Chapter fourteen

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My ear kept ringing long after the explosion and I was pretty sure I had fractured something in my leg. Whether it was intentional or an accident I didn't care, because someone I had just tried to kill us. My skin burned and I forced myself to get out of the damage so I could see who was coming inside. Sure enough it looked like Kelly but she dropped to the floor and Dracula was standing behind her. He was holding a device in his hands, and I recognized it as my cell phone, and I looked down at my unconscious friends, the dead doctor, and him. I instantly realized that he was the one that brought me here, I didn't know how, but he had managed to pull it off somehow. He must have had someone helping him out, and due to everybody constantly bashing Jekyll, I had a feeling it was him.

"I knew I couldn't trust you, you blood-sucking demon!" I exclaimed.
He shrugged his shoulders and wiped the blood on his mouth before answering me.
"Oh we're way past the insults Clara, I've been waiting for over a hundred years to finally get to this point." he said. Without his accent, I realized that he had managed to hide right under my nose not just here, but in my era. No wonder he looked so much like Clyde, he was pretending to be Clyde this whole time.
"I always knew you were creepy, never would have thought you would actually go this far," I responded. "So Clyde how did you pull this whole thing off? The audience wants to know?"

I made sure to stand my ground and I kept Dracula from seeing that Hyde and Connor were still alive. If Dracula planned on killing them, I wanted him to think he had succeeded so he would leave. That way I could help them before they did end up dying from their injuries, and no way was I going to allow that to happen.
He flashed his fangs at me due to my words but didn't lose his cool which made me uneasy. If was the type of villain to lose his temper easily then I could take him out easily, but he was just quietly waiting for the right moment to strike. Like a predator stalking its prey and patiently watching for any sign of weakness.

"Don't waste your time with all that talk Clara, I can hear your heartbeat," he said. "So I know that you're all talk, and also delicious." He gave me sniff and I turned away in disgust when he licked his lips. "But since I'm a gentleman, I'll tell you how I pulled this off before I drink the precious blood running through your veins."
"Not if I find a way to kill you first," I responded. "And if the lore is incorrect I'll just have to keep trying until something sticks."

He looked at me and my skin felt like ice while my brain screamed at me to run, but I forced myself to stay not wanting to give him any power over me. Dracula scoffed at my defiant look and before I could even stop him, he pulled me into his arms, I held back a scream as he sniffed my hair like some kind of creep. He didn’t bite me or attempt to drink my blood he seemed to just want to keep me trapped in his hold, knowing that it was making me uncomfortable. I pushed away from him but he just grabbed me tighter and talked about how beautiful he always thought I had been. That was the last straw for me and I threatened to castrate him if he didn’t let me go, he agreed but I could tell he was thinking about grabbing me again, but I wasn’t sure if he just wanted my blood or wanted to turn me. 

“You remind me so much of my beloved Mina, at first I didn’t know why as I was too focused planning my revenge,” He said. “Against that horrible werewolf creature who stole what was mine, and cursed me to forever serve his descendants like that digusting Alex.” 
“Don’t talk about Alex that way!” I exclaimed pushing him away from me. It had little effect on him but I managed to get him out of my way and saw that he was stalling, but I didn’t know why. He smirked and laughed at me reminding me of the vampires of media who wore a cape and flipped it around, Dracula had no cape, but they definitely got his cruel nature correct. “I always wondered why she kept you around, when you were horrible to her but I guess I understand why now.” 

“There is a lot you don’t understand my dear,” Dracula responded and snapped his fingers leaving me wondering what he had just done. “Enough shut eye Jekyll it’s time for your part of the deal.” Before I could process what he said I felt a knife against my neck and now I realized what everyone meant about Jekyll, he had made a deal with a vampire, it was like making a deal with the devil. 

“Sorry about this sweetheart, if only you hadn’t kept digging Ms. Holmes.” He said to me. I could only scoff while I looked back at the vampire who had his red eyes searching for any sign of Connor or weakness from me, realizing that he must have snuck out I decided to stall in case the werewolf was planning a surprise attack. 

“So this is what Hyde meant when he said that you couldn’t be trusted,” I responded purposely ignoring Dracula when he looked back at me and up at Jekyll. “Everyone thinks that he is the bad one but really you are, look at you making a deal with a vampire.” Jekyll didn’t say anything and I realized that he was like a puppet, he couldn’t do anything unless Dracula told him he could. “Or maybe this blood sucking demon, has taken control of your mind, typical for creatures like him, they can’t get their hands dirty because they only like to wait.” 

“Oh it’s not like that Clara,” Jekyll responded catching my by surprise. “I went to him willingly, he wanted a cure so he could finally die and I wanted to live forever so he turned me, in exchange I would take out whoever he wanted me to.” Oh great so not only was Jekyll the killer here he was a vampire, I didn’t know if he was freshly made or not but I felt disgusted by how cold his touch felt compared to Hyde’s. But it left me wondering if Hyde was a vampire as well considering the fact that they were the different sides of the same person, I hid the sigh that came from lips for thinking about stuff like that when I literally had a knife against my throat. It seemed to me that this whole thing had been about revenge and I didn't understand why, until I thought back to what Dracula had said about Mina.

"Wow way to make a deal with the devil Jekyll," I said not looking at either of them in the eye. In the corner I could see Connor recovering and I was trying to stall until he recovered. I didn't know if werewolves actually had enchanced healing, or not but it was my only hope at possibly getting away. "So Clyde mind filling me on why you want to die so badly? You've never had a problem with loss before or is that just how media represents you?" I asked. Dracula looked away from me as he looked off into the distance and began monologuing. Jekyll tightened his hold on me and I was this close to punching him even though I knew it wouldn't do anything. Maybe it was just me but I almost felt like I heard a twisted version of myself when he spoke about his pain.

"You humans have never understood me or my kind," Dracula responded. "For years my kind has been hunted, starved, poisoned and killed off because you filthy humans couldn't leave us alone!" He exclaimed. "She was the only one who ever did, Mina didn't care who I was or what I had done," he continued. "She was beautiful and I loved her, but just like everything else I've cared about she was taken from me." He cried and I didn't even know that vampires were capable of shedding tears. But it was what he said next that completely shook me to my cure and finally gave Connor enough to attack. "You want to know why I decided to do all this? Or why I wanted to take Alexanderia as my bride? Jekyll told me that they both told you what happened, well here's news for you Clara. She should have been my daughter, so I stole her."

I didn't even get a chance to react to everything Dracula had told me, including the fact that Alex was actually Alexandria's descendant. Or maybe she had been Alex the whole time but didn't realize it because Dracula turned her. A large brown werewolf attacked him, and Dracula screamed as the two fought each other. It was a battle full of teeth, claws, fur and so much flying causing injuries on both creatures. I saw my chance and grabbed the knife from Jekyll's hand, punching him in the balls and kicking him aside hoping that would slow his down. He landed on the ground with a loud thud and I made sure to keep glancing at him, just in case Jekyll recovered. Dracula's hissing and Connor growls of pain as he pushed back into a shelf caught my attention.
"Connor!" I called out. Dracula looked at me and his red eyes glowed and I realized he was just getting started. "You won't get away with this!"

"Oh but I already have, and it will never end  until all of the humans have endured all the suffering I have," he responded clenching his teeth. "You've always called us monsters so its time we be them."
"Oh yeah you're savior, you're using a fake cure to kill all these people here when they came here for help." I told him but he just smiled at me and said he only killed them because they refused to join him. Then he told me there were hundreds of monsters who were blood thirsty like he was, but the ones here apart from Jekyll had all chosen their side.
"You won't understand Clara, you're nothing but a mere human, but hear me when I see that there a hundreds like me who would give anything to end all the torment."
I gave him a look of anger shock and he surprised me by turning into a bat to escape.

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