Chapter 19

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Velvet bared her teeth as she chuckled darkly. She glanced over to the humans sitting in the trees with their arrows aimed straight for the Empress. "I've waited a long time for this!" Velvet flicked her tail slightly. Star growled out in pain as she ripped out the arrow and gripped her bleeding wound "As have I." Jazu shifted his form and stood in between his Queen and the flying arrows, which bounced off his scales. Star stood up and watched as Jazu shifted forwards a bit before he took in this deep breath. He spread his wings out and his tail curled.
Blue fire escaped his scaly lips as he raced into the trees to burn out the archers. The people screamed with fear as they began to jump out of the trees and try to run away from his fire. Oidoas and Ako quickly transformed and gave out their own roars of battle as they tackled the charging white dragon. The three tumble backwards through the trees and Oidoas scratches at her neck as Velvet turned to bite into Ako's shoulder, her dagger like teeth striking a few nerves. Ako cried out and swiped at her muzzle with her freed claws.

The crazy screams and roars woke the rest of those inside the farm house and everyone ran outside as quickly as possible. "It's cold!" Mimi squeaked as the rain drenched her to the bone. "What's happening!" Rain bellowed from behind the children as Chimur pulled the kids back inside. "It's a fight!" He pushed pass the kids and transformed just as a brass dragon came from the sky and nearly collided with the Empress. Rain grabbed the Empress' arm and pulled her out of the battle "You need to stay inside!" "No!" She pulled out of his grip "I have to be ready to kill her!" She turned to face the forest, trying to pick out which dragon was her through the crazy storm.
"Are you insane? She's a dragon! She could crush you easily!" Rain grabbed her arm again and pulled her to face him "Listen to me, if you join this fight you will be seriously injured or worse!" She looked at him dim eyes; her shoulder still bleeding. He quickly noticed and ripped up a piece of his shirt, wrapping her arm as fast as he could "See, you are already hurt!" "I need to do this!" She winced and glanced at her arm "If I don't, I can never forgive myself!"

Oidoas shoved Velvet off of his mate and pushed Ako back out of the way. He shifted and then charged forward, crashing into the white dragon and slashing her muzzle as shw tried to stand "You shall die here!" His voice boomed at her as he backed away and then ran at her again, slashing at her hide "You will pay!" Velvet slapped his muzzle with her tail, dazing him for a few seconds as she slashed his chest "I won't be the one dying!" She bit into his neck and clawed at his sides. Oidoas let out a pained roar before charging up his lightning attack. The skies seemed to heed his call and struck the ground all around the two. Velvet screamed as a strike hit her shoulder, causing her to back away from Oidoas to regain herself. She glared daggers at him "Just because you used to be good at fighting doesn't mean you are now." She gave him a smirk, one that told him that she had a plan up her sleeve. He looked at her with worry before turning his head to look back at the farm house. There sat on the roof was the Black Witch. She was waiting for a signal from Velvet. Oidoas' eyes widened and he turned around. He needed to warn them! Velvet crashed back into his side, knocking him off his feet. "Don't waste your time." She stepped on his throat to make sure he wouldn't get back up "The Black Witch is one of the most powerful creatures that live in our world." She glanced over at the Witch and nodded to her.

The Witch shifted and nodded back. She gave a slight uncomfortable look before she looked down at the Empress and the old man standing with her "Freeze!" She pointed her staff at them and they both froze when the magic like ray surrounded the two. "W-what!?" The Empress called out. Velvet laughed as she dragged Oidoas out of the woods "If any of you attempt to continue fighting, I will have my witch end the old man." She walked over slowly to glanced at everyone to make sure they heard her. Jazu stepped forward with a growl, he didn't really care for the old man. He was more worried for his love. "Don't!" Star called out to him, barely seeing him out of the corner of her eye. He froze in place "But I can save you!" "No, she's murder Rain..." Star replied. She felt weird being able to speak but not move her body. "Good." Velvet chuckled "Now I want all of you to fly as far as your wings can carry you and deliver a message to all the Alphas that there will be an execution tomorrow night." She smiled wickedly as she walked over to the two frozen in place. "So Star, how does it feel to be trapped?" Star didn't answer her. Velvet just shook her head "Alright Witch, take us to the palace." The Witch nodded again and moved her wand a bit before speaking in some kind of tongue. Velvet, the Witch, and the two frozen in place were whisked away.
"NOO!" Jazu cried out as he raced forward, trying to grab them before they disappeared but he was just too late. He smashed his fist into the ground before glaring at the others.
They had no choice but to take off and tell all of the Alphas about the execution. Oidoas stood up slowly and shook his body trying to ignore his pain. "Chimur, fly to the east. Ako the south. Jazu will take west and I will fly north. Talk to all the clans, spread the word and a warning." They all nodded at each other, silently agreeing before taking off.

Mimi watched as they all left before she turned to her friends "So? Do you think we could somehow help?" Ralph frowned as he thought about the situation. He wasn't sure. "I think we should try to help. The Empress is our only way home and if she is killed then we are out of luck." "How did she get the Black Witch to work against the Empress?" Ralph thought out loud and Hachi tapped his shoulder "Blackie has a little daughter and Velvet probably threatened to kill her if she didn't do as she was told. I think if she sneak into the palace through the underground tunnels, we might be able to help." "That's a great idea!" Ralph smiled and he ran over to the kitchen to grab a couple of knives. They needed some kind of defense if they were going to help free the Empress and Rain. "Should we tell Maddrair?" Jack called from the front door and then turned to Ralph as he ran back over with the knives. "Hachi, what is the quickest way to the palace? Can we make it on foot?" Mimi asked him. He shrugged. He had never been to the palace before and just figured they would stumble upon it. "Maybe ask Maddrair. He used to work at the palace." They nodded in agreement and hurried outside. They had very little tike to work with. Luckily the rain was letting up and the sun was beginning to shine.

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