The Truth At Last

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Adi looked Pooja's hand on his and remembered his wedding vows that no matter what he would never leave her.And it was he who had got her into this pickle in the first place.He turned around and said 'Yes Pooja I owe it to you. I am so sorry. I will choose you because you looked after me when she gave up on me.You took care of me when she left me.You were the one who calmed me down not her.How can I desert you now? You are right , I am very selfish. But this time I will rectify my mistake. Zoya is not a small child. She can look after herself.'
Pooja smiled sadly and said 'Aditya , today I am happy and sad. Happy because you proved that I know you very well and sad because you don't understand me at all. Adi, why are you like this? That day when  you should have heard your mind you chose your heart and today when you should chosen your heart you chose your head.  And do you really think that I am that mean a creature that even after knowing a person isn't well and you are trying to save her , I would stop you. Aditya , go. Zoya needs you. But when you meet her ask her why she left you. Ask her to give you the real reason just like I asked you today so that you can gain a closure in your life.'
With this Pooja left Aditya's hand knowing deep down that this was probably her last chance to hold him back.
Aditya took one last glance at her and broke into a run and went to the roads. He searched for Zoya and finally found her waking all alone , with no care in the world right in the middle of the road. He was going to call her but suddenly a car coming right at her. Aditya jumped to save her but it was too late. The car hit her and Aditya's scream froze on his lips. His eyes bulged out and he stood still where he was. The chaos around him bought him back to his senses. He rushed to Zoya's aid. He picked her up and hailed a cab and they rushed to the hospital. In the cab Aditya tried to wake up Zoya but she was still. Her pulse was dropping and the colour from her face was draining fast. Aditya rubbed her hand and said 'Zoya you can't give up on me like this. I let you go once before but not today. Please, please don't do this to me.Wake up'
But these words went in vain. In a short while they reached the hospital and Aditya screamed for the doctors to help Zoya. The doctors took her to the emergency room and asked Aditya to fill up the form first. Aditya said to the doctor 'She will be alright won't she? Tell me she will be all right .'
The doctor said 'We will try our best. You are her family I guess'
Aditya hesitated and said 'Ye... , I mean no. I am just an acquaintance.'
The doctor said 'Very well, just complete the formalities and wait'
Aditya waited for what seemed like years but in actuality were  three long painful hours.Aditya was pacing up and down the corridor. When suddenly the doctor came with a smile and said 'She is a tough fighter. She is out of danger now. After some time I think she will be fit enough to meet you'
Aditya just slipped on the floor crying. He was so relieved. He thought he should message Pooja and let her know where he was. After another five hours Zoya asked the nurse to let her meet the man who got her here. Aditya entered and Zoya looked surprised to see him. She said in amazement 'What are you doing here ?'
Aditya said 'Well since I bought you here I guess I should be the one the you asked the nurse to meet.'
Zoya said 'That's twice you have saved my life today. Come and sit'
Aditya came and sat and said 'How are you ?'
Zoya said 'Healing'
Aditya nodded and said 'I guess we should let your husband know'
He was getting up when Zoya pulled him back and said 'I don't have a husband, I never had'
Aditya exclaimed 'What?'
Zoya sighed and said 'Aditya I think today I should let you know the whole truth. I overheard your conversation with Pooja. And it was all because of me that we are all in this mess today.'
She continued and said 'Does the name Maya Siddiqui ring a bell in your head'
Aditya thought hard and after a minute he said 'Yes, she and I were a thing in college. But what does she have to do with us'
Zoya said 'Maya is my sister. I know that in all those  five years that we were together I didn't mention her as often and hence you never knew much about her. Aditya , she loved you but unfortunately you didn't love her the way she did. She was crazy about you and when you ended things with her she couldn't bear it. She tried to commit suicide. I had stopped her and she had made me promise that one day I would seek revenge for her.'
Zoya paused for a breath and Aditya said 'Well just so you know, I left Maya because she was obsessive and possessive. Our relationship was getting toxic. She needed psychiatric help.'
Zoya nodded and said 'I know but our father thought it would bring a bad name to our family. Well on the day I left you , I had gone to speak to my father about us. But before I could say anything he told me he had decided to get me married to Yash Arora, the owner of our event management company. I didn't agree and when he asked my why I couldn't bring myself to tell him about you. I was scared that he might do something to you. Instead I went away from there and wept in my room. That's when Maya came in with an odd look on her face. She was carrying my wallet which I had dropped while I was coming to my room. She said 'Zoya , you know Aditya Hooda?' I was taken aback and asked her 'How did she know that name?' She said 'Aditya was the same guy who broke up with me . The one who drove me to suicide. You can't be in love with him. Zoya you promised me you would avenge my scorned love.'
I was in shock and I told her I loved you and I didn't know you were the one who hurt her. But then Maya cut me in the middle and and said 'Zoya , you don't want to get married right. Fine , I have no qualms in marrying Yash and I will convince dad not to get you married to him but I have one condition. You will break up with Aditya today. You will hurt him so bad that he will become a wreck. If not , then I will tell dad about Aditya and you know how conservative he is. If he gets to know about your little relationship with Aditya , he might harm him in the worst possible way.
I had no choice. I didn't want to get married at any cost. I knew if I got married then I would lose you forever. And if I didnt listen to Maya , my dad would surely hunt you down and kill you. I agreed to her proposal. That night when I shouted at you I thought that you would look through my facade. But you didn't. You never wanted to find out the truth. The newspaper headlines that you talked about was printed by Maya too. She wanted to make sure that you break completely. That's why she didn't mention any name there. She had taken my phone and had blocked you. Aditya I have never loved anyone else other than you.
Humne humesha aapse bepannah Aur beintehaan mohabbat ki hai Aur humesha karte rahenge'

Aditya was in shock. He don't know whether he should be relived or whether he should sit and cry. Zoya still loved him and always had. Just then they heard a knock on the door and Pooja entered.

Okay guys today I did a double update because I really wanted to let the secret out. So tell me how you liked it please. Lots of love...

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