Chapter 13: one comforting support

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I walked a few steps my vision began to feel blurry and my head was spinning and I look like I was about to fall. I looked at myself and said what's happening. I felt a hand on my shoulder I got chills and turned as I fell in fear to the ground and my hat fell off of my head. I took a breath or 2 then I went in tears because it was Jason still alive he got worried sick about me but he didn't see me crying and scared to death because he thought I lost him I know because when I took the heat for him he thought I died. He said I was worried sick what were you thinking running away like that? Austin I have been looking all over for you what were you... he got interrupted see how scared I was his eyes widened because he saw the terror in my eyes as he saw me crying guilt got a hold of him when he remember the  argument we had before I came to high school. I was so ashamed of myself I thought people hate me so I ran away in tears for what I done. But Jason followed me I know because I heard him say AUSTIN WAIT A MINUTE! LEAVE ME ALONE JASON I ONLY MAKE EVERYTHING BAD!!! WAIT he yelled THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK LISTEN TO ME!! I tripped in pain I catched my breath but I was on my hands and knees Jason managed to catch up to me. He went down on his knees and said look Austin I didn't mean to hurt you again I promise. I only acted that way because I was really worried. I couldn't even say a word to him I just stood there and cry and I was scared to death that I thought I lost my only brother. I felt my big brothers arms around me. Look he said I know I miss her too okay? Besides we all lose people we care about and little brother were one of those people who lost the ones we love. He held me closer to him when listened to him it made me feel a little better but tears were still streaming down my face it reminded me of that time. I had a second flashback about the time when my brother was in 4'Th grade I had to go play in recess in the sandbox alone but I was in the 2'nd grade but whenever the big kids pick on me I start to cry they keep on laughing at me kicking the sand on my clothes that's when Jason yelled LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE YOU BIG BULLIES!! As he blocked my path then he threw sand-balls at them they felt so embarrassed they understood how I feel. Jason turned to me and hugged me and said don't worry your okay now. Big brother I whispered. That ended the flash-back quickly as I felt Jason petting my head he was shushing me telling me that everything will be alright now before I even knew it I was walking while Jason was still holding me. When we got home it was already very dark we went to our rooms I was terrified to sleep for the first time in 13 years I was truly afraid to go to sleep but I can't sleep in Jason's room nor can I sleep in mom and dad's room so I laid down with my eyes open. I got up as I heard a knock it was big brother. Are you feeling okay? He asked no I answered as he grabbed my hand he said nervously it's alright you can sleep with me if you like. You mean it? I asked yes he answered. He escorted me to his bedroom we went to sleep as Jason put the covers on us and put his arms around me and as I was hugging him in my sleep.

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