Chapter twelve

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Everything became a blur once the inspector spoke to me, and that was almost two days ago. As I lay down on my bed, I recalled how everything that had happened after I was certain I was going to end up in jail. Inspector Gabriel grabbed me before I could even register what he had said about burning everyone here at the stake. My first thought was he can't do that, this isn't the middle ages or the Salem Witch trials. He couldn't just do that because he felt like it, or maybe he would try to do it anyway. Maybe it wouldn't be being burned alive but a public execution where they were all hanged.

Somehow thinking about all that brought me back to my senses and I realized that Gabriel had dragged me out of the hotel.
"Let go of me!" I exclaimed fighting against him, I pulled in every move I could take to shove or punch him away from me. It worked a bit as he was losing his grip but he still wouldn't let go.
"Don't fight against me, you've been a part of two murders, attempted a third, and have been seen with suspicious individuals all wanted by the law." He responded.
"It was a human law, not one that God made so I won't follow it and I didn't kill anyone!" I screamed. "I can barely kill a spider, and I hate spiders so if you...." He cut me off by pulling out a pair of head cuffs and attempting to slap them on me.

I knew there was no way he would ever listen to me unless I brought in the real killer. So with no other choice, I kicked him between the legs and punched him in the nose finally freeing myself from his grasp.
"Ow son of bitch!" He exclaimed trying to hold his nose and lessen the pain where the sun didn't shine. "I think my voice is a little higher..." I didn't wait to see if he passed out from the pain or recovered, I ran off intending to go back to the hotel. My friends back there still needed me and I had to solve this mystery before I got blamed for all of this. Even though that it was already happening, I wasn't going to give up. As I was running through the dark, I could see the lights of the hotel, but someone hit me on the head with something hard. I didn't know what it was, it felt like a rock but my vision went dark seconds after.

When I came to I expected to find myself in prison but I was actually back in my room at the hotel, it was morning and my head still hurt. I placed my hand to find where the wound was, but found a bandage instead. Someone had obviously been taking care of me for that to be there. I slowly sat up and shook my head with confusion still feeling light headed, I waited for someone to come in to explain what was going on. I laid back down wanting to fall asleep, but the doors to my room opened, a male figure walked in and even in my current state I knew it was Hyde.
"Take it easy you took a hard hit," he said softly. I only whimpered in response and he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Clara just rest, I'm going take care of you."

It wasn't something I would expect Edward Hyde to say, but he clearly wasn't the psycho stories claimed he was. It had taken me a long time to realize it, but he was a good person and I wanted to get to know him better. My heart leapt but fell at the same time, as much as I wanted to I couldn't stay here, eventually I had to go back to my present. Whether I needed to solve this mystery to go home, or after the ten days were up I would just disappear, or I was just dreaming. Somehow I had to go back, I didn't belong in this era, living someone's else life who deserved to have there's felt wrong. I don't even know if all these changes of the people here are because I'm here but once I'm gone, they go crazy trying to figure out what happened to me.

Hyde pulled me out of my thoughts by checking the bandage, and I flinched at his touch on my wound. I couldn't see it but due to the light headedness I kept feeling along with the sharp pain. My best guess was that I had been bleeding and Hyde was making sure I didn't bleed out.
"How long have I been out?" I asked.
"Almost two days, I found you out in the middle of the road with your head bleeding," Hyde answered. "I couldn't just leave you there so I took you back here." I tried to smile at his words to show that I was alright, but all I could do was blink. His close proximity was causing my heart to speed up and it wasn't from fear this time. I was so touched that he had been so dedicated and caring towards me, along with everything I had heard about his real back story.

He had been through so much and well I hadn't heard anything from anyone here, I knew that Hyde had been blamed for murders when he was no killer. He had saved a scared and shunned kid and raised him as a younger brother, didn't care about anyone being different than him, and even fought against a vampire. Okay I wasn't really sure about that last part, but if Connor had fought against Dracula I figured he wouldn't keep Hyde out of it.
"Thank you," I said and I wasn't just talking about saving me when I spoke up. "You were pretty great out there."
"I try to do all I can these days, hold still this will hurt a bit," he answered. Hyde threw the dirty bandage out and replaced the bloody cloth with a clean one.

I flinched again and thought about anything else I could use to distract myself from the pain. "Sorry about that, I'm not the doctor I once was."
"I thought that Jekyll was the doctor?" I asked. Hyde stiffened once I said that and I realized I probably shouldn't bring up his alter ego at the moment. "I'm sorry..."
"Don't you don't have to say anything, but trust me you can't trust anything Jekyll says, you may not understand but he's evil." Hold on Jekyll was the bad one? No that didn't make sense he was the one who created Hyde with his formula, I could buy that Hyde wasn't all bad, but Jekyll being evil? If anything he was the victim of society because, my own thoughts trailed off when I realized my arguments weren't going anywhere. It was possible that the story I knew had been switched because Jekyll made himself look like the victim.

"How could that be possible?" I asked feeling strong enough to attempt to sit up. "Jekyll created a formula..." Hyde finished my words for me clearly knowing them by heart.
"To vanish all the evil in a man but accidentally ended up letting his dark side come up which caused a ton of people to die," he said. "Yes that's the story he told, but its not what actually happened." Oh no this wasn't good, I had left Jekyll in the care of our host and from all I knew Jekyll had locked her in his lab, and probably killed the inspector so he could blame everything on Hyde. At first I thought Dracula was framing everything on me, but I was wrong Jekyll was framing Hyde for all this, that way he could be "cured" and no one would be able to stop him.

"What really happened?" I asked fearful of his response. He sighed heavily and tried to change the subject by telling me to rest, but I wasn't having it, I had to know. "Hyde please."
"I can't talk about it, I promised I wouldn't take myself back there," he responded. "The memories are disturbing." I saw him press a faded scar on his face that I hadn't noticed before. It was like hearing my own words being thrown in my face, because for so long I had said the same thing about my painful memories. I took a risk and grabbed his hand much to his shock, I wanted him to know that he wasn't alone.
"I understand, there are memories I don't want to go back to," I answered. "Because they involve death, but maybe its time we finally talk about it," I continued. "If I tell you tell me your secret, I'll tell you mine."

He looked at me with a mixture of a pleading expression and hopeful one, I could only guess he was thinking about how I would react. Maybe he was scared to tell the truth because of what people might think about him, it was kinda what was happening right now. Even in my time Hyde was seen as the darkest part of Jekyll's subconscious, not caring who got hurt as long as he got away with it. His name was infamous for his cruelty, and I couldn't just sit back and let the real Hyde throw his life away because of it. When he didn't say anything I decided that I was going to talk first, hopefully he won't think I'm making it all up. "Okay I'll start, just know that everything I'm about to say is true no matter how unreal it seems," I said. "There's something I haven't told you or anyone else here."
"What could you possibly..." Hyde began but I cut him off with my response causing his mouth to drop.
"I'm not who you think I am, I'm from the future."

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