The Finale

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'So, looks like Aditya and Zoya have finally become AdiYa' said Pooja as she entered the room.
Aditya looked away from Pooja and Zoya looked flustered. Pooja smiled at the sight of them and said 'Look at you two. You both seem like a pair of naughty kids who had been upto no good and the principal walked in on their mischief.'

Zoya said 'At least when we were kids the mischief done could be forgiven. What we have done cant be forgiven.'

Pooja looked surprised and said 'Guys,calm down. You didn't kiss each other behind my back.You just had a normal conversation which included Zoya's truth and her confession of love for you ,Adi. What's wrong with that ?

Pooja continued and said 'Adi, would be please be kind to leave us two ladies alone for some time.'

Aditya said in a subdued voice 'Fine. I will be in the hallway. Call me when you are done.'

Aditya glanced at Pooja and left the room.

Pooja sat down on the three pin stool beside Zoya's bed and said 'How are you now?

Zoya said 'I don't know'

Pooja said 'Zoya , I have no hard feelings towards you. You love Aditya and have done so for the last five years and believe me I have absolutely no qualms about it. You left him for a reason , a reason which must have left you heartbroken and in a condition as bad as Aditya's. But the fact remains that Aditya married me after you left him.He tried to move on with me but your memories pulled him back. Today after he has received closure from you , maybe he will be able to finally move on in life. '

Zoya said 'Pooja , I never wanted you to be a part of this mess. I am sorry for whatever you had to endure.'

Pooja said 'Exactly , I have endured a lot. I have been deprived of love and have suffered because of a war of emotions started by you two. You can say whatever happened to me was collateral damage, as its common in any war. But now I want to live my life. I cant live like this anymore.'

Zoya took her hands and said 'I am really sorry. All of this is my fault. Had I trusted Aditya to get us both out of that mess that day we wouldn't have been here to see this day. Both of us had promised to trust and be with each other whatever may happen.'

Pooja said 'Well, you were together. Maybe not in person but your hearts were. Zoya , I have loved Aditya since childhood. I have dreamt of our perfect love story since I was a teenager. But the love I wanted from him was already reserved for you. The way Aditya loves you is something else. It's pure and vulnerable. It's passionate yet innocent. Aditya will not think twice before giving his life for you. Zoya , today even if I force you to leave Adi, I will still not have him. His heart strings will always be controlled by you. I can't live with that. I have always got what I have wanted. And I have got it just for myself. I don't  like to share my things. But here I would have to share. And that's not what I want. So , Zoya I will give Aditya to you and leave both of you. Promise me that you will take care of him because if you lose him this time , I will take him.'

Zoya said 'No , you can't do that Pooja . What will happen to your life ? If you get a divorce your whole life will be ruined by the society. And I can't let you do that. Already you have seen a lot in the last one year.'

Pooja said ' Zoya I couldn't give a damn to what the society says. And just so that I don't have to see another horrible year I am giving Aditya to you. Don't think of it as a sacrifice. I love my life and I am very selfish , so to make my life beautiful I am doing this.'

Zoya said 'Pooja , you are a wonderful woman. You deserve the best. Thank you so much.'

Pooja got up to leave and said 'And Zoya you are the most amazing woman I have met. The lengths that you can go for love is commendable. You deserve the best too and that's why you deserve Aditya. Good Bye Zoya.'

With that she left the room and came face to face with Aditya. Aditya was spluttering and Pooja took his hand and said 'Walls are pretty thin here it seems. Everyone gets to know everything before hand itself. Aditya , I know you have a lot of things to say but trust me this will be best for both of us. I don't blame you for what you have done. But I just want to tell you that next time never be impulsive and try to trust the people you love. I am glad I could be your friend this one year. And maybe it wasn't meant to be for us. Take care of yourself and Zoya. And I would suggest that you ask her to marry you straight away.'

Aditya said 'Pooja don't be so understanding please. I will die of guilt. I am really sorry for whatever I have done. Give me a chance and let me fulfills my responsibilities towards you.'
Pooja smiled and said 'Adi I told you before we can't be each other's responsibilities and live our life. We will suffocate our relationship. Adi, I told this to Zoya as well, I am being selfish and not selfless. I want a man who loves me the way I love him. Adi go back to Zoya . You both deserve each other. Zoya is perfect for you. I had thought that no one can love you more than me but Zoya proved me wrong. Now go back to her and call me at your wedding.'

Adi said 'Pooja, I could never be a good husband to you. But you were the perfect wife. You helped me, nurtured me and took care of me. I can never thank you enough for that. I hope one day you find a guy who can keep you happy just like you kept me. I want good things to happen to you Pooja. I am sorry too. You will always remain my best friend Pooja . And if I can do anything for you , I will be happy.'

Adi came forwards and hugged her tightly. Pooja wiped the tears from her eyes. She pulled apart and said 'Now go Aditya before I change my mind.'
She held her hand out and shook his and said 'Aditya Hooda it was amazing meeting you.'
With that Pooja left.

Aditya stood in the hallway for some time and then went inside Zoya's room.
Zoya looked up at him when he came in. She said 'Pooja left , didn't she ?'

Aditya said 'Yes she did.'

Zoya nodded her head and after some time she said 'Adi'

Aditya said 'Hmm'

Zoya tried to get up and hurt herself in the process. Aditya came to her and said 'Careful Zoya. Why don't you look after yourself?'

Zoya smiled and hugged him. She said 'Aditya , I am sorry I left you. I am really sorry. I missed you so much. I love you Aditya. I love you.'
Aditya hugged her back like he was never going to leave her and said 'I am sorry too. I should have trusted you. I should have never let you go. I am a pathetic person. I... I..'

Zoya said 'Sshh Aditya. I understand. And the surprise that I couldn't give you a year ago. I will give it to you today. Aditya Hooda , Will you take me , Zoya Siddiqui as your wife.'
She held out a ring and said this.
Aditya took it and said 'Zoya Siddiqui, I will take you as my wife not just in this life but for every life that I live.'
Zoya and Aditya took each other's hand and said 'I love you' together.

So guys this was the end of my story. It was my first FF, not just for AdiYa but as a whole too. I loved writing this. I will miss writing this FF. And guys thank you so much for all the love that you gave this ff. I had never thought that this FF will cross even a 100 views but you guys loved it and. Thank you so much. I will be back with a new AdiYa FF soon. Do tell me if you have any requests for a story. And also if you would like an epilogue for this story or not. So for one last time do tell me how you liked this FF and do vote. Lots of love.

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