Chapter 10 battle against the evil death

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And so it finally begun the fight of our lives the day that changed our lives forever as soon as the battle started the creep lunged at us but we moved fast we literally dodged him that quick I was about to make mince meat out of him as he knocked me down to the ground and stepped on me but as he was about to kill me with the same gun he did to my brother Austin pushed him away like 5 inches from the room I got up and just as that creepy so-called teacher was laughing he grabbed him by the neck trying to strangle him I gasped in fear. I won't let you hurt either of us you creep he chocked some words out and kicked him but he can't get loose the creep held his neck tighter and tighter. I don't want to lose my brother not again not ever. I ran to that rat and did what Austin did for me I kicked him in the back like a stab in the back and said you keep your dirty fingers off of my little brother you son of a disgusting sewer rat as I said he was losing his grip on my brothers neck and let go I ran towards him and said are you okay bro. yeah I'm okay he said now big brother what do we say we finish him off. I say yes little brother. Let get rid of this soul stealing creep once and for all I said to my brother. YOU BRATS!!! The creep said WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!! We smirked and said we are the blood brothers we said as kicked that teachers butt he tried kills but he failed we finished him off by stabbing him with a knife from the other creep we have slain. That creep finally turned to blackened ashes as we finished him off once and for all. We catch our breathes as we changed back but then out of nowhere we passed out that's kind of all I know.

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