Chapter six

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After dinner, everyone was sent to their rooms despite the fact that the room I was given was luxurious. As the bed was made from silk, the shelves were filled to the brim with books and a desk that was carved from redwood and stuffed with feather pens and parchment. The view was even more beautiful as I could see the city out of my window and behind it, I saw a beautiful forest.
"I hope you will be comfortable here," a servant said. "The mistress has arranged for you to have a silk nightgown and tea every night."

"Oh how lovely," I responded even though my suspicions about Marina only increased with her apparent goodie two-shoes act. "Please tell her that I am thankful." The servant asked if I needed anything but I dismissed her and sat on my new bed. Something bad was happening here, and I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. I needed to know what was going on here but where was I supposed to start? A good detective also looks for clues and uses what he or she has to solve the mystery. Okay, so I needed to start there what evidence did I have already? Just a note that was it well threat was more like it, okay so I needed to figure out what everyone else knew. I couldn't go sneaking around Ms. Moriarty that was way too dangerous, and I had to make sure I made the right choices.

So I needed to go talk with the other guests staying here, the only problem was I didn't really know who to trust. The ones I've met have all seemed friendly but how did I know if it wasn't all an act? But I couldn't let that stop me, I had to try so after changing out of my day clothes and changing into the silk nightgown left out for me. It was a little tight but I will admit the whiteness of it did really glow. I cracked my door open a jar to see if anyone was in the hallway but all I saw were the birch doors. Taking a deep breath I closed the door and picked up a piece of paper and a feather pen, I had never used one before but I had seen enough movies to know how to use them.

So I made sure to also grab a pot of ink before leaving, the hallway was dark and I wondered why in the world I had decided to leave without a candle. I didn't know whose room was who's so I just decided to check them all, I knocked on my neighbors door and there was no answer. "Um hello?" I asked looking through the keyhole and saw the three witches playing with what looked like a tiny cauldron.
"Hannah what do you think?" One of the witches answered, I had to admit that she was a pretty. Her long brown hair that had been tied up was now let down and it made her look more modern like she was a woman from my time.
"Sorry Lindsey I just want to know why the new girl felt so strange," Hannah answered. "Andrea do you have the snake?"

"Yes I do sister," Andrea responded. And I once again wondered what they were up to, as I didn't know what kind of witches they were. If they were a trio it was possible they were the three witches from the story of Macbeth. But from what I remember they were pretty evil in that story, but before I could call the three out for being something I didn't like. The words that Hyde came back to my mind and I decided to give the girls a chance. "I also sensed something wonderful forming." Andrea said handing Hannah the small snake and though I couldn't really see much I hoped the snake was dead.
"Oh yes it definitely seems that something even more powerful is going to help us all survive." Hannah said dropping the snake in the cauldron and I walked closer trying to get a better look.

The cauldron glowed a bright gold and I saw that they were making some kind of potion. Maybe it was some kind of protection potion, if that was the case I was desperately tempted to ask for one.
"I do love a good love story," Lindsey said. "And..." She was when cut off when I leaned down a little too much and caused the door to fly open revealing myself. "Ms. Holmes?" Lindsey asked. I couldn't speak and tried to say my reason for coming to their room, but my mouth was stuck. My mind against my will was entranced by the beauty of their room and embarrassed at getting caught.
"Why were you spying on us?" Andrea asked. Somehow her soft voice and gentle smile brought me back to my senses and I apologized.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask you three some questions but when I came by you guys were busy," I admitted. "And I just couldn't resist listening a bit." My voice faltered out of shame for eavesdropping when I knew it was wrong and my intentions were just to talk. But to my surprise the three girls smiled warmly at me and asked me to come in.
"Oh please come in," Hannah said. "We've been wanting you to tell us about yourself." I shrugged my shoulders forgetting all my worries and stepped inside, Andrea instantly asked if she could do a tarot card reading on me.
"Okay I suppose it couldn't hurt." I answered as I've always enjoyed that kind of thing and I realized just how long it had been since I had actually enjoyed myself. Alex was right, I really needed to get out of my depressed state, it was keeping me from seeing the goodness in anyone.

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