Chapter 2: Summer School

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I was in school finishing my final exam my teacher Mr. Mac keeps failing me on purpose my brother now in middle school is going to high school with me. Me the failure my final exam was completely perfect but Mr. Mac failed me again. He makes me do freshman year over and over on that day after school Austin waits for me because he knew I failed because of Mr. Mac. Austin had that concern look on his face and said, "Big brother are you okay?" He asked "no I'm not okay." I snapped "Jason... It's the teacher again isn't it?" Austin asked "big brother... he... he has no right to fail you on purpose." Austin said Once I'm in high school "I'll...I'll... I wi..." "SHUT UP!!" I shouted "J...J...Jason.." my brother whispered. "WILL YOU STOP TALKING TO ME YOU ARE COMPLETELY ANNOYING ME!!! INFACT YOU'RE THE REASON WHY MR. MAC FAILS ME." I angrily shouted ."I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU EVER AGAIN!!!." My brothers' eyes widened as I walked in extreme anger my brother ran away crying right passed me as I stopped I sighted because I was too hard on him but something stung me when I was walking home from school I saw something unusual I saw one of those delinquent rats who keep picking on me about failing he was beaten and looked like he was chased by someone as he approached me someone grabbed him by the neck and pinned him right towards the wall I didn't know who it was because he was wearing a black short sleeve jacket I ran to help him but I stopped because the figure yelled "I HATE YOU BECAUSE OF YOU NOW MY BROTHER THINKS I AM NOTHING BUT A FREAK JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WHO LOOKS AT ME!!!" It was just as I thought it was my brother. I never seen him like this I ran towards him and grabbed him because he's out of control. "Austin stop please this won't solve anything." he struggled to get free so he would stab him but I grabbed his hand to keep him from making a mistake but there was something that caught my eye he was covered in blood smeared all over his jacket I was paralyzed to see him like this. "little brother have you gone mad or something..please STOP!!!" I shouted and Austin saw me terrified and fear took hold of him when he saw the blood on his jacket "no...NO NOT AGAIN" he cried out loud tears stroll down his face and ran off "HEY AUSTIN WAIT!!!!" I shouted for him but he didn't stop. "How can you be friends with that monster he's been terrorizing us for 5 minutes he killed my friends how can you stand that monster you dir..." before he could finish I punched him and said, "How can you say that when you're the dorks who have been teasing me since my first freshman year What did you say to him?" I said in anger. "wow man we didn't say anything to him we were just saying stupid things about you as usual but then he told us stop but we ignored him when we went too far he completely snapped and all 4 of my friends got killed he tried to kill me but I fled from him." he said "and for what I heard to be honest everyone just looks at him as a freak." "What do you mean as a freak!?" I snapped "geez....Jason.... calm down man I never seen you this angry before man Jason that killer is completely...." he was frighten because he never seen me like this. "That killer is my little brother and if you say such things to him again I'll mess you up" I angrily said as I walked off. When I got home mom was worried "where's Austin?" I asked "in his room." mom answered as I walked in. he was sitting against the wall in the dark alone completely thinking what he had done or I saw him trying to kill someone. "Hey Austin." I whispered he saw me concern he stand up and step away like 2 feet away from me as I walk towards him "please stay away from me Jason I don't wanna hurt you I'm a monster a killer." he said with tears in his widened eyes. "Austin please I know your scared but it was only a little set back." I said but he shook his head no as he said "why was I even here in the first place Jason why just leave me alone." he said crying. I left him alone but I blamed myself as I closed the door behind me. I walked towards my bedroom door and banged my head on it I said to myself in Anger "I'm such a bad brother why...why...why... why did I ever snapped at him like that?" I hate myself I really do I was so a shamed but I didn't know my brother was listening to me "I am so stupid." I continued "I can't believe that people would think he's a monster I don't care what he does, I don't care what people think of him as, and I don't care how much blood he spills but he's my brother he never meant to do any harm." I said as I slammed the door behind me. The next day was a surprise Austin wasn't at the kitchen as he usually is was I was worry-some so I looked all over the house even in his room I asked my parents where he is they answered: "he's' at summer school." I asked them if I picked him up and they said "Jason you can but..." "good." I interrupted I wanted to talk to him anyway. Later that day when I picked Austin up from summer school he seemed dark and gloomy as all the other kids were I know because they all glared at me cold and motionless just like My own brother I thought I was nervous at first but I calm down a bit. "Hey...Austin." I said his name to him "hey I need to talk to you little brother...Little brother are you alright?" I paused in terror as my little brother looked at me and glared at me coldly walking towards me slowly and angry. "Hey" I said concern-like. "you're not mad are you Au...." I gasped as he grabbed my neck in rage he grinded his teeth said to me in anger you "NOSY PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A BROTHER WHAT I HAVE ON MY MIND IS NONE OF YOUR FREAKIN BUSINESS!! YOU GOT THAT?" I nodded I was terrified of my Little brothers' renewed anger because I had never seen him like that before not since that incident with those teases. As he let go of my neck he walked off without saying a word I ran towards him and yelled out for him to slow down as I catched up to him he turned and punched right in the stomach and whispered "you don't tell me to slow down you worthless slug and then he started to yell AND ANOTHER THING 3 WORDS LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DON"T LEAVE ME THE HECK ALONE YOU WORTHLESS PATHETIC RAT!!!!" He said as he huffed and walked off leaving me to drag myself in pain. "please little brother I beg you help me." I whimpered but he ignored me as if to say get up yourself stupid. I tried standing up but my heart was breaking from my brothers' words he never say anything like that in his life as I fell my old pal Gen A.K.A. Mr. popularity was able to catch me he looked at me and said "hey yo Jas what's the matter with you." "I...I ended up being hurt I freakishly deserved it." I said in agony "dude try not to beat yourself over it probably involves your brother but you recently are passing every time you're in the same class with him remember in preschool with your teacher I forgot her name I was confused she changed your color from red to green she was starring at your brother fearfully but all I see him doing is playing building blocks on the rug." he said and he's right there something unusual happening when I was in 8'th grade my teacher Mr. kip he fails me at art class completely then a pair of scissors came flying at him he ducked and looked behind him but all I saw is Austin cutting some kind of snowflake or something Mr. kip turned to me change my failure grade into an A+ but I was still looking at Austin for making scissor art so I was curious to see what he was cutting and walk towards him and sit beside him I asked "what you making there Austin I'm making a flower of some sorts a snowflake flower actually wanna see?" he asked "yeah." I replied I looked at it and was amazed he can make a snowflake out of paper and scissors. I always kept that snowflake he made because it was a sign that he a bright student and a thoughtful brother but now he's being mean I was so sad that thoughtful brother was gone. That night when I went to get him to tell him it's dinner time. I knocked at the door when he opened it up angrily "WHAT?!" He asked Austin "'s time for dinner." I said and shaking in fear. "I KNOW IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!!!" He shouted at me as he pushed me and slammed the door at my face. I even imagine why my brother hates me that much. But something's wrong I thought Austin would never slam the door at my face nor would he do all those horrible things to me. I began being from afraid of him to being afraid for him Something is completely wrong with my little brother and I'm going to find out what is it. For 3 days or a week I asked my brother why he's acting like that but all he does is beat me up, slaps me, pushes me, or hollers at me to leave me alone or he'll kill me but one day I decided I had enough if I'm going to find out what is wrong with my little brother I haft to go into his summer school. But my best friend Gen stopped me. "What are you doing man." he said an alarm-like way. "I haft to know what's going on with my brother." I told Gen "why?" "That summer school isn't safe Jason I'm telling you one student who went here got stabbed on campus and died I know because my one of my cousin knew this guy who knew this guys cousin who went in that summer school and was beheaded with a window glass part on the schools entrance man." warned Gen. but I've got no choice so I ran inside but when I got in the school looked like a dump, a graveyard it's like walking through a ghost town. And then I saw Austin walking like a zombie. I was completely frighten because this was like my nightmare from last night I walked in the summer school a blurry glow yelled in familiar voice "stop don't go in the school whatever you do and forget about me but this nightmare is real." I was going to follow him but before I can take one step something or someone grabbed me by the shoulder. I couldn't move or scream I can't do anything but I gasped in fear it was the hand of a soul fear took hold of me when turned around and saw my own brother I was terrified, confused and paralyzed. "Jason I thought I told you not come here you really shouldn't be here but you need to get out of here now" my brothers soul said. I was really confused but I can't leave but I knew my fear had come to life my baby brothers soul right in front of me. I closed my eyes, cried, shook my head no, and grabbed him by his soul-like hand and ran, hid to the empty classroom my eye shed tears like insane as I closed the door and looked at my brother's soul who's floating right in front of me. "I don't... I don't understand if you Austin then... then who was that kid who was mean to me and beating me like crazy." He didn't answer all he said was. "Jason why did you came here gonna end up dead because of me, how can you still love me after you saw was a bad thing why?" He was so sad he started to cry. "I didn't mean to I just snapped how can you stand to look out for me after what I've done I'm a monster why woul..." I cut off my own brother by touching his ghostly cheek "because..." I reply "because I wanted to know what's wrong I thought you were mad at me because I snapped at you the other day I wanted to apologize and I really thought you hated me because I thought you were scared to kill me besides that you're not the only one who kills." Austin gasped. "I was such a fool I ran up to but you..." then my brothers soul touched my hand as I went down on my knees he said. "big brother so you came here....because you thought I was mad at you? And you thought I hate you? Jason you know as much as I do that I don't get mad at you nor do I want to hate you no matter what. Besides there's no way to get back my body." Austin said with a frown "don't even say that." I said as I grabbed his hand. "we have to get that imposter out of your body and I want to get you back I lost everything I can't lose you too brother I don't know if we can if you insist my brother said so how did you end up like this in the 1'st place?" "Well" Austin explained "it started out with this teacher he was acting weird and scary and he had a creepy grin on his face. Everyone and I were terrified so we tried to escape but we can't the doors, the window and everything was locked that teacher took all of the students souls and replace them with some kind of evil spirits I tried to escape by using the air duct but it was nailed shut that teacher and his mindless dark spirit zombies got me cornered but then he got me but luckily my soul escaped but the others they weren't so lucky to escape him." "So this is where that creep got you cornered...huh?" I said he nodded. "But I won't allow that creep headed imposter have your body besides I'm getting a headache from getting punched I insisted...and I have a plan for that besides it's my fault you're in this mess." I said "no don't say that." he said "how did that creep put those evil spirits in everyone including you?" I asked. "let's see." he said, "the needle it's in his desk." I looked in his desk and there it is. "Come on little brother" I said "we got to get your body back."

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