Chapter 6: Dragonshy

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A week had passed since the incident involving the ursa minor and things had relatively calmed down for the most part. A few townsfolk were still a little paranoid of the hulking bear-like creature attacking once more, but you and your friends kept reassuring them that the ursa minor wasn't going to bother them again as long as no one irritated it again much like a certain duo of colts did.

But that wasn't the main focus right now. It was instead laid upon Fluttershy's cottage where we can see both you and the timid mare feeding her animal friends one by one. After giving some fish to a couple of ferrets that lived underneath Fluttershy's bridge, you stepped out to see her feeding some of her bird friends with some worms that she had in her mouth as she spit them out to the birds before also spitting out the awful taste soon after. Seeing this brought a small cringe to your face.

(P/N): Geez Fluttershy, how do you even manage to do that every day?

You asked, stopping Fluttershy from what she was doing for the moment.

Fluttershy: O-Oh. You get used to it after a while, P/N.

(P/N): Under normal circumstances, I'd say that feeding a few birds with worms from your mouth is kinda... unsanitary, but you do you, Fluttershy.

The Pegasus mare flew down to your level and gave you a small smile.

Fluttershy: Thanks again for helping me out today, P/N.

(P/N): It was no problem at all, Fluttershy. Besides, seeing that adorable smile on your face makes it all worthwhile.

You admitted, earning yet another blush from Fluttershy who turned her head away to try and hide it before she spoke with a stutter in her voice.

Fluttershy: T-Thank you. I-I'm gonna get back to tending my animal friends!

She rushed to another side of her cottage, leaving you by yourself.

(P/N): *sigh* I've gotta help her come out of her shell. She'd be a lot more outgoing if she was put in the right direction.

???: Quite the charmer, aren't you?

That familiar soft, yet menacing voice only led to you groaning internally. You turned to the nearest water source and gazed down at your reflection as sure enough, V/N stared back grinning.

(P/N): *sigh* What do you want?

(V/N): It's honestly quite sad to see that you haven't picked a lover yet. I mean, you've got what? Six different mares that you hang out with and you still haven't decided on who you'd be with?

(P/N): First of all, you should really learn to mind your own business. Second of all, I don't even like them, at least not in that way. Honestly, if I had the option, I'd take Trixie, but she's not here, so...

V/N didn't appear to be convinced by your answer as he puts a hoof to his chin and gives you a look of mock confusion.

(V/N): You sure about that? So, all those times you blushed when one of them hugged you or made you feel good was all just coincidental?

(P/N): No, but... it wasn't because I liked them. It reminded me of the comfort of being loved. I don't know how long you've been swarming around in my head, dude, but if you've been with me long enough, you should be fully aware of my past relationships.

(V/N): *chuckles* More like painfully aware.

(P/N): Yeah, sure. I mean, if you spend all day shuffling words around, you can make anything sound bad, V/N. Now, go away, will you? I'm busy helping Fluttershy today and I don't need you teasing me, taunting me, or even judging my love life.

You splashed the water with a hoof in the hopes that that was enough to make him go away. Unfortunately, your prayers were not answered as V/N still remained as he now carried a deadpan look.

(P/N): *sigh* Let me guess, not that simple?

(V/N): Not by a long shot. Listen, I hate being stuck with you as much as you do, but I'd rather kill myself than suffer with you making the same mistakes with mares over and over, so... as much as I'd hate to, I'm going to help you find a soulmare.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Oh really? The edgelord wishes to aid me in my endeavors? I'm sooo fracking lucky!

(V/N): Would you prefer another one-night stand from a bar like that one mare you hit on from a few years back?

(P/N): Hey, that was a one time thing, okay?! Secondly, she's the one who came onto me, not vice versa! And on that note, I was also completely hammered that night. Had too much to drink.

(V/N): Yeah, it shows.

(P/N): *sigh* By the way, am I ever gonna learn anything about you?

(V/N): As I said, you'll learn in due time. Be grateful that I gave you the privilege of knowing my name.

(P/N): Tch. I'd be grateful to have you out of my life.

(V/N): The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, for the both of us, it's not that easy, so like it or not, you're stuck with me and I'm stuck with you, so let's at least try to get used to each other. And before you say anything, no, we don't have to like one another.

(P/N): Oh good. I was hoping for that.

???: Um... P/N?

The low sounding voice from behind made you jump and splash the water to instinctively get rid of V/N before you quickly spun around and were met with Fluttershy who looked back with a look of concern.

(P/N): O-Oh, Fluttershy! What uh... what do you need?

Fluttershy: Were... you talking to someone just now?

(V/N): Yeah, he was talking to-

(P/N): Absolutely not! I-I was just... talking to... myself?

You answered as you were technically telling the truth but it still sounded a bit weird to Fluttershy.

(V/N): A much more handsome version of himself, for that matter.

You tried your best to ignore him as thankfully, Fluttershy didn't seem to hear him as her confused stare faltered slightly.

Fluttershy: O-Okay. I was just about to check on Angel Bunny. Care to join me?

(P/N): Y-Yeah, sure. I'm right behind you.

(V/N): Heh, behind. That has more than one meaning, you know.

You shot a nasty glare at him over your shoulder as you followed Fluttershy. She led you over to Angel's shelter where the small rodent can be seen eating a carrot.

Fluttershy: Not too fast now, Angel Bunny. You don't wanna get a tummy ache.

(P/N): Cut him some slack, Flutters. The dude's a bunny; carrots are his specialty.

However, Angel seemed irritated by Fluttershy's request as he dropped the carrot, crossed his tiny arms, and turned his head away annoyedly.

(P/N): Huh, ask and you shall receive.

You mumbled while Fluttershy chuckled a little.

Fluttershy: You really should eat more than that, don't you think?

(P/N): Wait, now he has to eat more? I thought you said that he'd get a tummy ache.

Fluttershy: Well, he can handle one to three more bites, but that's it.

She replied before she leaned down to push the carrot more towards Angel before he blew a raspberry at Fluttershy and hopped off.

(P/N): Stubborn little guy, isn't he?

You asked, gaining an embarrassed chuckle and blush from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: He's... a little more hard to please than some of my other animal friends.

(P/N): Clearly.

Fluttershy proceeded to pick up the carrot and looked over in Angel's direction.

Fluttershy: It's not playtime yet, Angel.

She took off after him before landing in front of him, causing Angel to turn away with a frown.

Fluttershy: I know you want to run, but... just three more bites.

Angel shook his head no.

Fluttershy: Two more bites?

Angel shook his head again before Fluttershy pushed the carrot closer to him and gave him a pleading look.

Fluttershy: One more bite? Pretty please?

Sadly, Angel still didn't relent as in response to Fluttershy's begging, he kicked the carrot away angrily and hopped off as Fluttershy sighed in disappointment while you walked up to her.

(P/N): Fluttershy, I hate to say this, but... you've really gotta learn to be more assertive.

At first, all Fluttershy did was stare up at you quizzically until she dug a small hole in the ground with a hoof before sticking said hoof into the hole and giving you a nervous smile. You facehooved and sighed.

(P/N): Not insertive!

Fluttershy: *saddened sigh* I know, P/N, but... I-I just don't think I'd be good at something like that.

(P/N): It's not that hard to assert yourself.

Fluttershy: Maybe for someone extroverted like you, b-but I'm a different story.

(P/N): But you've still gotta make it clear to Angel or any of your other animal friends for that matter that you're the boss around here and what you say goes.

Fluttershy: B-But, I don't wanna be mean to any of them.

(P/N): That's not what I meant. There's a difference between being mean and being assertive. Here, I can-

You were just about to offer her some help before Angel mysteriously started coughing for some reason, drawing Fluttershy's attention for the moment as she went to check on him while you sighed to yourself.

(P/N): *thinking* And of course, something to put a halt to it.

Fluttershy: Oh, goodness. Are you okay?

She asked Angel in concern which only resulted in him coughing again. This time, it seemed like he was alluding to something. You followed his gaze as it was aimed upwards until you stopped when your eyes landed on something that made you freeze.

(P/N): Uh... Fluttershy? You might wanna-

You tried to say, but were cut off by Fluttershy continuing to speak with Angel.

Fluttershy: Are you coughing because there's a carrot stuck in your throat?

Angel coughed again before pouting at Fluttershy with an annoyed expression.

(P/N): Fluttershy, I REALLY think you should look at-

Fluttershy: Because you need some water?

She asked innocently, once again, silencing you as you groaned. It was at this point that Angel had lost his patience as he let out the loudest cough he could manage before grabbing Fluttershy's head and tilting it upwards while pointing. Fluttershy finally saw what he, and also you for that matter, were trying to show her. High up in the sky, a large trail of black smoke was inching its way towards Ponyville as it seemed to be emanating from a tall mountain in the distance.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Because of that giant cloud of scary black smoke?

Right when she asked that, a carrot hit the back of her head, making her look back at where it came from only to be met with both you and Angel giving her deadpanned frowns. Seeing this made her nervously smile.

Fluttershy: I'll take that as a... yes.

(P/N): *thinking* Somehow, she's managed to surpass my density.

You shook that thought away and refocused on the danger at hand.

(P/N): This isn't good. If there's this much smoke then we might be dealing with a fire that's several acres at best. Fluttershy, I'm gonna go warn some of our friends while you try to warn the townsfolk.

Fluttershy's eyes bugged out in shock.

Fluttershy: W-Warn the... t-townsfolk?

It didn't take you very long to deduce why she was acting like this as you sighed once again.

(P/N): Fluttershy, now's not the time for your introverted side to take over. Several lives could potentially be at risk, so I really need you to speak up to them if you wanna get their attention.

Fluttershy didn't seem convinced enough as she hung her head sadly.

Fluttershy: I-I... I just don't think I can-

She's silenced by you walking up and bringing her head back up with a hoof.

(P/N): Yes, you can. You're a lot stronger than you think. You've just gotta believe you can do it. I'm counting on you to warn them. If you're gonna get anywhere in life, Fluttershy, you need to put yourself out there and assert yourself. Show others that you don't like being pushed around. If you can't do it for yourself, can you at least do it for me?

You asked, hopefully. Fluttershy remained looking away, still unsure as to if she was up to the task of warning everypony in Ponyville. However, when her eyes landed back on you, she saw you staring back with a smile. Slowly, but surely, her confidence, while remaining small, returned to her. You believed in her. You really, honestly believed that she could do this. She didn't want to let you down. She couldn't let you down. She refused to let you down! Summoning as much courage as she could muster, she looked at you again and gave you a nod.

Fluttershy: Okay. I'll... I'll try to warn everypony.

Hearing that was enough to make your smile widen and you nodded back.

(P/N): Good. We'll meet up later. In the meantime, stay safe.

With that, you turned and ran towards Ponyville as Fluttershy still remained behind.

Fluttershy: *thinking* I've... I've gotta try to do this! For P/N!

She nodded to herself before flying towards Ponyville as well.


Fluttershy eventually reached town as the smoke was now very close to being right over Ponyville. Meanwhile, the townsfolk were blissfully unaware of the literal rising danger that awaited them.

Fluttershy: Help. Help! Please? Help?

She shouted in her usual whispering voice, but because of this, no one was paying her any mind.

Fluttershy: There's- there's a horrible cloud of smoke. It's headed this way and-

She was stopped when she was almost hit by a fast moving ball that belonged to none other than Rainbow Dash who proceeded to hit the ball into the air several times with her head.

Rainbow Dash: Don't be such a scaredy-pony. It's just me, future Equestria ball-bouncing record holder.

She continued bouncing the ball while also counting as Pinkie Pie watched her with one of her signature smiles.

Pinkie Pie: This calls for a celebration!

She shouted before she rushed off for a second as Fluttershy tried warning her.

Fluttershy: Oh, no, Pinkie Pie, this is no time for celebration. This is a time for panic, for-

Pinkie Pie: Ooo! I'm going to need balloons! One for every pony in Ponyville!

She ran off again as Fluttershy ran closely behind her while still trying to warn her.

Fluttershy: There's- there's smoke. And- and where there's smoke, there's fire. And-

Once again, she's cut off, this time by Pinkie stopping abruptly, resulting in Fluttershy smacking right into her as Pinkie was unfazed by this while she counted everypony else.

Pinkie Pie: Let's see, that's one, two, three, four...

Her counting soon interfered with Rainbow's counting as she lost track of how many bounces she had done.

Rainbow Dash: Three hundred fifty five, no, wait...

Pinkie finally finished her counting by poking Rainbow which only messed up her counting even more before she gave the party mare a glare.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie! Now I have to start over.

Fluttershy: We're all going to have to start over, in a new village.

She tried saying as Rainbow flew off into the air while Pinkie followed her.

Fluttershy: 'Cause ours is gonna be-

Pinkie Pie: Hey, Rainbow Dash, wait up!

Feeling a little downtrodden, Fluttershy continued to try and address everyone as they still didn't hear her.

Fluttershy: Oh, please, this is an emergency. I-I need everypony to-

???: Alright, ponies! This is a 10-83! This is not a drill!

A familiar voice rang through the crowd, finally making everyone stop what they were doing and turn to the source. Fluttershy looked to see you standing alongside Twilight as you stood on the park bridge.

Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, P/N.

She said before clearing her throat and continuing.

Twilight Sparkle: Listen up! For those of you unfamiliar with the code, it means that smoke is spreading over all of Equestria.

The ponies all murmured in fear while Fluttershy tried speaking up again for the thousandth time.

Fluttershy: That's what I've been trying to-

Twilight Sparkle: But don't worry, I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it is not coming from a fire.

A wave of relief rushed over the crowd as Fluttershy let out a relieved sigh herself.

Fluttershy: Oh, thank goodness.

Immediately, her relief gave way to shock and fear by what you said next.

(P/N): Instead, it's coming from... *sigh* a dragon.

Fluttershy's eyes bugged out again and her voice caught in her throat.

Fluttershy: A... d-dragon?

As if you had heard her, you immediately resumed speaking afterwards.

(P/N): Yes, a dragon. Fear not though, ponies. My friends and I will try and see how to handle this dragon before the smoke gets worse.

The ponies all cheered for you and Twilight before they dispersed soon after. Moments later, you and the rest of the Mane Six had arrived at Twilight's library in order to come up with a plan on how to deal with the dragon.

Applejack: What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?

Twilight Sparkle: Sleeping.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie: Huh?

Twilight Sparkle: According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke.

She answered while packing a saddle with some essentials.

Pinkie Pie: He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all.

Rarity: Well, at least he's not snoring fire.

Twilight Sparkle: Exactly. P/N, you traveled a lot before coming to Ponyville. I don't suppose you know a few things about dragons, do you?

She asked, turning her gaze to you as you were looking out one of the library windows at the smoke looming above. You sighed before turning to face the group.

(P/N): Yes, sadly. They're not the most pleasant to deal with, go figure. As common knowledge would tell you, they like to settle in hard to reach places such as volcanos or the tops of mountains which seems to be what's going on here. I've also heard that they're extremely temperamental and greedy when it comes to protecting their large hordes of gold and treasure. I've seen it for myself what happens when they get really irritated.

Applejack: You've... seen it for yerself? What in the hay does that mean?

(P/N): It's a long story, AJ. Also, when they've settled on a place to stay, it's virtually impossible to convince them to leave.

Rarity: I-Impossible?

She asked, worriedly.

(P/N): Well, maybe not impossible, but it is most certainly difficult.

Rarity: If that's the case then what are we meant to do about it?

Rainbow Dash: I'll tell you what we're meant to do! Give him the boot!

She shouted before zipping around the room while pretending to fight the dragon as she kicked a carved statue that sat on one of the library's desks. She tried going for it again before Twilight used her magic to levitate it out of the way as Rainbow zipped past and crashed into the wall on the opposite side.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Yes, because challenging him to a boxing match will definitely convince him to pack his bags, Rainbow.

You said with a shake of your head.

Twilight Sparkle: I agree. Besides, the better alternative would be that we need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail. If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years.

Hearing this, made a small gasp escape Fluttershy's lips.

(P/N): Well, I'm sure we can work our way around that. Although, I sincerely doubt that one dragon would fog up all of Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle: We still can't take that risk, P/N.

(P/N): I suppose not.

Rarity: Hmph. Talk about getting your beauty sleep.

Twilight Sparkle: All right everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.

(P/N): Sounds like a plan, Twi.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, you guys, you heard her. The fate of Equestria is in our hooves. Do we have what it takes?

She asked, getting pumped up which resulted in the others getting fired up as well as they spoke in agreement. One by one, they headed out the front door while a certain, timid Pegasus stayed behind.

Fluttershy: Um, actually...

You approached from behind until you stood beside her.

(P/N): Fluttershy, the fate of Equestria relies on us. All of us, and that includes you. Because of this, we're counting on you to bring your A-Game in this.

Fluttershy looked at you anxiously before sighing.

Fluttershy: I'll... try.

You nodded and smiled.

(P/N): Hey, don't doubt yourself already. You'll play your part in this. I have no doubt about that.

Fluttershy slowly turned her head up to you again.

Fluttershy: Y-You... really think so?

(P/N): No, I know so.

(V/N): Tch. Tell that to the last seven mares you slept with.

(P/N): *thinking* For the last time... IT WAS ONE MARE!!!

(V/N): *sigh* Of course you wouldn't remember. One too many donuts did you over for the last six.

You mentally sighed before turning your head to see Fluttershy's expression slowly becoming better as her lips curled into a small smile.

Fluttershy: T-Thank you, P/N.

Seeing this admittedly cute display brought a slight blush to your face as well.

(V/N): Is that a blush I feel?

(P/N): *thinking* S-S-SHUT UP, YOU!!

(V/N): *chuckles* You're fun. Oh, I just thought of something good. Here's what you tell her...

You shook your blush away and spoke again.

(P/N): No need to thank me, Flutters. Everypony needs a little faith in each other from time to time. *clears throat* A-Anyways, let's round up the things we need and meet back here.

She nodded before the two of you ran to your homes to gather the necessary stuff you needed for the trip. Once you did, you all met back in front of Twilight's library as she walked in front of all of you like a drill sergeant would.

Twilight Sparkle: All right everyone, listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall.

Fluttershy: M-m-mountain?

She asked with a stutter.

Twilight Sparkle: The dragon is in that cave at the very top.

She pointed to the top of the mountain where the smoke was coming from.

Applejack: Looks pretty cold up there.

Rainbow Dash: You bet it is. The higher you go, the chillier it gets.

Rarity: Good thing I brought my scarf.

She reached into one of her saddle bags and pulled out a long, pink scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

Pinkie Pie: Ooo! Pretty!

Rainbow Dash: *sarcasm* Heh, oh yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy.

(P/N): *sigh* Don't add onto the list of problems we already have, Rainbow.

Rainbow, at first, wanted to make a retort before she reminded herself that she needed to play nice with you in order to get back on your good side again. So, swallowing her pride, she sighed.

Rainbow Dash: You're right. Sorry.

As this was going on, Fluttershy's anxiety was coming back to her, forcing her to try and back out of this mission. She looked to see Twilight observing a map she had brought and decided to ask her if she was willing to let her stay out of this one.

Fluttershy: *gulps* Um, excuse me, Twilight? I know you're busy, but...

Meanwhile, Twilight was muttering to herself while observing the map, not really paying attention to what Fluttershy was saying at first.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh. Well, we could go this way.

Fluttershy: But if I could just have a second...

Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh. No, we want to avoid that.

Fluttershy: So, um, I was thinking that, um, maybe I should just stay here in Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh.

Fluttershy: Oh! Good. I'll stay here and-

She's cut off when Twilight finally realized what she was saying and she shot her gaze over to Fluttershy and she called out to her.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait! You have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy.

(P/N): Twi, dragons aren't wild animals. They're fully capable of speaking English as much as we are.

Twilight Sparkle: There could still be some animals that are in a panic due to the smoke, so her being with us will surely make things easier in that department.

(P/N): Huh, never thought of it like that, but even still, I'm not so sure if we should be pressuring her into coming with us. You remember how that was for you with the tickets?

Twilight Sparkle: I do, but this is different, P/N. Equestria could be in real danger if all of us don't go. She's just gonna have to suck it up for now.

(P/N): *sigh* Fine.

(V/N): Well, you did all you could.

(P/N): *thinking* I don't remember asking for your input. Besides, you could care less.

(V/N): Whoa, hey. Watch the friendly fire, dude. You really gotta work on that attitude of yours. It'll get you into trouble.

(P/N): *thinking* Oh, freaking stop. You're not much of an improvement. And for your information, I'm only like this because I keep getting dragged into things that I'm supposed to be retired from.

(V/N): Well, since you're stuck with it, you may as well try to get some kind of entertainment and exercise out of it. I mean, even though you're retired, you loved going on these kinds of adventures before.

(P/N): *thinking* That was before I decided to have a normal life.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Oh yes. A "normal life." *speaking* Not like you'd ever get one considering the circumstances you've put yourself in.

You were almost about to give him a rather nasty rebuttal before Twilight's voice gained back your attention.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow, Fluttershy. Spike's got it covered while you're gone.

She pointed to Spike who had some of Fluttershy's critter friends while Angel stood on his head.

Spike: You can count on me!

In his usual demeanor, Angel decided to mess with Spike by thumping his foot on Spike's head, causing him to shake and lose control of the animals as they scattered.

Spike: Hey! Hey! Wait!

He shouted while chasing after the animals to recapture them.

Fluttershy: I don't really think he's up to the task.

(P/N): Hey, the little guy's more persistent than you'd think. I'm sure he'll handle it. For a baby dragon, Spike's actually very mature.

It was at this point that Rainbow pulled you and Twilight aside and whispered to the two of you.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along? I mean, that pony's afraid of her own shadow. She's just going to slow us down.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, she's just a little nervous. Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine.

(P/N): And she's timid, sure, but I highly doubt that she's afraid of her own shadow.

As if to make you eat your own words, you heard Fluttershy squeal in fear as all three of you looked over at her to see her trying to escape from her own shadow before she jumped into the bushes out of fright. As a result of seeing this, Rainbow shot you and Twilight a glare.

(P/N): N-Now that's just circumstantial evidence.

Rainbow Dash: *sarcasm* Yeah, sure, it is.

(P/N): *groans* Okay, look. She may have severe anxiety, but if we encourage her enough, she'll surely comply.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm with P/N. Positivity and encouragement should be what we need for her.

Rainbow Dash: Keep telling yourselves that.

She walked away as you both remained.

(P/N): Okay, if you're ready, Twilight, I'd say let's go pay this dragon a visit.

Twilight nods.

Twilight Sparkle: I agree.

She turns to the others and addresses them.

Twilight Sparkle: All right ponies, move out!

And with that, all of you began your trek as Fluttershy blocked your path for a brief moment.

Fluttershy: But... but...!

(P/N): Sorry Flutters, but we've all gotta do this! Come on!

You used your magic to pull her along as she let out a squeal as you all sprinted your way towards the smoke billowing mountain in the distance. When you finally made it to the base of the mountain, a loud snore erupted from the top as more smoke came rushing out.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! What was that?

Twilight Sparkle: That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores.

(P/N): Not the most pleasant sound, obviously.

Fluttershy, who had been hiding behind Applejack at the moment, peeked her head up at the tall mountain before her.

Fluttershy: It- it's so... high!

Rainbow Dash: Well, it is a mountain. I'm going to fly up there and check it out!

She's stopped by you using your magic to hold her in place.

(P/N): Now, hang on a second, Wreck-It-Rhino. Knowing you, you'd likely do something out of impulse if you went up there alone. I say no one leaves the group.

Applejack: I'm with P/N on that. It's better that we all go together. Safety in numbers and all.

Annoyed, Rainbow crossed her arms and pouted.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, alright.

Another moment passed before we saw you and the rest of the Mane Six scaling the mountainside.

Rarity: I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests. Ooo, if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few!

(P/N): *sigh* Rarity, taking from a dragon's treasure trove is possibly one of the stupidest things you could do. Even taking one tiny little gem could tick them off. They're that greedy.

(V/N): How'd you learn that?

(P/N): *thinking* As I've said... *shudders* I've seen it for myself.

(V/N): Well, elaborate! Details, man! What'd you do?

(P/N): *thinking* *groans* Okay, you really wanna know? One day, I accidentally stumbled upon a dragon's treasure trove when they weren't there. For some reason, I thought it'd be a good idea to take from said trove, so I did. Little did I know that the dragon had returned and saw what I was doing and I was almost made into a savior skewer. Luckily, I got away, but still, it's an experience I wish I never had.

There was a brief moment of silence before V/N burst out into laughter.

(V/N): Wow, you're such an idiot!

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Yeah, yeah. Rub it in. I got desperate, alright? I needed the treasure in order to sell it all to get bits.

(V/N): Well, as they say, "One who never made a mistake never made anything".

(P/N): *thinking* Where the hay did you even hear something like that?

(V/N): Uhh, inside your head. Remember? You must have heard it somewhere and don't remember it. Otherwise, how would I know it?

(P/N): *thinking* Hold on, if you can remember all the mares I've been with, how can you not remember the dragon incident?

(V/N): I slip in and out of sleep from time to time, so some of it is bound to go in one ear and out the other which is kinda odd seeing as how we're both technically the same guy.

(P/N): *thinking* We. Are not. The same.

(V/N): Keep telling yourself that.

You shook your head a little as Rarity continued.

Rarity: I suppose you do have a point, P/N, but a lady can still dream, can't she?

Pinkie Pie: Sure, she can! I can just imagine it!

She cleared her throat and began imitating the dragon.

Pinkie Pie: *imitating dragon* Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond?

She followed that up with a roar, resulting in most of the group laughing before Twilight stepped in.

Twilight Sparkle: Girls! This is no laughing matter! Fluttershy, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like? Fluttershy?

She asked, turning back. It was at this point that you all realized that Fluttershy had lagged so far behind that she was still at the base of the mountain while hiding in some bushes. She poked her head out when Rainbow shouted to her.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?

Pinkie Pie: Ooo, I think I have one in my bag!

She reached into her bag quickly and pulled out an invitation which for some reason caused a whole bunch of confetti to come flying out, startling Rainbow for a second.

Fluttershy: I-it's so... so... steep.

Rainbow Dash: Well, it is a cliff.

You shot her a glare before turning to look down at Fluttershy.

(P/N): Fluttershy, you've gotta still try and fly up here. We know you can do it, right girls?

You shot them a look that suggested that they needed to be encouraging. They got the message as they all voiced their agreement with the exception of Rainbow Dash as you shot her another glare.

(P/N): Don't make me regret giving you that second chance...

You said, sternly.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* Fine. You can do it or... whatever!

Pinkie Pie: Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it. Flap those wings!

(P/N): You've got this, Fluttershy!

Yours as well as your friends' encouragement made Fluttershy slowly step out from the bushes with nervousness spread all over her face.

Fluttershy: Oh... okay.

With some struggle, she opened her wings and began flying up to where the rest of you were.

(P/N): That's it, Fluttershy! You're almost here!

You encouraged her further. Within a few seconds, Fluttershy had managed to almost reach where the rest of you were standing. However, right before she could fly over to you, another loud snore from the dragon erupted from the mountain top. Your eyes widened and you turned back to Fluttershy to see her freezing in mid air. On impulse, her wings folded back to her sides and she started falling to the ground below. With some quick thinking, you used her magic to catch her and gently set her on the ground. Afterwards, you faceplanted the nearest wall you could find and groaned.

(P/N): So close!

You complained while Rainbow groaned while facehooving. Meanwhile, poor Fluttershy found that due to the fear she was experiencing, she couldn't reopen her wings. Twilight groans as well.

Twilight Sparkle: We don't have time for this.

You thought for a moment before an idea came to mind. You reached for Twilight's map and gave it a quick lookover.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, what are you doing?

(P/N): Finding an alternate route to take if I wanna bring Fluttershy with us.

After a bit of searching, you found one route that seemed like the best to take.

(P/N): Bingo! I'll take her around the mountain.

You put the map into one of your saddlebags before hopping over the edge and sliding down to Fluttershy who was still trying to reopen her wings but failing miserably.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* Around the mountain? That's going to take them forever.

She complained. You didn't pay her any heed as you finally reached Fluttershy before another loud dragon snore shook her to her core, causing her to quickly flip over onto her back like a stranded turtle. You sigh before looking back up at the rest of the group.

(P/N): Just go on ahead, you guys. We'll try to catch up as quickly as possible.

You called to them while using your magic to place Fluttershy onto your back. Twilight gave you a quick nod before glancing up at the smoke for a second and walking away along with the others. When they left, you refocused on your trek while carrying Fluttershy. What you didn't expect, however, was the Pegasus mare ever so slowly wrapping her arms around your neck while also burying her face into it for comfort as her shivering seemed to die down a bit.

(P/N): *sigh* Everything will be fine, Fluttershy. If you stick with me, I won't let anything hurt you.

You tried to reassure her in a soft voice.

Fluttershy: *muffled* B-But... w-what if t-that d-d-dragon gets r-really mad?

She asked with her face still buried within your neck.

(P/N): If he does, he'll have to deal with me and the rest of our friends. If we were able to contend with the likes of Nightmare Moon, then a dragon should be a piece of cake.

Fluttershy took a small moment to lift her head up and look at you.

Fluttershy: B-But... we've never dealt with a dragon before.

(P/N): We never dealt with Nightmare Moon before either, but that didn't stop us now, did it? Look, I know you're really scared, Fluttershy, and I can understand that, but we have to do this. Equestria will suffer if we don't step up and do something about it. And I'm sure you wouldn't want that, would you?

Fluttershy: O-Of course not.

(P/N): Then we've gotta pick our heads up and stand strong if we wanna get this dragon to leave.

Fluttershy looks down sadly and sighs.

Fluttershy: I'm... *sigh* I'm not... strong.

She replied, dejectedly. In response, you shook your head and continued.

(P/N): Yes, you are. Admittedly, I'm not the best judge of character, but I can see that you've got a lot of potential, Fluttershy. You just need to find it deep inside you. And you've got all of your friends to help you do so, myself included.

You smiled soon afterwards. Fluttershy remained a little unconvinced for the next few seconds or so before her lips curled up into a small smile.

Fluttershy: T-Thank you, P/N.

(P/N): *chuckles* It's my pleasure.

Fluttershy: U-Um... you don't mind if I... stay on your back a little longer, do you?

She requested. Initially, you wanted to tell her to try and push through it, but deep down, you knew that she needed this, so you settled on allowing her to do what she felt was necessary. Besides, it felt kind of... nice having her cling to you like this while knowing that it helped in a way. Much like before, a blush overcame your face as a result of not only Fluttershy's admittedly cute demeanor, but also from her being so close.

(V/N): You're only proving my point further by doing that.

(P/N): *thinking* Nopony asked you, so shut your trap! *speaking* Y-Yeah, sure. Whatever helps is fine with me.

You answered. Fluttershy smiled again before embracing your neck and cuddling into it again, leading to your blush returning once more. You shook it away before turning back to the path and walking down it.

An unprecedented amount of time later, we see the rest of the Mane Six patiently waiting for both you and Fluttershy to catch up. I say unprecedented because of the shockingly large number of Tic Tac Toe games that had been played in the dirt by Pinkie and Rarity.

Pinkie Pie: Whoo-hoo! I win again!

Rarity: Ugh. That's thirty-five games in a row. Best of seventy-one?

Meanwhile, Twilight was pacing and waiting for you and Fluttershy to arrive. Finally, after a few more seconds, you both had made it as Fluttershy seemed to have calmed down as evidenced by her not being as scared at the moment.

(P/N): Sorry we took so long, you guys. The detour was a little longer than I had hoped.

You spoke as Fluttershy finally stepped off of your back. Rainbow then leaned over to Twilight and whispered to her.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Told you it was going to take them forever.

(P/N): Oh, shut up, Speedy Gonzales! There is a certain virtue that most ponies are able to possess, patience, but seeing as how your ego surpasses your IQ, I can see why you can't.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N! That's not very friendly!

(P/N): *sarcasm* Hmmm, it's funny you say that! *speaking* Last I checked, she and I are NOT friends! And quite honestly, I am losing every bit of sanity I have left every time I try with her! *sigh* You know what? I can't do this anymore. I just can't.

Applejack: You can't what?

(P/N): Every time, every freaking time, I gotta be stuck with this supposed Element of Loyalty and what's the first thing that happens, I get betrayed by her! Next thing we know, she's gonna be betraying everyone else in this group and nopony's doing a single thing about it! You know, I could even go as far out to say that I HATE HER!

Your voice grew louder with each word said until something happened that the mares were definitely not expecting. A sickening black aura began to surround your body, leaving none of your original color. As this occured, a blackened cloak appeared from the tip of your horn and wrapped itself around your body, concealing it and leaving only your face, except... it wasn't your face at all. Instead, what remained was that of a pair of pure red eyes and a gaping mouth filled with sharp jagged teeth.

It was at this point that it was safe to say that a certain someone had taken control of you for the moment as "you" carried on.

(V/N): I swear, why of all the Elements of Harmony did they give you Loyalty?! Even when Twilight's clearly having a mental breakdown, you're busy thinking about a ticket to a stupid event that anypony could just as easily sneak into! And then, there's the whole business with Gilda! Where do I even begin?! Apparently, creatures you haven't seen in years are more trustworthy than creatures you know now! *sarcasm* Oh, no. It's not like childhood friends could be bad creatures! But maybe all the creatures they interact with are! Namely, somepony who stands up for her OTHER friends!

(P/N): Okay, hold on. Just what are you doing?

He stops when he hears your voice and he leans his head to the side and thinks.

(V/N): *thinking* It's about time that this rainbow-maned pain in the mule had learned that the world does NOT revolve around her needs!

(P/N): Don't you think you're taking this a little over the top, dude?

(V/N): *thinking* Not even close!

(P/N): Okay, I think you need to take five. Look, after this whole dragon crisis is dealt with, we can go home, grab some tea or something and just take off for the rest of the day. Huh? Does that sound good, buddy?

(V/N): *thinking* I'm not your buddy, friend!

(P/N): Well, I'm not your friend, guy!

(V/N): *thinking* I'm not your guy, buddy!

(P/N): I'm not your buddy, friend!

As you stood completely silent, the others stared with bated breath and widened eyes.

Applejack: T-This... this ain't normal behavior... right?

Twilight Sparkle: No... no it most certainly isn't.

Her eyes shot over in Rainbow's direction to see her with her eyes splayed back and a pained expression on her face. As this was going on, yours and V/N's inner argument goes on for a couple more minutes until you decide to break the triangle.

(P/N): I'm not your–*sigh* Alright, look, look, if you promise to behave, then how about a treat at Sugarcube Corner afterwards? I hear they make some of the best eclairs in town.

(V/N): *thinking* I don't need any stinking eclairs! ...but if they have extra sprinkled donuts then I MIGHT reconsider.

(P/N): Hmm, sounds like a deal to me.

With your dispute finalized, your dark form diminished, leaving you looking like your old self again.

Rarity: P-P/N dear, are... are you feeling quite alright?

(P/N): Let's see. I'm wet, I'm cold, there's a fish on my head... what do you think?

Pinkie Pie: Buuuut, you don't have a fish on your head.

(P/N): *sigh* That was an exaggeration, Pinkie.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N... what was that?

She asked, gaining your attention.

(P/N): Uhh, what was what?

You asked, pretending to act like you had no idea, but in reality, you were fully aware of what they were referring to. It seemed that only Fluttershy had bought into your little trick as her eyes widened and she pulled the others a few feet away from you and whispered to them.

Fluttershy: *whisper* Girls, this must be another one of those incidents where P/N doesn't remember being overly angry.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* You mean, when he got angry at all of you during the whole Gala ticket incident?

Pinkie Pie: *whisper* Well, that, and one other thing. Do you remember when Fluttershy said that Gilda was mean to her before she got bored and left? Well...

Fluttershy: *whisper* I-I... might have lied about that a little.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Wh-What do you mean?

She asked with a slight stutter.

Pinkie Pie: *whisper* He... he really went off on her. And I don't mean he beat her up or anything, I mean he... gave her some really... uncomfortable words. The kind that seem reasonable on paper, but when they're actually said they... leave you with an icky feeling. Gilda was so disturbed by it that she took off without saying a word. When we asked him about it, P/N told us that he couldn't remember for some reason and we were able to see that he wasn't lying about it.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Oh... Celestia. And he has absolutely no memory of it at all?

Pinkie Pie: *whisper* Apparently, but I think one of the main causes of it is from Rainbow Dash. He... can't seem to let go of things with her.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Yeah, I'm... more than aware of that. Speaking of which...

She turns to face Rainbow who still had a pained expression on her face before Twilight got her attention.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Rainbow, you need to try and be more lenient with P/N.

She suggested which only made Rainbow's pain turn to annoyance.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* I'm sorry, I need to be more lenient? Why doesn't P/N learn to not overreact?! All I did was make a small comment while P/N's the one that went off the deep end!

(V/N): Oh, you think that was the deep end?! I'll give you the fracking deep end!

He almost took a step forward, but was halted by you stepping in.

(P/N): V/N, don't! I can speak for myself here.

(V/N): *thinking* Pfft, pah-lease! If words won't get her to learn then nothing else will!

(P/N): Well, literally beating it into her is not gonna help either! Just calm down and let me take over.

(V/N): *thinking* *groans* Fine! Since you're suddenly the world's leading expert on how to handle situations, I'll leave you to it.

He backed off, allowing you to regain control as your body slowly reverted back to normal. Once the edgy form had disappeared, you sighed and turned to your friends who all stared back. Realizing that you needed to play dumb to keep up the illusion of not knowing about V/N, you decided to try and divert the situation to something else. Luckily, you didn't have to as the dragon let out yet another loud snore, surprising all of you again.

(P/N): We uh... we should probably speed up our trek if we wanna stop that dragon from polluting our town.

You turned and continued walking up the pathway while the girls all followed behind with some moderate hesitance in their steps. As this went on, Rainbow carried on with whispering to Twilight as thankfully for them, you were far enough ahead to not hear them.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Okay, he's seriously gotta be making up some really good lies or something because how can he not remember turning into... whatever that was?

Rarity: *whisper* You don't suppose it could be amnesia or perhaps a form of D.I.D., right?

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* I'm not sure. I don't think it's D.I.D. because with that, there are usually more than one and it occurs a lot more frequently. It's definitely not something I've ever dealt with or heard about before. I may need to consult Princess Celestia about it when I can. She may have an answer for it.

Applejack: *whisper* Could that... thing be the reason why he can't patch things up with Rainbow already?

She asked, earning an irritated scoff from Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Either that or he's just way too stubborn to let go.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Rainbow, remember that you punched him in the face because you thought he was lying to you. It's not something you can easily get over. You just need to keep trying with him.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* But I have tried, Twilight, but he doesn't seem to wanna forgive me!

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* This is the first friendship he's ever had, Rainbow, so it's difficult for him. Besides, I told him that he needed to try and play nice with you and he has for the most part aside from this one spat just now and you making comments like the one you made about him and Fluttershy going too slow aren't helping. You got that?

Rainbow was about to argue back before the dragon's snore bellowed again, shaking the mares as well as the whole mountain they stood upon.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Look, we've got more pressing issues right now such as getting rid of that dragon, so we'll talk about this later, okay?

Reluctantly, Rainbow agreed to it by nodding her head, crossing her arms, and groaning.

Rainbow Dash: *mumbles* The things I do for ponies.

About a minute or so later, you all reached what appeared to be a large casm with the path continuing on the other side. Each of you jumped across and easily landed safely. Once you were on the other side, once again, you noticed that Fluttershy was absent as you turned to see her back where you were originally. She takes one look at the large gap and gulps nervously.

Twilight Sparkle: Your turn, Fluttershy.

(P/N): It's not that far of a jump. You can make it.

Fluttershy: But... it's so... wide.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on, Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now.

Applejack: You could just leap on over.

Fluttershy: I-

She's cut off by another loud snore from the dragon, causing her to panic even more as she huddled onto the floor while quivering.

Fluttershy: I-I don't know.

(P/N): Fluttershy, we're all here on the other side, so we'll catch you if you just miss it.

Pinkie Pie: Besides, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just a hop, skip and a jump. See?

She demonstrates by easily hopping over to Fluttershy's side.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, at least she's not doing it through song.

[Pinkie Pie]

It's not very far

Just move your little rump

You can make it if you try with a hop, skip and jump

(V/N): You just had to say something!

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Aaaand I spoke too soon. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut?

(V/N): When I learn to control my anger, and I think we both know the odds of that ever happening.

Twilight Sparkle: We don't have time for this.

[Pinkie Pie]

A hop, skip and jump,

Just move your little rump,

A hop, skip and jump,

A hop, skip and jump,

A hop, skip and jump,

A hop skip and jump,

A hop skip and jump!

(End Song)

Sure enough, Pinkie's little jingle was enough to encourage Fluttershy as she now had a small smile on her lips. She stood back up while shaking slightly.

Fluttershy: O-okay. Here I go. A hop.

She hops to the edge of the cliff.

Applejack: That's it.

Twilight Sparkle: You've got it.

Rarity: Almost there.

(P/N): You can do it!

Fluttershy: Skip.

She readies herself up and takes the leap.

Twilight Sparkle: Just don't look down.

(P/N): Twilight!

You shouted to her as unfortunately, Fluttershy did just that as her eyes traveled downwards to the enormous drop below, causing her to panic again. She flailed her arms in the air and then suddenly stopped for some reason. When she opened her eyes, she realized that the gap was significantly smaller than it seemed. In fact, it was only about a foot apart from the other side.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Am I the only one bothered by this particular moment? I mean, if the gap is smaller than what it looked like, then why did the Mane Six take such gigantic leaps?)

(TheNintegaGuy: *sarcasm* Thanks a lot, camera angles...)

(Shadowlight9743: I think some people would refer to it as... wait for it, "misdirection".)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *rubs forehead* *to Nintega* Can you remind me to keep him out of the studio while the scenes play out?)

(TheNintegaGuy: *to Jordan* Yep. I've already got it noted in my head.)

There was a brief moment of silence before you sighed and walked closer to Fluttershy who still remained stuck between both cliff sides.

(P/N): You're incredibly lucky that the gap wasn't just a bit wider, Fluttershy, you know that?

(V/N): Otherwise, she would have been a pony pancake on the ground.

(P/N): *thinking* I'm sorry, but did I ever put in a request for your morbid thoughts? Because, I don't think I did.

(V/N): Hey, I'm just saying.

Fluttershy nervously chuckled and smiled while you helped her across with your magic. Another moment or two later, you and the rest of the Mane Six were passing by a cliff side that looked somewhat unstable.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide.

(P/N): *whisper* Duly noted, Twi.

You replied calmly while the others nodded.

Fluttershy: An... an ava... ava...

She was just about to say that out loud before Twilight was quick to shush her. With that in mind, you all slowly and carefully made your way past the cliff side, careful as to not accidentally cause too much noise. Without knowing it, Rainbow flew right under a tree branch and caused some leaves to detach and slowly fall to the ground. They floated until they had landed on the flank of one certain timid mare who instantly freaked out.

Fluttershy: AVALA-!

You silenced her quickly by pressing your lips onto hers. Fluttershy's whole face lit up as it glowed a cherry red color. It seemed almost as if she were about to die of embarrassment from such a bold gesture. Eventually, your lips part as you turn to the other mares whose jaws have all crashed through the ground.

(P/N): *whisper* There, she shouldn't be able to talk for at least the rest of the walk. Come on, let's go.

You whispered while walking ahead, leaving a still heavily blushing Fluttershy as well as the rest of the group with two other particular mares feeling a twinge of jealousy. They shook it off however as they continued walking, but not before Applejack walked closer to Fluttershy and pulled her along to the point of dragging her rooted hooves through the dirt. As you carried on, Rainbow flew up close and whispered to Twilight again.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* *sighs* Still think it was a good idea to bring Fluttershy along? She could have caused a huge rockslide.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Well, thankfully, the rockslide never happened thanks to P/N's... *clears throat* quick thinking.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Yeah. I'm kinda surprised that he did that, by the way. Never thought he had a thing for mares like her.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* I'm sure it was just to silence her, Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* That's just what he wants you to think.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* We'll have to debate on that later though.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Why's that?

She asked as Twilight's gaze was fixed to the front which is where Rainbow's eyes followed soon after. It turned out that your journey was close to an end as you all had finally reached your destination; The Dragon's den.

Twilight Sparkle: We're here.

You looked to the mouth of the cave as you walked up and stood next to Twilight as she remained staring at it.

(P/N): Uhhh... Twilight? You never did mention what the plan would be if the dragon... doesn't agree to leave.

After a few seconds of not answering, Twilight throws on a determined frown and looks at you.

Twilight Sparkle: We can't let it come to that. I won't let it come to that.

(P/N): I'm sure you won't, Twi. I'm just saying. What exactly are we gonna do if none of our plans here work and the dragon remains on this mountain?

Twilight was about to answer your question but found herself unable to. An anxious frown spread on her lips and her eyes drifted to the ground. You sighed and waved a hoof.

(P/N): On second thought, don't answer that. I'd rather just hope that our plans work.

Her current expression fades and she nods before whirling around to the others.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, you'll use your wings to clear the smoke.

The brash Pegasus hums in confirmation before flying up and disappearing into the smoke above.

Twilight Sparkle: Rarity and Pinkie Pie, you'll create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there.

Pinkie zipped away for a second before coming back with a rubber chicken and waved it around while Rarity looked a little confused by it.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, you're ready with the apples in case he decides to attack.

She said to the farm pony who held two apples in her mouth before throwing them in the air and kicking them with her rear legs at a tree and smirking.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, you'll give Applejack support with your magic.

(P/N): Copy that, Twilight.

You replied, giving her a firm salute.

Twilight Sparkle: But it shouldn't come to that, because Fluttershy will do what she needs to do to wake him up, and between the two of us, we should be able to get him to understand why he needs to go. Is everypony ready?

You all gave her your affirmations before she turned to face the cave and entered.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay then, we're goin' in.

She walked a few feet into the cave without a hint of hesitation.

Twilight Sparkle: So, what is the best way to wake up a sleeping dragon without upsetting him?

She asked seemingly no one before she turned back to the entrance.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy?

She called, but the Pegasus herself was so terrified of the dragon that she had dug her whole face into the ground as if to quite literally worm her way out of this situation. Twilight groans and walks over to her before approaching her from behind and attempting to push her forwards, but not before pulling on her tail and undigging Fluttershy's head from the dirt which unsurprisingly revealed her petrified expression.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on! *grunts* We have to do this!

You walked up to Twilight and pushed against her to help push Fluttershy forward.

(P/N): *grunt* You've gotta *grunts* do this *grunts* if we're gonna save Equestria!

The others soon joined in with the pushing as well, starting with Rainbow Dash who came up behind you and pushed against you.

Twilight Sparkle: Every *grunts* second longer that dragon *grunts* sleeps is another *grunts* acre of Equestria that is covered in *grunts* smoke.

You continued to try and push Fluttershy towards the cave, but her fear somehow managed to give her super strength as even with all of you pushing her, she still didn't budge a single inch. Pinkie then came up and slammed into the rest of you, stopping you for a brief moment and allowing Fluttershy to find her voice finally.

Fluttershy: I- I- I can't go in the cave.

She squeaked, making the mares groan while you sighed disappointedly.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, great. She's scared of caves now, too.

(P/N): It's not the cave she's scared of, Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: What makes you say that?

She asked, earning another sigh from you.

(P/N): Girls, isn't it obvious? She's terrified of the dragon. It's the whole reason why she didn't wanna come all this way in the first place.

Twilight Sparkle: W-What? Fluttershy, is this true?

She asked her. All Fluttershy could do at the moment was give her bookworm friend a small nod which made said bookworm's eyes widen.

Twilight Sparkle: But... but Fluttershy, you have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals.

(P/N): And yet, none of them were dragons, Twilight. Think about that for a moment.

Rainbow Dash: Oh come on! We've seen her walk right up to a horrible manticore like it was nothing.

(P/N): Rainbow, a manticore is scary, sure, but they're honestly nothing when compared to the pure terror of a dragon.

Pinkie Pie: Spike is a dragon. Fluttershy's not scared of him.

(P/N): Because he's a baby, Pinkie. What we're dealing with is a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!

Twilight Sparkle: But, if she's so afraid of dragons, why didn't she say something before we came all the way up here?

(P/N): She tried to, Twilight, but her fear got the better of her. A dragon is nothing to be trifled with.

Rainbow Dash: How would you know?

(P/N): Because... *sigh* because I dealt with one before.

Your revelation made everyone's eyes widen.

Applejack: You've... actually met a dragon, sugarcube?

(P/N): More like, I almost died due to the scaly claws of one.

Rarity: A-Almost died?

She asked with a small stutter as you gave her a nod.

(P/N): Yep. *sigh* It happened a couple years ago. It was during a rather heavy downpour that soaked nearly all of Equestria, so naturally, I sought out shelter. I found this cave that seemed empty until I came across something I wasn't expecting; a dragon's treasure trove. At first, I was just gonna leave it alone, but at that time I was really hurting for bits, so I figured that maybe the dragon wouldn't mind if I took only a small portion of their treasure and I did. *sigh* Unfortunately, I started at the most inconvenient moment you can imagine because he came back right as I was in the middle of taking his treasure. Unsurprisingly, he didn't like that, so he attacked me, almost burnt me to a crisp. I escaped, thankfully, but it did leave me shaking afterwards and even still to this day.

You finished your story as your friends still held their shocked looks.

Twilight Sparkle: S-So, if you hadn't made it out, you could have-

(P/N): Perished? Been crushed? Been turned into a pony barbeque? ...yeah.

You replied, turning your head and frowning sadly. A hoof gently placed itself onto yours and you looked to see that it belonged to Fluttershy who stared back with sympathetic eyes.

Fluttershy: I'm... I'm really sorry you went through that, P/N.

(P/N): It's all good, Flutters. I'm kinda over it for the most part, but it's still a reminder to try and play it safe when it comes to caves I've yet to explore. Besides, I'm still here, aren't I?

Rainbow Dash: Man... we've still got a lot to learn about you, it seems.

Rainbow spoke, her voice filled with genuine amazement.

(P/N): And I'll share as much as I'm willing, but right now though, we've got a much... much bigger problem on our hooves.

You said, turning your eyes to the dragon's den before they swiveled back to Fluttershy.

(P/N): Fluttershy, you've gotta try to talk to this dragon. You're the only one here with enough experience when it comes to animals, so you're the one to most likely help here.

Fluttershy's anxious look returned to her and she sighs and lowers her head.

Fluttershy: I... I can't, P/N. I'm sorry.

(P/N): *sigh* Fluttershy, we don't have any-

You couldn't finish that sentence when Fluttershy's head whirled up, exposing her now watering eyes and quivering mouth.

Fluttershy: I just can't, okay?! What if the dragon ends up hurting you?! What if it hurts our friends?! What if it hurts all of Equestria?! I-I can't risk angering him!

(P/N): Well, if he does hurt us, are you really going to let him get away with that?

You asked, hoping that she'd understand. Unfortunately, luck didn't seem to be in your favor this time because she shook her head and turned her body the other way.

Fluttershy: I-I'm... I'm sorry, P/N. I really don't think I can do this. You... you shouldn't have bothered bringing me.

Her wings suddenly opened and she flew away into the clouds above.

(P/N): Fluttershy, wait!

You called, but the timid mare kept flying until she disappeared.

(P/N): *sigh* Being scared of dragons can only push you so far.

(V/N): Well, she managed to survive a manticore attack, you've got to give her credit for that.

(P/N): *thinking* True, but you know how it is with dragons. These guys are the ruthless, selfish, scum of Equestria. Spike being an exception, of course. One wrong move and you'd be spending the next hour or so in acid, or lodged in a third-degree inferno.

(V/N): I think it's worse for us both, considering how long our lifespan is.

(P/N): *shudders* *thinking* It's better not to think about it.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Fluttershy.

She voiced her friend's name silently while feeling a little bad for her. You sighed to yourself before facing the others.

(P/N): She probably just needs some time to think. Once the gravity of the situation sets in, I'm sure she'll come back.

Twilight Sparkle: We don't have time to wait around for her, P/N. This dragon needs to leave soon or else Equestria will suffer.

(P/N): *sigh* I know, I know.

You placed a hoof on your chin and began to think of what to do next. After only a few seconds, you stopped pondering and walked ahead of the group, confusing them.

Rarity: P/N darling, whatever are you doing?

(P/N): I'm going in, that's what. I've got the most experience when it comes to dragons, so it's only fitting that I go first.

Applejack: Hold on now, sugarcube. You sure that's a good idea, considerin' yer previous encounter with one?

(P/N): Unless you can somehow remove Fluttershy's anxiety and fears and convince her to come back, Applejack, we've got no other alternative. If it makes you feel any better, I won't try to aggravate or fight him. I'm just gonna take Twilight's advice and try to convince him to leave.

Rarity: And you're sure you can handle it by yourself?

(P/N): I might be a bit reckless, Rarity, but I'm not stupid. It'll be fine. You guys wait out here.

Twilight Sparkle: But Fluttershy was the only one who could really talk to him and now... *sigh* she's gone.

(P/N): She's just going through a lot right now, Twilight. I'm sure that all she needs is a moment to calm down and maybe she'll be willing to come back and help. She might be scared, but I doubt that she's the kind of pony to let personal fears get in the way of saving those she cares for. Until she does return though, we've still gotta try something instead of standing around all day.

With that, you faced the gaping maw of the cave and slowly took the first steps inside. You made it halfway through before stopping and thinking to yourself.

(P/N): *thinking* Alright P/N, you just gotta walk up to him and tell him that he needs to leave. In and out, easy peasy.

(V/N): And just exactly how do you plan to make him? Last I checked, you're a teeny little pony while he's a massive hulking dragon and we both know what happened the last ti-

(P/N): *thinking* I know about what happened last time, alright?! Can we stop talking about it already because it's getting really annoying at this point!

You shouted at him in your mind. He was silent for a moment until he eventually did speak.

(V/N): Jeez... you really do need to work on that temper of yours.

Letting out an internal groan to that, you proceeded back on your path towards the creature that may as well be a flying furnace with wings and sharp teeth.

(P/N): *thinking* Look, if dragons are smart enough for speech, then they're surely smart enough to understand that their actions can cause others to suffer. Maybe this dragon will be more understanding than most. Besides... the only one who could easily convince him to go is too scared to try.

You looked down sadly at the thought of Fluttershy.

(V/N): Which really begs the question; Why did you even force her to come along on this little excursion of yours?

(P/N): *thinking* I wanted her to overcome her fears, alright? She's gotta learn to be a bit more assertive and outgoing if she wants to get anywhere in life. She can't live it by being a doormat all the time.

(V/N): And are you sure that you're the right kind of pony to help her do so? You were good at one thing in life before you gave it up; saving other ponies' lives, not being their therapist. This seems like the kind of thing that she should do by herself. Let me drop the truth on you, pal. You are NOT personally responsible for other ponies' personal issues or happiness, so why bother at all?

At this point, you had enough as you stopped walking and turned around in anger.

(P/N): Just because it's not my personal problem doesn't mean that I can't lend a helping hoof, you insensitive egotist! Fluttershy's my friend and I'm only trying to look out for her and I certainly don't need anyone like you telling me that I shouldn't make the effort at least! If you really wanna be in a truce with me then do me the kindest favor and STOP BEING SO JUDGEMENTAL ALL THE TIME!!!

A loud snort bellowed through the cave right after your little outburst, prompting you to slowly turn around as you now sported a nervous look. Your eyes landed on a sight that made your whole body freeze and cause several beads of sweat to drip down your forehead. Your gaze was fixed on the massive, fire breathing owner of the cave who had been awoken by your internal argument. He had moderate red colored scales adorning his body along with a light amber underbelly, wing membranes, and ears while his spines were a light pink. His eyes were a very light yellow as his irises were a mix of moderate gamboge to light brilliant yellow.

(A/N: Imagine yourself in place of Twilight in this... and also ignore the obvious animation error.)

Sure, seeing a dragon up close once again was one thing that added to your nervousness, but the biggest reason for it was that... you recognized him. You remained standing for several seconds as this monstrous beast stared back at you unmoving and unblinking.

(V/N): Is... is that?

(P/N): *thinking* N-No... it can't be! Surely, it can't!

But it was. The dragon lying down before you was, in fact, the exact same dragon you encountered all those years ago. The one whose treasure horde you stole from.

(P/N): *thinking* B-But, how?! Why him of all dragons?!

(V/N): Beats the hay outta me. Heh, small world, am I right?

You refocused yourself back onto the dragon as he continued to stare down at you. He didn't seem to recognize you which brought a sense of relief back to you for the moment. You decided to break the silence by clearing your throat.

(P/N): U-Uhhh... hi there. Listen, I'm just gonna cut to the chase. My friends and I are residents here in Equestria. Ponyville, to be exact. We came here to ask if you'd be willing to maybe take your nap somewhere else. It's just that you seem to be doing an awful lot of snoring, and every time you do you send out a terrible cloud of smoke.

As if on cue, he blows another puff of smoke right into your face, making you cough for a second.

(P/N): *cough* *cough* Y-Yeah, *cough* like that. Look, it'll make living for us ponies a lot more difficult if smoke were to cover Equestria for the next century. All we're asking is for you to please leave and nap at a different location. I'm sure you can understand that, right?

You asked. You were then surprised by the dragon sitting up and stretching his limbs out and groaning while doing so before scratching himself for a few seconds. You took this as his way of saying that he'll leave and you smiled.

(P/N): So, I take it you're gonna find another place to sleep?

Unfortunately, right after you asked that, you were met with disappointment as the dragon almost immediately laid back down onto his treasure horde and blew yet another large puff of smoke right into your face, sending you into another coughing fit. It was only when the smoke cleared that you regained your breath and you stared back, disappointed by the fact that it was gonna be harder to convince him than anticipated.

(V/N): *sarcasm* Well, I think that was a very well thought out speech on your end, P/N.

(P/N): *thinking* Don't patronize me.

Seeing that convincing this dragon was not gonna work, you turned and began walking out of the cave. However, what you didn't see was the dragon's eyes shooting open as if he had a moment of realization. As you were about to reach the halfway point, the dragon's tail suddenly slammed down right in front of you, preventing you from exiting the cave and startling you. Nervousness rose once again from the pit of your stomach as you turned back around and eyed the dragon with a few drops of sweat inching down your forehead. He now sported a narrow eyed stare as if he was taking in your whole appearance.

Razer: Wait... I do believe I recognize you.

He spoke in a loud booming voice.

(P/N): U-Uhhhh...

(V/N): Bail! Bail! P/N, get the frack out of here right now!

(P/N): *thinking* No way, dude! That'd be a dead giveaway! *speaking* *nervous chuckle* Uhh, I'm sure you've got me mistaken for somepony else because I've never seen you before in my life.

Razer: Well, you do look strangely familiar. You must be his twin then, right?

(P/N): Who's twin?

You asked before realizing what you just asked and you slapped a hoof over your mouth.

(V/N): Dang it, man! You're digging our grave here! You know that, right?!

(P/N): *thinking* Don't remind me!

Suddenly, the dragon leaned its snout closer and sniffed you for a second. He opened his eyes again and his eyebrows only furrowed.

Razer: Oh... I remember now. You. Stole. MY TREASURE!!!

(P/N): Okay, maybe I took a few things, but in my defense, you kinda left it unguarded, so... you can't really pin this whole thing on me. Word of advice, probably invest some of that treasure to get a safe for all of it.

Your words only angered the dragon even further as he was now snarling.

(P/N): Is... is it too late for me to say I'm sorry?

In a fit of rage, the dragon roared straight into your face as the sheer force of it sent you flying backwards and out of the cave as you let out a comedic sounding yell. You continued spiraling through the air until you reached your friends who were all waiting outside as you collided with them which caused a bowling sound effect. You all stood back up as they all gave you confused stares.

Twilight Sparkle: P-P/N, what happened?!

Before you could answer her question, the fire breathing monstrosity came stomping out of the cave and glared daggers down at you and the group, most notably at you.

(P/N): S-Sooo, remember that story I told you all about how I had a run in with a dragon? Weeeeeeeell... meet that very same dragon. *nervous chuckle*

Rainbow Dash: Wait, this is that same dragon you ran into?!

(P/N): Y-Yeah... it is.

(V/N): I told you to leave. He wouldn't have been able to smell us then.

(P/N): *thinking* Yeah, but either way, he would have still been able to figure it out.

(V/N): Even still, fleeing would've given us enough time to escape before he could piece any of it together.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, it's not like there's any going back now.

The dragon loomed angrily over all of you before he roared again, sending a large gust of smoke your way and knocking you back against a large boulder. This managed to disorient the Mane Six while you tried standing back up only to be grabbed by the dragon's large claws and held up right in front of his face.

(P/N): *grunt* Look, *grunt* I'm sorry for taking your stupid treasure, okay?!

Razer: What kind of fake apology is that?!

(P/N): *grunt* It's at least better than not offering one at all!

Razer: That doesn't help you or me in this situation in the slightest!

He tightened his grip on you, causing pain to rack through your body and making you yelp a little. He then proceeded to slam you right into the dirt below, this time, causing you to let out a very loud scream which traveled quite a distance until it reached the ears of one certain timid Pegasus who could be seen slowly flying back to Ponyville with a saddened frown on her face. However, when your pained screams reached her, she stopped and quickly spun around in your direction.

Fluttershy: Was that... P/N? O-Oh dear, I gotta go!

She shouted before quickly flying back to where you were. Back with you and the group, the dragon proceeded to continuously pound you into the dirt.

(V/N): Well, I sincerely hope you're proud of yourself! Now because of your stupidity, we're both going to die!

(P/N): *thinking* You don't think I-

Your train of thought was halted for a second by another pound to the ground.

(P/N): *thinking* -I know that?!

(V/N): All you had to do was listen to me just once! But you didn't, did you?!

You ignored that while still getting beat down from Razer, only adding fuel to the fire.


Meanwhile, the other's recovered from being blown back and saw what was going on before gasping. Rainbow threw on a determined frown before taking off into the air and flying right in front of the dragon's snout.

Rainbow Dash: Let him go, you big bully!

She reared around and kicked him straight in the face before he knocked her away with a single clawed hand as you witnessed this with a bit of a shocked expression.

(P/N): *thinking* Somehow... I should've seen that coming.

(V/N): *sarcasm* About freaking time! Real smooth, Blue Lagoon!

The dragon then stopped pounding you and raised you back up to his face. As his glare carried on, Fluttershy finally made it back and saw the whole thing transpiring before she too gasped in shock. You were beaten to the point where it was hard for you to keep your eyes open as they slowly fluttered open and closed.

Fluttershy: P/N!

Her shout was loud enough for you to hear as you slowly turned your head her way and smiled weakly.

(P/N): *weakly* Y-You... you came back. I-I... I knew you would.

Razer: Now, I get to do what I should have done before; torch you!

He opened his mouth as a faint light could be seen at the back of his throat, meaning that he was about to use his fire breath on you. Fluttershy stood still while watching you about to be burnt to a crisp. Her nervousness still rooted her in place for a moment until... something changed. Seeing you and the others in peril was enough to awake something in her. Suddenly, the memory of two of your conversations with her popped back into her head.

(P/N)(Past): "If you're gonna get anywhere in life, Fluttershy, you need to put yourself out there and assert yourself. Show others that you don't like being pushed around. If you can't do it for yourself, can you at least do it for me? You've got a lot of potential, Fluttershy. You just need to find it deep inside you."

What she felt next in that moment was not fear... but anger. And just like that, her nervous face morphed into an angry scowl as she aimed it up at the dragon.

Fluttershy: How dare you?

The dragon stopped for a moment and gazed down at her curiously before he was surprised by Fluttershy flying straight up to his face and giving him the angriest, rage-filled face she could muster, shocking and even scaring him.

Fluttershy: HOW DARE YOU?!?! Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?

Scared by Fluttershy's sheer dominance over him, the dragon whimpered like a dog and recoiled in fear.

Fluttershy: Well?

Razer: But this one stole my treasure.

He replied, pointing to you as he still maintained his grip on you. You sighed and leaned your head onto your hoof.

(P/N): *thinking* He just won't let that go, will he?

Fluttershy: And I am very sorry about that. But you're bigger than he is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures.

Razer: But I-

Fluttershy: Don't you 'but I' me, mister. Now what do you have to say for yourself? I said, what do you have to say for yourself?

Razer: I have nothing to-

Fluttershy: Don't answer that! It was a rhetorical question! Now, let go of P/N this instant!

She commanded. He did as he was told and set you back down onto the ground gently, allowing you to dust yourself off as you groaned a bit at the pain from him crushing you earlier before you gazed back up at him as your eyes changed to that of dark (F/C) ones, indicating that V/N had taken over.

(V/N): Look, I meant what I said earlier. I'm sorry for taking your treasure. *sigh* I... I got desperate, alright? I was in serious need of bits and I couldn't see any other way of getting some and I figured that you probably wouldn't have minded if I only took a small amount of your treasure. Now, admittedly, it was still kind of wrong of me to just steal it without asking, but again, I thought it wouldn't have mattered all that much if I only took just a little bit of it. And, like I said, you left it unguarded when I first got there, so I just assumed it was a vacant cave. But I really have to ask; Did I really deserve to get eaten for it?! Not to mention, almost being torched to charcoal?!

You asked as it seemed to make him whimper again as he also began to tear up slightly before he started crying.

(P/N): I lost you at 'I got desperate'.

(V/N): *thinking* Oh, shut up, P/N. You're too soft. He needed to hear that, especially when he was about to incinerate us to a crisp.

(P/N): Well, now look. He's balling his eyes out. You made a dragon cry, V/N. Are you proud of it?

(V/N): *thinking* I sure as well am, P/N! Maybe now he'll learn to quit being a prick!

You sighed to yourself as Fluttershy hovered down to your level.

Fluttershy: *whisper* I think I've got this, P/N.

You were about to reply to that before realizing that this would surely help Fluttershy be more assertive like you asked before you nodded. Fluttershy smiles before flying back up to the dragon's face and patting him gently on the forehead which managed to calm him down and cease his crying.

Fluttershy: There, there. No need to cry. You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That's all.

(P/N): If you're talking about burning me to death, yes, but if you mean the fact that he was sleeping here, I... kind of have mixed thoughts on that.

Twilight Sparkle: We can debate about it...

She pauses, jabbing a hoof to you while shooting you a look.

Twilight Sparkle: *gritting teeth* Later.

You sighed and turned your head away from her. Afterwards, the girls all cheered for Fluttershy not only from being able to convince the dragon to leave, but also at her being able to overcome her fears at the same time. You walked up and stood beside her before throwing a hoof over her shoulders to hold her close, causing her to blush slightly.

(P/N): I had a feeling you'd come back, Flutters. When it comes to saving your friends, something like fear can take a hike.

Fluttershy: I don't know how to describe it, P/N. I was afraid of dragons and then I heard you screaming. I didn't want to get burnt or eaten, but I couldn't call myself your friend if I wasn't willing to stop you from suffering such awful things.

She replied, smiling warmly up at you as you did the same thing with her.

(P/N): And I'm glad you did because... my goose would have been both literally and figuratively cooked if you hadn't stepped in.

You then surprised her by pulling her in for a hug which didn't help her blush as it tripled in size while Rarity and Pinkie gave her slight jealous looks from her being so close to you like this. Nevertheless, they kept it to themselves as they all joined in on the hug.


After the whole dragon fiasco was finally settled, you all returned to Ponyville as Twilight returned to her home while you decided to follow her there. When you went inside, you found Spike chasing Angel around the library as he got a hold of the small, white rodent and dangled him in his claw as Angel tried wrestling out of his grip.

Spike: How does Fluttershy put up with you furry little things?!

(P/N): Patience. That is my answer to that, Spike.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, take a letter.

Spike: *sigh* With pleasure.

He said as he dropped Angel before pulling out a quill and scroll before jotting down Twilight's words.

Twilight Sparkle: *voiceover* Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friends, Fluttershy and P/N, who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears.

Always your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

She finished as you gave her a smile.

(P/N): Princess Celestia will surely be happy about this.

Twilight Sparkle: If she wasn't, I wouldn't look up to her as much as I do.

(P/N): True. Okay, well, now that's all cleared up, I'm gonna go home and chillax. I'll see you two later.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, wait.

She stopped you as she smiled at you again.

Twilight Sparkle: I... think it was really sweet of you to help Fluttershy overcome her fears... even if it was done in the most unconventional of ways.

She said the last part with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

(P/N): I wouldn't call almost getting burnt to a crisp overcoming her fears, but I guess it did help her in a way, so... you're welcome, Twi.

You gave her a quick hug before you turned towards the door and opened it with your magic. You stepped out as Twilight and Spike waved bye to you. As you walk back towards your home, you decide to spark up a conversation with your bitter half.

(P/N): *sigh* Look V/N, if we're going to be working together from here on out, we've gotta set some ground rules. You CANNOT just yell, scream, or get into fights with whoever you want to.

(V/N): I can't? What do you mean? It's a free country! I–We can do whatever we want.

(P/N): No, you can't. *sigh* I don't know why I have to say this, but here's the thing. There are good ponies in this world, a LOT of good ponies. And then there are bad ponies. You have to be able to tell the difference. The deal is, you are only ever allowed to touch, harm, scream at, hurt, maime, and possibly, very possibly, kill... very, very bad ponies, but never, EVER, good ponies. You hear?

(V/N): *groans* Fine.

(P/N): Good.

(V/N): But, pray tell, how can you possibly tell the difference?

(P/N): Well, it's simple. Sometimes, you can feel it. Sometimes, you can see it. And sometimes, dare I say, you can even sense it.

(V/N): That sounds way too convoluted.

(P/N): It's better to experience than to explain it, V/N.

(V/N): Hmph... if you say so. By the way, you still owe me those sweets you promised earlier.

(P/N): *sigh* Don't worry. I haven't forgotten. I know the perfect place for us to go.

You headed down the street until one particular building caught your attention; Sugarcube Corner. As you entered, you saw somepony behind the counter. They were an Earth Pony mare with a light crimson mane with pale, light grayish crimson stripes, a very light cerulean coat, and brilliant rose colored eyes. Her Cutie Mark was that of three cupcakes with cherries on top. This was Mrs. Cake, co-owner of Sugarcube Corner.

(P/N): Hey, Mrs. C!

You called out to her while walking up to the front counter and getting her attention as she smiled.

Mrs. Cake: Oh, hello there, P/N! How are you doing today?

(P/N): Eh, ain't nothing's changed but the weather, you know?

Mrs. Cake: I do know. I just noticed that the smoke had been cleared. You and your little friends must have taken care of it, I assume.

(P/N): You bet we did.

Mrs. Cake: Well, very good job on your end, P/N.

She said, smiling. You nodded and smiled back.

(P/N): Thanks. We try.

Mrs. Cake: Anyways, what can I get for you today?

(P/N): Can I have a moment to decide?

Mrs. Cake: Of course.

She left you to decide as you leaned your head on your hoof and thought about your options.

(P/N): *mumbling* So, what culinary delights are gonna boost your serotonin tonight?

(V/N): Tater tots and chocolate.

(P/N): *mumbling* Pretty sure we'd have to rummage through the Ponyville Schoolhouse for tots. Chocolate, on the other hoof? How do you feel about chocolate donuts with fudge flavored sprinkles?

(V/N): That'll do.

You nodded to that before deciding to take a quick bathroom break. Once that was out of the way, you washed up and were about to head out the door before a gruff sounding voice from outside stopped you for a second.

???: Payment's due, Cake!

You peeked through the doorway and saw an older looking stallion who was holding a bat with his magic and giving Mrs. Cake a hard glare while she stared back in fear.

Mrs. Cake: P-Please, I can't keep doing this!

???: Now!

He shouted after slamming his bat onto the counter. You narrowed your eyes as you remained staring with a serious look.

(V/N): Bad guy, right?

(P/N): *whisper* Yup.

Mrs. Cake handed all the bits she had on her to the robber before a blast of dark (F/C) magic came from the side and wrapped around his horn, rendering him unable to use magic as evidenced by the bat he was holding suddenly dropping to the floor. Suddenly, a set of dark (F/C) colored clawed hands sprouted from the ground and wrapped around the robber, incapacitating him and shocking him a great deal. He looked over and saw you approaching as V/N took control as his cloaked, intimidating appearance covered yours.

(V/N): You come in here again... in fact, you go anywhere in this town, preying on innocent ponies, and we will find you and eat both your ears and then all four of your legs. And then we will rip your horn right off your head. Do you understand?

The robber quivered in fear at V/N as he couldn't comprehend just what he was.

???: P-Please...

He pleaded, but V/N continued.

(V/N): Yes. So, you will be this earless, legless, hornless thing, won't you? Rolling down the street, like a turd... in the wind. Do you feel me?

???: W-What... what are you?

(V/N) & (P/N): We... are The Savior of Equestria.

V/N then took full control once more as he then put a hoof to his chin pretending to think.

(V/N): On second thought...

???: P-Please...

(P/N): *thinking* What do you wanna go with? Hard sucker punch, roundhouse kick, or magic elimination?

(V/N): Hmm... I've got an even better idea.

The scene then cuts to the outside of Sugarcube Corner before a loud explosion off to the side occurs as we see the robber sailing high through the air after being blasted out by V/N as he let out a comedic yell.

And much like a certain trio of bandits who made a living by stealing pocket monsters, the robber disappeared into the sky as a twinkle followed soon after. You reverted back to your normal self as Mrs. Cake stared at you with the most shock she's ever had on her face.

Mrs. Cake: P/N? What was that?

(P/N): Ohhh, uh, I have a parasite. Anyway, I'll take an order of chocolate donuts with fudge flavored sprinkles, please?

You asked as Mrs. Cake snapped out of her shocked stupor and nodded before going to get your desired order. She came back with it as you paid for it soon after.

(P/N): So, uhhhh... I don't suppose we could maybe keep what you saw here a secret, could you?

Mrs. Cake: U-Umm... I-I guess so. T-Thank you, P/N, really.

(P/N): Don't thank me, thank the parasite. I'll be sure to relay the message. Have a good day, Mrs. C.

As you walked out of Sugarcube Corner with a box of what you ordered, V/N was not happy with what he was called a second ago.

(V/N): Parasite?!

(P/N): Yeah, it's a term of endearment. That's all.

(V/N): Apologize!

(P/N): No.


(P/N): Alright, alright! I'm sorry. So, what do you want to do now?

(V/N): I told you, it's a free country. We can do whatever we want.

(P/N): You know, that actually doesn't sound too bad.

You replied as a tiny smirk begins to form on your muzzle as you walk closer to the camera. The second your face brushes past it, the screen begins to fade to black.

End of Episode 6...

(*In the studio, Jordan and Nintega collapse into their seats, breathing a heavy sigh of relief.)

(TheNintegaGuy: Phew! Well, dang...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: This one took us quite a while to get through, didn't it?)

(TheNintegaGuy: Yeah... but hey, it can't get any worse than this...)

(*Nintega said this with a smile that quickly disappeared when he heard the sound of something familiar like a girl screaming. It got closer and closer before suddenly a certain small goddess crashed into the studio and on top of Nintega.*)

(Neptune: Aw, dang it! I missed again! Oh, wait. Never mind. I just so happened to find a substitute landing pad.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Nice of you to quite literally drop by, Nep, and on Nintega, no less!)

(Neptune: Nintega? Oh, for a second I thought that he was Noire for a second. You see I'm actually testing just how good the loner is being a cushion to land on... but I guess that falling from the clouds isn't the best idea for that.)

(TheNintegaGuy: *groans* You think? Get off me, already!)

(*She does just that as she stands up, allowing Nintega to get back onto his feet.*)

(TheNintegaGuy: And falling from the sky?! Really?! You're going to hurt someone else besides me, Noire, or anybody that's currently here.)

(Neptune: Well, I'd say sorry, but any book that you're involved in requires the MC to make the author a laughing stock.)

(*Nintega glares at Neptune before turning back to Jordan.*)

(TheNintegaGuy: You got any eggplants on you?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Uhh, just a second.)

(*He leans under the desk and searches under it as he proceeds to throw several objects out including a shoe, a portal gun, and a holy crossbow. After a few seconds, he comes back up with an eggplant in hand.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Ah, here you go!)

(*Jordan hands Nintega the eggplant before he shoves it into Neptune's mouth. She looks down at it in her mouth before she instantly spits it out while gagging and screaming. She then runs around crazily.*)

(Neptune: Ahh! Help me! I got eggplant taste in my mouth! Someone get disinfectant! Someone get any kind of pudding, stat!)

(*Neptune then runs out of the studio and past Jordan who stares at her in confusion before entering as Nintega sighs in relief.*)

(TheNintegaGuy: Good riddance.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Again, how do you have the willpower to deal with someone like her?)

(TheNintegaGuy: The same reason we're all able to deal with Pinkie Pie.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh, good point. By the way, have you seen Shadow yet?)

(*Nintega just shrugs his shoulders not knowing the answer to that. Suddenly, the doors to the studio slam open, startling the two authors as they turned to find their edgy co-worker holding a bag of what looked like some kind of white powder that had also seemed to have been smeared under his nostrils. His eyes were dilated and little red blood vessels could be seen throughout all the corners of them.*)

(Shadowlight9743: *sniff* Uh, hey guys. What, uh... what'd I miss?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Is... that sugar?)

(Shadowlight9743: Huh? Oh, yeah. *sniff* Neptune, uh... offered me some when I was powdering a donut earlier. Thi-This stuff is really, really strong.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Powdering a donut... led to this?)

(Shadowlight9743: Well, *sniff* this stuff came from... Pinkie.)

(TheNintegaGuy: But you just said... that Nep offered you it.)

(Shadowlihgt9743: Nonononono. *inhales sharply* Nep, uh... g-g-got it–got it from Pinkie and, uh... she gave it to me.)

(*Jordan and Nintega both looked at each other with slightly worried looks before Nintega leans over to Jordan to whisper to him*)

(TheNintegaGuy: *whispers* Should we tell him?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *whispers* We'll tell him after his... episode. *to Shadow* Hey, uh... did you sniff any of that?)

(Shadowlight9743: Wh-What?! Nononono, of course not. *sniff* It's just, uh... some weird sugar variant. Who would actually think to, uh... sniff sugar?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Then what do you call that stuff under your nose?)

(Shadowlight9743: Oh, th-that? That was just, uh... a milk mustache from earlier. Yeah, yeah! I forgot to clean that off in the bathroom.)

(*Jordan then leans back over to Nintega and whispers to him again.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *whispers* We may have to set up an intervention for him later.)

(TheNintegaGuy: *whispers* Agreed. Let's just end this before he decides to dig an even deeper hole.)


(*He runs around the room with his arms in the air as Jordan and Nintega turn back to the audience slowly and with slightly disturbed faces.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: A-ny-who, I think that about wraps it up for this chapter, wouldn't you say?)

(TheNintegaGuy: Y-Y-Yes! That's right! We're glad that you all enjoyed every single moment as we never fail to disappoint!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: True that! We hope you guys enjoyed it, and until next time, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(TheNintegaGuy: TheNintegaGuy...)

(Shadowlight9743: AND SUGARLOFT8427!)

(*Jordan and Nintega look back at him concerningly before facing the camera again.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *whispers* Okay, we should set him up for counseling before the intervention.)

(TheNintegaGuy: *whispers* Right! Got it...!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Y-You all know the drill. Take care, have a nice day, yada yada yada, we're gonna go help Shadow now. Peace!)

(*Both Nintega and Jordan then quickly get up as Nintega turns Shadow around and he pushes him out of the studio with Jordan following right behind him*)

(TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* O-O-Okay... we need to talk...)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* Oh, there's a lot of *sniff* things to talk about, bro. Uh, you want me to start from the beginning or–?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* First off, put down the bag of "sugar.")

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* But it was a free sample!!)

(TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* *to Jordan* This is going to take awhile...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* *to Nintega* *sigh* In that case, get the glass box. We're putting him in it until further notice.)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* Can I *sniff* keep my sugar?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* NO!!)


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