Chapter 8: Bridle Gossip

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The sun shone upon another day in Ponyville as the sky was presently clear of any and all clouds. Because of this, you, Twilight, and Spike decided it would be a perfect time to go out for a stroll which is what you were doing now. As the three of you walked, you recounted the day you had with Rainbow Dash when she took you flying and when you became friends again. Twilight seemed pleased with this as she smiled ear to ear.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm really glad you were able to patch things up with Rainbow Dash, P/N.

You nodded and smiled at that.

(P/N): Same here. I figured it was about time we kissed and made up... minus the kissing part.

You finished with a slight blush, earning a giggle from Twilight and a chuckle from Spike who sat on Twilight's back as usual.

Twilight Sparkle: Speaking of which, just look at what a gorgeous day this is!

She says, referring to the clear sky above.

Spike: Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early for once and cleared all the clouds away.

(P/N): That's a first for her. Usually, it takes her way longer to do that.

Twilight Sparkle: I bet all of Ponyville is going to be out enjoying the sunshine.

You then suddenly stopped when you spotted something peculiar ahead.

(P/N): Uhh, I think you may want to retract that sentence, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Why?

She asked, turning to you and she saw you pointing ahead. She follows to where you were pointing and sees that the normally busy streets of Ponyville were completely empty of ponies which almost made it the equivalent of a ghost town. I say almost because the only ponies you could make out were a few who strangely ducked inside their homes as well as those who quickly pulled young fillies and colts inside as if they were hiding from something or potentially someone. What that something or someone was, you weren't sure as you raised a confused eyebrow.

(P/N): Is... this some strange kind of town wide game of hide and seek I don't know of?

You asked, but only ended up receiving a perplexed shrug from Twilight and Spike as you proceeded further through town.

Spike: Is it some sort of pony holiday?

Twilight Sparkle: Not that I know of.

Spike: Does my breath stink?

He tests this for himself by belching fire into his hand and sniffing it.

(P/N): I don't think something like bad breath would be enough to drive ponies into their homes, little bud.

Twilight Sparkle: I agree. Besides, your breath is not any more stinky than normal, Spike.

Spike: Is it... zombies?!

He surmised in a panicked voice.

(P/N): *sigh* Spike, if it were zombies we would've seen one by now. Plus, zombies don't exist, at least to my knowledge.

Twilight Sparkle: They don't, so it's not very likely.

Spike: Not likely... but possible?

You and Twilight couldn't help but simultaneously facehoof at Spike's irrational fear. Suddenly, a whispered psst from nearby stops you three in your tracks for a second. Turning to where it might have come from, you saw Sugarcube Corner's top door opened and popping her head out a few times was Pinkie Pie who tried urging you into going inside.

Pinkie Pie: *whisper yell* Psst! Twilight! P/N! Spike! Come here! Come! Here! Hurry! Before she gets you!

She urged more which was enough to make Twilight and Spike follow her inside. You, on the other hand, still remained outside, looking around and confused as to who Pinkie could have been talking about.

(P/N): Wait, before who gets us, Pin-

Pinkie rushes over and yanks you inside before you could properly finish. After taking a moment to regain your senses, you found yourself now standing in front of Pinkie as the lights were out in Sugarcube Corner.

Spike: Who's gonna get us?! The zombie pony?

Pinkie Pie: Z-Zombie pony?!

She panicked as well as you and Twilight could only groan.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! There are no zombie ponies.

(P/N): Looks like you'll need to take away his zombie comics for a while, Twi.

You pointed out as she nodded before looking at Pinkie again.

Twilight Sparkle: Anyways, Pinkie, what are you doing here alone in the dark?

Pinkie Pie: I'm not alone in the dark.

She corrected her as you looked around and made out the forms of your friends along with Applejack's younger sister, Apple Bloom. It should be mentioned that she had a pair of light gameboge eyes, a brilliant amaranth mane, and a pale, light grayish olive coat. She also wore a light brilliant crimson bow on her head and her flank didn't have a Cutie Mark, meaning that she had yet to find her true calling.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait... "should be mentioned?" Did we never provide a descriptor for Apple Bloom?)

(TheNintegaGuy: Hmm... let me check. *He goes back a few chapters and carefully goes through them* Doesn't look like it.)

(Shadowlight9743: Wait, you never provided one for her? Not even a picture?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I guess a part of me assumed that all who read this book already knew what she looked like. Why else would they read this story? Sorry, hehe.)

(Shadowlight9743: *sigh* Need another Snickers, pal?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Please.)

(P/N): How long have you guys been here?

Rarity: We got here a few moments before you three did, darling.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, and it's a good thing we did.

Twilight Sparkle: Why are all of you hiding in the first place?

Applejack: We're hidin' from her!

She points out the window she was now standing at as the rest of you decided to look out as well. You were able to see that standing further down the street was a lone figure. Her features were hidden by a brown hood as one of her hooves dug at the ground. She continued digging for the next few seconds or so before she startled the group, minus you and Twilight, by peering her head up and showing a pair of glowing yellow eyes.

The rest of the group huddles away from the window to try and hide themselves while you and Twilight remain standing while also glaring a little.

(P/N): Seriously? That's who you're scared of?

You asked with a raised eyebrow.

Apple Bloom: Of course that's who we're scared of, P/N! Zecora is creepy!

Applejack: Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name.

(P/N): Hang on, hang on. First of all, everypony take a breath and calm down for a moment. Second of all, what exactly is so scary about her aside from that weird glance?

Pinkie Pie: You mean that evil glance?!

She asks, putting a spooky emphasis on evil.

(P/N): *sigh* Sure, let's go with that, Pinkie, minus the word evil, because the way I see it, she just seems a little eccentric.

Twilight Sparkle: My thoughts exactly. It just kinda seems like you're all flipping out for no good reason.

Applejack: No good reason? You call protectin' yer kin no good reason? Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora ridin' into town, she started shakin' in her lil' horseshoes.

She retorts while grabbing her younger sister by the shoulder and shaking her like a doll.

Apple Bloom: *shakily* Did not!

She tries to say, but Applejack continues to embarrass her further by hauling her onto her older sister's back.

Applejack: So I swept her up and brought her here.

Apple Bloom: I walked here myself!

Applejack: For safe keepin'.

Apple Bloom removes herself from Applejack's back and frowns.

Apple Bloom: Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!

Applejack: Not from that creepy Zecora.

(P/N): *sigh* Again, I have to ask; What makes Zecora so bad?

Fluttershy: She's mysterious.

Rainbow Dash: Sinister.

Pinkie Pie: *spooky voice* And spoooooky!

You blink a few times, trying to fully comprehend their reasoning for being so scared.

(P/N): So... you're scared of her because she's a little different from everypony else? Honestly, that's the most asinine thing I've heard.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm with P/N on this one. Aren't you all being a little judgemental?

Rarity: Judgemental? Just go and look at her, why don't you?

Initially sighing in response, you decided to do what she said and looked back out the window where Zecora was while the rest of the group huddled around you to look as well. Zecora still remained standing in the same spot while digging at the ground slightly. However, this soon changed when she took off her hood, exposing some of her features. She was revealed to be not a pony, but instead a zebra as she had a light heliotropeish gray coat, a set of strong cyan eyes, and a light gray and dark persian bluish gray mane that was styled similarly to a mohawk. She also wore brilliant amber colored jewelry on her ears and around her neck as well.

This still didn't help Rarity's and everyone else's case of Zecora supposedly being evil for you as your face grew even more deadpanned.

(P/N): *sigh* Okay, I really don't see what the problem is here.

Rarity: Well, you should! Just look at those stripes! So garish!

Twilight Sparkle: She's a zebra.

Everyone but You & Twilight: A what!?

Twilight Sparkle: A zebra, and her stripes aren't a fashion choice Rarity, they're what she was born with.

(P/N): That's like me saying that Twilight's mane looks bad because it looks like a strip of taffy. Uh... no offense, Twi.

Twilight Sparkle: None taken.

(P/N): Plus, Rainbow's mane technically has stripes too.

Applejack: Where'd she even come from? I've never seen a pony like that in these parts, 'cept... her!

(P/N): I've actually learned a bit about zebras. They come from a far away land called Farasi. It's their native country, but zebras actually like to explore other lands. I've never seen her in Ponyville before. Where does she live?

Applejack: That's just it, she lives in... the Everfree Forest!

Suddenly, right as the cowpony uttered those words, a sound that could only be described as a thunderclap rang through Sugarcube Corner, scaring a good majority of the ponies with, again, the exception of you and Twilight as she peered off to the side.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

She shouts, stopping the baby dragon as it was shown that he had snuck away into the kitchen to try and get some sweets as he had knocked over some pots and pans which was the cause of the loud noise.

Spike: Uh, sorry.

He replies sheepishly.

(P/N): *sigh* This again? We've already been to the Everfree Forest before, remember?

Applejack: That don't make it any less scary, P/N! The Everfree Forest just ain't natural. The plants grow...

Fluttershy: Animals care for themselves...

Rainbow Dash: And the clouds move...

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash: All on their own!

Meanwhile, Rarity dramatically faints at the idea while you let out another sigh for the upteenth time.

(P/N): *thinking* V/N, please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that this whole situation is ridiculous.

(V/N): That is an understatement. I believe the correct way to describe how these ponies are acting is that they are all featherbrained. I mean, I'm all for stirring up trouble, but even I can see that these ponies are jumping to conclusions.

(P/N): *thinking* Couldn't have put it better myself. *speaking* Okay, let me ask one crucial question, everypony. Have any of you actually gone out of your way to talk to Zecora? Like, really get to know her?

Your question made everyone in the room grow silent save for a few crickets that chirped.

Fluttershy: W-Well... no, not really.

You cross your arms and glare a little.

(P/N): Then how do you know that she's evil?

Twilight decides to join in on the question by doing the same thing you did by crossing her arms and glaring.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. What DOES make her so malicious supposedly?

Rainbow Dash: Well... Once a month, she comes into Ponyville.

(P/N): *dramatically sarcastic* Oooooh.

Rarity: Then, she lurks by the stores.

Twilight Sparkle: *dramatically sarcastic* Oh, my.

Fluttershy: And then, she digs at the ground.

P/N & Twilight Sparkle: *dramatically sarcastic* Good gracious!

Then, like a pair of twins, you and Twilight both facehooved from the sheer absurdity of the whole thing.

(P/N): So, let me get this straight. You're all judging her before you even get to know her? Okay, that's not only a tad racist, but also, you can't just judge somepony before meeting them. She's a bit eccentric, sure, but she shouldn't be labeled as a freak or a danger for that. I mean, what if she's coming to town to meet all of you?

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Maybe she's just tryin' to be neighborly.

The tiny filly agrees, now standing by your side in defense of you and Zecora.

Twilight Sparkle: And maybe she's not lurking by the stores, maybe she's going to them, lurk free, to do some shopping?

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Everypony likes to shop. You know what I think?

Applejack: Apple Bloom! Hush and let the big ponies talk.

She scolds, annoying Apple Bloom even more.

Apple Bloom: *under breath* I am a big pony!

Rainbow Dash: W-what about digging at the ground? You've got to admit that's weird.

Fluttershy: What if she's digging for innocent creatures?

(P/N): *sarcasm* Oh yeah, because digging one centimeter into the ground means she's trying to dig up their corpses for necromancy.

Fluttershy, however, didn't really get the sarcasm in that one as she gasps slightly horrified.

Fluttershy: *gasps* She is?!

(P/N): I was being sarcastic, Fluttershy. You guys are clearly out of your minds. Look, I'll show you. I'll go and talk to her and you'll see that there's nothing to fear about her.

You said as you began making your way to the door but were stopped by Pinkie who zipped to the front of you.

Pinkie Pie: No, P/N! You can't! She's eeeeeevil, I tell you! She's so evil I even wrote a song about her!

(P/N): Pinkie, please don-

You tried to say, but you couldn't get it out sooner as Pinkie already began to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[Pinkie Pie]

♪She's an evil enchantress♪

♪She does evil dances♪

♪And if you look deep in her eyes♪

♪She'll put you in trances♪

♪Then what will she do?♪

♪She'll mix up an evil brew♪

♪Then she'll gobble you up♪

♪In a big tasty stew♪

♪Soooo... Watch out!♪

(End Song)

She finally finishes with a huff in her breath from the exertion. You, meanwhile, stood with a now twitchy eye as your annoyance soon gave way to anger.

(V/N): Need me to take over?

(P/N): *thinking* *deep inhale* No... I think it's time that they heard what I had to say.

(V/N): Hmm, this is serious. Alright, the floor's all yours.

He goes silent, allowing you to speak finally.

(P/N): You know what? If all of you ponies wanna hide in here like little pansies, be my guest. I, for one, am not afraid to greet someone new who comes to Ponyville and I honestly expected the same from the rest of you, but no. You all apparently don't wanna snap out of your delusional, nonsensical hysteria for one second and greet somepony who's probably looking for a friend. Heck, the only ones here that seem to have my mindset are Twilight and ironically Apple Bloom. If anypony here was going to be irrationally afraid of somepony like Zecora, it most likely would have been her.

You shot a proud glance over at Apple Bloom.

(P/N): Nice to see one of you besides Twilight at least act mature about this.

She smiles and walks a few feet away from the others towards you.

Apple Bloom: THANK YOU!! Finally, someone who acknowledges that I'm right!

Applejack: Apple Bloom, stay out of-

(P/N): *through clenched teeth* Shut it, Applejack.

Applejack recoils and backs away from your comeback as you focus back on her younger sister.

(P/N): Wanna come with, Apple Bloom?

The young filly's eyes light up and she smiles before nodding and hopping onto your back.

Apple Bloom: Count me in!

Twilight Sparkle: I'm going too.

She joins as you smiled at her as well before looking at the crowd one final time.

(P/N): Honestly, I'm really ashamed of all of you. For a town of ponies that's meant to be accepting of newcomers, you can't seem to put aside whatever moronic fears you have to greet somepony who's just slightly different from most others.

You finished before striding out of Sugarcube Corner with Apple Bloom still on your back and with Twilight following. Heading down the street, the three of you immediately spotted Zecora who still remained digging at the ground with her hoof. Once you were at a close enough distance, you cleared your throat which stopped the zebra from what she was doing for the moment.

(P/N): Excuse me.

Zecora turns and looks at you three curiously.

Zecora: Oh, are these three visitors I see, when everypony else seems to be hiding from me?

She asked in an accent as you sighed to that.

(P/N): From what I can tell, this is a thing that happens often, doesn't it?

It was now Zecora's turn to sigh as her head hung low a little.

Zecora: I'm afraid that it is so. If these ponies don't want me here, I suppose I'll just go.

The now saddened zebra tried to turn and leave but was stopped in her tracks by Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, don't leave. We only wanna talk and get to know you better.

Apple Bloom: Yeah! And maybe we could also be friends!

The younger fully agrees as your hospitality shocked Zecora a little as she perks up.

Zecora: You three wish to be my friends? I must say, this act of courage I most certainly commend.

It was then that you started to take note of something.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... does... she only speak in rhymes?

(V/N): *sarcasm* Well gee, I wonder what gave that away.

Deciding not to give him any ounce of satisfaction for that, you refocused on Zecora.

(P/N): Of course we wanna be your friends. Listen, we're really sorry for you having to roam the streets of Ponyville all alone like this.

Twilight Sparkle: The ponies here don't seem to trust you for some reason, but we were able to see it all as a bunch of malarkey.

She adds as Zecora sighs sadly.

Zecora: I suppose I do understand why they'd all think that way. I don't normally stroll through town every day. My ways are different from most ponies' lifestyles. Not to mention, the place I reside is known to be quite hostile.

Apple Bloom: But that shouldn't mean that you need to be feared, Zecora! We just need to show 'em that you're nice.

(P/N): I agree. Although...

You turned towards Ponyville and put a hoof to your chin in deep thought.

(P/N): ...the question we should ask is how we're going to do that? I doubt words are gonna help.

Twilight Sparkle: No worries, P/N. We'll come up with something, I'm sure of it.

Apple Bloom: By the way Zecora, what brought you here in the first place?

Zecora: I was searching for ingredients for a cure to Poison Joke: a plant that shares similar qualities to that of Poison Oak.

Your eyebrows raised the instant you heard the name of that particular plant.

(P/N): *thinking* Poison... Joke? I think I might have heard that name before, but... where?

Twilight Sparkle: Poison Joke?

Zecora: A plant that's meant to bring out a chortle, even if the effects are abnormal.

Apple Bloom: You mean they do something to a pony that makes others laugh?

Her question was answered with a nod from Zecora.

Zecora: I came to town to look for the last ingredient for the plant that I wish to remediate.

(P/N): Well, if that's the case, why don't we help you?

Zecora: Oh my, you wish to make an offer in the form of aid? But, I don't think I have a way for the debt to be repaid.

You waved a hoof dismissively.

(P/N): No need to. Consider it as a way to welcome you since some ponies won't do it willingly.

You shot the stink eye over your shoulder at the other ponies who were still watching through Sugarcube Corner's window as they ducked out of sight again. Zecora smiled one last time before you all began walking towards the Everfree Forest all while still carrying on the conversation. Halfway through it though, you were able to hear Apple Bloom, who was still situated on your back, give out a sigh as you offered a sympathetic expression.

(P/N): Why the long face, Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom: I'm... I'm fine, P/N. I... just wanted to say sorry for how mah sister and the other ponies acted.

Your response to that was an expected shake of the head, clearly of doubt.

(P/N): It isn't your fault, Apple Bloom. Applejack and the other ponies just need to learn to not be so judgemental towards ponies they know next to nothing about, especially your sister. Don't get me wrong, I like hanging with her, but her stubbornness is in serious need of a fixer upper.

The young pony couldn't help but nod in agreement to that.

Apple Bloom: I agree. I love mah sister, but... she can get really overprotective sometimes. I ain't a baby anymore and yet she still treats me like one.

(P/N): Hmm... well...

You tried to say, but Apple Bloom beat you to it by gasping.

Apple Bloom: You don't actually agree with her, do ya?!

(P/N): N-No, no! Of course not... to a certain degree, at least.

Apple Bloom: What?!

(P/N): *sigh* Apple Bloom, listen, it's like this. I agree that Applejack's being overprotective to a point, but she is right about one thing; you're still a young filly. You've yet to learn about not just friendship, but also about the real world and how to take care of yourself when you go out into it some day. You can't just waltz into danger while thinking that you're untouchable. I mean, if it weren't for us, do you think it'd be a good idea for a filly as small as you to walk into the Everfree Forest alone or without a guide?

Apple Bloom tries to make a comeback to that question, but she finds herself unable to think of one.

Apple Bloom: W-Well... I suppose... not.

(P/N): And how do you think she'd feel if you were to get seriously hurt if you tried doing certain things by yourself? Look, your sister is seemingly overbearing, I don't disagree with that, but at the end of the day, Applejack only wants to look out for your best interests. Do you understand?

At first, Apple Bloom wanted to argue with you over it, but she did quickly see that you had a point there. With this in mind, her ears droop and another sigh leaves her.

Apple Bloom: I... I guess yer right, P/N.

(P/N): Now, with that said, I still think she and the rest of the ponies are being really immature about this whole Zecora business. After this is all handled, I'll try to talk to Applejack about not only trusting in Zecora, but also about not constantly dogging you all the time... only during moments like this though.

You added to that with a smile and a wink which made one reappear on Apple Bloom's lips and she hugs your neck in a warm embrace.

Apple Bloom: Thanks, P/N.

(P/N): Heh, no problem, kiddo.

Your reply came a few seconds before you finally arrived outside the boundaries of the Everfree Forest.

(P/N): Okay, we're here. AB, remember, this place is not the kind of location to get lost in, so I suggest staying close to us and not wandering off, alright?

She nods her head determinedly.

Apple Bloom: Got it!

(P/N): Alright, let's get to it.

With that, the four of you proceeded into the gaping maw of menacing looking trees where you spent the next couple minutes recovering the ingredients needed to create a cure for this "Poison Joke" that Zecora spoke of. You still weren't sure where you heard of that particular plant before as it kept eating away at your brain the whole time you were in the forest.

Eventually, you had gathered a good majority of the ingredients as you made your way to the entrance you took to get here.

Zecora: I wish to offer you three my thanks, for helping me find the bane of this plant's pranks.

Twilight Sparkle: It's no trouble at all, Zecora. Consider it as a way of saying sorry for how the other ponies have been treating you.

Apple Bloom: Yeah, it's the least we could do!

(P/N): *sigh* I just don't get all the unnecessary fear. I mean, sure, you're a bit eccentric and different from others, but that shouldn't be a reason to harshly judge somepony unless they did really bad things which I haven't seen coming from you.

You said, staring ahead with a bit of a glare at the memory of how the others were acting which was brought to a halt by Twilight bumping your side to get your attention.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, it'll be okay, P/N. Once the others see that we spent a good amount of time with Zecora, they'll surely see that they were wrong.

(P/N): I hope so. Anyways, what's the last ingredient we need, Zecora?

Zecora: Hmm, I do believe it's-

???: There they are!

A familiar south sounding voice came from nearby, stopping Zecora mid sentence. You looked to see that it came from Applejack as she, along with the rest of the Mane Six, ran towards where the four of you stood as your face immediately soured at seeing them.

Applejack: Apple Bloom, P/N, Twilight, step away from Zecora right now! Especially you, Apple Bloom!

The cowpony's younger sister could only groan at her sister.

Apple Bloom: Applejack, I ain't in any danger! In fact, none of us are!

Applejack: You don't know for sure! For all you know, Zecora could have put some kinda hocus pocus on ya!

Her hysteria only served to make you grit your teeth and increase your anger further as you were about to tell her off before Zecora stepped in while stretching out a beckoning hoof.

Zecora: Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!

You stopped once she made this sudden warning to the group as you looked to where she might have been looking. Sure enough, you saw something weird that it honestly kinda amazed you that you not only had somehow avoided it, but also didn't see it. Planted in the ground where your friends were standing was a whole bunch of what appeared to be an odd looking blue flower of sorts.

(P/N): *thinking* Woah! What the hay are these things? And how come I didn't notice them before?

Your internal questions stopped once you realized something and you refocused back on the plants.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... could these... be...

You tried to think, but once again, Applejack's voice interrupted your inner monologue.

Applejack: Y-you keep your creepy mumbo-jumbo to yourself, ya hear?

Shaking your head, you turned and were about to apologize to Zecora for Applejack's behavior, but you couldn't due to her backing off further into the woods as a mist suddenly began covering her form.

(P/N): Wait, Zecora, don't go!

Zecora: Beware! Beware!

Slowly, she disappeared into the mist, leaving you, Twilight, and Apple Bloom with the rest of the group.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, back at ya, Zecora! You and your lame curse are the ones who better beware!

Applejack: And you two!

She stomps right up to you and Apple Bloom who now carried a shameful look.

Applejack: Apple Bloom, how could you just go with P/N instead of stayin' with me?! Why couldn't you just listen to yer big sister?

Apple Bloom: I...I...

She couldn't answer, but luckily, you were there to speak for her.

(P/N): Look Applejack, you need to stop being so overprotective with her! Sure, she still has a few things to learn, but she shouldn't have her hoof held every two seconds!

Applejack: Mind yer own business, P/N! I'm still miffed at you for putting her in this situation in the first place! What were ya even thinkin' putting her in harm's way?!

(P/N): She was not in danger, Applejack! None of us were for that matter! Do you even see a single scratch on us?!

Applejack: Ya might not have a scratch, but Zecora might have gotten through to ya with her magicky mumbo jumbo like she was doin' earlier!

(P/N): It's not "magicky mumbo jumbo." She uses her potions for healing and helping others!

Applejack: And how do you know?! She could've told ya that ta get on yer good side! She's evil, I tell you! I know it!

You facehooved and tried to calm down to the best of your capabilities before speaking again.

(P/N): For the last time, she's not evil! She has no interest in hurting others, but none of you will put aside your needless fear to allow her the chance to prove it!

Applejack: I don't need no proof! All I see is a connivin', secretive, weird Zebra who shouldn't be here at all! We'd all be better off if she weren't here!

At that moment, you had enough as your eyes squinted in anger.

(P/N): *thinking* V/N... take over for me.

(V/N): My pleasure.

Once he was given control, he did something that the group or even you weren't expecting. V/N picks up one of the strange plants from before with some magic and shoves it straight into Applejack's mouth much to her shock. He then follows it up with yanking her hat over her face and slapping her hard across the face which had enough force to send her to the ground and into the rest of the plants. The group all collectively gasped as Applejack straightened her hat back onto her face before spitting out the plant and looking at you with shock while he glared daggers at her.

(V/N): How... dare you? How... DARE YOU?!?! You honestly have ANY right to judge somepony you barely know anything of?! I can't even begin to describe my disappointment and anger with you! With all of you for that matter!

He shouted at the group who all recoiled from the volume of his voice.

(V/N): We're supposed to be a community who puts on a genuine smile for those who are new to town! A town that welcomes ponies without a second thought that judges no one for how they look! But look at you all! Claiming that an innocent zebra like Zecora could somehow be evil despite having ZERO evidence to prove it! All you have to go by is stupid, unsupported claims and assumptions; all of which are completely and utterly asinine!

Rainbow Dash: But, P/N-

She couldn't get out another word due to V/N using magic to envelop her whole body and pulled her closer and he gave her a hard glare.

(V/N): *through clenched teeth* Shut! It! The last thing I need is you adding to the idiocy!

He sets her down hard onto the ground with a thud, earning a yelp from her.

(V/N): I don't need any more of this ineptitude. Come talk to me once you've all wisened up. Until then, don't any of you with the exception of Twilight and Apple Bloom even try to speak to me.

You sent one last glare at Applejack who still stared at you with shock.

(V/N): Especially not you, Assholejack.

Again, everyone lets out a shocked gasp from the insult as V/N lit up his horn and disappeared in a flash of magic. The group remained standing quietly for a moment before a sigh broke the silence as it was revealed to come from Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: I hate to say it, but... you all really shouldn't judge Zecora so readily.

Mane 5: What?!

They shouted simultaneously, turning to the brainy Unicorn in surprise.

Pinkie Pie: Haven't you been listening to us or even my song at all, Twilight?!

[Pinkie Pie]

♪She's an evil enchantress♪

♪She does evil da-

Twilight was quick to silence her with a single hoof to the party mare's mouth.

Twilight Sparkle: *groans* Enough with the song already! You're all being overly paranoid.

Rainbow Dash: Paranoid?! Seriously?! How can you even defend her for how creepy she is?!

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcasm* Umm, because I actually got to spend time with her? *speaking* This is ridiculous, girls. P/N's right. We're meant to be a community that welcomes new ponies and individuals, but how can we do that if we criticize those that look and act a little differently? Besides, how can she possibly put a hex or curse on any of us? There's no such thing as curses!

Rainbow Dash: Well, that's interesting to hear coming from Miss Magic Pants herself.

She retorts, flying through some of the strange flowers and giving Twilight's horn a tap to which she scoffed.

Twilight Sparkle: My magic, real magic, comes from within. It's a skill you're born with. Curses are artificial, fake magic. It's conjured with potions and incantations; all smoke and mirrors meant to scare. But curses have no real power, they're just an old pony tale and even if they did exist, from the looks of it, Zecora didn't seem to use any for evil purposes.

Applejack: Just you wait, Twilight. You're gonna learn that some pony tales really are true. That's something that P/N didn't seem to get.

She says that while looking to the side and frowning.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* Did you not listen to what P/N or I had to say? He- *groans* You know what? I think I'm gonna follow his example and get myself out of here. I'm not sure how much of this I can take.

She struts through the field of strange flowers and out of the Everfree Forest with the rest following behind. Meanwhile, you and V/N reappeared in your home as he groaned in frustration from the earlier situation.

(V/N): Here we go again with more drama!

(P/N): *sigh* Look, we just need to find a way to really convince them that Zecora's not evil.

(V/N): *thinking* Okay, seriously? Why are you even defending these idiots you call friends?

(P/N): I'm not defending them. I'm just saying that we need to think of something when it comes to showing them that Zecora is good. Also, I don't appreciate you calling them idiots.

(V/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* Oh, I'm sorry! Would you prefer dolts, dullards, or schmucks?! I'm going with all the above for two hundred!

(P/N): Well, at least one of us is mature about this.

(V/N): *thinking* Oh, shut up! You're too much of a pansy to be assertive anyways.

(P/N): Look, they're just really misinformed right now. I'm sure we'll come up with a plan after a good night's sleep.

(V/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* Pfft! Sure! Because sleeping on it will help come up with an idea instead of, you know, dreaming about giant bunnies eating trees or skating through town in a ballerina tutu or imagining that strange oval shaped canyon as a mare's-

(P/N): O-kay, I'm just gonna stop you right there!

V/N growled before he relinquished control of your body to you again as you stayed at your place for the rest of the day until you turned in for the night.


(The Next Day)

Come that very next day, you decided to head out for a walk to clear your head and come up with a plan. Strutting through town, you thought of how you were going to clear Zecora's name and get everyone to like her. However, your thought processes were stopped when your eyes landed on the Golden Oak Library where it was then that you had a thought.

(P/N): *thinking* Hm, maybe Twilight can help us. She is really good at coming up with ideas after all.

(V/N): Not to mention that she's one of the only few with actual common sense around here.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Not the time for that, V/N.

(V/N): Hey, I'm just saying.

Shaking your head, you walked over to the front door and knocked before waiting a few seconds. It didn't take very long before the door opened as Spike was the one to answer.

Spike: Oh, hey P/N! What's up?

(P/N): Eh, nothing much. Is Twilight available? I wanted to talk to her about the Zecora business.

As a result of your question, the baby dragon strangely throws on a smirk and guffaws for some reason.

Spike: Y-You... *snorts* you came at... *giggles* at quite the unfortunate time for her, dude.

He giggles some more which only served to add to the confusion for you as you tilted your head a little.

(P/N): Uhh... why?

Spike: Just *snorts* just come inside and see!

He steps aside, allowing you entry. You stepped past him and were met with a sight you didn't expect. Books littered the whole area from head to toe, leaving most of the shelves totally barren. Looking around, you finally managed to catch a glimpse of Twilight as her back was turned to you.

(P/N): Twilight, you doing okay? And what's with all the books cluttering everything?

Your voice startles her for a second before she spins around and faces you. This gave you the opportunity to see just what Spike was chortling about earlier. Twilight's horn, which was normally pointed and straight like a Unicorn's horn should be, was now completely covered in bright blue spots and also had a noticeable sag to it as if it were a sausage.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh P/N! Thank Celestia you're here! I need your help!

She shouts as you were still distracted by her horn to really listen. Without even missing a beat, you began to snicker while tears of laughter started forming in your eyes.

(P/N): What's uh... what's going on with... *snicker* with your horn there, Twi?

Not being able to hold it in any longer, you burst out into a loud riot of laughs as Spike came over and joined in on it as he was rolling on the floor. Twilight groans.

Twilight Sparkle: First Spike, now you, P/N!?

She stomps a hoof before turning back to her books while you regain your composure.

(P/N): I-I'm *snickers* I'm sorry! I'm sorry. It's just... I wasn't expecting to see that today.

Twilight Sparkle: Neither was I, and yet here we are! *groans* I don't have time for this.

She looks through more of her books before throwing one away in frustration.

Twilight Sparkle: None of these books have a cure! Ugh!

While she continued to search, you leaned over to Spike who stood by you while searching through a few books himself.

(P/N): Uhh, mind giving me a little context here, little bud?

Spike: Honestly, I'm just as confused as you. She woke up this morning and her horn was mysteriously like that from what I could gather.

(P/N): Huh, o-kay then.

Twilight searches through a few more books before she gives up for a moment.

Twilight Sparkle: There has to be a real reason for this! An illness? An allergy?!

Spike: A curse!

He shouts, holding the same book as it was opened to a particular page.

Twilight Sparkle: I said a real reason. Something that points to something real.

Spike: How about this one?

He holds up the book he'd been reading to reveal its cover to have that of a peculiar plant.

Twilight Sparkle: "Supernaturals"? Spike, the word supernatural refers to things like ghosts and spirits and zombies, which are as make-believe as curses. This book is just a bunch of hooey!

(P/N): Hang on a second, Twi. Spike, do you mind if I see that book for a second?

Spike: Sure.

He handed over the book to you and you did a quick scan through the pages until you landed on a page that made you gasp. What you saw isn't revealed yet, but it did make you try and show it to Twilight as you approached her closer.

(P/N): Twilight, Spike is right about this one! You've gotta take a look at this!

You tried to show her what the book had to offer, but she shook her head and pushed it away.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, I already told Spike that that book isn't going to help!

(P/N): But I really think you should check this out!

Twilight Sparkle: My mind's made up already! I'm not looking at that book. As I said, the word "supernatural" refers to ghosts and spirits and curses which don't exist.

(P/N): It also refers to things that are considered otherworldly or magical which is what seems to be happening to you. Look, just please read this and you'll see that-

???: Ipfs ah pfurse!

A suddenly appearing voice from nearby startled the lot of you and you turned to see Pinkie, but much like with Twilight, something was off with her too. That being that her tongue was abnormally larger than it should be and it was also covered in bright blue spots much like Twilight's horn.

One look at the party mare's condition made another snicker come from your vocal chords for a split second before you stifled it and addressed her.

(P/N): Uhh, Pinkie? Mind... repeating that?

Pinkie Pie: Ah psaid phts ah psurse!

Her now elongated tongue made it hard for her to speak as her words only came out through spit.

Spike: A purse? How could it be a purse?

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie? What happened?

Pinkie Pie: Pee pah Zthecora! Sthe put a cursthe on me!

The words "Zecora" and *curse* were the only one you could make out and you groaned at Pinkie.

(P/N): Zecora. Did. Not. Do this!

Pinkie Pie: Who elpsh could itps be?!

She asked, still spitting through her words as some of her drool landed on you and Spike much to your disgust.

(P/N): Ugh! Say it, don't spray it, Pinkie!

Spike: Yeah, what he said!

Suddenly, a large thud echoed through the library along with everything inside shaking for a second. A second loud thud occurred a second later as it only resulted in more happening oddly enough. It was then that you made out the sound of somepony yelping and you could have sworn you recognized that voice. Sure enough, when you looked out a nearby window, you saw who you predicted it to be: Rainbow Dash. Strangely enough, she kept flying and smacking into the library walls over and over again.

Rainbow Dash: *thud* Ow! *thud* Oh! She's *thud* trying to say-ow!- Zecora *thud*-oh!-*crash* she slapped us all with a-

She spoke through each smack before she crashed through the doorway and into one of the walls with books, causing many to fall to the floor as she was caught up inside one of the ladders used to get to higher shelves.

Rainbow Dash: -a curse!

She finally said. Once you got closer to her and took a gander, you wondered to yourself how she was crashing in the first place. Honestly, it was almost as if there was something wrong with her wings. In fact, upon closer inspection, you were able to see that there was something wrong with her wings as they looked like they were inverted now which did explain her erratic flying a moment ago.

Trying your best to stifle another snicker, you recomposed yourself and looked at her.

(P/N): Having trouble flying there, Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash: Well, duh! You think I'm doing this on purpose?!

(P/N): With the reputation you've earned for yourself, it wouldn't surprise me. And I've already said this to Pinkie, but there is no curse!

???: I'm afraid I have to disagree with you, dear.

Another familiar voice came up; this time belonging to Rarity and surprise surprise, something was wrong with her too. Her whole body, including her mane and tail, was covered with corded and unkempt fur similar to that of a Komondor sheepdog.

Once again, you tried not to laugh as Rarity blew some of her hair out of her eyes.

(P/N): You uh... *snicker* you having a bad mane day or something, Rarity?

Rarity whines at that.

Rarity: Worse! I'm having a bad... well... everything day!

???: *high pitched voice* I hate to say I told ya so, Twilight, but I told ya so!

Yet another voice broke through the commotion, however this one was oddly high pitched. You all looked to where it might have come from and saw something you really weren't expecting. There, standing by the busted entrance of the library, was Apple Bloom and standing on her flank was her big sister, Applejack... although... you couldn't really call her big at that moment. No, instead, she had shrunken down to the size of a mouse which meant that Apple Bloom had to carry her around.

Once again, you had to take a moment to not let yourself be consumed in a fit of laughter at the sight of the proud, stubborn pony quite literally being brought down to size. Calming yourself for the fifth time now, you looked down at the now tiny cowpony and coyly grinned.

(P/N): Aww, I didn't know they started making action figures of us! She's sooo cute!

You teased, earning a sigh from Applejack who glares.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* *sarcasm* Real funny, P/N! *speaking* And I ain't cute!

It was then that you realized that the only one left was Fluttershy and right as her name came up in your head, the timid Pegasus came strolling in. However, when you got a look at her, you noticed that there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her, at least not at face value.

(P/N): Huh, Fluttershy seems to be the only one out of all of you that doesn't seem to be affected.

Rarity: Yes, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with her.

You looked back at Fluttershy and noticed that she seemed to be carrying a shameful and embarrassed look while remaining quiet which didn't go unnoticed by Twilight as she went up to her.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy? Are you okay?

Instead of answering verbally, Fluttershy turned her head away, refusing to answer.

Twilight Sparkle: Is there something wrong with you?

Fluttershy answers this time, except she does it through a nervous nod instead of speaking.

(P/N): Uh... you mind telling us what it is?

This time, Fluttershy pouts and doesn't offer a nod or shake of the head.

Twilight Sparkle: So... you're not going to tell us?

Her friend nods silently yet again which only served to add to the confusion.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes you're not, or yes you will?

Fluttershy shakes her head as Applejack had enough of her beating around the bush.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Good gravy, girl! What's wrong with you?!

Realizing that she'd been backed into a corner, Fluttershy tilts her head away and finally speaks... however...

Fluttershy: *deep male voice* I don't want to talk about it.

What came out instead of her usual quiet and cute sounding voice was instead a deep, male sounding voice. It was at this point that your composure had now been reduced to rubble as you started to squeak out another laugh. Unfortunately, as much as you tried to hold it in, you couldn't anymore.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Not holding back any longer, your face contorted into a huge grin and you flew onto your back while laughing hysterically. Spike soon joined in on your laughing as well.

(P/N):: This is hilarious!

Spike: I know, right?! Just look at all of them! We've got: Hairity!

(P/N): Rainbow Crash!

Spike: Spitty Pie!

(P/N): Appleteeny!

Spike: Flutterguy!

(P/N): And!-

You both stopped once you reached Twilight as you couldn't really come up with a nickname for her. Meanwhile, she and the rest of the group all deadpanned or squinted into a glare from the names.

(P/N): Uhh... I can't really think of one for Twilight. Got anything, Spike?

Spike: Uh... I got nothin'... Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that.

He mutters, turning to the camera as he says that.

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcastic laugh* This is no joke, Spike. Now start looking for more books so I can find a cure!

(P/N): But Twilight, it's-

Twilight Sparkle: For the last time P/N, that book won't help us! Now, please, I need to figure out what's going on here.

She trotted to the other side of the library while you gave her the stink eye.

(V/N): Well... that was admittedly rude. You want me to step in?

(P/N): *thinking* Not yet.

You glanced at the book in your hoof again before an idea began to formulate in your head.

(P/N): *thinking* If Twilight and the others are so headstrong about not believing in things because of face value, then they're just gonna have to learn the hard way.

(V/N): Wait, so, you're not going to try and help them?

(P/N): *thinking* As long as they continue to act like this, I won't. Let me think for a moment, will you?

V/N seemingly complied and stayed silent while you listened to the others converse.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* I think we'll find a cure to this curse at Zecora's place!

Twilight Sparkle: It's not a curse!

Applejack: *high pitched voice* I agree with Dash! We'll go to Zecora's and force her to remove this hex!

Twilight Sparkle: It's not a hex either!

Their backing and forthing resulted in the rest joining in and leading to a huge argument amongst them. Meanwhile, you sighed in frustration and weaved your way through them until you stopped by Apple Bloom who appeared to be off in her own world of thought. You could tell what she was thinking and you beat her to the punch with your next set of words.

(P/N): AB, I know what you're thinking.

She flinches from being startled and she looks up at you.

Apple Bloom: H-Huh? What do you mean, P/N?

(P/N): I said I know what you're thinking, and before you say anything, no. It isn't your fault that they're like this.

Unsurprisingly, Apple Bloom was taken aback by how you could have possibly guessed what she was thinking and she almost immediately hung her head low.

Apple Bloom: Are... are ya sure it ain't mah fault?

(P/N): I'm absolutely sure, because...

You quickly glanced at the Mane Six as they were still busy arguing which was the perfect moment for you and you looked back at Apple Bloom.

(P/N): I know what made them look like this.

The young Apple's saddened mood was quick to change and she shot a look of surprise back at you.

Apple Bloom: You do? What is it?

Not wanting the others to hear it, you leaned your head down to her level and whispered the answer into her ear which allowed her to finally remember as she gasped in realization.

Apple Bloom: *whisper* Ohhhh... now I remember.

(P/N): *whisper* Exactly. I'm gonna go check on Zecora and make sure she's alright. You stay here and make sure things don't get out of hoof.

She smiles and gives you a salute.

Apple Bloom: I won't mess this up, P/N!

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Count on you to what?

In that moment, both yours and Apple Bloom's pupils shrunk. Turning around, Apple Bloom spots her sister staring at her with squinted eyes which only meant that she heard what was going on.

Apple Bloom: I... I shouldn't have said anything. It must have been a jinx.

(P/N): This isn't your fault.

You replied, trying to reassure her.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Just what in the hay were you both babblin' about?

(P/N): None of your concern, that's what.

You answered derisively before facing the entryway and began heading out until you were stopped by Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, wait! Where are you going?

Sighing to yourself, you turned around and gave her a frown.

(P/N): As I said to Applejack, none of your concern.

Rarity: But we need to figure out how to cure ourselves.

She said, blowing more of her hair from her face.

(P/N): Right, cure yourselves, meaning all of you and not me. In case you didn't notice, I don't have anything wrong with me, so this is more of your problem. Besides, it's not like you even need my help since none of you have taken me seriously lately.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* What's that supposed to mean?

In response to her question, you walked to the front of the table she stood on and smacked it with a single hoof onto it, causing her to stumble and fall.

(P/N): What's that supposed to mean? You're really asking that?! I've been trying to tell all of you that Zecora's not evil, and yet none of you will believe me because you choose to believe in really idiotic rumors about her, especially you, Applejack! So, why should I help you?!

He turned to the rest of the group as they were all looking at him with faces of nervousness.

(P/N): Why should I help any of you?! If you're not going to believe and trust in me, why do you even have me around?! All I want is to be taken seriously and you won't even grant me that luxury!

At the climax of your sentence, you slammed your hoof into the ground, creating a mini earthquake which thankfully only affected the library as the Mane Six all fell over. You took a moment to calm down as you slowly breathed in and breathed out.

(P/N): Why... why am I the only one you all don't seem to trust? It all started when we dealt with Nightmare Moon. None of you took my advice over getting through the obstacles we faced when we were retrieving the Elements of Harmony.

The group all collectively remembered the event as guilt began to sink in and they looked in all directions.

(P/N): Then came the incident with Gilda, Skittles over here didn't want to believe me when it came to her childhood friend being a no good bully... and what did I get? A punch to the face because I dared to speak poorly about Gilda.

Rainbow guiltily rubbed an arm which was a little difficult due to her still being stuck inside the ladder.

(P/N): And now we come to the here and now. I try to tell you all that Zecora isn't malicious and that I think I might know the cause of your afflictions, but instead, I get pushed to the side. Like... does my opinion matter to none of you? Am I or am I not part of this group because with how you've all been treating me, it... it doesn't feel like it.

You sadly stated, a single tear rolling down your cheek as a result. Soon after, the room grew silent. No one said or did anything. You remained staring at the ground while the Mane Six looked at each other, all of which now felt an unbelievable amount of guilt for not trusting you. However, it didn't last long as Apple Bloom came up and hugged one of your legs which made you jump a little since you didn't expect it. The admittedly adorable act brought a small smile to your lips and you gently ruffled her hair. She smiles at you before sending a nasty frown at her sister who still was in the middle of feeling guilty.

Apple Bloom: Now, do ya see what ya did, Applejack? You made P/N cry! All of you did! He just wants to feel accepted and you won't let him! Just like how I don't wanna be treated like a baby anymore!

Applejack: *high pitched voice* B-But... Apple Bloom, I-

Apple Bloom: I don't wanna hear it! I know I'm still young, but I don't need to be babied twenty four seven! I'm old enough to do certain things on mah own and I don't need protection all the time! Here, I'll show ya!

She stands closer to you and wraps one of her hooves around yours.

Apple Bloom: P/N and I are gonna go see Zecora and you'll see that once I come back unscathed, that I don't need to be treated like a baby anymore! Come on, P/N!

Offering her yet another smile, you nodded and stood back up.

(P/N): Best idea I've heard all day.

Once it was settled, you and Apple Bloom proceeded towards the wrecked entrance to the library while the group remained behind, still wallowing in guilt. It didn't take long for the both of you to reach the Everfree Forest as Apple Bloom proceeded to hop onto your back before you headed into the forest depths. You walked for a few minutes, careful as to not run into any predators or any other possible dangers in this forest. Luckily, you had enough experience in the field to find the telltale signs of animals that wanted to take a bite out of you, so you weren't too worried.

After a few minutes, you found yourselves deep in the heart of the Everfree Forest as you tried to find where Zecora could have been staying.

Apple Bloom: What if... what if we don't find her, P/N? *sigh* What if the others scared her away?

She asked, worried that Zecora might not be residing in the forest any longer to which you replied to that with a shake of your head.

(P/N): I don't think Zecora would just leave the forest. By the sounds of it, she's dealt with Ponyville's ridicule for quite some time now, so she seems to be used to it. Plus, she might still be looking for that last ingredient she was about to mention before the others scared her off.

Apple Bloom: Hmm, good point. Still, how do ya think we're gonna find her? Where would someone like Zecora even live?

She asked, thinking to herself. As if to answer her question, you finally stumbled upon what looked like a hollowed out tree home decorated with all kinds of pony tiki masks along with potions hanging from ropes tied to branches.

You shot Apple Bloom a smirk as she countered yours with an unimpressed expression.

(P/N): Does that answer your question?

Apple Bloom: We don't know for sure if it's her place unless we knock, genius.

Chuckling at her comeback, you proceeded towards the door to the strange looking hut and knocked on the door. You waited for a few seconds before the door opened and you were greeted by Zecora as her face lit up with happiness.

Zecora: My, my, do I believe my own eyes? P/N and young Apple Bloom, what a pleasant surprise.

(P/N): Hey, Zecora. Sorry if we came here unannounced.

Apple Bloom: We just wanted to come and check on you.

She gives the both of you an understanding nod.

Zecora: I assure you both, it is quite alright. Having visitors such as you both is newfound delight. But...

She looks all around for a second.

Zecora: Something doesn't seem right. Where is your other friend, the one named Twilight?

The mention of her name brought a frown to your face and you sighed again.

(P/N): We... kinda had an argument earlier. We're not really on speaking terms right now, neither am I with the rest of them. Do you mind if we come in?

She accepts your offer and allows you entrance to her hut. Inside, you saw that she had a large black cauldron in the middle of her home while the rest of the hut had been filled with even more tiki masks, bottles, and various other objects, likely trinkets she collected throughout her travels.

Apple Bloom: Wow! This is a nice place ya got, Zecora!

(P/N): Yeah, I agree.

Zecora: My many thanks, P/N and young Apple Bloom. Now, what is it that friends did that brought you such gloom?

She asked, closing the front door behind her.

(P/N): *sigh* They still think that you're evil somehow even though there's no proof of that.

Apple Bloom: They just keep blindly jumpin' to conclusions, especially mah sister.

Zecora's eyes sadly panned down as a result.

Zecora: I see, they still believe I'm a threat, even if I've done nothing that made them upset.

(P/N): Zecora, don't beat yourself up. It isn't your fault, not at all. They just aren't willing to look past your eccentric way of living.

Apple Bloom: They just have to see that you ain't someone who should be feared.

The now saddened zebra sighed again and she walked over and stood next to her cauldron.

Zecora: I'm afraid that as it stands, there is nothing we can do now. I'm sure that there must be a way to earn their trust, but the question is... how?

Her question brought about much thinking amongst you all as you sat and tried to come up with a plan. At first, when you couldn't think of anything, you resorted to letting your eyes wander around the interior of the hut. They traveled until they stopped when you spotted the spine of a familiar looking book. Raising your eyebrows in initial shock, you walked closer to the book and used your magic to levitate it over to you. Sure enough, your suspicions were proven correct as it was the same copy of the book you tried showing; Supernaturals. Right then and there, in the pit of your brain, a light bulb popped up and lit itself, signifying that you had gotten an idea. Sporting a huge grin, you spun back around to look at Apple Bloom and Zecora who were still busy trying to think of a plan.

(P/N): You guys... I think I've got something!


Meanwhile, in another part of the Everfree Forest, the Mane Six were trudging along, trying to find where you and Apple Bloom had gone.

Rarity: *sigh* Twilight darling, are you sure we'll be able to find them out here?

She asked Twilight who walked up front while the fashionista blew more of her elongated hair from her face.

Twilight Sparkle: We'll have to eventually.

Fluttershy: *deep male voice* *sigh* I don't know if P/N's willing to talk to us after... earlier.

Applejack, who had been situated on Fluttershy's back, petted some of her mane.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* We've gotta still try, sugarcube, especially me.

She sits and looks in the distance sadly.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* *sigh* I... I hope Apple Bloom's not still mad at me.

Rainbow Dash: You can worry about that *smack* -ow!-

She smacked into a tree while trying to get out her retort.

Rainbow Dash: -later! Right now, let's focus on *smack* -ow!- finding them first!

Pinkie Pie: Abpssolupsly!

After a few minutes, the mares finally arrived at Zecora's hut with each of them gasping from being able to find it.

Twilight Sparkle: This has gotta be the place.

Rainbow Dash: Well, where else would a weird acting zebra live?

Giving the athletic Pegasus a small glare, Twilight walked up to the door and knocked as she waited a few seconds. The door opened shortly after, revealing you to be the one to answer this time.

(P/N): Oh... hey, girls.

You greeted, frowning somewhat.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N... we... we wanted to talk.

(P/N): And I don't think I should let you.

You went to close the door, but you were quickly stopped by Applejack.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Wait, P/N!

You opened the door back up and looked at her as she rubbed a hoof on one of her forelimbs.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* We're... we're really sorry, P/N.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Sure, you are.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* No, we really mean it. We're sorry for treating you as if you didn't matter to the group all this time.

Rarity: We're not sure where it came from or why we were doing it, but... it still doesn't excuse it.

Twilight Sparkle: And we promise that from here on out, we'll listen to you more. If you have any ideas or thoughts, we'll hear you out.

Mane Six: We're sorry, P/N.

They all said in unison, bowing their heads in shame. Admittedly, after hearing their heartfelt apology, you couldn't help but smile as you stepped out.

(P/N): That's all I wanted to hear.

Rainbow Dash: So... you really believe Zecora isn't evil?

You responded to her question with a nod.

Twilight Sparkle: And I think I remember you trying to show me something in that Supernaturals book back at the library. What did you find?

(P/N): Well, before I answer that, we still need to get something else out of the way.

You turned away and looked inside the hut.

(P/N): Apple Bloom!

You called as she came to you a moment later. She sees everyone standing outside and frowned once she saw her tiny older sister. Right before she could tell her off, you put a hoof in front of her, stopping her.

(P/N): I know that you might still be upset, but she has something she wants to say to you.

Apple Bloom was surprised by that as she thought for a second before she decided to hear Applejack out.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Apple Bloom... I'm really sorry for treatin' ya like ya couldn't take care of yerself. *sigh* I guess a part of me can't help but be really protective of ya.

She paused for a moment before looking away as she continued.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Ever... ever since ma and pa... left, I felt like I had to make sure that everyone in mah family was always safe and sound, includin' you. I guess in doin' so, it... made me overprotective. I ended up thinking you needed to always be safeguarded when... I shouldn't have. You still have much to learn admittedly, but...

She looks back at Apple Bloom.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* I think it's about time for me to put a little more faith in ya. So... what do you say, little sis? Can you forgive me?

Apple Bloom, who'd been silent the whole time, slowly changed her expression to that of sympathy. Then, without any amount of buildup, she surprised her sister with a gentle hug.

Apple Bloom: I... I can understand why you felt that way, Applejack. Yer... yer afraid of losing me... like we lost... ma and pa. I don't want us to be fightin' like this, so... if it helps... I'll try and be more careful so nothin' bad happens to me. Are you alright with that?

Slowly, but surely, Applejack smiled and she returned her sister's embrace.

Applejack: *high pitched voice* Yeah... I'm okay with it.

The mares all let out an "aw" at the adorable moment between the Apple sisters as you too were smiling.

(P/N): Okay, okay. I hate to break up a tender moment, but I think it's about time that you all were cured.

Twilight Sparkle: So... you know what's causing all of this?

(P/N): Sure do. Right this way.

You gestured for them to follow you inside to which they did. Zecora stood by the pot while mixing in different kinds of ingredients.

(P/N): They're here, Zecora.

Zecora stopped what she was doing for a moment and peered over at the Mane Six as her expression switched to that of shock.

Zecora: My goodness, you are all afflicted, just as I predicted.

Twilight Sparkle: Predicted? What does that-

(P/N): Remember when she said that weird warning to you all yesterday? What was it you said, Zeocra?

Zecora: If you will remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact. "Beware, beware you pony folk. Those leaves of blue are not a joke."

(P/N): Do you guys also remember stepping in any sort of weird blue plants?

The mares all thought of that for a few seconds before Twilight was the first to remember.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, I... I think I do remember. Although, I didn't think much of it at the time.

Rarity: Neither did any of us for that matter.

(P/N): That plant you all stepped on, that was Poison Joke.

In that moment, Twilight remembered even more.

Twilight Sparkle: That... that's right! Zecora was looking for the last ingredient to cure it. That was what we stepped in?

(P/N): Yep. What some of you thought was a curse was just the after effects of a plant playing a prank on you. Zecora here managed to figure out how to cure it.

Apple Bloom: The cure for Poison Joke is a simple old-natural remedy. You just gotta take a bubble bath!

Twilight Sparkle: But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn't find anything. What book has this natural remedy?

(P/N): This one.

You answered, showing her Zecora's copy of Supernaturals.

Twilight Sparkle: Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-alls That Are Simply Super? That's... that's the one you tried showing me before, P/N.

(P/N): Yeah, I did, but... you kept ignoring me and pushing it away because you found the name to be weird. Haven't you heard the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover?" Well, it pertains to both this book and with Zecora. I tried to help and say something, but you didn't wanna hear it.

Twilight Sparkle: *saddened sigh* I... I know. And again, we're really sorry for not listening to you, P/N. I had the answer the whole time, if only I had bothered to look inside.

(V/N): You know, for a bookworm, she can be a real idiot sometimes.

(P/N): *thinking* Not the time for that, V/N.

Zecora: *chuckles* Maybe next time you will take a second look, and not judge the cover of the book.

Twilight Sparkle: Zecora? Would you be kind enough to mix up another batch of the herbal bath?

Zecora: Mix it up I certainly will. Yet I am missing an herb from Ponyville.

Apple Bloom: But whenever Zecora comes to town, all the shops are mysteriously closed.

(P/N): Don't worry, AB, we can fix that.

You interjected, giving the rest of the group a smile as they smiled back.

(P/N): Hey, Twilight, one more thing.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah?

She asked before you scratched the back of your head with a bit of a nervous smile.

(P/N): I know that you're the one who usually sends letters to Princess Celestia about lessons in friendship and all, but... I don't suppose I could maybe send one this time?

Her answer came in the form of a smile. Some time later, the Mane Six were at the Ponyville spa as they were all taking a much needed bubble bath to fix the jokester side effects they faced. Zecora's brew worked like a charm as they were all cured in a manner of minutes. As this went on, your message to Princess Celestia voiced over the scene.

(P/N): Dear Princess Celestia, this is P/N this time. I wanted you to know that Twilight and the others all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; it's the "contents" of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever. Yours truly, P/N. P.S. Be sure to tell Princess Luna I said hi. I might have to visit you guys whenever I get the chance, if you'll let me, of course.

We quickly cut to Princess Celestia as she was sitting in her room as she had gotten done reading your note to her. When she finished, she thought to herself for a moment.

Princess Celestia: *thinking* P/N... he's a strange one. There was no telling of a seventh Element of Harmony in the legend and yet... he seemingly created one out of thin air.

She thinks again for a few seconds before she gets an idea.

Princess Celestia: *thinking* I must speak with him about this.

She left her room and addressed one of her guards to seek out her assistant. He leaves and her assistant arrives a minute later.

Princess Celestia: I'd like to schedule an appointment with someone in Ponyville. Someone by the name of P/N.

However, we cut away and back to you and the others at the spa as they were all casually chilling and conversing. You, on the other hand, were off in a different section of the spa while you were having a personal bubble bath yourself, not for curing Poison Joke, but for just enjoying the relaxing warm water. While this was happening, the mares were all still enjoying the bubble bath set up for them while one of the spa attendees named Lotus spoke with Zecora.

Lotus Blossom: Miss Zecora, I would love to get the recipe for this bath. It's simply luxurious!

Apple Bloom: Applejack! Hey, where's Applejack?!

Realizing that one of them may have potentially sat on her, the mares all splashed through the water in a panic while trying to find her until she could be heard from nearby.

Applejack: *normal voice* I'm right here, little sis.

They all looked to the side to find the farm pony sitting in a tiny cup as she had grown back to her normal size which was made all apparent from the fact that her flank had gotten stuck in the cup.

Applejack: I ain't tiny no more!

Rarity: Oh! I have never felt so lovely in all my life!

She commented, gushing over her mane and coat being returned to normal before Pinkie popped out of the water next to her.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, my gosh! I never realized how horrible it is not to be able to talk. I mean, I love talking so much, and when I couldn't talk anymore, my tongue was all 'ehhhh'! It was the worst! Don't you agree, Fluttershy?

The timid mare smiles and answers as her voice no longer sounded like that of a stallion.

Fluttershy: *normal voice* ... Yes.

They all shared a laugh before Rainbow stopped once she realized something.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, you know, out of the seven of us, P/N was the only one who wasn't affected by Poison Joke. Why is that?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, obviously because he didn't touch any of it from what I remember.

Pinkie Pie: Speaking of P/N, let's bring him in here with us!

Her suggestion made Rarity blush hard and she sputtered with her words.

Rarity: Wha-ba- Absolutely not! He's a stallion and we're all mares if you hadn't noticed!

Rainbow Dash: And your point being? It's not like it's gonna matter whether he's here or not.

Applejack: I agree. Besides, we don't normally wear clothes anyways, so it's not like there's much of a difference.

Rarity finds herself unable to think of a good comeback to that as she pouted soon after.

Rarity: Fine... but I still stand by my belief that a lady needs her privacy from time to time.

Rainbow Dash: Noted. I'll go get him.

She exits the bath and shakes off some of the water from herself and she goes to find you. As stated before, you were enjoying your own personal bath as your eyes were closed while letting relaxation take over.

(P/N): *relaxed sigh* This is just what I needed.

(V/N): After spewing more of your hypocrisy? Yeah, I'd say so.

Your moment of relaxation was of course ruined by V/N offering his daily dose of ridicule. You sat up with a sigh and peered down at the water as V/N could be seen staring back.

(P/N): This again? I thought we were past this.

(V/N): Hey, I still stand by what I said. You keep saying that they should trust you when you can't even muster up enough courage to trust them and tell them about what you really are. I mean, is it so hard to just say that you're an Alicorn?

Unbeknownst to you, Rainbow came over to where you were and found you. She was just about to say something before you spoke again, prompting her to hide behind something so she could listen.

(P/N): We've been over this a million times. I'll tell them when I'm most comfortable and I certainly don't need you pressuring me.

(V/N): Hey, if you want to escape this hole you dug yourself into, then you need to fess up with them already.

(P/N): It... it isn't easy to say it, alright? If they find out about it, my life is over. Everything I worked for up to this point will be ruined.

(V/N): Buddy, your life was over the moment you decided to throw in the towel and hide your true identity. I'm telling you, if you won't tell them the truth sooner, one of them is gonna eventually find out and it'll all be your fault once that happens.

(P/N): They won't find out. Not until... not until I know I can truly trust them.

Rainbow still hid from sight while listening in on your conversation. However, as per usual, she could only hear what you were saying as she felt really confused by what you were saying.

Rainbow Dash: *thinking* Find out? But... what is it that he doesn't want us to find out?

She peers from around the object she hid behind and gives you a suspicious stare.

Rainbow Dash: *thinking* What's really going on with you, P/N?

End of Episode 8...

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