Chapter: 1 the beginning of the Blood brothers'

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As long as I can remember we were tight from the start. Ever since I was 2 years old I never knew I was gonna be an older brother. While other siblings had fun with their older brother or sister I keep walking or playing alone. One day on January 13 'th my 3' rd birthdays my parents called me down stairs Jason! Mom and dad called I ran down stairs because I thought I was in trouble then it ripped through my mind before I stopped I must've left my toy car on the floor. "Geez son you didn't haft to be in a rush and relax it's not like you're in trouble or anything like" my dad said. "oh sorry I said so what is it?" I asked. "Jason you're going to have your very first baby brother" my mom said "really?"  I asked my parents nodded. "Is that why you kept my old infant things?" I said in a happy way. "Yeah we wanted to wait for the right moment" dad said. "hey dad why is our family name Blood it's not like I'm being rude I was just curious" I said curiously. "I will tell you when you are grown up." my dad said. "okay" I replied. 9 months passed I was so eager to see my baby Brother. One day on September 13'Th I overheard that my little brother has come. 2 days later mom and dad came back with Austin. I was happy as a heart beat when I sat down to hold Austin from that moment. I was really glad as the first time we met. But today it's just getting annoying. And that's when our story begins.

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