Chapter seven

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After the witches had me pick some tarot cards that told me that my past was the key to saving my future. I didn't understand what that meant, as I already knew my past was tragic and I didn't see how it was going to help me. The only thing I wanted was someone to listen to me, and actually accept me for who I am. Who would now that my best friend and family were gone, even with all the friends I still had? I still felt like I had been left alone in the world with no purpose other than to be pitied.

"You seem confused," Andrea said. "What is it?" She asked.
"I just don't understand, why people keep telling me it will get better," I admitted. "I've lost everything and no one understands," I continued. "They tell me that time will make it better but I still think of them every day." I felt the familiar feeling of tears running down my face, I tried to stop them, telling myself that adults didn't cry and I shouldn't do it in front of strangers. Nothing worked through and as I kept ranting about everything on my chest, a new river of tears flooded my eyes.
"You're in grief," Hannah said giving me a sympathetic look and taking my hand. "I see for a long time that you've been unhappy." I nodded and let her continue talking, my emotions were too all over the place to worry about anything else.

"I can see it as well, your best friend was taken," Lindsey said. "And she was like a sister to you because she helped you when your parents died." I wasn't sure if they were trying to make me feel better or worse, but either way, I was beginning to feel numb.
"She was more than that," I responded. "We had a special connection, no one understood me as she did," she continued. "We both made each other stronger and better people," I kept going. "And she ..." I trailed off remembering the horror in Alex's eyes when she tried to beg me to help her, and soon after her body went completely still when I yelled at her to not leave me. "She died for nothing."

There was a level of silence after I said that and I wanted to just forget all of this and go back to my room.
"My little brother was killed," Hannah said catching me off guard. "A lot of people blamed me for it, because it happened during the black death," she continued. I was shocked and I looked at her unable to believe what I was hearing. "He was a little boy and I loved him, but he suddenly became sick," she kept going. "I realized quickly that he had gotten the plague and when I tried to fix him with my magic, I was thrown out of the city..." She trailed off and I could see the grief in her eyes, so it wasn't hard for me to realize what happened after she was banished.
"I'm so sorry," was all I could manage to say. "They shouldn't have done that to you."

"We are witches, while we try to help people, they're terrified and disgusted by us," Lindsey explained. "That's why we have come here to be cured, we no longer want to be seen as devil worshippers or be blamed for causing problems." I nodded in understanding but I realized something, the witches had been living for a long time what would happen once they got cured? Would they just become mortal or instantly die without their magic to keep them young.
"But what will it cost?" I asked out of curiosity.
"It will set us free," Andrea answered. "We miss our families very much, and if giving up our powers means we can see them again we are willing to do it."

"But you don't have to see this a curse," I said before I could stop myself, but I didn't care. There was no way I was going to let these three throw their lives away just because some people didn't like them. Maybe that's what I needed to do, I needed to show everyone here that their abilities weren't curses and they didn't need to be cured. "You can do so much good with your magic, and help the world realize that magic isn't bad," I explained. "because everyone deserves a second chance, even if they seem like they don't." The witches looked at me for a few minutes not saying a word, before it looked like they all smiled at me. I wasn't sure if I had convinced them or not so I began to prepare to ask my questions and leave.

"You have a good heart Clara," Hannah said catching me off guard. "Don't ever lose that." Sweat began rolling down my face when she said my real name and my brain screamed at me to run.
"What my name isn't Clara, whose Clara? My name is Sherlock Holmes." I said instantly.
"Eventually you will be," Lindsey answered. "And there is no need to fear us, we don't wish to harm you," she continued. "But you must be careful who you trust, someone here isn't who they claim to be." Before I could say anything I heard the sound of screaming and the sound of glass breaking. Thinking someone was in trouble I ran out of the room to see what was in the hallway, but it was empty.

"What the hell?" I asked. I looked back at the witches hoping they would help me out but they were busy working on their potion. Okay so the three were vague and talked in riddles but they weren't evil, and their back stories were actually sad. Even if I didn't get to ask them a question, they helped me realize that I couldn't be judgmental on anyone here. I had to get all the facts before I began pointing my figure or I could end accusing the wrong person. Another thing that I realized was that if they said that someone here couldn't be trusted, were they talking about Marina? Or were they talking about someone else? Like her father Jim Moriarty, was he behind all of this? I wasn't going to get anymore information out of them tonight so I left to go make some notes.

As I was walking by I noticed that one of the other rooms in the hallway was open a jar, and despite knowing that I should respect the person's privacy I couldn't resist the urge. I took a peak and saw that Alexandria was dressed in a silk white nightgown, and I finally saw what she had been hiding around her neck. It was a wedding ring tied to a chain and given the fact that a large brown wolf and was sitting on her bed, I realized it was to the wolf man or Connor. She gave a heavy sigh and she clutched her ring as the wolf licked her hand. I quickly made a mental note to write this done as Alexandria talked about how worried she was, that their secret was out. I watched Connor instantly become a man again thankfully with clothes on, and reassure that everything would be alright.

"Hey don't think like that okay, I'm not going to let anything happen to you," Connor said. "I promised you that I would keep you safe," he continued and I watched as she rested her hand on his shoulder. "And I don't care what others may think, you're my beautiful mate and I love you."
"I love you so more." Alexandria responded and the two kissed passionately, I looked away thinking they were about to get busy but something else caught my attention as I was walking away. I stepped in something red and as I prayed it wasn't blood a strange scent of decay hit my nose. I walked towards the scent and saw more red spots on the floor, like someone had been bleeding.

When I reached the end of the hallway and entered a room with a wide open door. Something wet dripped onto my face and I looked up to see a horrible sight, an old man was hanging from the ceiling with parts of his body bleeding out. I screamed at the sight and when I saw the picture of Dorian Gray nearby, I realized that the older man was Dorian Gray. My scream caught the attention of everyone else in the hallway and Hyde grabbed me to pull away from the sight.

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