Chapter 5: Boast Busters

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Today, you were hanging out with Twilight and Spike at the Golden Oak Library as the brainy Unicorn was just about to perform a new spell on Spike as he was eagerly pumped for it to happen.

Spike: Come on, Twilight. You can do it!

(P/N): Show this spell that you mean business, Twi.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, here goes.

She closed her eyes, aimed her horn at Spike, and made the area around Spike's mouth glow. Then, in a quick poof, Spike was now sporting a black, fancy mustache.

Spike: Ha ha! Ya did it!

(P/N): *thinking* Aaaaand it's a hair growing spell. Not gonna lie, that's... not all that impressive. *sigh* No, no. Twilight needs confidence right now, so... I'll just let this slide.

You thought as Spike runs over to a nearby board with a list of different spells with checkmarks on the sides and he marks off the last spell.

Spike: Growing magic, that's number twenty-five. Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting.

(P/N): Not bad, Twi. Being able to learn twenty-five different spells in a short period of time is no easy task, and yet, you make it look easy.

Twilight Sparkle: *chuckles* Thanks, P/N.

As she thanked you, Spike decided to check out his new mustache in a nearby stand up mirror.

Spike: That's Twilight for you! There's nothing she can't do! Personally, this is the best trick so far.

He commented, gazing at his reflection and daydreaming over meeting Rarity with his new moustache.

Spike: Hello, Rarity. What's that? Aw, it's nothin', just my awesome mustache.

(P/N): *sigh* I hate to get real with you, little bud, but I'd doubt that some simple facial hair is gonna immediately attract someone like Rarity.

Twilight Sparkle: And not to harshly dismiss your new "dashing" looks, but it's only just for practice, so it's gotta go now.

Spike: No, wait!

He tried pleading before Twilight poofed away his moustache, making the baby dragon pout.

Spike: Aw, rats!

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry Spike, but you've gotta be yourself. Oh! That reminds me. P/N, I don't suppose you'd be willing to teach me a few spells, would you?

(P/N): Spells? From me?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. I figured that since you traveled a lot before coming to Ponyville, you must have come across some good spells, right?

You put a hoof to your chin in thought. When you had made your initial plan to retire, you didn't really have the intention of teaching in mind. So, now that Twilight's asking, you felt a little conflicted. Would teaching all that you know give too much away? Would you be able to make it look natural? Really, there was only one way to find out.

(P/N): Huh, I... suppose I do. *thinking* Maybe the fact that I traveled for a long time won't raise any suspicions?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, good!

She claps her hooves in excitement.

(P/N): *thinking* Somehow I know that I'll come to regret this.

You stood up straight and approached Twilight.

(P/N): Alright, here's one that I typically use for combat.

You were just about to demonstrate until you realized that you needed a test dummy to practice on.

(P/N): Uhh, I don't suppose you have any old pillows that you're not using anymore, do you?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, sure! Just a second.

She leaves for a brief moment and comes back with some pillows and stacks them into a crude looking dummy. Once that was taken care of, you turned your gaze to the pillows before taking a deep breath and focusing. You then brought up your hoof and made it glow a bright (F/C) color. In one swift motion, you hurled your fist at the stack of pillows, creating a huge plume of feathers to explode out, covering the entire room in them. All three of you popped your heads out of the massive pile and coughed up a few feathers.

(P/N): Note to self: use other objects for practice instead of pillows.

Twilight Sparkle: *cough* Yeah... I agree.

She added as Spike sneezed and sent some feathers flying.


About an hour of teaching Twilight new spells later, the three of you were now walking through Ponyville while discussing the events that transpired. Twilight's head hung low in exhaustion as she walked.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* I don't know how you were able to teach yourself all those kinds of spells, P/N. It really takes it out of a pony.

(P/N): That's what training's all about, Twi. Your body might not wanna endure it at first, but once you really get yourself into the rhythm, pretty much nothing will stop you.

Spike: Plus, you did ask for training from someone who traveled a lot like P/N, so it's bound to be a lot.

(P/N): Exactly. No worries though, Twi. I'll go easy on you.

You joked, making Twilight roll her eyes and she gave you a playful jab with a hoof.

Twilight Sparkle: Nuh-uh! If you go easy on me for even a second, I'll never forgive you.

(P/N): *chuckling* Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Spike: Still, I'm really impressed by how much you've done just today. Twenty-five, Twilight. Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought Unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents!

Twilight Sparkle: True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math. But what if a Unicorn's special talent is magic?

Spike: Like you, Twilight, and you know a ton of magic.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Spike, stop. I'm sure there are lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me.

(P/N): If there are, I'm sure they don't hold a candle to how well you're able to pull them off.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* Well, I appreciate that a lot, P/N. Still though, I stand by what I said. I'm really not all that special in terms of skill or shock factor.

Spike: Are you kiddin'? I don't think there's another unicorn in all of Equestria with your kind of ability, Twilight.

(P/N): Spike, chill. It's clear she doesn't crave an ego boost. *muttering* Unlike some ponies I know...

You frowned a little when you said that last part which didn't go unnoticed by Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: You're still having a rough patch with Rainbow, aren't you?

(P/N): Yeah... I am. It's not really a forgive and forget situation we were dealing with, Twilight. I mean, when you're practically on your knees begging for her to believe you and to then have her slug you in the face... *sigh* it's hard to forgive a pony like that. She keeps trying to give me all kinds of gifts despite me telling her that materialistic things aren't gonna be enough to earn my friendship back. They're nice and all, but they aren't what I want from her.

Twilight Sparkle: Then, what do you want from her, P/N?

(P/N): I... I want her to have more faith in me, that's what. It all started when she gave me a hard time during the whole Nightmare Moon debacle. Sure, I've screwed up a few times, but it's not like I should be treated like public enemy number one for it. That punch to the face showed that she still has trust issues with me and she needs to work on that.

You stopped for a moment and sighed again.

(P/N): Look, this isn't gonna be a permanent thing with me and her, at least, that's what I'm hoping for. I wanna be friends with Rainbow, but she needs to show me that she can believe in me when I tell her the truth or that she has faith in what I can do and trust in me. You get what I'm saying?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, I do, but don't you think you may be pushing it a little too far?

(P/N): *sigh* I don't know. Maybe. To be perfectly honest Twilight, I don't really know all that much about friendship and what the dos and don'ts for it are. I mean, if Rainbow did that to you, wouldn't you be furious with her too? Wouldn't you want her to have more trust and faith in you and that this might be the only way to get it?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sure I would be miffed too, but I don't know if I'd really hold up to it. I mean, I don't want to lose a friend. She could just give up at any moment and then you'd lose your friendship with her forever. Then again, this is Rainbow Dash we're talking about, so she might not give up so easily. Look, how about this? Try to warm up to her again. Show her that you're still willing to at least try with her so she won't be turned away by you giving her the cold shoulder. If she's willing to go out of her way in getting you all sorts of stuff then I think it's only fair for you to return it in some shape or form.

(P/N): Twi, she threw a curveball to my face. I think what I'm doing right now is probably the most fair I can be to her.

You walked ahead a few feet before stopping and sighing again.

(P/N): But... I'll try and take your advice into consideration.

She nods before smiling.

Twilight Sparkle: However you do it is fine with me.

(P/N): Now, why don't we get going before we come across the first weird thing-

Before you could even finish that sentence, a younger sounding voice blurted from behind all three of you.

???: Gangway! Comin' through!

You looked towards the source before a blur of grayish opal and brilliant amber collided with Spike and pulled him along.

Spike: Augh! Snips, Snails! What's goin' on?!

He asked the two blurs which were now revealed to be two young Unicorn colts. The shorter one had a greyish opal coat, a moderate orange mane, and a pair of black eyes as his Cutie Mark was that of a pair of light gray scissors. The taller, lanky one had a brilliant amber coat, a moderate turquoise mane, and a pair of black eyes much like his friend. His Cutie Mark was that of a frowning pink snail.

Snails: Wha, haven't you heard? There's a new unicorn in town!

Snips: Yeah! They say that she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

Spike: Aw, no way, that honor goes to Twilight here.

Twilight blushed slightly from his compliment.

Twilight Sparkle: Where is this unicorn?

Snails: She's in the town square. Come on!

Snips: Yeah! *laughs* Come on! Whooo!

They ran off ahead as the three of you watched them go.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* I'm... I'm not even allowed to finish my sentences anymore, am I, Karma? *speaking* Well, I say we pay this "all powerful" Unicorn a visit. I've got some choice words for a pony like that.

Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean, P/N?

(P/N): In my experience, ponies who make themselves look big and promising turn out to be fraudulent idiots that exaggerate their accomplishments.

Twilight Sparkle: O-Oh, really?

(P/N): Yeah, no one likes it when ponies brag. Unless you're in Canterlot; it's the only way they'd accept you.

Twilight Sparkle: I see...

Twilight's ears flop, portraying her sudden disappointment that didn't go unnoticed.

(P/N): What's got you so down?

Twilight Sparkle: It's... it's nothing, P/N. Let's go see who it is.

She walked ahead, leaving you a bit confused.

(P/N): *thinking* Was... it something I said?


A moment later, you arrived at Ponyville square where a huge crowd of eager ponies waited. Currently, their eyes were trained on what looked like a trailer. You made it to the front where you found the rest of your friends... well, I say friends because one particular mare made you sigh annoyedly a little, that being Rainbow Dash. When she saw you, she looked a little downtrodden at first, but she soon replaced it with a nervous smile.

Rainbow Dash: H-Hey, P/N! What's up?

Initially, you wanted to tell her to not speak to her, but your earlier conversation with Twilight popped back into your mind. Speaking of said Unicorn, you glanced her way to see her motioning you towards Rainbow, clearly trying to urge you into getting along with her. Deciding to take the brainy bookworm's advice to heart, you give Rainbow Dash a sideways glance and a nod.

(P/N): I'm alright, I guess. How are things with you?

Rainbow's shocked by your change in attitude towards her. Normally, whenever she wanted to speak or hang with you, you kept turning her away by walking away without saying a word or by making up an excuse by saying that you were busy with something else. So, for you to finally respond was a major relief for the spunky mare.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, I'm good. I guess you, Twilight, and Spike heard about the new Unicorn in town, huh?

(P/N): Yeah, we did. I'd like to see just how she supposedly has "more magical powers" than any other Unicorn here.

Rainbow Dash: That did seem a little exaggerative, didn't it? If she's so powerful, how come we've never heard of her until now?

(P/N): Exactly. Only way to find out is to see what she has in store.

Rainbow Dash: My bet is that it's gonna range from pure cringe to just downright unwatchable garbage.

(P/N): Heh, my thoughts exactly.

You replied, giving her a slight smile which got one from her as well. Twilight sees this and grins at seeing that you were willing to at least hold up a conversation with Rainbow. There was a brief moment of low murmuring and whispering before a mare's voice could be heard, silencing the crowd.

???: Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!

The trailer suddenly opened into a stage of sorts and a puff of smoke covered the entirety of it, obscuring yours as well as the rest of the onlookers' vision for a brief moment. Once it cleared, a Unicorn mare stood on stage, smiling widely and earning a series of oohs and ahhs from every other pony. The mare had a brilliant azure coat, a pale cornflower blue mane with very pale cerulean stripes, and dark grayish violet eyes. Her Cutie Mark was that of a light blue magic wand surrounded in cyan colored magic. She wore a large light lavender magicians hat along with an exact same colored cape.

Once she was in full view, your face contorted into that of genuine surprise as a small blush appeared on your cheeks.

(P/N): *thinking* You know, if there's one thing that mare can brag about, it'd most certainly be her beauty.

Your observation of said mare didn't go unnoticed by Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy, who all simultaneously felt a twinge of jealousy while shooting you a sideways glare. Meanwhile, Trixie continued with her speech.

Trixie Lulamoon: Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!

After that introduction, several fireworks erupted into the air as the crowd cheered for the spectacular performance. The only ones who weren't cheering however were you as well as the Mane 6.

Rarity: My, my, my! What boasting!

She commented in an unimpressed voice.

Spike: Come on, nopony's as magical as Twi—

He stopped abruptly when he realized he was talking to Rarity.

Spike: Twi— Twi— Oh! *clears throat* H-Hey, Rarity, I, uh— Mustache!

He ran off in a panic as you shook your head in disappointment.

(P/N): *thinking* The little guy's gotta learn that it takes more than a fancy mustache to attract a mare.

Twilight Sparkle: There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?

Applejack: Nothin' at all, 'cep'n when someone goes around showin' it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.

Rarity: Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.

(P/N): Coming from the two ponies that are indirectly insulting their friend who is quite literally a foot away from them.

You piped up, gaining the attention of both Applejack and Rarity.

Rarity: Insulting? But, who are we-

She stopped once she saw you pointing your eyes at Twilight, allowing the realization to kick in at last and the same went for Applejack as they both turned their gazes to Twilight.

Applejack: N-Not that we're sayin' that we're against your talent, Twilight!

Rarity: Y-Yes, darling! You're a much better pony than Trixie simply from the fact that you don't show off or brag all the time.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I mean, that's supposed to be my job.

You facehooved at that.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* It's not worth it, dude. Not. Worth it.

Your conversation could be heard by the magician herself as she frowned slightly.

Trixie Lulamoon: Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?

(P/N): Is that from a real book or did you just pull it out of your diary?

Rarity: Just who does she think she is?

Spike: Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here is—

You slapped a hoof over Spike's mouth, effectively silencing him.

(P/N): *through clenched teeth* Shut. The. Frack. Up. Spike.

Twilight smiled at you as a way of saying thanks for not needlessly singling her out.

Rainbow Dash: So, "Great and Powerful Trixie". What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?

Trixie Lulamoon: Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded ursa major!

Fireworks then flew up to the sky and exploded once again, only this time the lights that followed afterwards took on the outline of what appeared to be a large, bear-like creature and a few others formed into the shape of Trixie herself much to the shock and awe of the crowd of ponies.

Snips: What?!

Snails: No way!

Trixie Lulamoon: When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!

(P/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* Oh, really? An "Ursa Major," you say? And all by yourself? Hmm, that's quite a claim you got going there, Trixie.

You thought with an unconvinced look as both Snips and Snails bought into Trixie's story and began praising her like crazed fanboys. Meanwhile, you and the rest of your friends were the only ones who didn't believe Trixie's supposed story of heroism.

Snails: Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville!

Snips: No, in all of Equestria!

The crowd remained silent after their little bouts of comments. Suddenly, the silence is broken by a loud series of laughs and they are revealed to be coming from you. Trixie's eyes narrowed at you and her frown deepened.

Trixie Lulamoon: And what pray tell is so funny to you?

(P/N): *chuckles* Oh nothing! It's just that I've never seen a more pathetic attempt at attention and publicity than whatever this is in front of me. I've also never heard of a more bogus and made up story in my life.

A gasp escaped the crowd at your words while one of Trixie's eyes twitched in irritation.

Trixie Lulamoon: Bogus?! Made up?! You dare claim that my story is nothing but trickery?!

(P/N): Oh, it absolutely is!

You walked up to the stage and stood beside her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(P/N): Come on, could you just repeat the important part of your story for us, just so everyone here can hear it very clearly?

Trixie rolled her eyes and sighed.

Trixie Lulamoon: Very well. When all hope was-

(P/N): No! *chuckles* Not that! No, the other part that's further into it. *jokingly* Come on, I know it's just dangling on the tip of your tongue. Let me hear it. Just once. Pleeease?

You pleaded in a joking fashion while aiming one of your ears her way as Trixie gave you the stink eye.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie vanquished the-


You silenced her for a brief moment as she gave you the most confused look she could manage.

Trixie Lulamoon: ... What?

(P/N): Your little fairy tale's interesting and all, but I'm afraid to say that it's got some major plot holes in it. The first being that you said that the ponies of Hoofington had "no one" to turn to. So, you mean to say that they truthfully had no one? Not even... say... Princess Celestia? Because I very much doubt that she'd turn a blind eye to something big as an Ursa Major.

Trixie Lulamoon: Uh, were you born yesterday? Princess Celestia turns a blind eye to just about anything. Last month, Trottingham was close to being decimated by Timberwolves and she never showed her face once.

(P/N): Decimated? Only one tiny building in the town got damaged. You're absolutely exaggerating. But you know what, maybe you do have a point about the Ursa Major. Maybe you were the one who took down the Ursa Major all by yourself.

Trixie Lulamoon: Finally, something we both can agree-

(P/N): Except! I seem to notice one other thing lacking from your tall tale.

Trixie Lulamoon: *sigh* How long are you gonna make this go on?

(P/N): Long enough for those to not immediately assume you to be bigger than you appear to be. Anyways, you're still missing one thing.

You inched closer until you were mere inches from her face.

(P/N): Any. Evidence. At all.

The crowd gasped a little and turned their attention to Trixie who's eyes were now more widened than normal as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of her head.

Trixie Lulamoon: U-Uhh... e-evidence?

(P/N): Yeah, evidence. If you say that you fought and vanquished an Ursa Major, then where's your proof of it?

Trixie Lulamoon: O-Okay, is this personal? What did Trixie ever do to you?

(P/N): Oh, I can assure you Trixie that none of this is personal. I just wanna make sure that whatever you're telling is factually correct. I'd hate for these ponies to find out that they were lied to. *thinking* Man... I really do sound like a hypocrite. Although... mine is for a decent reason, so I might just be excused.

Trixie Lulamoon: What's it to you? Trixie's only gonna be here for today, anyway. Myth or not, Trixie's magic is still leagues ahead of yours. On that note, what have you accomplished that's even remotely noteworthy?

(P/N): Oh, that's simple. You're looking at the same pony that took on Nightmare Moon singlehoofedly.

Trixie Lulamoon: S-Seriously?! Where's your proof of this?!

(P/N): Why, it's right down there.

You pointed to the Mane Six who smiled right back.

(P/N): My friends were there when I fought against her.

Rainbow Dash: He sure did! You really should have seen it, Trixie! P/N was all like "take this! Boom! Ka-Pow!" and Nightmare Moon was like "Oh no! Don't hurt me! I'm so fragile!"

Applejack: Uhhh, I don't think she was that submissive, Rainbow. But P/N's right. Before we defeated her for good, P/N stepped in and protected us.

Rarity: Like a true knight in shining armor!

They all spoke in agreement, but Trixie remained unconvinced.

Trixie Lulamoon: You're using your friends as evidence? Trixie doesn't see a lot of credibility there. For all she knows, they could be lying.

(P/N): And the same applies to your horrendous story about beating an ursa major.

Trixie growled and was just about to tell you off for being so disrespectful to her, but she stopped once an idea came to mind, causing her to turn her frown upside down.

Trixie Lulamoon: Okay then. If you really believe that your magic is powerful enough to stand up to the likes of Nightmare Moon, then Trixie will happily put your money where your mouth is.

(P/N): Excuse me?

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie challenges you to a duel!

You blinked in confusion a few times before refocusing on the situation.

(P/N): I'm sorry, but did I ever say that I was willing to duel just to prove a point? Because I don't think I did.

She smirked at the potential of you backing out.

Trixie Lulamoon: Oh, are we chickening out, Mister... uh...

(P/N): P/N.

Trixie Lulamoon: *thinking* P/N... an odd name for an admittedly cute stallion. *speaking* You may think that you've got everyone fooled here with your Nightmare Moon story, but I can see right through it! If you wish to prove me wrong, then duel me!

(P/N): *sigh* Really? You're gonna make me waste another hour and a half of my life when I could be relaxing and having a good cup of joe? I haven't even had my morning coffee yet.

Trixie Lulamoon: You should've thought about that before you decided to instigate Trixie, If you have the gull to backlash her, then you should have the gull to duel her just as well. Unless... you're too intimidated by the Great and Powerful Trixie's abilities.

Applejack: P/N doesn't have to prove anythang to you, Trixie!

Rainbow Dash: Besides, I'm sure he'd easily kick your flank in ten seconds flat!

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow!

Rainbow Dash: What? It's true!

Trixie Lulamoon: Oh, really? Then Trixie shouldn't need to prove to anypony of her background's credibility either.

She turns back to you.

Trixie Lulamoon: So, P/N? Are you going to accept my proposal or not?

You looked away while processing this whole thing in your head. It seemed that Trixie had you back into a corner as far as proving your capabilities. If you walked away, you would most likely be called out for... well, calling her out without living up to it. Seeing no way out of this without dealing with humiliation, you let out a sigh and looked at Trixie.

(P/N): Fine.

Mane Six: What?!

Rarity: P/N, you have nothing to prove by challenging her!

Twilight Sparkle: We already know how-

(P/N): Girls, I appreciate your input, but this is my choice. Okay, Trixie, you want me to show you what I can do? I will gladly oblige.

Trixie Lulamoon: Good. If Trixie defeats you, you must admit that you are weaker than the Great and Powerful Trixie and you must become her personal assistant... for an entire year.

She smirked while saying that last part, once again, earning gasps from your friends as well as the crowd.

Rainbow Dash: P-P/N, you don't have to-

(P/N): Deal.

You shook her hoof much to the dismay of your friends.

Mane Six: WHAT?!?!

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, you can't agree to that!

Trixie Lulamoon: Well, he just did, so it's much too late for him to back out now.

(P/N): Also, if I win against you, you must admit that your ursa major story is a complete lie.

Trixie Lulamoon: Fine then. At noon tomorrow, we shall meet up in this very same spot and we'll see just who's more capable at magic. In that case, it looks like today's performance has been canceled.

She then addresses the crowd.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie's most sincere apologies, her adoring onlookers. Worry not, though, for tomorrow's performance will be twice as dazzling for Trixie will show this know-it-all just what she's made of! And with that, she bids you all farewell!

She threw a smoke bomb on the floor and disappeared from the stage. 

(P/N): Tch. She says.

You mumbled, taking a step off the stage as the rest of your friends came up to you.

Fluttershy: P/N, you're not gonna actually duel against Trixie, are you?

(P/N): *sigh* I'd hate to say it, but it looks like I've got no other choice now, Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: That wasn't the wisest decision, P/N. You just risked yourself to public humiliation for a whole year.

(P/N): I was gonna face humiliation either way, Twilight. If I had backed out, then I would have been labeled as a coward.

Rarity: Not to us, you would have, darling.

(P/N): I'm sure it'll be fine, Rarity. I think I know enough magic to at least be on even footing with her.

Applejack: P/N, I speak from experience an' if there's one thang I know, it's that pride can get y'all killed. Don't let a darn label force yer judgements, sugarcube.

(P/N): I try not to, AJ. I don't suppose you girls will give me support during the duel, will you? And...

You gave Rainbow a small smile.

(P/N): ...and I do mean all of you.

She smiled back before hovering in the air and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

Rainbow Dash: You kiddin'? We wouldn't leave you hanging no matter what gets in our way!

Twilight Sparkle: You're our friend, P/N.

Applejack: And we've got yer back from now until the end.

Rarity: Hear, hear!

They all smiled at you as you returned them with one of your own.

(P/N): Heh, thanks guys. Anyways, I think we should all head home for the day. We've got quite the day for us tomorrow... or for me, at least.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no. I don't think so, buster! Since you got yourself into a duel, you're gonna need some preparation.

(P/N): Huh? What do you mean?

Twilight Sparkle: I mean, I'm gonna help you train!

(P/N): Twi, I appreciate that a lot, but you don't need to-

You were cut off by Twilight's hoof covering your mouth.

Twilight Sparkle: Up bup bup! Don't even attempt to dissuade me, P/N. You were willing to help me learn more magic, so the least I can do is help you train.

(P/N): What's there to even train for? It's just a duel.

Twilight Sparkle: It's never a bad idea to prepare yourself in advance, P/N.

(P/N): *sigh* I guess so. Thanks, Twi.

You replied, genuinely.

Twilight Sparkle: No need to thank me. It's what friends are for.


Later that night, every pony in Ponyville was getting ready to turn in for the night in preparation for yours and Trixie's duel tomorrow, except, not everyone was going to bed. As it turns out, both Snips and Snails could be seen sneaking through the Everfree Forest. Still believing in Trixie's story, they decided to see if they could prove it to be true by heading off into the forest in hopes of finding the ferocious beast itself.

Snips: Come on, Snails! Keep up!

Snails: I'm comin'!

They shouted to each other while walking through the forest. You see, they came up with the brilliant plan of leading an Ursa Major back to town in order to see if Trixie's claims held merit. They kept walking until they reached a badly lit cave and they walked into it before all they were able to see were their eyes.

Snips: Oh, how we gonna find an ursa major when I can't even see my own hoof in front of my face?

Snails: Hold on.

Snails concentrated for a moment before making his horn glow with a bright light, illuminating their surroundings.

Snips: Oh, heh. That's better.

He commented. However, what they didn't know at first was that Snails' light had managed to wake up something... something large. They turned to see a huge, blue colored bear-like creature that closely resembled Trixie's fireworks illustration as it growled back down at them.

Seeing as how they were up against a giant, burly beast and that they were just mere colts, they decided to do the one thing that seemed the most plausible to do... run for their lives!

Snips & Snails: Yaaaah!

They screamed in horror as the beast roared in anger before the two young colts took off out of the cave as the creature followed closely behind with gnashing teeth. Meanwhile, back at Twilight's library, the two of you were having a training session for when you would take on Trixie tomorrow. Right now, Twilight was firing a beam of magic at you while you did your best to hold it back by using a shield to block it. This goes on for another moment or two before Twilight finally ceases, allowing you to dispel your shield.

(P/N): *sigh* Twi, are you sure that this training is necessary? I'm positive that Trixie won't give me too much trouble.

Twilight Sparkle: You can never be too careful, P/N. Your dignity as well as your bet is on the line here.

(P/N): Quite honestly, I could care less about my dignity right now. I don't really have much left to lose.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if that's not motivation enough, what about being Trixie's... "extenious" assistant?

(P/N): Well, as long as she doesn't ask me to poke her, I should be fine.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* P/N, there's a fine line between confidence and downright recklessness. You don't know what Trixie's capable of.

(P/N): No, I don't. However, she doesn't know what I'm capable of either. Besides, I did you a favor. Would you rather be the one to duel her, especially after hearing what our friends said about those who flaunt their talents?

Twilight's ears flop as the thought of her friends' belittlement towards her lowers her self-esteem. Seeing this made you feel a little guilty for bringing it up.

(P/N): Okay, look, that came out wrong. I'm sorry, but I knew that if I didn't step up, Spike would be the one bragging for you against Trixie and I'm certain he'd rope you into this duel instead of me. It may not look like it, but I'm really looking out for you.

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcasm* Oh, yeah. Saving me from a battle with a pathological liar by doing it for me really shows your concern.

Twilight then realized what she said and sighed sadly.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry. I'm just... really worried for you, P/N.

You walked up and stood next to her before throwing one of your arms around her shoulders and pulling her closer.

(P/N): And I'm sorry too for making you feel bad, Twi. I think we should really establish the difference between narcissism and true talent to our friends.

Twilight Sparkle: I agree. Anyways, let's get back to our training, shall we?

(P/N): No time like the present.

However, before you could get back to said training, you felt a low rumble beneath your hooves.

(P/N): Woah. I didn't know that we were scheduled for an earthquake at this time of night.

You commented before the ground shook again, this time it seemed to be in a rhythm as a few more shakes occurred. Almost as if something large was approaching. Almost as if they felt like... giant footsteps.

Twilight Sparkle: Uhh... I don't think this is an earthquake.

Suddenly, Spike ran inside in a panic as he skidded to a halt in front of you both.

Spike: Twilight, P/N, you've gotta come quick!

(P/N): *sigh* Aw, manure... here we go again.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait until later. P/N and I are about to-

Spike: You don't understand, it's—

He's silenced by a loud, monstrous roar in the distance, bringing fear and concern to Twilight's face.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, is that what I think it is?

Spike: Majorly.

He answered, sheepishly.

(P/N): *groan* Did it have to come rampaging now of all times?!

Twilight Sparkle: Now's not the time to groan over it! Come on!

She urged, turning and heading out of the library with you and Spike following close behind. Back in town, we see that Snips and Snails had gone to Trixie for help with the ferocious beast as the creature itself had them backed into a corner with Trixie standing in front of the two young colts. She was now without her hat and cape which revealed more of her features.

Snips: Great and Powerful Trixie, you've got to vanquish the ursa!

Snails: Yeah, vanquish so we can watch!

Snips: It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here.

Trixie's eyes widened and she turned to face the colts.

Trixie Lulamoon: Wait, you brought this here?! *gasp* Are you out of your little pony minds?!

Snips: But, you're the Great and Powerful Trixie.

Snails: Yeah, remember? You defeated an ursa major.

The creature roared at them again before Trixie regained what little composure she had left and steadied herself.

Trixie Lulamoon: Uh, okay. *gulp* Stand back.

She closed her eyes and began channeling her magic. In a nearby vase, a rope slithered out like a snake and wrapped itself around the monster, seemingly stopping it and giving Trixie a moment of reprieve.

Trixie Lulamoon: Heh. Piece of cake.

Unfortunately, it's revealed that the rope had only been tied around two of the creature's fingers as it snapped the rope with ease.

Snips: Aw, come on, Trixie.

Snails: Stop goofin' around and vanquish it, eh?

They urged, which did almost nothing for Trixie's confidence as she hesitated for a brief moment before making her horn glow again. This time, a swirl of dark thunder clouds appeared above the creature, ready to smite the adversary for good... until it's revealed to be nothing but a small cloud.

Snails: Well, that was a dud.

Snips: Yeah, pfft, come on! Where's all the cool explosions and smoke and stuff like earlier? You know.

As if to give him what he was looking for, the small thundercloud shot a bolt of lightning at the monster, hitting it on its backside which only managed to anger it even further.

Trixie Lulamoon: Uh-oh.

The ursa roared once again, but before it could take a swipe at the three ponies, they sprinted in between its legs and past it, giving them the chance to escape. The creature's roar woke the entire town as they came out to investigate what was going on. Once they got a good look at the ursa who had taken a large bite out of the one the buildings, they were immediately sent into a panic as they ran for dear life. Meanwhile, you, Twilight, and Spike had finally arrived in town just in time to witness the carnage ensuing. You found both Snips and Snails and ran over to them.

Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

Snips: We brought an ursa to town.

You stared, completely baffled at them for a second before finally finding your voice.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(P/N): YOU WHAT?! You mean to tell me that the entire reason why that thing's here is because of you two?!

Snails: Yeah, but don't worry, the Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Oh yeah? What's she gonna do? Boast it to death?

You then turned and faced the boaster herself.

(P/N): Well, go on then, Trixie. Vanquish it already just like you said you supposedly did.

You demanded, crossing your arms and giving her an all knowing look. A now distraught Trixie turned her eyes your way for a second before sighing sadly.

Trixie Lulamoon: I can't.

Snips & Snails: What?!

They shouted in shock. Meanwhile, you stood unfazed by this revelation before giving her a slow, sarcastic clap.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Big. Freaking. Shock.

Trixie Lulamoon: I can't, I never have. No one can vanquish an ursa major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better.

Snips & Snails: Made it up?!

(P/N): And who called it not seven hours ago? This guy!

You pointed at yourself.

(P/N): Where is your common sense, guys? How often do you see an ursa major on a daily basis to believe that?

The ursa approached once more as it stood above all of you. It roared once again, petrifying the townsfolk as you sighed to yourself.

(P/N): *thinking* Okay... once in a while. If taking on a few creatures once in a while is what it takes for me to retire in peace... *sigh* so be it. *speaking* Twilight, try to reduce some of the panic. I'll keep this thing at bay.

Twilight Sparkle: W-What?! You can't take it on by yourself!

(P/N): Come on, Twi. I've been able to fight Nightmare Moon alone. This thing's no exception. Besides, I don't think we've got a lot of time to debate on this.

You pointed towards the ursa as it was about to swipe at Trixie as she stared up at it in fear. You hunched down, focused your magic into your hooves, and you made yourself jump super high and towards the ursa at high speed. You whirled your body around so that your hind legs were facing the ursa and you delivered a hard double kick to the side of its head, knocking it to the ground with a loud crash. You landed beside Trixie as she stared completely surprised by what just happened.

Trixie Lulamoon: Y-You... you... saved me. Why?

(P/N): Mmmm, Trixie. You've been letting that head of yours get thick one too many times. You think I do this heroic stuff for fame?

Trixie Lulamoon: Uh-

(P/N): That was a rhetorical question. Short answer, I don't. Thing is, when you've got enough ponies in life that you care for, you have this natural instinct to protect them at all costs. I'm no pacifist, but I wasn't about to let you get mauled because this... isn't really your fault. If there is someone to blame, it's Dumb & Dumber over there.

You shot a hard glare at Snips and Snails who nervously began to whistle to themselves.

(P/N): When this is over, I'm gonna make you both wish you got the rack for a punishment!

You shook your head and turned back to Trixie.

(P/N): Look, we'll talk later. Just get yourself to safety and let someone with some decent experience handle this, okay?

Trixie stares at you for another moment before letting out a sigh of relief and smiling at you a bit.

Trixie Lulamoon: Thank you...

With that, she turned and ran away, leaving you to face the ursa alone as the beast got back up and shot a nasty glare at you.

(P/N): Oh, you wouldn't wanna eat me! I've been told that I've got a nasty after taste!

You taunted which only made the ursa angrier as it tried swiping at you with a single claw. You anticipated this as you jumped out of the way and sent a magical blast towards the ursa's eye, blinding it and giving you a chance to go in for another attack. You ran forwards and made one of your hooves glow a bright (F/C) before jumping and connecting your hoof with the ursa's stomach. It roared in pain and held its torso with a single paw. Meanwhile, you climbed up its tail and onto its back. The ursa tried reaching for you, but you did your best to maneuver out of the way while riding it, similar to that of one in a rodeo.

When it tried grabbing you again, you jumped up into the air and brought both of your hooves above your head while also making them glow with magic. You let gravity take control and you plummeted down towards your foe who was initially unaware of your current oncoming attack. It was too late for it to realize what was going on as you slammed both of your hooves onto its head, resulting in a loud boom as well as the ursa's head smacking into the ground and causing a bunch of dirt to cover the entire area. When the dust had cleared, the ponies of Ponyville looked to see you standing on the ursa's head as it laid down on the ground unconscious. A moment of silence hung over the scene for about a minute before the crowd erupted in cheers.

Snips: Wow! P/N took down the ursa major!

Snails: That makes him a hero!

They commented as you still remained standing on the ursa's head. Then, you launch yourself off of it and stuck an epic landing before the crowd of ponies; dusting your hooves.

(P/N): *thinking* Wow, I can't believe that actually worked. Seems like I even impress myself sometimes. *speaking* Well, now that that's finally cleared up, I believe somebody here owes the entire town an expla-


Your sentence is abruptly cut short by something large hitting you and sending you careening into a building with a crash, eliciting gasps and screams of horror from the crowd. It's revealed that the one behind the attack was the ursa as it was now standing back up as if nothing had happened to it. When the smoke had cleared where you were, you were now seen sticking to the wall of the building comedically with your limbs sprawled out to the sides.

(P/N): *thinking* Oh crud! It didn't work! How did that not work!? *speaking* Okay. *sigh* Guess we're doing this again.

You dug yourself out from the wall and sprinted towards the ursa again as it did the same with you. Your horn glowed briefly again before you disappeared and reappeared in front of its face. Unfortunately, the ursa had anticipated this and it tried clamping its jaws down on you, but you were quick to act as you narrowly dodged and grabbed onto its snout. You stared into its eyes before smiling sheepishly as it gave you a "really?" kind of look. It then used one of its paws to try and pull you from its snout as you hung on for dear life.

(P/N): *thinking* Argh! If I was able to use my wings, this thing would be a goner for sure!

As your fight with the ursa transpired, Twilight tried thinking of a way to help you with getting rid of the ursa, but her fear of being seen as a flaunter made it really difficult for her to do so.

Spike: T-Twilight, you've gotta do something! P/N seems like he's not gonna last much longer against that thing!

He begged, but Twilight still wouldn't budge as she was still deep in thought. She didn't have much time to think, however, as she saw that the ursa had finally pulled you from its snout and it brought you above its now gaping mouth in preparation of eating you. It let go of you and you fell towards its opened mouth, but you made a quick decision by using your limbs to keep its jaws from chomping down on you.

(P/N): NO! I didn't come this far to be breakfast!

Spike: P/N, it's pretty late in the night.

(P/N): It's 2 AM, Spike! It's legal at this time of day-er night, whatever!

Seeing you in peril was enough to urge Twilight on as she gulped silently to herself before frowning determinedly. She stepped forward until she was only a few feet from the ursa who was very close to turning you into its next meal.

Twilight Sparkle: Let my friend go!

She shouted before closing her eyes and focusing her magic. Her horn glowed a bright purple before a strange breeze began blowing through town, making some of the local reeds start playing a gentle tune. You turned your attention to it for a second before glancing down at Twilight.

(P/N): Twilight, NO! That's not gonna-

Once again, you were silenced when you got a good look at the ursa who was now being slowly lulled to sleep thanks to the tune the reeds were creating.


The ursa began rocking back and forth as sleep overtook it more and more. You took this opportunity to free yourself from its jaws and you quickly jumped out just in time for it to close its mouth.

Spike: Nice use of number sixteen!

You, still shaken up from nearly being eaten, stood by Spike's side with a slight shudder.

(P/N): Holy, manure...

Spike: Ooh... you said number eleven!

(P/N): *sigh* Spike, I almost got eaten. Cut me some slack.

Back with Twilight, she continued to concentrate her magic which grew in size and took more of a toll on her mental capacity. Nearby, she grabbed a large water tower and emptied the water it had inside. She then levitated it over to a nearby barn and collected a whole bunch of milk from it and placed the cap back onto it, turning it into a makeshift baby bottle. As she did so, the ursa continued to rock from side to side until the tune had finally put it to sleep and caused it to nearly fall over onto Trixie, but Twilight was fast enough to stop it from falling onto her. With the ursa finally asleep, Twilight levitated the milk filled water tower into the ursa's mouth as it began drinking from it. With the last of her strength, Twilight levitated the sleeping ursa back into the cave it was originally sleeping in and set it down gently before sighing tiredly and making her magic disappear. As a result of her amazing feat, the crowd of ponies once again let out a series of cheers as you walked up and stood beside her while smiling.

(P/N): Well, seems like you've outshined Trixie with your magical talent, Twi.

She turned her head and smiled back at you... before quickly frowning and she smacked the back of your head.

(P/N): Ow! Geez, what was that for?!

Twilight Sparkle: For nearly getting yourself eaten, that's what!

(P/N): Who are you, my mother?! I'm fine; not a single scratch on me!

Twilight Sparkle: Well, you were really close to becoming ursa chow, so I think I'm in the right when it comes to being mad at you!

(P/N): Hey, I'm not some five-year-old who literally walks down the road to danger everywhere he goes. I've dealt with a lot in my life, so I know how to handle myself. I'm still here, aren't I?

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* You are, but... just... don't make that a habit, alright? You could have seriously been hurt or worse.

She asked with genuine worry in her voice. You gave her a nod as well as a small smile.

(P/N): I can't make any promises, but I'll do my best. *thinking* Geez, for a moment there, she went full on Rainbow Dash.

She nodded before giving you a warm hug to which you returned it in full. When the hug had ended, you turned back to the still cheering crowd as Twilight hung her head slightly.

(P/N): Looks like they know about what you're capable of.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* So it would seem.

(P/N): You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh?

(P/N): Twilight, you've shown that you use your magic not for flaunting or gloating, but to help others and maybe to cause a few fun tricks to entertain those around you. I mean, I'm pretty sure you made Spike's day by making that moustache appear on him. Look, all I'm saying is that our friends will likely praise you for your talent. Heck, just take one good look at them.

Twilight did as you requested and looked to the others who all continued to cheer for her.

Rainbow Dash: Unbelievable!

Spike: That was amazing!

Applejack: Heavens to Betsy! We knew you had ability, but not that much!

Twilight blinked before turning her head to look at you. You urged her with a nod, giving her enough confidence to speak.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity: Hate you?

Rarity: Why, whatever do you mean, darling?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought--

Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth.

Rarity: Most unpleasant.

Applejack: All hat and no cattle.

(P/N): Well, in her defense, not one of you made that clear when you were going on about how you hated those who flaunt their talents. I had to step in just so you'll realize what you were doing. That's why Twilight was so hesitant to say anything about it. She was afraid that you would all berate her for it.

Your friends all hung their heads at the thought of making Twilight feel this way.

Applejack: We... we did make her feel that way... didn't we?

(P/N): Yeah, just like with the Gala tickets. It wouldn't surprise me if Twilight begins to grow fearful of you mares altogether at some point. She'll be so afraid of what you all will think and it'll be no one's fault but your own.

You then let out a sigh and continued.

(P/N): But, at the same time, I can't be too mad at you all for it. We are just learning about the magic of friendship after all, so it should come off as no shock that you've still got learning to do. Even still, one can only take so much pressure before they decide to cut loose with its source.

Rarity: You're absolutely right, darling. We really need to show more respect towards our friends.

Mane Six: We're sorry, Twilight.

They all said in unison, earning a smile from the brainy bookworm.

Twilight Sparkle: I forgive you, girls. I think it would take a lot more than a few incidents for me to hold a grudge against you all.

(P/N): That's definitely one way of looking at it. Now then, I believe an explanation is in order.

You turned to glare at two, certain colts who both looked from side to side while nervously chuckling.

(P/N): So, you wanna explain what the actual freak were you two thinking when you decided to make a public disturbance?!

Snips: W-We didn't mean to hurt anyone, okay?!

Snails: Y-Yeah! W-We just wanted to see Trixie take down an ursa major!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, that? That wasn't an ursa major.

Snips & Snails: It wasn't?!

Twilight Sparkle: It was a baby, an ursa minor.

Trixie Lulamoon: That was just a baby?!

She asked in complete shock.

(P/N): Ohhhhh, it's an ursa minor. Heh. Funny. Now, I remember.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, you're familiar with it too?

(P/N): Twi, former traveler. Remember?

Twilight Sparkle: R-Right. I keep forgetting about that.

Spike: Well, if that was an ursa minor, then what's an ursa major like?

You looked off to the side in thought as a memory came back to you. One night, you had found yourself caught in a rather nasty rainstorm, so you decided to find a place to stay for the night. Fortunately, your shelter came in the form of a seemingly empty cave and you settled there until the storm had passed. When the morning sun had arrived, you awoke before you heard something that made your skin crawl. It sounded like loud snoring. REALLY loud snoring. You turned to the source and were met with a gigantic monster with purple colored fur, a bright blue star on its forehead, and several white dots that resembled stars in the night sky. It was also about ten times the size of the ursa minor.

It was peacefully sleeping as you stared at it with pupils the size of pinpricks. You gulped silently as sweat dripped down your forehead.

(P/N) (Past): *thinking* O...kay. I'm just gonna... back away slowly.

You did just that as you backed out of the cave as slow as possible, careful as to not disturb the hulking ursa major. We come back to present times as you shudder at the memory.

(P/N): You most certainly do not wanna know.

Twilight sent an all knowing look your way before you chuckled with each other. You were then surprised by Trixie making her way through the crowd with a look of apology on her face.

(P/N): Trixie?

Trixie Lulamoon: P-P/N... Trixie- no, I... wish to say... thank you.

You were taken aback by not only her thanking you, but also at the fact that she was speaking in the first person POV.

(P/N): *thinking* I was not expecting that... but I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count. *speaking* Well... you're very welcome, Trixie.

Trixie Lulamoon: *sigh* Look, you clearly have more magical talent than even me, so... I suppose you don't have to go through with the bet. After all, if you hadn't saved me I... wouldn't have survived.

She looked to the floor at that last part.

(P/N): *sigh* It's like I said, Trixie. I wasn't just gonna let the ursa minor hurt you even if we didn't have that good of a first meeting. I just wanna know why you'd make something like that ursa major story up.

Trixie sighed before answering.

Trixie Lulamoon: I just... I just wanted to show others how special I was when it came to magic... well, stage magic at least. So, I made up that ursa major story to impress others and show that the Great and Powerful Trixie is... Great and Powerful.

She admitted, hanging her head sadly. You stepped closer to her and tilted her head up with a hoof in order to properly stare into her eyes.

(P/N): Trixie, if there's one thing I learned tonight it's this. You have the right to do what you wanna do. If you wanna impress ponies with your magic then go right ahead. It's what makes not only you happy, but it makes others happy. But the only thing I ask is to not make up these tall tales or false stories or make yourself grander than what you are. I'm sure your life's already good enough as it is, you don't need to exaggerate it. Unironically, it'll make your life worse by doing so.

Trixie Lulamoon: *sigh* Yeah, I learned that the hard way.

You surprised her by putting a hoof on her shoulder, gaining her attention again.

(P/N): Well, you still learned and that's all that matters. And hey, if you're willing, maybe we can start over as friends?

You asked, smiling. Trixie stared back for a second before a light blush overcame her cheeks.

Trixie Lulamoon: *thinking* He's... really willing to give me a chance... even though I didn't treat him so well. This P/N's really something. *speaking* I'd... I'd like that very much.

You smiled back at her for a few seconds before backing away with a small frown.

(P/N): Anyways, what are we gonna do about you two?

You asked, glaring back at Snips and Snails who resumed their earlier nervous behavior.

Snips: Uh, we're sorry that we woke up the ursa minor.

Snails: We just wanted to see some awesome magic.

Snips: Yeah! And the way you and Twilight vanquished that ursa minor was awesome!

(P/N): That still doesn't change the fact that you two woke everyone up in the middle of the night, including that ursa minor, caused rampant destruction, and nearly got a few ponies killed. I mean, I nearly got eaten for Celestia's sake!

You replied, giving them a hard glare. The two colts glanced at one another before bowing apologetically.

Snails: We deserve whatever punishment you give us.

(P/N): For starters, you can clean up this mess.

You gestured to the town which was destroyed in several spots.

Snails: A-All of that?!

Snips: I-It'll take us all night!

(P/N): Then consider it decent karma for ruining others' sleep.

Twilight Sparkle: And... What do you think, Spike? Should I give them number twenty five?

Spike grinned and rubbed his claws together.

Spike: Oh, twenty five! Yes! And I think I deserve it, too.

Snips and Snails: Heah?

Twilight Sparkle: I think you're right.

She closed her eyes and focused her magic for the thousandth time tonight. In a quick poof of magic, Twilight had made fancy moustaches appear on Snips, Snails, and even Spike.

Snips, Snails, and Spike: Sweet!

As they admired their new facial hair, you shook your head amused.

(P/N): *whisper* *sigh* Some things never change.

You then noticed Trixie out of the corner of your eye doing her best in putting her carriage back together which had gotten smashed thanks to the ursa minor. You walked up to her and stood just behind her.

(P/N): I take it you're going to leave when you've got this thing fixed, aren't you?

Trixie Lulamoon: *sigh* Yes, unfortunately. As much as Trixie had enjoyed her time here, she's still got the rest of Equestria to explore. Trixie does hope you understand, P/N.

(P/N): *thinking* Aaaand we're back to speaking in third person. *sigh* Baby steps, P/N, baby steps. *speaking* Oh, no. I totally get it. It'd be kinda awkward to stick around especially since the ponies here came to know you in a not so good way.

Trixie Lulamoon: Exactly.

(P/N): Hey, Trixie? I've been meaning to say that I'm sorry for interrupting your performance today. Though my intentions and my heart were in the right place, it still wasn't really right of me to put your performance on halt like that.

Trixie Lulamoon: It's quite alright, P/N. As long as Trixie can still perform, today was just a minor speed bump on the road to success. Besides, your heckling was kind of amusing.

She replied with a bit of a smile.

(P/N): Heh, it was, wasn't it? I will get to see you again though, right? I'd like to see what you can do after you get in a little more training with magic.

She turns her head your way and smiles.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie will see if she can work it into her schedule.

You smiled and nodded.

(P/N): Whatever works for you. Do you need help here?

Trixie Lulamoon: Oh, no. It's quite alright. Trixie's carriage has been broken many times before. This'll only take but a moment.

(P/N): Alright then. I guess I'll leave you to it.

Trixie Lulamoon: Wait, P/N, before you go, Trixie wishes to give you something.

You raised an eyebrow at her.

(P/N): Really? What would that be?

You asked. Your answer came in the form of Trixie walking closer to you, blushing slightly, and giving you a light kiss on the cheek which made your entire face burn red. Trixie eventually pulled away and smiled cutely at you.

Trixie Lulamoon: That was for saving her.

She focused her attention back to her broken carriage, leaving you standing frozen with your face still blushing.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh. She's probably the first mare who made me blush from a kiss. *speaking* H-Hey, uh... Trixie?

Trixie Lulamoon: Yes?

(P/N): If, uh, if there's something you should boast about, it'd be your looks. You are... one of the hottest mares I've seen in a long time.

Your comment brought a large blush to the mare as her mouth hung agape. For a second, you were worried that you may have made that comment a little too early.

(P/N): I-I'm sorry if that offended you, Trixie. I-I just thought you-

Trixie Lulamoon: W-Well... Trixie... thinks you're quite good looking as well.

She commented back. Your blush increased in size before you tried your best to make it go away.

(P/N): *clears throat* U-Uhh... t-thanks. I-I'll just... be going now.

Trixie Lulamoon: Y-Yes... you... you do that.

You slowly backed away blushing as Trixie did her best to resume repairing her carriage but she now found it a little harder as she was distracted by the thought of you.

Trixie Lulamoon: *thinking* P/N... you really are something special. Maybe... he and I can go out for tea when I come back. *sigh* If I come back, that is.

(P/N): *thinking* If that mare comes back, the first thing I'm gonna do is ask her out. Well... if she becomes more humble in the future, that is.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to you, two of your friends stared at you and Trixie in jealousy, that being Fluttershy and Rarity. Once Trixie's carriage was fixed, she bid you all farewell and headed off into the night towards her next location.

Later that morning, Twilight was in the process of writing a letter to Princess Celestia regarding the situation with Trixie.

Twilight Sparkle: Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned a very valuable lesson about friendship: I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends helped me realize that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends.

(P/N): Heh, I couldn't have worded that better myself, Twi.

You said, entering her room with Spike following close behind who was still sporting his moustache.

Spike: So, you finally admit that you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, yeah, but it's nothing to brag about. So, uh, how did it go with Rarity?

Spike: Eh, she didn't go for the mustache.

(P/N): *sigh* And that's what I've been meaning telling you, little bud. You don't need some fancy moustache to attract a mare. It takes a lot more than that.

Twilight Sparkle: Besides, Spike, that mustache has nothing to do with who you really are. Maybe you should just try being yourself.

Spike: Or... Maybe the mustache wasn't enough. Maybe if I had a mustache and a beard?

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, not this again!

She groaned, pouting as you did the same.

(P/N): Can somepony please make this baby dragon understand what we're trying to say?! Because my sanity depends on it!

Spike: Okay, imagine me with a nice, long, Fu Manchu type beard. Or maybe a goatee. Oh, no, a soul patch right on my chin!

(P/N): Dude, come on! You haven't even reached adolescence yet! Why would you even need a mustache?!

Your words faded off and the scene faded to black.

End of Episode 5...

(*At first, Jordan is not seen as we only see Shadow for a moment.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Hooey! Another chapter in the bag!)

(Shadowlight9743: About time, this thing's been stuck in development for weeks.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: But, as the old saying goes; "Better late than never," am I right? *sigh* It's just unfortunate that Covid had to interfere with my writing.)

(Shadowlight9743: Well, it is what it is. At least we were able to finish it off. And we were even able to come up with a solution for you to still be here today.)

(*The camera pans outward to finally reveal Jordan who was inside a sort of containment unit for quarantine reasons.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Dude, I said I was already feeling better. Can I please come out now?)

(*He tries reaching for the exit, but Shadow slaps a hand on the glass, stopping his fellow author from leaving.*)

(Shadowlight9743: Hey, remember what happened when Gavin had the flu? We had to do the same protocol.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: But, Shad-)

(Shadowlight9743: No buts, dude! If I get sick too, not only will Savior of Equestria be on hiatus, but King of CHS may stop too; cancelled even!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* I guess that'd be true. How am I gonna even get up to leave?)

(Shadowlight9743: Oh, don't worry. I've already got that covered.)

(*He motions off to the side and a few seconds passed before Calvin came in with a dolly cart. Jordan rubs his forehead.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* This is so embarrassing.)

(Shadowlight9743: Well, you have any better ideas?)

(*All Jordan could do was give him and frown while Shadow smirked back at him.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You know I don't.)

(Shadowlight9743: Exactly, so just roll with it.)

(*He snickered at that joke as Jordan shook his head and rolled his eyes before addressing the audience.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Anyways, folks, we hope you enjoyed this latest installment in the Savior of Equestria. We also apologize for taking a long time, but hey, it's here now.)

(Shadowlight9743: Better late than never. Although, it technically never had a deadline.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: True. Anywho, thanks again for reading and until next time, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight9743: And Shadowlight9743...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight9743: Signing out! See ya!)

(*Shadow stands and walks away as Calvin pushed the dolly underneath Jordan's quarantine box and hauled him away as Jordan held a mortified expression.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Word of advice; Don't contract Covid because you'll have to deal with stuff like this!)

(Shadowlight9743: Probably a good mental note. Though, I think by now, everyone has a clue.)


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