick in our fusty way of speaking. We might not ev'r beest able to grasp thy current tongue

(P/N): Hey, come on now, Luna. You can't quit now. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it given time.

You replied reassuringly, but Luna followed that up with another sad sigh.

Princess Luna: We appreciateth thy eff'rts, dear P/N, but this seemeth way too sore to manageth. In fact, we might not ev'r beest able to prop'rly learneth.

At this point, you were able to see that it was gonna take some serious convincing to make her change her mind, so your brain went into overdrive for a moment to come up with an idea. As you did, your eyes wandered to the books that sat on the shelves nearby. Your seeing orbs panned around before they stopped on one particular book which had a title which quickly gave you the idea you were looking for. Grabbing it with some quick magic, you brought it over and hovered it in front of Luna who's attention gravitated to it curiously.

Princess Luna: H-Huh? "The Complete History of Starswirl the Bearded?"

(P/N): Yep. Luna, do you think Starswirl instantly became a great sorcerer in a matter of seconds? Of course not. There was a time where he was just a young Unicorn who went through tons of rigorous training, spending days and nights, years upon years, honing his sorcery until it was perfect. He didn't start out as a master, he had to work for it.

Opening the book, you gazed at some of the information within as well as the illustrations of the famous Unicorn himself.

(P/N): Because of it all, he became the legend he's known for now. He inspired many Unicorns to hone their magic and keep going no matter how much the odds weighed against them.

You closed the book and looked back at Luna.

(P/N): My point is, if Starswirl was able to better himself in becoming a great sorcerer, then you can better yourself in learning how things work in the modern day as well as how the speech is handled. There's gonna be mistakes made, but that's just all part of the learning experience. I'm certain that with enough time, you'll fully understand it all.

Luna appeared to be touched by your words as she brought a hoof to her chest.

Princess Luna: Thou... truly believeth we can accomplish this?

You gave her a nod and a smile.

(P/N): I do.

Sure enough, you could see her lips curl up into a smile.

Princess Luna: Then what are we waiting for? We has't some learning to commence!

She goes and eagerly sits back in her chair.

(P/N): Heh, that's the spirit.

Gathering up some more books, you walked back over to Luna and resumed your lessons. As more time passed, she seemed to be getting the hang of it. There were some moments where she still didn't quite get a word or phrase right, but she didn't let that stop her as she kept going. You had to admit, a part of you felt really proud of her for the newfound perseverance she had gained.

Moments later, you came to the end of a lesson as you closed the book you had on you.

(P/N): Okay, I think that's enough learning for one night.

Princess Luna: We are ever so grateful for your assistance, dear P/N.

(P/N): It was my pleasure, Luna.

You stopped once you realized something and you shot her another smile.

(P/N): Hey, you just said "your" instead of "thou."

She quickly caught onto your realization and she now sported a grin as well.

Princess Luna: We... we did! It would seem that the lessons are helping after all.

(P/N): Indeed. Keep that up and you'll get it in no time.

You shared yet another smile before a wave of tiredness washed over you as you yawned.

(P/N): Jeez, I guess I'm a little tuckered out after all those lessons.

Luna looks at a nearby clock and sadly frowned once she saw the time.

Princess Luna: 'Tis a little past one o'clock. We must have spent longer on those lessons than originally presumed. *sigh* We're terribly sorry for this inconvenience, P/N. We originally planned to spend more time with thou... w-we mean, you.

You shook both your head and a single hoof dismissively to that.

(P/N): N-No, no. It's fine. I can-

Another yawn left you which only proved the point of you being tired even more. You leaned on the chair next to you as Luna approached you worriedly.

(V/N): What even are you? A baby?

Princess Luna: P/N, you need rest. We'd hate to force you to stay awake longer than you'd want to.

(P/N): *tiredly* L-Luna, I... I don't need sleep.

Princess Luna: *disheartened sigh* We're sorry, P/N, but... you need your sleep.

Her horn suddenly started glowing a faint light and your tired state grew more and more as you sunk deeper into the chair you leaned on

(P/N): I can... I can stay awake. It's fine... I... can...

Slowly, your eyelids fell until they covered your eyes completely. After a few seconds, you were fast asleep while still leaning onto the chair as you let out a few snores. Luna couldn't help but smile a bit at seeing you sleep. She then picked you up with some magic and took you out of the library. Entering the castle, she takes you to the upper floors and to one of the guest rooms before entering and setting you down in the bed while slipping the covers over you. She watched you for a little longer until a thought came to her.

Princess Luna: *thinking* Would... Wouldst' it be inappropriate to... cuddle alongside him? Is it accepted in today's day and age?

She gazed at you again, still in thought. She reaches out for the comforter in an attempt to move it so she could gently climb into bed with you, but she soon hesitated right before it could touch anywhere remotely on the bed.

Princess Luna: *thinking* *sigh* We mustn't risk it, even if it might be accepted. Then how art we to make up for such a short night?

She looks at you one final time before exiting and walking down the hallways of Canterlot castle. She felt a little bad for not being able to spend a whole lot of time with you until she felt an idea hatch in her brain and she grinned with happiness. Perhaps, there was another way.

Back in your room, you were sleeping soundly like a baby while a gentle breeze blew through a nearby window, giving the room a gentle cool temperature. The camera pans to your face before flying straight into your forehead as everything went to black.

When sight was restored, it showed you with your eyes closed before they quickly opened and you saw the new place you were in. To your surprise, it was the same plane of existence you appeared in when you first met Luna. Looking around, you tried to figure out why you were here.

(P/N): Uhh... this wouldn't be your doing, right V/N?

(V/N): Nah, if I had control of what happens in your dreams, I would have made them all nightmares.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Gee, thanks.

You focused back on trying to figure out the reason of you being here for a few seconds until a bright light overhead illuminated the entire plane, blinding you briefly. When it died down, you made out the familiar form of Princess Luna who smiled back at you.

Princess Luna: Greetings, dear P/N.

(P/N): Luna? Wait, how are you here? And... is this a dream?

You asked, very confused. She shakes her head with a chuckle and answers soon after.

Princess Luna: Yes and no. Do you remember this place?

(P/N): Yeah. It's the same place I met you.

Princess Luna: Indeed. But to answer your earlier question, as Princess of the Night, we not only control the moon itself, but we also possess the ability to enter other ponies' dreams and ensure that they have a soothing and restful sleep.

You were still standing still while remaining surprised by this turn of events.

(P/N): Is... that so? I... well, I really don't have any words for this other than I wasn't expecting it.

Princess Luna: We do apologize for the shock, but we believed that it would be a suitable way for us to continue our socializing.

(P/N): It's definitely a unique way of doing it, I'll say. Also, you don't need to apologize. If anything, I should apologize for falling asleep. Sometimes, I'm able to stay awake, but other times... not so much. Heh.

She giggles before taking a seat next to you.

(P/N): So, you're able to control just about anypony's dreams, such as what happens in them and where they occur?

Princess Luna: Well, it's a yes for one of them at least. We're able to interfere and alter what happens in a dream, but the location is random. This room however is different.

(P/N): What do you mean?

Princess Luna: We are able to alter what happens here in this plane of existence as well as where it occurs. Here.

Her horn lights up again and the plane morphed into a grassy, moonlit field with a nearby stream that flowed peacefully and quietly.

The moon was full as it shined on the field in a beautiful ray of light. It reflected off your eyes as they were trained on the giant orb itself as were Luna's.

(P/N): You know, I don't know why, but I've... always admired the moon more than the sun. I don't know why, I just do for some odd reason.

Princess Luna: It is very beautiful, isn't it?

(P/N): Yeah. I mean, no offense to Celestia or her sun, but the moon always seemed prettier to me. It's probably because you're able to look at it without burning your retinas out.

Princess Luna: *giggles* Maybe. Still, our sister's sun is just as important as our moon.

(P/N): I agree.

Princess Luna: Speaking of which, how was your day with Celestia, P/N?

(P/N): It was great. We talked about what my Element of Harmony might represent as well as a few other things.

Princess Luna: We must admit, we're quite curious about that as well. There were only supposed to be six elements, but you were able to create a seventh when it shouldn't have been possible.

(P/N): Trust me. I'm just as confused as you are. Your sister seemed to believe that it may be the start of any possible future elements to appear.

Princess Luna: It is a plausible theory. But it shall be discussed at a later day.

(P/N): Right, right.

You both gazed back at the moon and stared at it for a moment. After what you would assume to be a minute, a question popped into your head.

(P/N): Hey, I've been wondering. How exactly are you and your sister able to move the sun and mo-

You stopped in the middle of your question when your eyes went back to Luna and saw her still gazing up at her moon, however... her expression was the only thing different about her now.

Scooting closer to her, you saw the newly formed look of sorrow she now had as her gaze was locked onto the bright, shining orb in the sky that she coveted.

(P/N): Luna, are you alright?

Her eyes remained staring unblinking at the moon for the next couple of seconds before she finally relented and sighed, her head turning down in the process.

(P/N): You're thinking about... her, aren't you?

The mare was silent at first from your question before she managed to scrounge up some words to use.

Princess Luna: She... still remains as a figment of our nightmares oft.  The remembrance of her influence... still troubles us.

Your expression deflated as well as you furthered the conversation.

(P/N): I'd imagine that it'd be hard to get over something like that.

Princess Luna: It is. We allowed her to remain for a long time, and in doing so... gave her full control.

She slumped even more.

(P/N): Luna... that wasn't-

Princess Luna: Yes, it was us, P/N!

She interjected loudly, stopping you for a moment.

Princess Luna: Nightmare Moon was created from our resentment, our jealousy, our bitterness! It was us that caused many ponies to fear the night and what it may bring! We made a name for ourself as a fearsome, power hungry tyrant whom ne'r had enough till we had all of Equestria bowing before us! We... were a monster.

She finished, slumping again. A single sniff escaped her as her mane covered her eyes, but you were still able to see the tears slowly cascading down her cheeks.

Princess Luna: Celestia... did the right thing by banishing us. If... if we had been allowed to wreak havoc, the damage would have been devastating. We would have subjugated many to our will. We... we... we deserved to be sent to the moon.

Her slump only continued as her eyes lowered to the floor and her hooves immediately reared up to cover them. Her breath caught in her throat from the ensuing sadness. She continued to cry to herself before she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her which did manage to stop her from crying for a moment. She opened her eyes to see you as the one who embraced her.

(P/N): Luna... you're not the only one who has a lot of self blame for the Nightmare Moon incident.

Princess Luna: W-What? W-What do you-

You stopped the hug and looked at her as your eyes held regret from what you were about to say. Sure, you weren't told to keep this a secret, but you didn't exactly think it was right to say it. However, if you were going to get through to Luna, you might have had to.

(P/N): I... I didn't want to say this since I wanted to respect her privacy, but... your sister also felt like it was her fault for what happened.

She gasped and held a hoof up to her mouth in surprise, but soon after, she removed it slowly and went back to being sad.

Princess Luna: That... that hath to be a lie.

(P/N): It's not a lie, Luna. Celestia felt just as guilty about it as you do. She felt like she failed you, that she wasn't strong enough to make you snap out of it. She told me herself that she hoped that there could have been another way to help you other than banishing you. And that... *sigh* and that she felt like she also failed yours and her parents in the process.

This time, the moon princess' gasp was more audible and her eyes widened even more.

Princess Luna: Our... our parents?

(P/N): Yeah. She believed that she had disappointed them seeing as how she neglected you and made you feel unloved. There was even a part of her that believed that you still hated her for all that.

Princess Luna: H-Hate? B-But... w-we could never hate our dear sister! ...well, at least, not anymore.

She muttered the last part with a sad sag.

(P/N): Well, that's what she thought you felt. I was able to calm her down afterwards, but I'm not lying when I say that she blamed herself for all of it.

Princess Luna: So... we made her feel like it was her fault.

She added, closing her eyes as her guilt only grew more. You stared at her, feeling bad for potentially adding to the already saddened feeling she accumulated for herself. You then began to get worried that you may have screwed up your chances at helping Luna through this tough moment. That's when you got deep into thought as to how you could possibly alleviate her feelings.

Sure enough, your train of thought yielded some positive results as you were able to come up with an idea that may possibly help Luna. Nodding to yourself, you stood up and walked up right in front of her as her eyes still remained closed, so she didn't notice your sudden movement at first, only to be then startled a bit by you speaking to her.

(P/N): Luna... look at me.

Luna felt a little conflicted by your request, but she soon complied, opened her eyes, and turned them up to look into yours.

(P/N): You want to let go of your past, right?

Your question made Luna recoil slightly for she didn't expect to hear a question like that.

Princess Luna: W-What?

(P/N): Just... please... answer the question. Do you want to let go of your past?

Her head tilted as a result of you asking the question again and she found herself answering quicker than she thought.

Princess Luna: Y-... Yes?

She replied and you nodded.

(P/N): You want to make up for all the things you did before, right?

Princess Luna: In... Indeed.

(P/N): And you want to move forward alongside your sister and make things right with her, right?

Princess Luna: More than anything!

Luna was then surprised when you slowly smiled back at her.

(P/N): Then that's what you should do. Look, you're not that evil pony anymore, Luna. You found the light in the darkness and broke free. Sure, it may have been through the help of others, but it has now given you a chance to move on and be your own pony again. Your sister wants that and I'm sure you want that too, but you won't be able to if you keep blaming yourself and dwelling in the past.

All Luna could do was stare back in awe.

Princess Luna: Do... you really believe we can move on from what we were before?

Her question was followed up when you gently grasped one of her hooves with your own and her eyes widened again from the sudden action.

(P/N): I do. Nightmare Moon's gone, Luna. She can't control you anymore. You're free. Free to be yourself again. Free to watch over Equestria alongside Celestia. Free to find peace within yourself. And as I said with your sister, you won't have to endure all of it alone. You have Celestia, you have our friends in Ponyville, and... you have me as well. You don't have to be alone anymore.

Right when you said that, you were able to make out a faint blush that appeared on Luna's cheeks. Choosing not to point it out, you kept it to yourself and waited for what she had to say. She stayed silent for the next few seconds or so which felt like a whole hour. Eventually, she found herself shedding tears again, only this time they were happy tears as it was made more apparent by the smile she now displayed. She then suddenly surprised you with a hug of her own and her head rested on your shoulder which made sense since she was only a tad taller than you.

Princess Luna: *whisper* How... how do you have such a way with words?

She asked which made you smile as you gladly returned the hug.

(P/N): Heh... I... don't really know to be honest. I guess I just have a knack for that, I suppose.

Princess Luna: *whisper* We... we thank thee, dear P/N.

You heard her say as you decided to brush off the fact that she said "thee" again and held the hug for as long as Luna wished. Clearly, she needed a little more speech tutoring, but that didn't matter right now. After a little while, she finally pulled back as her grin was still maintained.

(P/N): Of course, Luna. Believe me, I... know what it's like to not feel accepted or loved.

You said, feeling somewhat gloomy from the reminder of your past.

Princess Luna: And you also know what it's like to... have a whole other side to yourself.

(V/N): Huh, ain't that a fact? I guess that's another thing you ca-

He stopped once realization struck both you and him like a lightning bolt and your whole body completely froze. She... couldn't be talking about who you think she was talking about... right? Turning back to her, you swallowed the lump that had quickly accumulated in your throat and chuckled sheepishly.

(P/N): W-Wha... What do you mean by that?

You were met with a sigh from Luna as her face changed into a serious one.

Princess Luna: P/N... we must confess something. Ever since you freed us from the clutches of our evil side, we've wanted to see you more often, but we were never able to on account of our royal duties. It's this fact that made us resort to... other means of being in your presence to which we heavily apologize for committing. We used our dreamscaping power to... see what happens in your dreams and... they've revealed things to us.

(P/N): What... are you talking about?

Princess Luna: P/N...

She leaned closer, her gaze not faltering and her expression not changing at all.

Princess Luna: We know about what you truly are... as well as who you share your corporal form with.

The already large pit in your stomach had to have now been the size and weight of an anvil as your anxiety tensified.

(P/N): *thinking* That... that's impossible! There's no way she could know!

(V/N): What did I tell you, idiot?

Princess Luna: It's impolite to call dear P/N an idiot, V/N.

(V/N): Wait... WHAT?!?! She can hear me now?!

He screamed, making you flinch from the volume.

(P/N): *thinking* I mean... we're inside my dream which is inside my head, so... it'd make sense if she can hear my thoughts as well as your voice, V/N. *sheepish chuckle*

(V/N): THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER! *groans* Screw it!

Out of nowhere, some magical aura arose from right next to you as it started to form itself into a shape of some kind much to your and Luna's surprise. It continued to shape itself until it took on the form of a pony that looked very much like you with a few exceptions, that being that his eyes were a dark (F/C) color and that he carried a scowl in contrast to your neutral one.

(V/N): May as well not hide it anymore! Speaking of not hiding things...

His horn glowed before he shot some magic at you, revealing your wings in a full display, shocking you even more.

(V/N): What did I tell you, P/N?! Somepony was going to find out what you really were, but did you listen? *sarcasm* No, because your ideas are always the best ones!

(P/N): Look, just... just calm down, will you?

(V/N): NO, not this time! I'll-

He was stopped when he was suddenly lifted off the ground as a cage with a lid spawned beneath him, confusing both of you for a second until V/N was unceremoniously dropped into the cage as the lid slammed shut and entrapped him.

(V/N): Hey! What in the world was that fo-

Once again, he couldn't get another word out when his mouth suddenly vanished, rendering him incapable of speaking for the moment as only muffled screams came out. You looked over at Luna in an attempt to question what was going on before you saw that she was the one who quite literally put V/N in his place as her horn was glowing with her magical aura.

Princess Luna: How have you been able to put up with somepony such as him?

She asked, legitimately curious. Sighing, you shook your head and threw on a look of irritation.

(P/N): Honestly, I'm not sure. It's kind of a blessing that I haven't been driven insane yet by his obnoxious personality.

After shaking your head one last time, your gaze turned to Luna again.

(P/N): So... you knew about him and what I was this whole time?

She nods soon after.

Princess Luna: Yes. Again... we must apologize for not saying anything about it until now, but... we believed that you'd be most comfortable telling us if we brought you here to converse.

(P/N): *sigh* So much for keeping it a secret.

Princess Luna: Dear P/N... why did you feel the need to keep your true identity a secret?

Her question made you go silent for a moment or two until you eventually found the nerve to say something.

(P/N): I... I figured that it was one of the things I had to do... to have a normal life.

Princess Luna: A normal life? Why would you want that?

(P/N): Because... *sigh* because I grew tired of living the life of a savior. I might have enjoyed it for a while, but... I wanted to try and be a normal pony.

Princess Luna: So, you decided to change who you really are just to achieve it?

You nodded to her question.

(P/N): I mean, is it... really such a bad thing to want to live like a normal pony?

You asked. Luna thinks on that before she comes up with something.

Princess Luna: P/N... a part of us somewhat understands your reasoning for leaving such a life, but the life of a savior can have its benefits. Ponies look up to you as a symbol of hope for them in troubling times and knowing that you are able to keep them safe brings a certain, how you say, giddiness to oneself. Do you not have this same feeling?

(P/N): I... guess so.

Princess Luna: Then a part of you must still want to be a savior, but something must be holding you back. We do have a theory as to what that may be... or rather who it may be.

Hers and your eyes shot over at V/N who was still sealed inside the cage as he was now rattling at the bars in an attempt to escape.

(P/N): Hmm, I... don't think it's V/N. He actually actively tries to make me give up the disguise I've been using so I can go back to being a savior since... well, he and I kind of have a bit of a partnership going on.

Princess Luna: What kind of partnership may I ask?

(P/N): It's... one that involves letting him live in my body as long as he doesn't make us do crazy stuff.

Princess Luna: We... we see.

Luna stared back emotionless, taking in the fact that you seemed to have struck a mutual agreement with whatever V/N was. However, when she turned her attention to your edgy roommate, or in this case bodymate, she felt something odd about him. It was as if she shared something... similar with him. She couldn't really describe it to a great degree, but the most that she could think of was that there was a strange kind of familiarity between her magic and his, almost as if they were the same kind. She couldn't tell why she felt that way... and she wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing.

Deciding not to give herself any possible irrational fears, she focused back on you.

Princess Luna: P/N... if you truly believe that you'd be much happier with living the life of a regular pony, then we won't get in your way. However, as your... *clears throat* "partner" seems to try and get across, the longer you keep this secret from others, especially your friends, the more hurt they will surely feel if they were to find out by accident, and we'd imagine that you wouldn't want to hurt your dear friends, would you?

(P/N): No, of course not, it's just... *sigh* Look, there will come a point where I will tell them, but... I'm not sure when that will be.

Princess Luna: Well, whenever that may be, make sure that it's a time that is most comfortable for you.

She glances back at V/N who could only glare back for a second.

Princess Luna: And do try and keep him at bay when you can.

(P/N): Oh, trust me. I've been trying to give him as few liberties as possible. Anyways, as for your request, I...

You stopped for a moment while sighing to yourself.

(P/N): If... if I do end up telling them, my friends, then... my chances of having a normal life will be gone.

Princess Luna: What is your definition of a "normal life," dear P/N?

(P/N): Not always having to risk my life to save others. Being able to get through a day without having to stop what I'm doing to put an end to a robbery or something like that. Just... living in peace.

You sat and stared longingly into the sky once again. Luna stares at you for a while before taking a seat next to you.

Princess Luna: P/N... when it comes to the life of a savior, I'm afraid your chances of obtaining your version of a "normal life" may be slim to none.

(P/N): Then... what? Am I supposed to just accept that I may never have a peaceful life?

You asked, feeling a little hurt by her statement.

Princess Luna: Now P/N, whoever said that you couldn't have a peaceful life even if you were a savior?

Her question undoubtedly left you confused as you looked at her again.

(P/N): Luna... that's just how it is. A hero, savior, or whatever they call themselves almost never gets a moment's peace. They're always having to stop whatever they're doing to help somepony. Always having to stop some kind of disaster from happening. Always having to put their life at risk. I'm tired of living that kind of life. I just... want to live in peace, so... I gave up that life and I've built a new one.

Princess Luna: But, life isn't always as we wish it to be, P/N. Sometimes, fate drives us down a path that we hadn't ever imagined. It has other plans for us and we just have to accept them when they come into fruition.

She puts one of her hooves on yours and stares into your eyes.

Princess Luna: We believe fate has brought you to Ponyville and given you your own Element of Harmony for a reason and you just need to find out what it is.

(P/N): You... really believe that?

You asked, still feeling a tad unsure.

Princess Luna: We do. P/N... we can see in your eyes that you are riddled with indecision. Do you truly believe that what you're doing is the right thing to do or is there something else influencing it?

You stared back at her as you were now silent. Honestly, she did have a point there. Oddly enough, despite the fact that you've hung up the metaphorical cape of justice, there was a part of you that felt... happy when something adventurous happened. Strangely, it would go away after some time as the rest of you reminded you that you had to live like a normal pony if you were to ever have a shot at a normal life, but if there's something in you telling you that you had to go back to being a savior then... what were you going to do?

As these thoughts raced through your head, you sat silently while Luna waited for your response as silence was the only thing heard or said at the time. After what felt like forever, you came up with what you believed to be a good enough answer for her.

(P/N): I... I'm not sure. A part of me wants to say yes, but another, well, it says something else entirely. I guess that's another thing I've gotta figure out for myself including where my Element came from and what it could mean.

You stood and faced Luna while she remained sitting.

(P/N): Luna... I'll give it some more thought. Although, as of right now, I'd like to try and keep this to myself if it's alright.

The moon princess gives you another nod.

Princess Luna: It's as we said before. We will not get in the way of what you do, but if you wish to not hurt your friends, then you may want to tell them sooner rather than later.

(P/N): I get it.

You were just about to continue gazing up at the moon some more before you got an idea.

(P/N): Hey, Luna? I don't suppose you would mind if the next pony I tell... would be your sister, right?

Princess Luna: You've... you've yet to tell our dear sister?

She asked, flabbergasted while you anxiously rubbed a forelimb.

(P/N): I... may not have. *nervous chuckle* B-But hey, better late than never, am I right?

Princess Luna: We suppose not.

She stood and suddenly sighed which caught your attention.

Princess Luna: Sadly, we can't at this time. We must resume our duty of watching over the citizens of Ponyville in their dreams and guard them from their nightmares, so this is where we must take our leave.

(P/N): No worries. I get it. I'll tell her tomorrow then. I'm sure to get another chance to hang out with her then.

Princess Luna: Indeed. Thank you for a remarkable night, P/N. We- ...I had fun.

She corrected which surprised you before your earlier smile came back to you.

(P/N): I did too. Take care, Luna.

You said before looking back up at the moon. Suddenly, you felt something touch your cheek and your eyes swiftly turned to the right to catch the sight of Luna kissing your cheek and smiling. Much like your smile, your enormous blush returned, rendering your face completely red before Luna pulled away while keeping her smile.

Princess Luna: I... still hope that's accepted in today's day and age.

She followed her sentence up with a cute giggle before her horn glowed and in an instant, she poofed away and was no longer inhabiting your dream realm. This finally gave V/N the escape he needed as the cage he was in disappeared as well as the magic that silenced him as he fell with a thud. Standing up, he took a deep breath and bellowed something out in a loud voice that we'll just have to cut away from before he can finish it so that we could still censor it.



A couple days had passed since you started spending time with the princesses and you had to say, you were having a pretty good time... well, aside from maybe the moment you told Celestia about what you really were. When you did so, Celestia was, to put it lightly, at a loss for words. Ultimately, she found the surprise to be intriguing nonetheless. She said that of all the ponies to come into her castle, she hadn't expected to meet the one responsible for saving countless ponies as well as keeping up a secret identity for a very long time. Thankfully though, she welcomed the surprise much like Luna did. The only thing you left out was V/N as you felt that just telling her about you being an Alicorn was good enough for now. Not to mention, you felt that it was necessary to spare her of V/N's obnoxiousness. She too agreed to keep your identity a secret, but did also urge you to tell your friends as soon as possible.

One particular day, Celestia informed you that she had planned to pay a visit to Ponyville and offered you a ride there via royal carriage. You gladly agreed to it as you got your things ready for the return trip. Right now, you were heading back to Ponyville while sitting alongside Celestia as she decided to say something before you would reach the edge of Ponyville.

Princess Celestia: I'm thankful for you taking the time to visit my sister and me, P/N. I do hope you can come by for another visit soon.

She said with a gentle smile as you nodded in agreement.

(P/N): Me too. I'll admit, it was nice knowing what living like royalty is like.

Princess Celestia: *giggles* Indeed.

After a few seconds, you reached a hillside near Ponyville as you saw the forms of your friends running towards you. At first, you assumed that they were just eager to see you again, but that idea went away the moment you saw the worried looks on their faces. Your confusion of this only grew as you looked behind them to see Pinkie seemingly marching at a steady pace with a determined look while playing a whole mishmash of instruments. Right as you were about to come to the conclusion of the usual saying "Pinkie being Pinkie," you looked behind her and saw something even more peculiar. Marching and hopping right behind her was a line of tiny creatures that had Pixie-like wings on both sides of their multicolored colored spherical bodies as well as tiny appendages on the undersides of their bodies. Their eyes didn't have pupils as they were one singular color.

The complete ridiculousness of the situation made you stare with the most confused and baffled face you were able to come up with before realization made you snap out of your stupor.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... those aren't... what I think they are, are they?

You thought to yourself as the carriage came to a halt at last while your friends all bowed respectfully for Princess Celestia who smiled back.

Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.

Twilight Sparkle: Hello, princess.

Her student greeted sheepishly.

Princess Celestia: So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.

Meanwhile, you remained staring at Pinkie as she was still busy playing her instruments for the baseball sized creatures. Once again, you had to snap yourself out of your stare before you stepped off the carriage and stood next to Celestia.

(P/N): Hey, guys! I'm back.

Your voice got all of your friends' attention as they looked over and smiled at you.

Mane Six: P/N!

They shouted before coming over and giving you a big group hug.

Rarity: It's so good to see you again, darling!

Applejack: Yeah, sugarcube. How was yer visit?

(P/N): Pretty good, actually. So uh...

You trailed off as your eyes landed back on instrument playing Pinkie and the strange, yet familiar, creatures again as Pinkie clashed a pair of cymbals together which finally got the attention of Princess Celestia who also began to stare with confusion. Twilight, oddly trying to divert her mentor's gaze, walked up to her sheepishly and tried talking with her.

Twilight Sparkle: So... how was the trip? Hit much traffic?

Princess Celestia: Uh... what is this?

She asked as one of the small, winged creatures landed on one of Celestia's wings as she gazed at it with a smile and giggled.

Princess Celestia: These creatures are adorable!

Rainbow Dash: *mumbles* They're not that adorable.

She mumbled with a frown. At that moment, your memory finally kicked in as you finally remembered what these creatures were, sending you into a bit of a panic. You acted quickly by running up to Celestia and glaring at the creature on her wing.

(P/N): Shoo! Shoo, shoo! SHOO!!!

With a smack of your hoof, you sent the tiny thing flying away as it let out a high pitched yell. Your action made Celestia flinch slightly as she looked at you in confusion.

Princess Celestia: P-P/N, whatever was that for? I'm sure it just wanted to say hi.

(P/N): Trust me, Celestia. Those things are more trouble than they appear.

You replied as Celestia tilted her head and felt even more perplexed.

Princess Celestia: If... if you say so.

She shook away her confusion and looked back at Twilight.

Princess Celestia: Anyways, I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.

Twilight Sparkle: Parade?

She asked, befuddled before she perked up again.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh! Yes, the parade!

Princess Celestia: Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of infestation.

Twilight Sparkle: *nervously* An... infestation?

She asked nervously again.

Princess Celestia: Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I'm sorry Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.

Twilight Sparkle: Trouble? What trouble?

Celestia walks back to the royal carriage and looks back at Twilight.

Princess Celestia: Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?

Twilight Sparkle: My... report?

Princess Celestia: Haven't you learned anything about friendship?

She asked as Twilight gazed over at Pinkie who was still in the process of leading away the winged abominations, at least, that's what they were in your eyes. Twilight stares for another second before she smiles and looks at Celestia again.

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives...

Another clash from Pinkie's cymbals rang, stopping Twilight for a second.

Twilight Sparkle: Even when they don't always seem to make sense.

Princess Celestia: Hm, that is a very good lesson indeed.

She shoots you and all knowing smile as she was clearly referencing the talk you and her had on the balcony back in Canterlot castle as you shot her the same look. Twilight wanted to question the look at first before Celestia spoke again.

Princess Celestia: I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other.

Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, princess.

They smiled at each other one last time before Celestia aimed her gaze at you again.

Princess Celestia: And P/N, don't hesitate to send me a letter if you ever wish to speak with me again.

You nodded to that and smiled.

(P/N): Sure thing, Celestia. Take care.

With that last goodbye, Celestia nods to her royal guards as she is taken back to Canterlot. You all waved to her before Twilight stopped once she realized something and she hastily turned to you with a shrunken pupil stare.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait... did... DID YOU JUST CALL HER CELESTIA?!?!

(P/N): Heh, yeah. She and Luna let me call them by their names as long as I was there with them.

Twilight Sparkle: B-But I-I... B-But you... and y-y-you just... and...

She lets out a tired sigh before facehooving which earned a laugh from the others, including you. You all then decided to walk over to where Pinkie was as she had lured away the last of the tiny creatures which allowed her to stop playing her instruments. She breathed a sigh of relief before her gaze locked onto you and the group as her eyes immediately shot open the moment they saw you. With a loud gasp, she dropped her instruments and tackled you to the ground as you rolled to a stop with Pinkie on top of you and crushing your torso with a bone breaking hug.

Pinkie Pie: P/N, You're back!! I missed you so, soooo much!

(P/N): *strained* P-Pinkie... I... was... only... gone... for... a couple... days!

Pinkie Pie: I know, but I still missed you a lot!

Almost immediately, she let go of you and looked around to see if she could find Princess Celestia.

(V/N): The way I see it, you had that coming, asshat.

(P/N): *thinking* Oh, come on. You're not still upset over Luna quite literally putting you in your place, are you?

(V/N): That was beyond humiliating for me! And you let that happen, so you're totally dead to me as of right now!

(P/N): *thinking* Yeah, you say that now... until the next time I get you some sweets at Sugarcube Corner to make up for it.




(V/N): hatred for you can no longer be expressed with words.

(P/N): *thinking* Heh, I know, pal. I know.

You replied as you looked back at Pinkie to see her still looking for Celestia.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, what happened to the princess?

Twilight Sparkle: Emergency in Fillydelphia.

Rainbow Dash: Some sort of infestation.

She said all-knowingly.

Pinkie Pie: Oh no! Have they got parasprites too? Well, have tuba, will travel.

She was just about to go and grab her tuba before Twilight stopped her.

Twilight Sparkle: I think the princess can handle it.

Applejack: So you knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?

Pinkie Pie: Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tried to tell you.

Twilight Sparkle: We know, Pinkie Pie, and we're sorry we didn't listen.

She replied as the rest of the group all offered their own forms of apology.

Twilight Sparkle: You're a great friend, even if we don't always understand you.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks guys, you're all great friends too, even when I don't understand me.

She replied, smiling until you decided to enter the conversation as well.

(P/N): Okay, okay. I hate to break up a nice moment, but can somepony please explain why you guys had a bunch of parasprites to begin with? Also... what else did I miss out on?

Right as you asked that question, the scene cuts to Ponyville as you were staring wide eyed at the fact that the entire town, if you could even call it that anymore as it was more akin to that of the aftermath of a Thanksgiving dinner, had been quite literally eaten away at in several areas. In other words, the town had been completely wrecked as your friends all looked on with tired expressions while you bore a bewildered one as you slowly turned towards your friends and stared at them.

(P/N): I leave... for a few days... and EVERYTHING'S ALREADY GONE TO TARTARUS?!?!

You asked in a shout as Pinkie popped up in front of the screen and played the famous sad trombone Wa wa wa waaa music while the end circle closed around her.

End of Episode 9...

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