Final chapter a relieved and tired summer

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Jason... a voice said my name I woke up and saw Austin covered in bandages he even had one where he was shot at and in his pajamas right in front of me. Jason wake up my brother said are you okay I got up and sat seeing that I too am in my pajamas and covered in bandages I moaned and said what happened? You passed out said Austin it took me a minute or 2 to know that you were hurt. Gen too I asked Gens fine he said after I passed out he woke me up to make sure I wasn't dead it took us 5 or 10 minutes to get back home while we were still injured . I see I said as I took his hand but I think I am not doing a good job being there for you Austin in the end I felt like an... my brother cut me off by putting my hand on his check don't even say that Jason Austin said your doing a good job being there for me I am just wanted to be there for you too you know. Austin I said speechless Austin is your brother up yet mom's voice called yes mom my brother called to her how is he she said as she walked in I'm okay mom I told her I am so relieved boys when Gen brought you both here I almost had a heart attack Austin felt guilty about you being hurt so he stayed here until you woke up besides it took me like 15 minutes to get 35 bandages to cover up those nasty wounds. By the way don't forget dinner will be ready soon and your friend will be here to check up on you. So can I count on you two boys to get along? Yes mom I said I... I mean we will. Okay now that my 2 great boys my mom said as she closed the door behind her a knock came to my bedroom door. Come in I said Jason thank goodness your alive said Gen as he open the door. Worst summer school ever my brother said yeah we should enjoy a tiring yet fun summer I said I agree my brother said hey dude Gen said Ester was wondering if you want to hang out with her this summer. Naw sorry Gen I said I am booked completely really why the heck is that Gen asked I had to smile for a moment and say well I have plans this summer with Austin. Ester is good looking and all I said but I think it's time I should spend the whole summer by having quality time with my little brother Austin. Do you really mean it? He asked yes I replied bro I think tomorrow you and I will go skateboarding at the skating park you love so much sounds good to you. Good he asked it sounds so very cool Jason. I was so happy that my brother was very happy as I am now but on that day I had to do something to make our summer great. Say do you really have a thing for Ruby Gen? I asked that annoying question to Gen again My brother let out a giggle I thought her is Ruthie he said trying not to burst out a laugh again it was I am just getting her name wrong on purpose I whispered to him he almost chuckled but he still holding his laugh ready to burst it out like a bomb I always get her name wrong on purpose and I always had a suspicion that he had a thing for Ruthie yeah who's do Gen do you have a thing for Rutha I said yeah do you have a thing for Rutha my brother said still trying to hold that burst of laughter. Sheesh Gen was blushing again fine you two want the truth do you and your baby brother want to know fine he began to shout YES I DO HAVE A THING FOR RUTHIE I HAVE A CRUSH ON RUTHIE IN FACT I LOVE RUTHIE HAPPY NOW... oops oh my... you WHAT!!! I said in a very tease-full way yet very surprised and then Austin couldn't hold it in he began laughing and pointing at Gen for saying he love Ruthie as if milk bursted out his nose I can't... I can't believe love Ruthie my brother said while he was still laughing the next thing I know me and my brother were both laughing like it was a riot. I never see my brother nor myself laughing like this in forever we stopped laughing as soon as Gen covered his face to hide his red looking face. Oh Gen I said why didn't you tell us. Yeah why haven't you told us my brother said just nervousness Gen said going down stairs dinner time mom called I'll race to the kitchen Austin said not if I'm first I said we ran and laughed down stairs to the kitchen. I think our lives are gonna be like this from now on.

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