Chapter thirteen

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Hyde stared at me before almost laughing and said that I must be joking, I shook my head to show that I wasn't joking.
"There's no way you could be from the future, it's not possible." He said.
"I know it sounds that way, I didn't even believe it myself when I first woke up here," I explained. "Sometimes I still feel like I just hit my head and I'm dreaming this whole thing, but it's the truth," I continued. "While my real name is Clara, I'm not a detective or Sherlock Holmes, I'm just a regular girl." It was hard for me to keep the tears at bay now, I didn't even know if I was crying because I was in pain or because I was scared he wouldn't believe me.

"Clara," he responded looking at me like he was searching for any signs of lying. My heart sped up again and I tried to look away but he grabbed my chin gently. I locked eyes with him and instantly felt weak in the knees, looking into those deep green eyes. "I've had unexplainable things happen to me as well, but I never came across time travel," he continued. "Tell me what happened." I sighed and forced my hormones to calm down so that I could answer his question. It felt a little scary explaining the red book with all of them, falling asleep in a chair, waking up in an abandoned library, and my clothes somehow changing.
"I don't know what caused it, I used to believe in the supernatural, but with everything that happened to me recently, I just couldn't anymore." I answered.

"You lost your best friend," he said causing me to look up at him in shock, I don't remember saying that to him, did I just not recall it, or had Jekyll been listening to me the whole time I've been here? Both options scared me when they probably shouldn't have crossed my mind immediately. "Don't freak out I wasn't eavesdropping, Alexandria told me." I breathed a sigh of relief and told him it was alright,I don't know why I hadn't thought of that first.
"I guess I should have guessed that, we have been talking a lot," I answered. "She reminds me a lot of my best friend and not just personality wise." I don't know if it was the way I said it or if he already knew by some other means, but I didn't need to say anymore for him to figure it out.
"What was her name?" He asked.

"Alex and she was..." I stopped briefly to get comfortable in my bed and sat up straighter. "She was more than just my friend, she was family," I said. Since it seemed like I kept bringing up what happened to her to different people, I might as well just explain the whole story. Alex was like a sister to me not just because of our bond, but because of what we accomplished together. Neither of us had really fit in with the crowd because of how different we both were, most people thought I was a bit annoying or weird. But her blunt attitude about everything helped me become a stronger person, I didn't feel like I was that weird anymore. We had accomplished a lot together like over coming toxic relationships we had, family drama, and supernatural secrets I won't share. "It's hard to explain I don't think anyone would really understand, they look at me with pity and try to but I know they don't."

It was strange to admit that especially to someone I hadn't known that long, but Hyde didn't feel like a stranger at this point. Plus at least I had gotten that off my chest, it was a weird but comforting feeling, but it was shot down a bit by thinking he wouldn't get it. Hyde would probably say what everyone else said like I'm so sorry for your loss or I know what you're going through but it will get better. "It wasn't just her though, I lost my family in fire and I found I was completely alone in the world." I sighed after saying that and let a tear fall at the memory, I still couldn't handle being around fire without thinking about that night. My whole body would freeze up and my vision would be filled with the orange flames and crimson river of blood. I was surprised when Hyde didn't say anything at first as I was expecting him to console me.

"I know it may seem that way," he said once I thought he wasn't going to comment on my story. "But no matter what you think or what's happened you're not alone," he continued. "I could tell you that I know exactly how you feel because I went through it,  but I know that won't make you feel better," he kept going and I blushed when he grabbed my hand. "But when I can say is that when one doors closes another one opens." Hold on how would he know a phrase like that, it was something I had only heard in my era. Just when I was about to ask what he meant even though I knew, the door opened and Connor walked in. He apologized for interrupting us and I told him not to worry about it, but I could tell he looked genuinely scared.

"Hyde we have a problem," he said. "All the lost items were found, and it looks like the murderer struck again because Kelly was found half electrocuted." Hyde seemed to pale and I was worried about what might happen when he responded. I hadn't heard his back story so I didn't know if my theory about Jekyll switching the characters in the story, to look like a victim was correct. But I knew I couldn't stop Hyde from doing what's right, so I let the two of them talk.
"Then you have to get everyone out of here," Hyde responded. "It's only a matter of time before he finishes the job, I've already seen two other casualties."
"Hyde no we don't know that's it's been him, it could have been someone else." Connor responded and I couldn't even register the fact that his eyes were watering up because I was too busy listening. What was Hyde planning to do? Was he going to turn himself in that wouldn't solve anything, and I didn't have proof that Jekyll was the killer.

Even though he looked like the most obvious subject at the moment, but I needed something to prove it.
"We both know that's not the case," Hyde responded. "I've got to take it, he is going to keep coming after everyone until he finds it."
"No its too risky," Connor responded. "It will just destroy you both, I can find another way." He looked desperate and I realized what Hyde wanted the antidote to do, if it was used, not only would Jekyll go back to himself. But Hyde would be lost forever, sucked back into the pits of Jekyll's mind.
"There is no other way, there is not enough time to make up for the pain I've caused in my life," he answered and I felt like crying at those words. "I can't sit and do nothing while he goes after innocents just because he's angry. I have to do what's right.

"No I..." Connor began but he didn't finish his sentence and I saw his eyes turn gold showing he was getting angry.
"Hey don't go all werewolf on me, that won't help," he said grabbing his brother by the wrist. I could see the conflict in both of their eyes and I wanted to say something to help but all I could do was sit there in shock. "You have to take care of yourself and your family, you hear me?" He asked. It wasn't an order even though it sounded like one, I knew it was a plea and Connor nodded slowly showing he agreed. My heart broke at the scene and I wanted to ease their worries by telling them my earlier thoughts about Dracula. It had almost slipped my mind and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it, but when I was about to speak the wall in front of us exploded.

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