Chapter 4: The Season of Apples and Griffons

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We open with an overshot of one of the many apple orchards of Sweet Apple Acres. The camera pans to the left to reveal a lone hill that didn't have any trees as two ponies stood atop of it. One being Applejack and the other being her older brother, Big Mcintosh. He was a tall pony with a brilliant amaranth coat, a short brilliant orange mane, and moderate sap green eyes. His Cutie Mark was that of a large McIntosh apple that was cut in half.

He also had a bandage around his torso meaning that he sustained some form of injury. Currently, he and his sister were having a conversation while looking over their family's famous orchards.

Applejack: Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples I ever laid eyes on.

Big McIntosh: Eeyup. Too big for you to handle on your own.

Applejack: Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle.

She poked his injured side, making him wince in pain before he glared daggers at her to which she guiltily frowned at him.

Applejack: Oops, sorry. I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end.

Big McIntosh: Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.

The cowpony responded by giving him a sideways glare.

Applejack: Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?

Big McIntosh: Eeyup.

Applejack: Why of all the... This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies?

She retorted, getting into the taller stallion's face while frowning.

Big McIntosh: But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds o' apple trees just doesn't add up to...

Applejack: Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue! I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it to you. I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself.

She took one glance at the orchards and immediately, her bravado deflated when she saw the sheer magnitude of her job. She gulped as nervousness rose from the pit of her stomach.

Big McIntosh: *thinking* Hmm, Applejack's surely gonna get herself in a bind or worse. Maybe I can ask somepony to help her out or keep track of her. Perhaps P/N can keep her in check.


Speaking of which, you were having a peaceful nap on your bed back at your place as one of your forelimbs was dangling over the side while your head rested at the edge. A few snores erupted from your vocal chords before they were brought to a halt by a series of loud knocks at your front door. This was enough to wake you up with a snort and a quick situp, but because of your sleeping position you failed to realize that you were at the edge in time as you slipped and fell off with a yell and a thud. Groaning, you sat up before rising to your hooves and walking downstairs to your front door, but not before taking a quick glance at your wall clock and pouting once you saw the time.

(P/N): *groan* It's 2:30 in the afternoon. Some of us are trying to sleep around here!

You grumbled to yourself before reaching your front door and slapping yourself across the face a few times to try and wake yourself up. When you were fully awake, you grabbed the doorknob and pulled your door open to reveal Big Mac standing on the other side.

(P/N): Big Mac? What can I do for you?

Big McIntosh: Howdy, P/N. I hope I didn't interrupt you with whatever it was you were doin'.

(P/N): Eh, I was taking a small nap, but it's fine.

You waved a dismissive hoof before your eyes landed on the bandage around his torso.

(P/N): Woah! How'd that happen?

You asked, pointing to it.

Big McIntosh: I was tryin' to keep a runaway wagon from runnin' over a bunch'a fillies.

(P/N): *mumbles* Heh, I know the feeling.

Big McIntosh: Pardon?

(P/N): N-Nothing! Nothing! I was saying... it must have been a good feeling to save those fillies, right?

He blinked a few times before nodding.

Big McIntosh: Eeyup. Anyways, I came by to see if you were willin' to do a bit of a favor for me?

(P/N): Name it.

Big McIntosh: Applebuck season has finally arrived at Sweet Apple Acres which is a time of harvest for mah family and I. We rustle up all the apples from our famous orchards and get them good and ready for sellin'. As you can see from mah injury, ah'm unable to participate in the harvest.

You nod.

(P/N): I see. So, I'm guessing you're asking me to fill in for you, right?

Big McIntosh: Well, that, and one other thing. Applejack's the only other one who'll fill in for harvesting the apples since Granny Smith is too old and Apple Bloom's too young. Due to her signature stubbornness, she aims to harvest each and every apple by herself and I'm afraid that she's bitin' off more than she can chew.

Hearing that made your jaw fly open in shock.

(P/N): By herself?! Seriously?! No offense to your sister, but that's just downright insane! I've seen those orchards and if you were to use the word 'sustainable' to describe them, that'd be an understatement.

Big McIntosh: I fully agree with ya. I tried tellin' her that this may have been too much for her, but she just dismissed me. I was wonderin' if you were willin' to help out with convincin' her.

You put a hoof to your chin and thought out loud.

(P/N): Hmm, if I'm gonna be honest, Big Mac, the fact that she didn't listen to you, her brother, suggests that she may not be willing to listen to me either. This may be too hard of a task to accomplish.

The tall farm pony pouted his head in disappointment.

Big McIntosh: I see...

He starts to turn around to face away from you.

Big McIntosh: I guess I'll just have to-

You cut him off by quickly running around and standing in front of him, surprising him.

(P/N): Woah, woah, woah! Hang on for a second, Mac. You didn't let me finish. This may be too hard of a task to accomplish...

You then followed that up with a smile.

(P/N): ...but that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to help out.

Big Mac's surprise remained for another few seconds or so before it gave way to that of joy.

Big McIntosh: Thank ya kindly, P/N.

(P/N): No trouble, Mac. Again, I don't think she'll listen to me, but I'll still give it a go.


Moments later, you arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and took a look at the orchards it's famous for. One small glance was all it took for you to nod your head.

(P/N): All those apples. By yourself. *sarcasm* Yep! That's totally a smart move on your end, Applejack. *speaking* *sigh* Sooner or later, her stubbornness will land her in serious trouble.

You began your search for the cowpony until you finally found her staring up at one singular apple tree.

Applejack: Well I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees.

(P/N): Hey, cowpony.

You called to her, causing her to turn and face you.

Applejack: P/N? What brings ya here?

(P/N): Well, Big Mac came by my place and told me that your family's going through something called Applebuck season.

As soon as her brother's name left your lips, her face soured into a frown.

Applejack: He did, huh?

(P/N): Yeah. He said something about you needing help with collecting all the apples.

The cowpony groans.

Applejack: First of all, it's harvestin'. Second of all, I don't need help from anypony. I can handle it all on my own.

(P/N): *sigh* Applejack, do you not understand the weight of the job ahead of you? I mean, if it were only a few trees then that'd be manageable, but this is SEVERAL orchards of apples we're talking about! Which, if you haven't already guessed, is at least longer than twenty miles. It would take dozens of ponies to get the job done.

Applejack: Don't you use those same mathematics Big Mac was spoutin' at me too! You honestly believe that I don't have it in me to harvest all the apples?

You blink while giving her a "seriously?" kind of look.

(P/N): Uh, yeah! Maybe if you had magic like Twilight or wings with the speed of Rainbow Dash, it'd be plausible, but even still! You can't do this all yourself! Besides, what are you even trying to prove here? That you can work yourself to death?

Applejack: I ain't tryin' to prove anythang, P/N! I just wanna handle all the apples by myself! Now, for the last time. I. Don't. Need. Help!

She finished with a tilt of her head upwards and nodding. You looked away from her with a frustrated huff while also thinking.

(P/N): *thinking* Dang, she's a stubborn one alright. Hmm, what to do. What. To. Do.

You thought for a solution for a few more seconds before it eventually clicked in your head.

(P/N): *thinking* I think I've got something.

You nodded to yourself before looking at Applejack to see that she had already gotten to work on bucking the apples from the trees.

(P/N): Oh... I get it. I see how it is.

You said to her which managed to stop her from what she was doing for a second and she looked at you again.

Applejack: Huh?

(P/N): It's only natural to be intimidated by my skills.

You turned away while crossing your arms and smirking. Applejack narrows her eyes at you.

Applejack: What are you gettin' at?

(P/N): I think I get why you're doing this by yourself. You're afraid of being upstaged by somepony else. You're afraid that another pony, that being me possibly, will do a much better job at harvesting the apples than you, so you push away any and all help to make a point that you're the best at it even though the task is too much for you to handle.

A scowl soon appeared on Applejack's features.

Applejack: Is that... a challenge?

(P/N): Oh, I don't know... is it?

You asked, smirking.

(P/N): Interpret it how you like, Applejack, but I'm a hundred percent certain that you'll pass out from fatigue before you even get through a quarter of these orchards. Meanwhile, I could easily take care of all of them before you could even blink. In fact, I'm willing to bet my entire life savings that I can harvest more apples than you can.

Applejack: Oh ho! Is that a fact?! Well, lookie here, buster! I'm the best when it comes to apple bucking and I believe I can buck circles around you!

You faced her again with your smirk widening.

(P/N): Then why don't you prove it? Whoever can harvest the most apples wins!

Applejack: Yer on! I never back out of a challenge! You take one side of the orchards, Ah'll take the other side!

(P/N): I can work with that. May the best pony win.

You bumped each other's hooves. However, before you could do so, the ground began to shake, causing the two of you to stumble for a bit.

(P/N): W-What the?!

Applejack: Land sakes! Looks like we've got another one a'comin'!

(P/N): Another one?! Why are you saying that as if this is a natural thing that happens every day?!

Applejack: Because it's a stampede!

She pointed behind you to which you swiveled your head to see a large herd of cows rushing towards Ponyville.

(P/N): Oh! I wonder what startled them into a panic.

Applejack: We can wonder about that later! Right now, I've gotta go take care of it! You stay here and wait for me to come back!

She then put one of her hooves in her mouth and whistled loudly towards the house. From around the corner of the quaint little home came a dog with brown and white colored fur and a red collar around its neck. This was Applejack's trusty hard at work dog, Winona.

The female canine barked while wagging her tail.

Applejack: Come on, girl! We've got a stampede to put a stop to!

She said before taking off down the road with Winona right at her side. Meanwhile, you stood and watched her leave as a smirk was very much apparent on your face.

(P/N): *thinking* Looks like my reverse psychology worked. Let's see how long this plays out, shall we?

You thought before turning your eyes to your side of the orchards.


A few hours had passed since both you and Applejack had started working on clearing the apple orchards after she took care of the stampeding herd of cows. When the sun had begun to set, you both met up in front of her house, panting from exhaustion.

Applejack: *pant* Phew! *pant* Nothing like *pant* a good *pant* hard days *pant* work.

(P/N): *pant* I'd... *pant* I'd agree with that *pant* if it weren't for the fact that *pant* my lungs feel like *pant* like they're on fire.

Your comment brought a smirk to Applejack.

Applejack: Heh, guess that means I won. I mean, just look at how many apples I got.

She pointed behind her and you looked to see that she had rounded up about twenty bushels filled with her family's signature apples.

Applejack: How do you like them apples, huh?

She asked, awaiting to hear you say something that would only make her smirk widen. However, quite the opposite occurred as you straightened up and gave her a smirk of your own.

(P/N): *chuckles* How do you... like them apples?

You did the same thing as her and you pointed behind yourself. She followed your outstretched hoof and froze in an instant when she saw your work. It turns out that you had gathered a whopping thirty bushels of apples.

Applejack: B-B-But... b-but... h-how did... h-how did you-

(P/N): It turns out my orchard was a lot larger than yours.

Applejack remained staring wide eyed at your hard work as you walked up next to her and threw a hoof around her shoulders, smirking as wide as you could.

(P/N): Gee... imagine if I wasn't here to compete with you. You would have had to handle all that by yourself and you wouldn't have even been halfway done with all of it. It's almost as if having someone help you out lessens the amount of work you need to do.

You said, checking your hoof smugly. Applejack stared for another moment or two before she began stuttering and mumbling to herself which you couldn't understand. She then wobbled from side to side before sighing exhaustively and collapsing to the ground. You blinked before sighing and walking over to a nearby bucket and bringing it over to a nearby spigot to fill it with cold water. Once it was full, you carried it back with you towards the fainted Applejack before throwing the cold water onto the cowpony, instantly waking her from slumber.

Applejack: W-W-Wha?! W-What'd I miss?!

(P/N): Applejack... this is what I was trying to warn you about.

You said, getting her to look at you.

Applejack: H-Huh? What do you mean?

(P/N): *sigh* I told you. If you did all this apple harvesting alone, you would have run yourself into the ground. I knew you weren't going to listen to me in the conventional way, so I played a little reverse psychology on you by having us compete when in reality, I tricked you into letting me help you harvest all the apples. 

Applejack: Wh-Wh-Wha I-I-I-I-I... y-you... Ngh! Darn you and your fancy psychology nonsense, P/N!

She yelled, getting back on her hooves and glaring at you.

(P/N): Applejack... I need you to be absolutely honest when I ask this. But first, take a good, long look at the apple orchards.

Applejack did as you requested and turned her gaze towards the many apple trees. She stares for a few seconds before her angered look softens into that of surprise.

(P/N): Do you honestly, truly believe that you could have handled all of that? All by yourself?

She was about to make a retort before she analyzed the situation more carefully. When she did, she came to the conclusion that you did have a point there. If she were to have tackled all those apples all alone, she definitely would have lost her sanity and her willpower. She was hardworking, sure, but this was way too much for her to normally handle... well, that was until you stepped in. After what seemed like forever, she hung her head low and sighs in a saddened voice.

Applejack: I... don't think I would have.

She then took a seat.

Applejack: Ah'm... Ah'm awfully sorry for how I acted, P/N. I... I thought I could handle it all by myself. I didn't realize... just how big the job was gonna be.

You sighed in relief before taking a seat next to her.

(P/N): Applejack... you should know this by now. There's nothing wrong with asking others for help especially if it involves a job as big as this. Now, admittedly, it's admirable for you to be confident in your capabilities, but everypony has limits, including you and me.

Applejack: That ain't true. Y'all could take care of all them apples way faster than me. Ya can do just about anythin' if y'all can do that.

(P/N): You don't think I struggled? There were moments where I almost passed out from being so tired.

Applejack: You... you did?

You nodded.

(P/N): Absolutely. Like I said, we've all got our limits. That's why we need to work together sometimes because it can do wonders. I mean, just look at what we were able to accomplish today. Sure, it may have been initially a competition, but we still did it together relatively. We just made it more interesting.

You wrapped a hoof around Applejack's shoulders.

(P/N): Applejack, you're one of my friends and the last thing I'd want is for you to work yourself to death. Just next time, don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends. We're always willing to lend a hoof. You get what I'm saying?

Applejack looks away for a moment in thought before looking at you again and nodding with a grin.

Applejack: I understand. Thanks for yer help today, sugarcube.

You gave her a nod and smiled as well.

(P/N): My pleasure. Besides, even if I didn't help you for some reason, one of the others certainly would've. It's our natural instinct to help fellow ponies, Applejack.

Applejack: Heh, I suppose so. Hey, I don't suppose you'd be willin' to stay and have a bottle of apple juice with me, would ya?

(P/N): After rounding up all those apples, how could I say no to that offer?

You replied with a smile, earning a chuckle from Applejack.

Applejack: In that case, right this way.

She gestured to her home while walking ahead as you followed close behind her as you spent the rest of the evening in relative peace.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh. For some reason, I remember that episode being way longer.)

(Shadowlight9743: Is that because of the lack of the rest of the Mane 6?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Could be. Either that or we just solved the whole conflict with an even better solution. Not that I'm complaining, of course. Makes the job easier for us.)

(Shadowlight9743: *yawn* Welp. I'm gonna take five. You should too, we've been sitting for four hours straight.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Guess I can't argue with that. *yawn* I think a good nap will do some good for me.)


(One Week Later...)

You were taking a stroll through Ponyville, casually glancing around at your usual surroundings. As your eyes wandered, they soon landed on Twilight staring through a window of a bookstore, checking out what it had to offer. You decided to greet her, but not before walking closer to her.

(P/N): Hey, if it isn't my favorite nerd! How goes it, Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, hello, P/N. What's up?

She greeted you, smiling.

(P/N): The sky, that's what.

You replied, smirking at your joke as she hung her head unamusingly.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* I should have seen that coming.

(P/N): *chuckles* Yeah, you should have. So, whatcha up to?

Twilight Sparkle: Checking out some of the selections here.

She pointed to the bookstore.

(P/N): Huh, neat.

???: Hi, P/N! Hi, Twilight!

A voice from behind greeted you. You and Twilight turned to see Pinkie Pie.

(P/N): Oh, what's up, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: The sky, that's what!

She replied, squeeing with a smile. You stood still for a moment, realizing that you had fallen into the exact same trap you pulled on Twilight as the bookworm was smirking at you the whole time.

(P/N): *sigh* Whelp, looks like Karma plays both ways. 

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* It sure does! Anyways, have either of you seen Rainbow Dash lately?

Twilight Sparkle: *groan* Alright, what are you gonna do this time? Sneak into her bed?

Pinkie Pie: Whaaaaaat? I just asked where Rainbow Dash was, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, you've been harassing her for the past four days now. I've kinda gotten the pattern down.

(P/N): There is no pattern with Pinkie Pie. Neither go together, that's all I can say.

Twilight decided to humor Pinkie by looking around for the spunky Pegasus mare. Her eyes wandered until they landed on a lone cloud up above with a familiar rainbow colored tail sticking out from the top.

Twilight Sparkle: Isn't she right up there?

She asked, resulting in Pinkie turning her eyes upwards and seeing what Twilight was seeing.

Pinkie Pie: ~Rainbow Dash!

She called in a sing-song voice, making the Pegasus shoot up from the cloud in a panic. Then, she flew off at high speeds away from the three of you as Pinkie happily hopped off after her.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh, that was... odd.

(P/N): I think "odd" would be an understatement there, Twi.

Twilight Sparkle: What do you think she wanted to see Rainbow Dash for?

(P/N): Well, knowing Pinkie, it'll probably involve either pranks or baking. My guess is that it'll most likely lean towards the former option since I doubt Rainbow Dash would be interested in baking. If that's the case, we should probably keep an eye out for anything that might involve a prank of sorts.

Twilight Sparkle: How about we don't do that and just mind our own business? I'd rather not get caught up in Pinkie's semantics again.

(P/N): I meant, let's do our best to avoid getting pranked ourselves.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, right. Of course. Hey, you wanna come with me into the bookstore?

(P/N): I've got nothing better to do, so sure. Besides, it's better than walking into Pinkie and Rainbow's potential trap.

Twilight Sparkle: For sure.

With that confusing scene out of the way, the two of you stepped inside to see what kind of books were able to catch your eye.


About an hour or two later, you were trotting around Ponyville after parting ways with Twilight when you walked her back to the Treebrary. You were in a pretty decent mood and it would've stayed that way if not for crashing into something a few seconds later. Groaning, you rub the part that your head collided with as you got up and looked around. Only to find that there was absolutely nothing there in sight.

(P/N): *thinking* What the? What did I hit?

You thought and then put your hoof out to feel around for anything; nothing pressed up against it.

(P/N): *thinking*  Strange.

You thought as you continued onward, but then crash into another thing. You fall backwards and land flat on your back. You looked up only to find, yet again, nothing. Now, things were really getting weird. You slam your hoof against whatever was in front of you and to your surprise, you actually felt something. It seemed almost like some sort of invisible wall.

(P/N): W-What? H-How is...

You trailed off, unable to fully comprehend how this was even possible. You began to walk around it with your hoof still pressing up against the wall to see how long it would go. Soon, it made an unexpected end, leading you to fall over in the direction your hoof was pointed at. You got up and looked to the side to discover a brown wall with two support beams holding some kind of structure up. You peek your head back to the front side and sure enough, you don't see the same structure visible.

Before this can all settle in, you hear a round of giggles emit from behind you. You turned to find Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in the bushes while holding a hammer and nails.

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* The anti-mirror trick! You chose a good one, Pinkie!

Pinkie Pie: *laughs* I know! P/N's confusion was priceless!

They carried on with their hysterical laughter as you stared back at them. You then shook your head amused while rolling your eyes playfully.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Ha, ha. Very funny, you two. *thinking* At least that contraption didn't burn my retinas. Celestia knows what would happen if I were stuck adventuring blind... not that I'll ever be adventuring again, that is.

Rainbow Dash: Looks like you fell victim to the masters of pranks!

Pinkie Pie: Uh huh!

She added before they hoofbumped each other and took off, leaving you alone once again.

(P/N): *thinking* See Twi? Whether we mind our own business or not, they're still gonna prank us. Why does no one believe me? It's not like I'm paranoid.

Right as you thought that, a bunny hopped up right beside you, catching your attention as you gave it a glare.

(P/N): Stop following me!

You walked past the small rodent as it turned to the camera and shrugged.


(The Next Day)

It was yet another day of you walking about, casually enjoying one of your daily walks around town. As you did so, something unexpected made you stop in place. Trotting down one of the dirt roads leading out of Ponyville was Pinkie Pie who seemed to be wearing a pair of silly looking spiral glasses, a fake mustache, a big red clown nose, a fake arrow, and was also using a party horn and blowing into it over and over again.

She was heading off towards where Rainbow Dash's house was with a pep in her step. It didn't take much for you to realize what she may have been up to.

(P/N): *sigh* Ho boy. I'd better see what she's up to if I wanna avoid today's batch of potential pranks.

With your decision made, you followed the goofy party mare until she stopped just below where Rainbow's home was and peered upwards at it.

(P/N): *thinking* Annnnnnd she came for RD. Why am I not surprised?

Your train of thought was cut short by Pinkie trying to call out to Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie: Rise and shine Rainbow Dash! It's a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to—

She suddenly stops for some reason. This piqued your curiosity as you looked up to see something just out in front of Rainbow's front door looking down upon Pinkie. It was a creature that appeared to have the head of an eagle but the body structure and back paws of a lion. It also had brown feathers along with white ones and a set of giant, yellow colored talons.

Both you and Pinkie stared for a second at it before Rainbow popped up behind the creature while smiling.

Rainbow Dash: Mornin', Pinks.

She greeted before taking off into the air as the eagle/lion hybrid creature did the same as they landed on the ground right in front of Pinkie. Meanwhile, you watched from behind a bush with curious eyes.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... is she... a griffon? Oh... this won't end well.

You thought as Rainbow was the first to speak.

Rainbow Dash: Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie.

The griffon, now named Gilda, turned away with a bored face.

Gilda: Hey. What's up?

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Yep, that confirms it. She's gonna be a hooffull.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie, this is my griffon friend, Gilda.

Pinkie Pie: What's a griffon?

Rainbow Dash: She's half-eagle, half-lion.

(P/N): *thinking* And full carnivore.

Gilda: And all awesome.

(P/N): *thinking* In addition to having a full sized ego. Guess that sort of thing is bound to happen when you hang with Roy G. Biv for too long.

You thought before you felt the urge to sneeze all of a sudden. You tried stifling it to the best of your capability but it was all for naught as you sneezed rather loudly, gaining startled glances from all three individuals. Gilda narrows her eyes before she moves through the air at quick speed, honing in on your location before snatching you up and bringing you back over to where they were. She hovered in the air while dangling you by the tail.

(P/N): H-Hey! Let me go, will you?!

Gilda: Well, well. Looks like we caught ourselves a snoop.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, P/N?

She asked, confused. You swiveled your body in her direction so that you were facing her.

(P/N): Rainbow, would you tell your hostile birdbrained friend to let go of my tail already?!

Gilda: Birdbrained?! You've got some nerve callin' me that!

She said, bringing one of her talons up to your face.

(P/N): Excuse me?! I'm not the one who threatens creatures with fifty meter death threats!

Rainbow Dash: Woah, woah, woah! It's all cool, Gil! P/N's one of my friends too.

The angsty griffon raises an eyebrow at her.

Gilda: You serious?

Rainbow nodded a reply. Gilda sighs before giving you another glare.

Gilda: You got lucky, punk.

She finally dropped you to the ground, resulting in your horn cartoonishly piercing the dirt like a lawn dart as you still remained hanging upside down for a moment.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Manure...

Rainbow Dash: So, what brought you here in the first place, P/N?

She asked as you used your magic to undig your horn from the ground before you placed yourself right side up again.

(P/N): Well, originally, I came here to make sure you and Pinkie didn't have another prank planned. At least not for me; I'm not eating my meals out of a straw again.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* That was one time, P/N, okay? ONE time!

(P/N): That "one time" was more painful than you make it seem, Dash, and you know it!

You roll your eyes before sighing.

(P/N): So, you said that Gilda's a friend of yours, right Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash: Yep!

Gilda: And one of her favorites, no doubt!

She added, pulling Rainbow in for a one armed hug before they chuckled and hoofbumped each other similarly to how Pinkie and Rainbow did the other day.

Rainbow Dash: Gilda's my best friend from my days at Junior Speedster flight camp. Hey, remember the chant?

Gilda: Sha, they made us recite it every morning, I'll never get that lame thing out of my head.

Rainbow Dash: Sooo...

She gave the angsty griffon a look that suggested that she wanted her to do the chant with her. Reluctantly, Gilda sighs and agrees to go along with it.

Gilda: Only for you, Dash.

After smiling at her friend's A-Ok, both her and Gilda started to perform and sing the Junior Speedster chant... well, Rainbow was singing at least. Gilda, on the other hand, was singing with a lot of monotone in her voice which was a stark contrast to Rainbow's peppy singing.

[Rainbow Dash and Gilda]

♪ Junior Speedsters are our lives, ♪

♪ Sky-bound soars and daring dives ♪

♪ Junior Speedsters, it's our quest, ♪

♪ To someday be the very best! ♪

They finished the chant as you and Pinkie stared at them in a moment of silence.

(P/N): *thinking* Wow... I think I just developed a brain tumor in the time it took for them to finish that chant. That's gotta be a record somewhere.

In contrast to your personal thought, Pinkie silence soon erupted into a fit of laughter, making both Rainbow Dash and Gilda feel a little embarrassed as Pinkie approached them.

Pinkie Pie: Oh that was awesome, and it gave me a great idea for a prank!

She redonned the gear she was wearing from before once again.

Pinkie Pie: Gilda, you game?

Gilda: Huh. Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning.

She reminded her friend before flapping her wings and flying into the sky as Rainbow's ears drooped in realization as she shot an apologetic frown at Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie, you don't mind, do you? Gilda just got here. We'll catch up with you later.

Pinkie Pie: Oh. Um, well sure, no problem. Have fun you guys, I'll, uh, just catch up with you— *sigh* later.

She replied as Rainbow took off into the air alongside Gilda as they faded away due to the increase in distance. Pinkie sat and blew on her party hooter sadly as you shook your head.

(P/N): You may as well not waste your time waiting, Pinkie. Rainbow's not coming back for at least a while.

Your observation made Pinkie turn her head up to you curiously.

Pinkie Pie: Huh? What do you mean, P/N?

(P/N): *sigh* You really don't know a thing about griffons, do you? In my travels, most griffons I met turned out to be very stubborn, selfish, and very territorial when it came to things like personal belongings and friends. Gilda is likely no exception. She hasn't seen Rainbow in a long time, so she'd likely wanna keep her all to herself as much as possible.

Pinkie Pie: Whaaat? Gilda? Pfft! I don't think she'd do something like that, P/N!

(P/N): Pinkie, observe the facts; she held me upside down by the tail.

Pinkie Pie: Well, to be fair, you were kinda spying on us.

(P/N): Pfft. *murmur* Like your welcome was any more conventional. *speaking* But look, Pinkie, I don't wanna immediately assume the worst, but I'm just saying. A lot of griffons tend to act exactly as Gilda's been acting so far and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it turns out that my observations were true. Just be prepared for her hogging up hangout time with Rainbow.

She blows another raspberry before ruffling your mane with a single hoof.

Pinkie Pie: Don't be such a downer, P/N. I'm sure a little party or prank would change her attitude in an instant! In fact...

She pulls out a trampoline from seemingly nowhere.

Pinkie Pie: I'm gonna go surprise them right now! You're free to join if you want!

(P/N): *sigh* I may as well since this might not end positively and since I've got nothing else better to do. *thinking* I wonder if they sell pony leashes. I mean, they got hatches that pull carriages, right? I'm sure something like that must exist.

After bringing your thoughts to a close, you followed Pinkie to wherever she was going which was soon revealed to be downtown Ponyville. As you walked, you curiously gazed at the trampoline Pinkie was carrying.

(P/N): Hey, I've been meaning to ask, what's your plan with that trampoline anyways, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: You'll see, P/N!

She answered with a squee and a smile. Then, she stops suddenly, places the trampoline down, and looks to the sky. You followed her example and looked upwards and saw both Rainbow and Gilda having a little flying session together. It took you a moment to fully realize just what Pinkie was planning here and once it did, you raised an eyebrow at her.

(P/N): So, your plan is to jump on this thing to try and reach them?

Pinkie Pie: Uh-huh!

She answered, nodding.

(P/N): But... what if, perchance, they fly away?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, I've got a backup plan for that too! See?

She waved a hoof to the side and your gaze followed it until it landed on a balloon stand with dozens upon dozens of balloons tied to it as well as what looked like a strange, flying contraption complete with bike pedals and a whirling turbine at the top.

(P/N): Where... did you even get all that, Pinkie? And for that matter, how'd you even set all of this up? I was with you the whole time when you were bringing the trampoline here.

Pinkie Pie: 'Cause the writers of this book wanted a convenient way to have all this here and I was the perfect solution for it.

(P/N): Ohhh, right. Of course, of course.

You nodded in agreement.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* We've really gotta get back to Nintega on the whole Fourth Wall repair thing.)

(Shadowlight9743: Trust me, no amount of repair can fix Pinkie's meta antics.)

Pinkie gives Rainbow and Gilda one last look upwards before hopping onto the trampoline and bouncing up and down on it. With enough time and momentum, she made it higher and higher until she reached the cloud the two hotheads were situated on.

Pinkie Pie: Hey there!

She greeted, startling the both of them for a brief second.

Gilda & Rainbow Dash: Huh?

Pinkie Pie: It's later. And I caught up.

She spoke between each bounce as you watched from down below. Letting out a small chuckle, Rainbow smiled at Pinkie's antics.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie, you are so random.

Gilda, however, was the exact opposite in terms of attitude for she gave the party mare a bit of a glare before an idea came to mind.

Gilda: Hey Dash, think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?

Rainbow Dash: A race? You are so on!

Gilda: One, two, three, go!

They took off further into the sky, leaving Pinkie behind again. She stopped bouncing and hopped off, but not before turning to face you.

Pinkie Pie: P/N, you mind giving me a hoof with something?

(P/N): Uhhh, okay? What'd you have in mind?

You asked, but it's not revealed quite yet as we cut back to Rainbow and Gilda as they smashed through the cloud Gilda pointed at earlier when she suggested the race.

Rainbow Dash: I win!

Gilda: As if! I won, dude!

Rainbow Dash: No way!

Gilda: Yes way!

This led to them arguing back and forth until Pinkie slowly rose up in the background as she had several balloons tied around her torso, allowing her to fly up to their level.

Pinkie Pie: Wow guys, that was really close, but I think Rainbow Dash beat you by a teeny weeny itty bitty hair, or a teeny weeny itty bitty feather.

Rainbow Dash: Hah, see? Good thing Pinkie Pie's here to keep you honest, G.

She teased Gilda who was definitely not happy by Pinkie intruding again.

Gilda: Okay... Dash, last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly dragon egg. Go!

Rainbow blasted off high into the sky leaving a trail of smoke behind. It cleared away to reveal that Gilda had stayed behind as she shot a nasty frown at Pinkie.

Gilda: I think the high altitude is making you dizzy.

Gilda then proceeded to use one of her talons to pop most of Pinkie's balloons, causing her to slowly descend back down.

Pinkie Pie: Wait, guys!

Gilda caught up with Rainbow again as they took a moment to rest on a lone cloud. That is until Pinkie showed up again, this time on the flying contraption from earlier.

Pinkie Pie: Oh wow, you guys almost got away from me that time.

Gilda grew even more irritated by Pinkie's constant interruptions before turning her head towards Rainbow Dash.

Gilda: So, Dash, got any new moves in your tricktionary, or are you 100% old school?

Rainbow Dash: New moves? Heh, sit back G, this is gonna take a while.

She flys off, giving both Gilda and Pinkie a moment together.

Gilda: Hey Pinkie, c'mere.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah?

She did as requested and flew closer but is surprised by Gilda grabbing her contraption and glaring daggers at her.

Gilda: Don't you know how to take get lost for an answer?! Dash doesn't need to hang with a dweeb like you now that I'm around. You're dorkin' up the skies, Stinkie Pie, so make like a bee and BUZZ OFF!!

(P/N): It's "leaf", you idiot! "Make like a tree and leaf"! You sound like a darn foal when you say it wrong.

You shouted while floating up right behind Gilda with your own set of balloons tied around your body. She turns and glares at you as well.

Gilda: You again?! Are you both intentionally trying to get on my nerves?!

(P/N): That's what we do here! Got a problem with it? The road back to Griffinstone's wide open.

Gilda: *groans* I will NOT let you or Stinkie Pie over here ruin my day with Rainbow Dash, so do yourselves a favor and leave!

She spins around to face Pinkie again before grabbing the propeller at the top of her flying contraption, causing her to spin and fly out of control. Once she was taken care of, she set her sights on you next.

Gilda: And you! I've had enough of your sour insults!

(P/N): *sarcasm* Ohh, I'm sooo scared!

Gilda: *smirks* Oh, you should be. I may have been easy on Pinkie when she used balloons, but I won't be easy on you!

She then proceeds to pop all the balloons that held you up as you hung comedically in the sky for a moment.

(P/N): Um... am I supposed to fall now or-

The rules of gravity finally took hold and you plummeted down to the ground. You screamed for a second before you saw a lake and you aimed yourself towards it and landed with a large splash. You resurface a few seconds later with a gasp.

(P/N): *groans* I hate griffons...

You said to yourself before swimming to dry land and shaking off the water on you. You then heard Pinkie's screams up above and you saw her plummeting to the ground as well. Acting fast, you ran after her and right before she hit the ground, you used your magic to pull her away from the contraption as it smashed into pieces upon impact with the dirt below. You set her down as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks, P/N!

(P/N): No worries, Pinkie. The last thing I'd want is for some hot headed grump hurting one of my friends.

Your words brought a small blush to the mare before she shook it away and smiled.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, thanks! And thanks for the save too!

She replied, pulling you into a hug which also managed to make you blush a bit as well.

(P/N): Y-Yeah, of course. *clears throat* So... Gilda's definitely the worst.

Your comment made Pinkie end the hug immediately.

Pinkie Pie: I know, right?! All I wanted was to just hang out and Gilda basically banned me from doing so!

(P/N): *sigh* Pinkie, this is exactly what I was trying to warn you about. Griffons are not known for being generous and will retaliate if provoked. Maybe it's best that we should just leave them be for a while. At least until Gilda heads back to Griffonstone or wherever it is she came from.

Pinkie was about to offer a protest before she glumly sighed.

Pinkie Pie: Fine.

(P/N): Hey, don't feel too bad, Pinkie. You can hang out with me until then.

You offered, allowing Pinkie's happiness to return to her in an instant.

Pinkie Pie: Okay! Whaddya wanna do?!

(P/N): Well, I don't believe I've had lunch yet, so let's go get ourselves something to eat.


A few minutes later, you and Pinkie arrived at Sugarcube Corner and you got yourselves some lunch as you sat at one of the tables.

(P/N): *sigh* You'd think that a griffon would be smart enough to prevent their frenemies from any sort of casualty because it could risk their friendship, but I guess not.

Pinkie Pie: Well... maybe there's a legitimate reason for it?

Her retort made you raise an eyebrow at her.

(P/N): I'm sorry, what?

Pinkie Pie: Well, we really don't know a lot about her, so she might be going through some personal issues. Besides, now that I think about it, we were kinda bothering her, so that might be the reason why she got so angry.

(P/N): Pinkie... she popped all of the balloons I was using and she made you spin out of control!

Pinkie Pie: Only because we kept bugging them, P/N.

She then lays her head on the table and sighs.

Pinkie Pie: Which now leads me to believe that I may have been acting a tad bit out of line. Maybe Gilda isn't a big meanie grumpy mean-meanie-pants. Maybe I'm just a big jealous judgmental jealous-jealousy-pants.

Your jaw hits the table beneath you.

(P/N): Seriously?! This has nothing to do with jealousy, Pinkie! You were plummeting to your doom not ten minutes ago for Celestia's sake!

Pinkie Pie: Well, it's like I said, P/N. We don't really know Gilda all that much. Her griffon side might affect her sometimes, sure, but I bet she's really awesome to be around at other times.

(P/N): B-But, Pinkie, you... a-and I... I just... Hold on, is this about Dash? Are you purposely trying to tell yourself that Gilda's a good griffon at heart just so you don't upset her if you try to interfere?

Pinkie Pie: Maybe, I mean, she's Rainbow's best friend from her childhood and if she's had a friend that lasted that long, surely she must have a good side to her.

(P/N): Well, if there is a spot, it's barely visible, given how well she treated us. *sigh* But, what do I know? Maybe she does have this quote unquote "better" side to her but she just has a much harder time showing it than others.

You focused back on your lunch for a few seconds until a set of familiar voices high above stopped you. You and Pinkie turned your heads up to see Rainbow Dash and Gilda flying around while talking as they dove back to the floor.

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* That was sweet. Ugh, I gotta take care of a few weather jobs around here. Shouldn't take long. Just, uh, hang out in town and I'll come find ya.

Gilda: That's cool, I guess. I'm gonna go chow down.

Rainbow Dash: Later.

Rainbow bade her friend farewell before flying away. Gilda, now left alone, glanced around until her eyes landed on Granny Smith who was over by a stand that was selling various vegetables. She gains a mischievous grin before she sneaks behind the stand and brings the end of her tail in front of Granny Smith, making it look and move like a snake which was enough to frighten Granny.

Granny Smith: Aaah! A rattler, a rattler! Run for the hills! Everybody forsake yourselves!

She turns and runs at... well, at the speed of a granny. Her face could only be described as pure terror as Gilda lifts her head up from the stand, silently laughing. She then proceeded to use her tail to feel the vegetables for a second.

Gilda: This stuff ain't fresh, dude.

She commented before turning and leaving. Meanwhile, you and Pinkie were watching the whole thing transpire.

(P/N): Is... is she serious?! Does she not see how old Granny Smith is?! She could have gotten a severe heart attack from that!

Pinkie Pie: Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke! How mean!

She then realized that she needed to change her attitude.

Pinkie Pie: No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny prank, I guess.

(P/N): Pinkie, you're the literal Element of Laughter and even you're unsure of that prank being funny. That alone should give you a pretty clear view of the prank's humor level.

Pinkie Pie: Well, Granny Smith seems okay, so it's probably no big deal.

(P/N): *stuttering* B-But I- you- and she- ...*groans* Fine.

Your opinion of Gilda only soured even more when you saw her walk up behind two ponies who were at another produce stand and she used her tail to sneakily steal an apple from one of the bushels in front of them before eating it in one bite.

(P/N): Wow. Okay, I gotta admit that was pretty clever, but seriously? She's really gotta steal the apple? It doesn't even cost that much.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* I did misjudge her! She's not only a meanie mean-pants, she's also a thief!

Once again, she changes her attitude.

Pinkie Pie: Nonononono, she might give it back. It's just a joke.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Yes, I'm sure she'll gladly puke up the apple and yell, "April Fools" to the salespony. It's up there with me being able to put the sandwich I ate this morning back in the fridge! Joke of the fracking year, everypony.

You face planted on the table once you were done before you turned your head to watch Gilda again.

(P/N): *sigh* You know, Pinkie, you seriously need to stop doubting your gut. It's pretty clear Gilda has a lot of malicious character traits.

Pinkie Pie: Well... at least she hasn't done anything too bad such as-

As if fate itself wanted to make her eat her own words, Fluttershy came by while leading a mother duck, father duck, and several little ducklings across the road. The problem was that she was walking backwards meaning that she wasn't able to see where she was going. This is proven right by her accidentally backing and bumping into Gilda.

Gilda: Hey!

Fluttershy: Please excuse me.

Gilda: I'm walkin' here!

She shouted, scaring the timid Pegasus.

Fluttershy: Oh, um, I'm sorry. I-I-I was just trying to...

Gilda: *mocking* I'm sorry, I'm sorry. *speaking* Why don't you just watch where you're going, doofus?!

Fluttershy: B-b-b-but I... I...

As she stuttered with her words, you finally decided that you had enough and you slammed a hoof on the table before standing and walking briskly over towards Gilda with an angry scowl.

(P/N): Alright, I'm putting my hoof down this time! I've gotten real tired of your manure, peckerface!

She turns and faces you and groans.

Gilda: Seriously?! Don't you have anything else better to do than bug me?!

(P/N): Oh ho! As a matter of fact, I don't! Let me ask you something, does it make you feel good knowing that you caused the death of a pony?

Gilda: What are you talking about?

(P/N): Did you seriously believe that ponies are all sunshine and rainbows? Well, for your information, some of us happen to have a little something called depression, and it can develop or flare up as easily from certain cow manure such as this. Tell me, would you want to feel responsible for someone's death? Would that make you "cool" enough to stay friends with Rainbow? I'll give it to you straight, she'd hate to still be your friend if she found out you got one of hers killed and I'm sure many others would say the same, but honestly, that'd be the least of your worries. You'd have to be stuck with the fact that you took away the existence of an innocent individual and for what? A joke? A "harmless little prank"? No matter what your reason, they all end in the same result, and it's that result you'll be haunted with. For. The. Rest. Of. Your. Life.

As a result of your chilling speech, Gilda remained unblinking and frozen for a good while.

(P/N): If I were you, I'd leave before somepony even thinks of doing it. So... why don't you go find yourself a labyrinth...

Without warning, you slammed your hoof into the ground and your eyes changed into a shade of dark (F/C) much like when you did when the girls were obsessing over the Gala tickets.

(P/N)?: ...AND GET LOST!!!

Your voice boomed all throughout the street, freaking out nearby ponies. Gilda finally regained the feeling in her limbs and backed away slowly. Once she was a good distance away, she turned and flew off into the sky as you watched her leave while still in a fit of rage. After only a few seconds, you regained your composure and blinked away the dark (F/C) from your eyes. Confusion spread on your face and you looked in front of you.

(P/N): Wasn't... Gilda standing here a moment ago?

Fluttershy: Um, P/N? You just scared her off, remember?

You looked at her, still confused.

(P/N): I... I did? I... don't remember doing so. I mean, I think I remember walking up to her, but... nothing else after that.

Fluttershy, though not as skilled at weeding out lies as Applejack, was still able to see that you genuinely didn't look like you remembered what just transpired.

Fluttershy: P-P/N, I... I think you should see a doctor.

Fluttershy walked away as you remained standing in the same place for a few seconds, thinking over what exactly happened.

(P/N): *thinking* How can I not remember? Surely, I'd be able to recall saying something at least, but... I don't.

While you were busy with your thoughts, Pinkie approached you.

Pinkie Pie: You feeling okay, P/N?

She asked, making you put an end to your thoughts and facing her.

(P/N): I... don't know how to answer that, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Does this have to do with you screaming your lungs out at Gilda?

(P/N): But, I don't remember doing that. One moment, I'm sitting at the table with you, and then... nothing.

Pinkie Pie: *dramatic gasp* Were you hit on the head by something?!

She pulled your head closer and inspected it for any possible bumps, but you pulled your head back before she could search any longer.

(P/N): I didn't hit my head, Pinkie! At least, I don't think so. Look, we'll worry about that later, okay? Gilda's our main priority after all.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, right! So, she's a grump, and a thief, and a bully! The meanest kind of mean meanie-pants there is! I can take it, but no one treats Fluttershy like that! NO! ONE! This calls for extreme measures. Pinkie Pie style!

(P/N): I... hesitate to ask what it is.

Pinkie Pie: Good idea! I'll show you rather than tell you!

She proceeds to wrap an arm around you and pulls you along with her to some unknown destination.


We cut to Sugarcube Corner as a party was now taking place there. As Pinkie stood by the doorway while greeting ponies who entered, you walked up and stood by her.

(P/N): So, could you run it by me again as to what your idea is exactly, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: It's simple, P/N! I'm gonna improve Gilda's mood and what better way to do that than with a party?!

(P/N): *murmurs* Therapy, perhaps? *speaking* Well... you're the best when it comes to brightening spirits, so you might have something going with this party, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, there's always a way to brighten spirits, P/N.

(P/N): I'll take your word for it, in that case.

You walked away from her as she carried on with greeting the ponies who were entering and while your friends were conversing.

Applejack: Who's this Gilda I've heard nothing about?

Rarity: I hear she's an old friend of Rainbow Dash. A griffon, so rare.

Meanwhile, you went up to Twilight and Fluttershy who were having their own conversation.

Twilight Sparkle: So, I heard a childhood friend of Rainbow Dash's is coming here. You know what she's like?

She asked the quiet Pegasus who only lowered her head anxiously.

Fluttershy: W-Well... u-um...

(P/N): Not the best, to be totally honest.

You answered, getting their attention.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh? What do you mean, P/N?

(P/N): Well, try taking the most selfish, egotistical, territorial pony you can find and multiply them by a hundred. You'd end up with Gilda as the answer. I mean, you should have seen how she treated Fluttershy today.

Twilight Sparkle: What... what happened?

(P/N): She practically berated Fluttershy for standing in her way even though she clearly saw her coming and could've moved at any moment.

Fluttershy: S-She was... so... scary.

She trembled at the mere memory of her encounter.

(P/N): She nearly gave Fluttershy a heart attack.  *thinking* I hope that there's at least some creatures out there that would defend her. *speaking* She was even about to cry before...

You were about to say that you stepped in, but the memory, or lack thereof, of you confronting and apparently screaming at Gilda returned to you, rendering you completely silent. Twilight looks at you quizzically, waiting for your answer.

Twilight Sparkle: Before what?

(P/N): U-Uhh... b-before... befo-

Fluttershy: B-Before Gilda got bored and flew off!

She finished your sentence for you, surprising you.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, well, at least you didn't get hurt, Fluttershy.

(P/N): Yeah, that's the important thing, but I wouldn't put it past Gilda if she decided to strike her. That griffon's got one heck of a temper.

Twilight Sparkle: Thankfully, she didn't. Anyways, I think I'm gonna go get myself some punch.

She said before leaving you and Fluttershy alone with each other.

(P/N): Fluttershy... why did you change up the story?

You asked, still astonished by her covering for you.

Fluttershy: You don't remember what happened, P/N, so it wouldn't be fair to make you seem like the bad guy.

She replied, giving you a warm smile.

Fluttershy: Still though, as... frightening as it was, I really appreciate you stepping in for me, P/N... even if... you can't remember it.

Summoning up as much courage as she could, Fluttershy surprised you again by walking right up to you and giving you a light peck on the cheek before hiding her now blushing face under her mane, followed by her scooting away. You stood there, frozen with a tint of red on your cheeks. However, you reminded yourself that Gilda would surely arrive soon and you refocused by shaking away your blush.

(P/N): *thinking* You're dealing with Gilda at the moment, P/N. Remember that.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, uh, P/N?

(P/N): Yeah, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow wanted to have a chat with you. She's standing outside the bakery.

(P/N): Uhhh... alright?

You replied, unsure as to why Rainbow wanted to speak to you privately before taking your leave and heading outside where you saw the rainbow maned hothead. When she saw you, her features strangely changed into that of anger.

Rainbow Dash: Your story better be good, P/N!

(P/N): Well, it was never that interesting to begin with, so...

Rainbow Dash: *groans* No, not your life story, P/N! Can you explain why Gilda came to me with the most mortified face she could muster?! She told me that some (C/C) colored Unicorn horrified her with some really dark speech!

(P/N): *thinking* Of course. Of course she'd be a total snitch. Just what I need right now. *speaking* *sarcasm* Gilda? The almighty, untouchable griffon scared over a certain choice of words? *sincerity* I find that really hard to believe.

Rainbow Dash: Don't try to beat around the bush, P/N! She specified that it was you!

(P/N): Did I deny it? No, I didn't. Don't put words in my mouth, Skittles. *sigh* Look, honestly, I don't remember doing it, okay? The only thing I remember is seeing her doing something questionable and then the next thing I knew I was standing in the street. You can ask Fluttershy about that.

Rainbow Dash: Gilda wouldn't do something questionable, P/N and quite frankly, this doesn't come as a shock to me. You're not exactly a pony I'd call friendly, given what we've been through from the Nightmare Moon incident.

It was at this point that you had gotten a little irritated by her bringing up that moment again.

(P/N): Don't try to rope our past interactions into this. This is about Gilda, not about us. Do you know why I wasn't friendly with her initially? It's because she's a griffon! And not to sound racist, but most griffons I've met were brutish, selfish, and ignorant of how they treat others! And Gilda is clearly no exception! I mean, she made both Pinkie and me fall out of the sky after you left!

Rainbow recoiled a little bit in shock for a second. For a moment, you were expecting her to realize that you may have been right about Gilda's attitude, but unfortunately, luck wasn't on your side in this moment as she shook her shock away and brought back her anger.

Rainbow Dash: No! Gilda wouldn't do that! She's rough and tumble, sure, but I refuse to believe that she'd do something that malicious!

(P/N): *groans* Don't you get it, Rainbow?! That's the side Gilda doesn't wanna show you because she knows that you'd give her a hard time for it! She's not the friend you knew her as anymore! She's a stuck-up, uncaring, selfish, malicious, birdbrai-

Your string of insults were halted when something hard quickly collided with your face, knocking you onto your back and leaving you dazed for a second. When you regained your senses, you looked up to see Rainbow staring down now even more enraged than she was before. It didn't take a genius for you to realize that she had clearly punched you.

Rainbow Dash: How... dare... you?! You honestly expect me to believe that Gilda's acting this way?! I've known her since we were young, P/N! Certainly a lot more than I've ever known you! And you really think that I'd choose your word over hers?!

All you could do was stare up at her, utterly stupified by not just the punch, but also from her complete distrust in you. You were about to give her some very choice words much like you apparently did with Gilda, but you settled with calming your nerves and taking a deep breath before standing back up and turning from her.

(P/N): So... this is what it's come to. Fine then... believe what you will, Rainbow. For Pinkie's sake, I'm staying for the party, but don't expect me to be friends with you after it's all said and done.

You turned your head to her as your eyes now had a glint in them due to the welling of tears.

(P/N): Because now I know where your loyalties lie. Even if they are misguided.

With that said, you headed back inside while Rainbow watched you leave. She was starting to feel a little regretful from hitting you as her face now had a hint of remorse on it , but how was she supposed to believe you more than her childhood friend, especially one that she hasn't seen in years? She lets out a small sigh before entering the building soon after. Meanwhile, you headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You saw that your nose was a little swollen and a tiny trickle of blood was oozing from one of your nostrils. You sniffed not only to get rid of the blood, but also in sadness from the whole situation. You shook your head before going over to a nearby rack of paper towels and cleaning your face the best you could.

(P/N): *thinking* Even if she had a temper, I really hoped Rainbow wouldn't let her emotions drive her, but I guess that's inevitable when you're dealing with mares... well, at least one as stubborn as her. *speaking* *sigh* I guess that's what I get for trying to help her.

???: Hmm, yes. She's definitely an ungrateful whelp.

The sudden voice made you jump slightly as you turned to see where the voice could have come from. However, you saw no one else with you in the bathroom, confusing you a bit. You walked up to the stalls and opened them, still no one. You checked the ceiling even, and still nothing.

(P/N): Who said that?

???: Why I did, of course. Check the mirror.

Confused by this odd request, you did just that as you walked closer to the mirror and placed your forelegs up onto it only to immediately remove them in shock once you saw your reflection. What should have been a panicky looking you was instead replaced with what looked like a darker version of you with (F/C) colored eyes and a sadistic smirk. He was nonchalantly leaning onto the counter while checking one of his hooves before he turned his gaze to you as his smirk widened.

Reflection (P/N): Hello... "P/N".

Outcast - myuu

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He air quoted as you continued to stare back completely paralyzed.

(P/N): W-What... what are...

Reflection (P/N): What am I?

He asked before bursting out into a sinister chuckle and slapping a hoof on his counter.

Reflection (P/N): You seriously don't remember, do you?

(P/N): R-Remember what?

Reflection (P/N): That I'm- *sigh* Well, it's not important right now. I think I'll let you figure out the details on your own time.

(P/N): This... this has to be some kind of dream or hallucination.

You said before giving yourself a few slaps to try and wake yourself up. The alternate you shook his head and sighed.

Reflection (P/N): You always assume it's a dream when at this point, it should be known that what you're experiencing is all too real, my friend. You know, I've gotta say, you giving Gilda a reeeal good dose of reality really left me impressed.

Right as he said that, your eyes shot open and you turned them his way.

(P/N): Wait... are... are you the reason why I can't remember doing that?

Again, he shows off another smirk as he looks all around him.

Reflection (P/N): Maybe, maybe not. Who can really tell anymore these days, am I right?

(P/N): How... how are you even here? I don't recall you ever showing up until now.

Reflection (P/N): Oh, that's an easy question. You see, remember when Nightmare Moon imprinted that little moon onto your chest not long ago? Well... let's just say that it did more than leave a literal mark on you.

Another sinister chuckle escaped his lips as he continued.

Reflection (P/N): Who would have guessed that that's all I needed to reawaken? Someone with a heart as black as night to use their magic on you.

(P/N): Oh, great. Am I sharing my body with some ancient evil spirit or something?

Reflection (P/N): Hmm, you're not too far off, actually.

(P/N): What's that supposed to mean?

Reflection (P/N): As I said, you'll find out in due time. Right now though, I think your main priority is Rainbow's little griffon friend.

(P/N): *sigh* Why should I bother? Rainbow's made it very clear as to whose side she'd choose.

Reflection (P/N): Heh, yeah! If that punch didn't confirm it, nothing will.

(P/N): Then why are you here? To mock me about it?

You asked as he "reassuringly" waved a dismissive hoof.

Reflection (P/N): No, no! Of course not... actually, yeah. That is one reason.

He chuckles yet again before he stops and shoots you a serious look.

Reflection (P/N): The other is to give you a warning. You might be in control for now, but I'll find a way out, and if not me, then somepony else will.

(P/N): And the reason I should believe you is?

Reflection (P/N): Because it's definitely more believable than you thinking you can keep up your "normal pony" façade forever.

(P/N): Normal pony façade? I don't know what you're...

Reflection (P/N): Oh, so you don't also have a pair of wings, like these?

He clapped his hooves together and your wings reappeared on your sides, filling you with dread. As your breath caught in your throat, the alternate you laughed so hard that he had to bury his face into the counter while also slamming a hoof onto it.

Reflection (P/N): What a joke! You really believe you'll ever be considered normal to those friends of yours?! Once they find out what you really are, they'll kick you to the curb faster than you can blink!

(P/N): *sarcasm* Oh no! Whatever will I do if that were to happen! *sincerity* Get real, dude. Nightmare Moon was proof enough that's not how it works.

Reflection (P/N): Only because they believe you're a Unicorn, but if they know about your real self, why... *mock shock* it would just break their little hearts!

You were about to offer a rebuttal, but you stopped once you really took in his words. You faced her as a Unicorn, so... if they find out that you're really an Alicorn then... then how might they feel about that? They'll know that you've lied to them this whole time. That you've lied to everypony in Equestria for that matter.

(P/N): That's... that's not what I'm talking about. Princess Luna was an Alicorn, yet nopony treated her any differently.

Reflection (P/N): That's to be expected since she's royalty and all along with her sister. They've been upfront and honest about what they are. Although, since you've lied to pretty much everyone about what you really are, that might make some ponies quite miffed.

(P/N): No! That can't be the case! I-I... I know it won't.

You stuttered with your words which gave the alternate you the answer he needed.

Reflection (P/N): Are you sure? That stutter suggests that you may be fibbing. Let's face it, P/N. You were thrown out of the orphanage because you were different. What makes you think that the residents of Ponyville, or even the rest of Equestria for that matter, will act any differently?

(P/N): Because... because I've made friends here!

Reflection (P/N): Oh yeah... friends that you deceived.

He retorted, making you look away in shame. Once again, he shakes his head and chuckles.

Reflection (P/N): You are just too priceless, P/N. Keep up your charade all you want, but eventually, you will slip up whether it be caused by you or by somepony else. And when you do, they'll see you for what you really are: A fraud. A liar. A big, fat phony.

(P/N): Keep dreaming, pal. *sigh* But, if it'll shut you up, I guess I'll participate in your edgy, little fantasies.

You then decided that you had enough of this and you slammed a hoof on the counter.

(P/N): Now, why don't you make like a vampire's reflection and disappear, will you?! I'm dealing with enough as it is and I don't need some edgelord reflection rubbing it in my face!

Reflection (P/N): *sigh* Very well. I'll leave you be for now. Just don't forget our little conversation.

(P/N): Wait! Don't I at least get a name from you or something?

He gives you a sideways glance and bears his jagged teeth in a grin.

Reflection (P/N): Just call me... V/N.

And with that, he reverted back into your normal reflection as you continued to stare for another moment or so before you came back down to Equestria.

(P/N): V/N? That... that sounds familiar for some reason.

Deciding to think on that later, you straightened yourself out before taking a moment to wash your face and clear your head. When you walked out, you noticed Pinkie having a conversation with Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Um... Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda... Um... Do you really think it's a good idea? I mean...

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry your pretty little head about mean old Gilda. Your auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of.

She hopped away as Fluttershy looked at her a little annoyed.

Fluttershy: ... I'm a year older than you.

Speaking of said griffon, she finally arrived as Pinkie greeted her.

Pinkie Pie: Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk.

Gilda just grunts in response to that, earning a slight glare from you. Fortunately, your mood brightened when you saw Gilda reach out for Pinkie's outstretched hoof as she was suddenly electrocuted in a very comedic way. She let go after a few seconds as her eyes swiveled in her head and she fell to the floor. Pinkie laughed before turning her hoof over and revealing that she was wearing a joy buzzer which got a small chuckle from you.

(P/N): *thinking* Now, that was pure comedy gold.

Your improving mood was halted when you heard Rainbow's voice as you saw her walk up to the two of them while smiling.

Rainbow Dash: Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer! You are a scream!

Since Rainbow was there, Gilda couldn't yell at Pinkie as she wanted to keep up a good appearance for Rainbow, so she decided to pretend to be okay with it.

Gilda: Yeah *nervously chuckles* uh, good one, Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash: Come on G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends.

Gilda: Right behind you, Dash!

She replied as Rainbow walked ahead, giving her a moment with Pinkie as she shot a nasty glare at the party mare.

Gilda: I know what you're up to.

Pinkie Pie: Great.

She replied happily. Gilda gives her a confused glance before shaking her head.

Gilda: *growls* I know what you're planning.

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* Well, I hope so. This wasn't supposed to be a surprise party.

Gilda: I mean, I've got my eye on you.

Pinkie Pie: And I got my eye on you!

The both of them then went to meet up with the rest of the ponies as Pinkie announces something to the rest of the other ponies at the party.

Pinkie Pie: Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Gilda, a long-time, dear friend of Rainbow Dash. Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville.

As she spoke as the crowd cheered for her while Rainbow gave her a one armed hug. Meanwhile, you watched from the back as you shot a narrow eyed stare towards a certain hotheaded griffon.

(P/N): *thinking* You can't keep up your nice griffon act forever, Gilda. You'll collapse eventually, just you wait.

You then turned your eyes towards Rainbow.

(P/N): *thinking* You really think your friend is so perfect, Rainbow? You're about to see a whole other side to her. 

Pinkie Pie: Please help yourself.

She motioned towards a plate of vanilla lemon drops.

Gilda: Vanilla lemon drops. Don't mind if I do.

She took one of the delectables and ate it. Suddenly, her face contorts into that of discomfort and shock before her mouth flew open and out came a burst of flames.

Gilda: HOT!!

She shouted before trying to find the nearest liquid she could chug to quench the spiciness.

Rainbow Dash: G, the punch!

Gilda took her friend's suggestion and went for the punch. She grabbed a glass and tried downing it only for it to dribble down onto her chest instead, resulting in another set of laughs from Rainbow and Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Well, whaddya know, pepper in the vanilla lemon drops, and the punch served in a dribble glass!

Rainbow Dash: Ha! Priceless, priceless!

(P/N): *thinking* Heh, what's wrong, Gilda? A little too spicy for your tastes?

Gilda eventually finds some punch and drinks it quickly, finally quelling the unbearable heat in her mouth while glaring once again.

Gilda: *sarcasm* Yeah, hilarious.

Rainbow Dash: Hey G, look! Presents!

She points to a pile of presents on the table, earning a smile from Gilda as she comes over closer to it. She grabbed one of the smaller ones and tried opening it only for it to spring open and a whole bunch of fake spring loaded snakes to jump out, scaring her and earning another cacophony of laughs from the crowd.

Applejack: Spittin' snakes! Hah, somepony pulled that prank on me last month!

Gilda: *sarcasm* Ha ha. *speaking* I bet I know who that was.

Pinkie Pie: You do?

She asked, blinking innocently while you continued to watch with a smirk.

(P/N): *thinking* Only a little bit more and you'll show your true colors, Gilda.


A little later on, everyone was conversing and having a good time. The only one being you as you did your best to avoid both Rainbow Dash and Gilda for obvious reasons. All the chatter was silenced when Pinkie brought out a large cake decorated with tons of candles.

Pinkie Pie: Cake time, everypony!

Spike: Hey, can I blow out the candles?

Twilight Sparkle: Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike? She is the guest of honor after all.

Right on cue, the brutish griffon knocks the poor baby dragon out of the way with her elbow.

Gilda: Exactly!

Meanwhile, you heard the sound of a strange noise occur as you turned your head to see a pony sitting down on a whoopie cushion. That alone, brought a devilish little smirk to your face.

(P/N): *thinking* Lightbulb...

Gilda takes in a huge gust of wind, ready to blow. However, the second before she tried to blow out the candles, she's stopped by the loud sound of a fart coming from her backside. She recoiled and looked behind her to see that she had stepped on the aforementioned whoopie cushion. Using your magic, you threw your voice elsewhere while also disguising it as a random mare in order to keep you from being suspected.

(P/N): *generic mare voice* Looks like the guest of honor got so excited, she couldn't hold it in anymore!

As a result, the group began to laugh yet again as Gilda blushed slightly in embarrassment before growling silently once more while also giving Pinkie another glare for the tenth time today.

Gilda: A-ny-ways...

She mumbled before turning back to the cake and took a deep breath. In one good exhale, she blew out all the candles and smiled before they inexplicably relit themselves much to her shock. She tried blowing them out again only to have the same thing happen. Irritated even more, she blew several more times, but no matter how many times she did, the flames just wouldn't stay unlit. The laughter from the crowd of ponies begins to spark up again as Gilda continues to struggle blowing out the candles. Eventually, Spike spoke up, still laughing along with the group.

Spike: *laughs* Re-lighting birthday candles, I love that prank! What a classic!

Pinkie Pie: Now, I wonder who could've done that.

Gilda: *sarcasm* Yeah, I wonder.

Spike: Mmm, who cares.

He replied, literally digging into the cake and eating some of it.

Spike: This cake is amazing!

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

Spike: What? It's great, try some.

Gilda, for the hundredth time, grew angry again before Rainbow got her attention, forcing her to change her mood.

Rainbow Dash: Hey G, you're not upset about some silly candles, are you?

Gilda: No way, Dash. Like I said, I'm down with a good prank.

Rainbow Dash: Come on then, let's have some cake.

She runs ahead again and much like with before, Gilda pulls Pinkie behind the cake and gives her a hard glare.

Gilda: Hey, I'm watching you. Like a hawk.

Pinkie Pie: Why? Can't you watch me like a griffon?

Applejack's voice ended their squabble before it could escalate any further as they popped back up from behind the cake.

Applejack: Hey y'all, it's pin the tail on the pony. Let's play.

Rarity: Oh, my favorite game. Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?

She asked as she was about to grab said tail before once again, Gilda came in and took it before Rarity could.

Gilda: Well, I am the guest of honor, and I'll have the purple tail.

(P/N): *mutters* *sarcasm* How generous.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded.

Spike walks up and hops onto Gilda's back before tying the blindfold over her eyes.

Gilda: Hey what— ugh— what are you doing? Rrrah!

Pinkie then went up and rapidly spun Gilda around in circles.

Pinkie Pie: We're spinning you around and around and then you can pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail.

She explained while guiding Gilda to the poster.

Gilda: *mockingly* Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail. *speaking* Hmph, yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way.

She did a 180 degree turn and headed the other way completely blind. As you watched her walk away, you thought of how you might mess with her even further. Your eyes wandered while in thought before they landed on the cake beside you and an idea instantly formed in your head. A devious smirk crossed your lips as you used your magic to pluck off a piece of icing from the cake and turn your gaze back to the blinded Gilda.

(P/N): *thinking* You want some cake, Gilda? Here, have some!

With careful aim, you threw the icing and it landed perfectly in front of where Gilda was walking.

Pinkie Pie: Wait. The poster is this—

She couldn't get the last word out when Gilda fell for your little trick as her talon stepped on the cluster of icing and started to erratically slip across the floor while flailing and screaming. She continued to slip and slide until she slipped right into the kitchen with a loud crash. You winced a little while still smiling.

(P/N): *thinking* Ooooh! That's gotta hurt!

When Gilda came back out, she now had the fake ponytail pinned to her face, making it look like a mustache.

Pinkie Pie: Uh, Gilda? You pinned the tail on the wrong end.

(P/N): *thinking* I beg to differ, Pinks. It sums up her personality quite accurately.

It was at this point that Gilda decided that she had enough and her nice griffon façade eroded away and she let out a loud angry roar and glared at everyone.

Gilda: This is your idea of a good time?! I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life!

She then aimed her outburst towards Pinkie.

Gilda: And Pinkie Pie, you! You are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool? Well, Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene.

She made her way to the front entrance of Sweet Sugar Corner and turned around only to see that Rainbow wasn't following her.

Gilda: Come on, Rainbow Dash! I said, we're leaving!

Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, stood utterly shocked by Gilda's sudden and unwarranted outburst until her shock gave way to anger.

Rainbow Dash: You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party.

Gilda recoils in shock.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... she set up the pranks?! Or... is she actually trying to take the fall for Pinkie?

Gilda: What?!

Pinkie Pie: Ooh.

Rainbow Dash: So I guess I'm queen lame-o.

Gilda's anger quickly transitioned into nervousness.

Gilda: Come on, Dash, you're joshing me.

Rainbow Dash: They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off.

Pinkie Pie: I shoulda known, that dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it.

Gilda: No way, i-it was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me.t my

Pinkie Pie: Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down.

Rainbow Dash: And you sure didn't need any help making a fool of yourself. You know, this is not how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends.

It was at this point that your earlier conversation with her came back to the forefront of her thoughts.

Rainbow Dash: P/N... P/N really was right about you! I really didn't want to believe that my Junior Speedster buddy turned out to be a pretentious, apathetic, narcissist! If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else!

Gilda looked down for a second before she growled again and made her wings flare up.

Gilda: Rrgh... yeah? Well you, you... you are such a, a flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next! When you decide not to be lame anymore, gimme a call!

Her forced rebuttal made your glare on her vanish as you were starting to piece things together.

(P/N): *thinking* Give her a call? That must mean she doesn't actually mean any of that. Rainbow must really mean something to her. Wait... childhood friend... war against said friend's friends... two-faced between times when her friend's there and not... holy manure.

Rainbow Dash: Not cool.

Spike: Wow, talk about a party pooper.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, what was that about?

She asked as the rest of the party members spoke in idle chatter about what just happened. Rainbow throws on an apologetic look and turns to face the crowd.

Rainbow Dash: I'm sorry everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business.

Rainbow Dash: I'd rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?

Pinkie Pie: No hard feelings.

They smiled at each other before Rainbow gasped in realization.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, has anypony seen P/N here?!

Her question made the crowd look amongst themselves before they looked behind them. What they saw made them clear a path through the crowd, allowing Rainbow to see what they saw. You were sitting by a table with a small drink while gazing down at it with a disheartened stare and a frown. Rainbow sighed before slowly walking closer to you. When she made it over to you, she sat and looked at you.

Rainbow Dash: P-P/N?

(P/N): Oh, don't bother. I already saw what I needed to see.

You replied without looking up from your drink.

Rainbow Dash: P/N l-look, I'm... I'm really sorry.

(P/N): *sarcastic scoff* Oh, you're sorry? And you expect me to stupid enough to believe that after throwing a jab to my face earlier?

Your revelation made the entire crowd gasp.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow... you... punched him?

Rainbow Dash: I-I... I... *sigh* yeah... I did.

Fluttershy: B-But... why?

(P/N): Because she decided to throw a hissy fit for me speaking the truth about Gilda, that's why. I mean, Celestia forbid that I try to help a so called friend.

You drank some of your punch and sighed.

(P/N): Well, now I know for future reference that whatever I say won't be taken seriously by her. I mean, that's all I'll ever amount to, right Rainbow? You said that I'm not the kind of pony you'd pick to be friendly given the incident with Nightmare Moon. Weren't those your exact words?

Rainbow Dash: Y-Yes, but-

(P/N): Rainbow, you're right about one thing. Yes, I can be a bit difficult to handle at times. I'm not perfect and I fully admit to that. I have my fair share of mistakes and screw ups. But I would never, and I repeat, NEVER lie about when someone's childhood friend had changed for the worst! And yet, you decided to not believe me because you knew her longer! Did she tell you that she almost killed both Pinkie and me by having us fall from the sky while you were doing aerial tricks with her?!

Your revelation made Rainbow's eyes widen and she looked over her shoulder at Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash: Is... is that true, Pinkie?

She asked, earning a saddened nod from her.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah... I could have been really hurt or worse if P/N didn't save me at the last minute.

(P/N): I told you about it earlier, but you just shrugged it off.

You finished the rest of your drink and set it down while sighing again.

(P/N): I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with you.

You stood and began to make your way out of the building before Rainbow's voice stopped you for a moment.

Rainbow Dash: P/N, wait! Look, I messed up big time, okay? I... I didn't wanna believe that Gilda had changed because of how much we bonded when we were younger and now I realize how stupid I was to not believe you. I know that... *sigh* I know that you might be really angry at me, but... please... trust me when I say that... I really am sorry. And... and if you'll let me... I'll make it up to you however I can.

You still remained staring forward for a moment until you sat down and sighed silently.

(P/N): I still stand by what I said to you. After this party's done, we're no longer friends.

Rainbow gasped a little before lowering her head sadly.

(P/N): But...

Rainbow perked up at that.

(P/N): ...I suppose... I can give you the chance to earn it back.

Rainbow Dash: You... you will?

(P/N): Yeah...

You turned your head and gave her a narrow eyed frown.

(P/N): From this moment until further notice, we're merely acquaintances. After a while, if you are still good to me... then... you and I can be friends again. Sounds good?

Rainbow looked down in deep thought for a minute before glancing over at the rest of your friends.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow... It's only fair.

Fluttershy: Yeah. At least he's giving you a chance to redeem yourself.

Pinkie Pie: Besides, it'll only be for a while. I know you'll be friends again sooner or later!

Taking her friends' suggestions into consideration, Rainbow nods to herself and looks at you again.

Rainbow Dash: Okay... however long it'll take... I'll... I'll try, P/N.

Nodding, you turned your body fully to her and smiled a bit.

(P/N): Knowing how persevering you are, I doubt that it'll be a challenge.

Rainbow's signature smirk returned to her face when those words left your mouth.

Rainbow Dash: Heh. Nothing's a challenge when it comes to me.

(P/N): *thinking* There's the Rainbow Dash I know.

Rainbow Dash: You'll see, P/N! I'll get your trust back long before you'll realize it!

(P/N): Well, actions speak louder than words, Rainbow. Anyways, why don't we get this party up and going again?

Pinkie Pie: My thoughts exactly, P/N!

And with that, the guests got back to the party a hand. As the ponies all laughed and had fun, Twilight began thinking about what she was planning to write to Princess Celestia about her lesson on friendship.

Twilight Sparkle: *thinking* Dearest Princess Celestia, today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who's true will surely come to light. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

As she thought, you and Rainbow could be seen as she handed you another glass of punch as you replied with a small smile and accepted it. Later that night, you headed back home after saying your goodbyes to your friends for the day. After heading through your door and walking upstairs, you flopped onto your bed and sighed for the thousandth time today.

(P/N): What a day. What. A. Day.

???: Heh, tell me about it.

A familiar sounding voice arose from out of nowhere yet again, causing you to quickly sit up in bed. Your suspicion of who it may have been led you to turning your gaze towards your stand up mirror where sure enough, V/N can be seen staring back and smirking.

(P/N): *groans* Seriously? Is this going to be a constant thing I have to deal with now? You popping up in mirrors?

(V/N): As a matter of fact, it is, and you may as well get used to it.

(P/N): Pfft! What's to stop me from just throwing away the mirror or better yet destroying it?

(V/N): Because I have other ways of communicating with you, so it'd be a waste of time as well as money.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Fan-freaking-tastic. 

You flopped onto the bed with yet another groan.

(V/N): By the way, lovely work today with you and Rainbow. I could almost see the hypocrisy spouting from your lips.

You sat up and raised an eyebrow at him.

(P/N): What kind of cow manure are you trying to spread?

(V/N): Well, it's just that you kept going on about how quote unquote "trustful" you are to Rainbow when in reality, you're keeping a rather large secret from not just her, but from everypony else too.

He then starts sarcastically clapping.

(V/N): Round of applause for the biggest hypocrite to ever live, folks.

(P/N): What I choose to spread about myself is none of your business.

(V/N): Oh, it most certainly is because I'm a part of you.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Suuuuuure, keep telling yourself that.

(V/N): Technically, I am.

(P/N): I am NOT you.

(V/N): But you are.

(P/N): Nope, not even close. *groans* Can't you just go possess some other pony?

(V/N): *sarcasm* Wow. How very noble of you to make some other pony suffer. *sincerely* Besides, that's not how that works.

(P/N): Fine. Since you're gonna complain about it, I'll seal you into a mirror or something.

(V/N): Pfffft. Try me. That ritual stuff won't work.

(P/N): V/N, V/N, V/N.

After you repeated his name, V/N's eyes widened as he started to scream in agony and began to melt.

(V/N): Aaaah! I'm melting, melting! Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world! Who would have thought that some little unicorn like myself could destroy my wickedness!  OHHHHHHH!!! NO!!! I'm going...ohhhhhhh..ohhhhhhhhhhhhh....

After that last part, (V/N) had dissolved completely, absent from the mirror entirely. However, you didn't believe that he was truly gone for a second. Groaning, you roll your eyes as you hop out of bed and walk towards the mirror.

(P/N): Alright, dude, stop with the drama. I'm not buying it.

You hear a sigh come from the mirror as (V/N) reconfigures himself while giving you a slight glare.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Aren't you fun to be around.

(P/N): Like you're any more of a pleasure to talk with. *sigh* I'm gonna be straight with you. My secret is something I'll choose to reveal on my own time and nothing you spew will get me to spill it any sooner. I don't care if you're a part of me or not, stay the heck out of my life!

(V/N): Hmph. Fine, but like I told you before, I will find a way out and when I-HEY!

He was cut off by you flipping the mirror the other way with your magic and placing a tarp over it as you turned around and collapsed onto your bed.

(P/N): *thinking* I swear, he's just gonna keep running his mouth. I honestly hope that he doesn't end up causing me problems, but... I have a pretty good feeling he will.

With that, you pull the covers over yourself and stare out the window. Looking out at the moon, you remind yourself of Luna and remember how great of a moment it was to rescue her from her dictorian counterpart.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, if it does end up getting worse, I know we'll find a way to shut him down. He's not that much different from Nightmare Moon. He should've married her; V/N certainly could use a mare.

You thought and then your eyes grew heavy as you drifted off to sleep.

End of Episode 4...

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Annnnnnnd another chapter done!)

(Shadowlight9743: Huh, you know that actually didn't feel that long to write if I'm being honest.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, it certainly is long. I'm looking at the word count here and it's... at least 16,000 words.)

(Shadowlight9743: That... seems pretty average for us at this point.)

(Jordanwolf9743: Well, yeah, but I'm just saying it's pretty long.)

(Shadowlight9743: I guess...)

(Jordanwolf9743: *turn to audience*  Well, folks, hope you all enjoyed the fourth installment of Savior of Equestria.)

(Shadowlight9743: I'm sure you all just expect hour-long chapters at this point, right?)


(Shadowlight9743: Yeah, I figured as much.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Long chapters are better than short ones, Shad. Anywho, until next time, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight9743: And Shadowlight9743... )

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight9743: Signing out! See ya! *walks away*)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* *sigh* You know, I kinda regret saying that.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* What? That the audience is expecting hour-long chapters?)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* No. That I hated the crossover between The Savior of CHS and The King of CHS. I won't lie, crossover stories are pretty subpar, but then again, that story is multiversal, so I kinda take it back.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* You know, that was something that I always got mixed up with. Sometimes people say multiverse as in people from different franchises like Smash and then there's the multiverse where there's different versions of the same people.)

(Shadowlight9743: Pretty sure the latter is called, "metaverse".)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh, I see. So, about The King of CHS, is V/N...)


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