Chapter eight

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I stayed silent as Dorian Gray's body was taken away, my scream had apparently awoken the maids and they called Scotland yard. Now I was watching the old man being covered up and taken away, my head was going a million miles per hour but I didn't speak. Did he kill himself? Why was there so much blood if he hung himself, did he get cut? No none of those added up which meant someone murdered him, the question was who.

An inspector talked with Marina and some of the other guests wanting to know if they saw anything, well I looked around for anything I could use. Alexandria was clutching her necklace again and I could see that she was close to tears. I remembered how Dorian had appeared to know her and she even said that he constantly proposed to her. But she never seemed to like him, and in the modern day, he could have been seen as a stalker. The cold wind reminded me that this was the Victorian age when women didn't get a say in what they couldn't do. Now knowing that she was secretly married to the wolfman, I wondered if either of them had killed him because he found out their secret. It was a motive and it would explain why Alexandria had been so jumpy since dinner, but I couldn't make a conclusion without proof.

I also couldn't just point my figures without considering the other guests as well, as they say in mystery movies, everyone is a suspect. Dracula was nearby arguing with Connor about what I could only guess was their history. I noticed that both were very tense due to the scent of blood and I was wondering if maybe the dear old count decided to have a drink. He was one of the few guests I haven't talked with, and even if he was nice he still needed blood to survive. So maybe he just lost control and accidentally killed Dorian, the same could be said for Connor. He seemed like a decent guy but from what I've heard werewolves were unable to control their urge to kill, and it's possible that if one of them did it.

They hung Dorian's corpse so people would think he killed himself, but the problem with that was why not hide it? Along with the fact that the wounds on Dorian's chest were definitely not caused by claws or teeth. Which also meant that Frankenstein's monster was out of the question, as nothing had been torn apart and there was no evidence the monster had been nearby. I had been with the witches so it couldn't have been them, unless they could have done it with their minds of something. Which left Kelly, the headless horse man and Hyde. Speaking of Hyde he was appeared to be acting weird, earlier he had been calm but now I just couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe he was Jekyll at the moment, but a part of me hoped he wasn't.

The inspector spoke up interrupting my thoughts and I wondered if he was going to begin questioning us. His name was Gabriel Lestrade and I was surprised to hear that he disagreed with what I had to say.
"Ladies and gentlemen it's very clear that he killed himself," Gabriel said. "So I'm going to have close this area off, until we find out why he did it."
"I don't think he did..." I spoke up but Gabriel cut me off sternly.
"No one asked you to speak Holmes, I don't need your opinion when all it does is cause problems." I stood there ready to tell him off as no man could tell me what I could and couldn't do.
"Hey don't you to talk to her like that!" Hyde exclaimed.

His immediate reaction surprised me and when Gabriel asked how I knew Hyde, I said the first thing that popped into my head.
"I'm he's betrothed." I said and grabbed his arm to prove my words. For a fraction of a second Hyde looked surprised but then smiled.
"Um right," Hyde responded. "So watch your mouth before I make you regret opening it." He threatened and my earlier fear of him spiked for a quick second.
"Save your temper for your individual questioning," Gabriel responded holding up his hand. "Your behavior has made me realize that there's a possible killer here, so I'm going to be meeting with you one by one,"

He looked at everyone and I could feel everyone in the room tense up. Marina tried to convince the inspector not to do anything and she even tried to flirt with him to make him listen. I giggled a little when I saw Gabriel blush but he stayed firm in his decision and insisted on staring with the headless horseman. "Abraham Van Brunt follow me please."
Oh so that's he's name I thought to himself and breathed a sigh of relief when the two walked down the hall. The maids closed the double doors so that no one could follow and Marina ensured everyone that everything will be alright. I felt my suspicion of her rise when I remembered that she had invited them all here. If that was the case, this was no dinner party it was a trap.

"Just stay together everyone." Marina said. "I'll find a way to make sure that the inspector doesn't bother us." She flipped her hair in the air and my eyes followed her as her servants escorted her out of the room.
"You know you can let go of me now." Hyde said and I blushed realizing I was still clutching his arm.
"I'm sorry about all that but I don't think Dorian killed himself," I said. "Actually scratch that I know he didn't, he was murdered, and if I'm right then we are all targets."

"But we came here to be cured," Dracula pointed out. "We don't want to hurt anyone."
"I understand but someone killed Dorian and until we know who, everyone is a suspect," I answered. "And the only way we are going to find the murderer is by working together," I continued. "That means no fighting, no threating," I said pointing at Doctor Kelly and her monster, along with Dracula and Connor.  "And no secrets." I saw everyone tense up at my words but I know that what I was saying was right. Alexandria 's face fell but then brighted as she nodded in understanding, my heart leapt at the sight.
"I understand," she said speaking up. "All I've wanted in this life is to keep my family safe, which is why I came here," she continued. "I trust that she can help us find a way to prove to the world, we are not the monsters."

It was impossible for me in that moment for me to not notice two things as she looked back at me, when she came to stand by me. First I realized that she didn't just look like Alex, she had a similar personality, and now she was putting in trust in me. Second when she said family I knew she was talking about her husband, but not just him, she had been glowing this whole. In fact she was still glowing which meant if my suspicions were correct, she was pregnant. But I didn't even know if she knew so I kept it to myself as I thanked her.
"So what do you want us to do?" Hyde asked getting my attention.
"All criminals leave clues, but I need to know everything about you all before we start looking." I responded.

"Oh gosh are you going to interview us?" Kelly asked groaning and her monster grumbled in agreement.
"Not exactly," I responded. "Earlier I learned a viable lesson about listening, and I haven't done that in a long time," I continued. "So you all are going to talk and I'm going to listen."
"And what about the murderer?" Connor asked. There was the question I was hoping no one would ask, but it just had been so I had to answer.
"Whoever he or she may be they can't hide forever," I responded. "I just need to stay one step ahead."

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