My First Contest

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I walk over to Ash and say, "May I join you on your Pokémon journey?" "Huh," He replied, "Why?" "I have a reason for being here," I replied, "I think that reason is to help you on your journey." "Alright," Ash says, "You can join me."

       "Naru." A voice says from behind us. We turn around and see Nurse Joy and Misty. "I think you should enter the contest tomorrow." Nurse Joy continues, "From the footage I saw on the security camera, I think you would make a great coordinator. There's one spot open if you want to try it."

 "Okay," I reply blushing slightly, "I'd like to participate in the contest." "Oh," Nurse Joy starts, "By the way, the contest is Grand Festival style so you'll need to have two Pokémon out for all of the rounds." I understood that. I had seen contests like that in the show, so I knew what to do.

 The next day, I asked the Evee twins if they would mind to stay in their poke balls so I could properly send them into the contest. "We don't mind." They replied telepathically. I put them back in their poke balls and got ready for the contest. I put on my glasses so I could get better information during battle.

As I waited in the contest arena off stage, I noticed that there were a variety of people there. Different genders, different ages. All of them seemed lively and talkative. They must have all been in a contest before I think. This didn't mind me because the more challenging the challenge, the more experience you get win or lose.

I am called and I walk on stage. "Evee twins," I yell as I throw their poke balls, "Show time." The Evee twins jump out of their poke balls and I order them to jump, spin, and use energy ball at the same spot. When the energy balls hit, they exploded into a shower of green sparks.

"Land, send energy balls into the air, then break them with quick attack." I ordered telepathically. The energy balls fell down from where they were shot in the air and were broken into more showers of green sparks. "Use protect and use energy ball on the force field."  They did that and the most beautiful shower of sparks yet came down. People started clapping so I bowed and walked off stage with the Evee twins blushing.

 In the waiting area the Evee twins asked if they did well. "You did very well," I replied, "There is a high chance that we will go to the next round." "The coordinators going to the next round are Naru... I couldn't believe it. I was number one choice for the next this was my first contest and I did that well. (Computer glitch.) "The matchups for the first battle rounds will be Naru versus Anthony." "Are you Naru?" A boy asked coming up to me. "Yes." I reply. "I'm Ben," He said, "You did well in the first round. I look forward to our battle." He was the person I would be versing in the next round.

I walk onto the battlefield and see Anthony walking on the other side. "You will have five minutes until the battle ends." The commentator said, "The battle will also end if either side's Pokémon are unable to battle, or either coordinator loses all their points. Call out your Pokémon."

I threw the Evee twins out of their poke balls and Anthony used Pigeotto and Raticate. "Battle begin." "Evee twins," I say telepathically, "Use helping hand." "Pigeotto use air cutter," Anthony says, "Raticate use shadow ball." "Use quick attack to dodge it." I order the Evee twins.

 They dodge the attacks gracefully and hit their targets. "Spin and use energy ball."  They did that hitting their targets flawlessly. "Pigeotto use aerial ace," Anthony ordered, "Raticate use hyper fang." "Protect." I order. The attacks are knocked back as they hit the force field. "Energy ball." I order. The attack hits and delivers the final blow. I won my first contest battle.

I look up to the point score. I had full and Anthony was almost out. I walk over to Anthony. "Good job." I say. "No," He replies, "You did much better than I did. You must be an experienced coordinator." "No actually," I said scratching the back of my head, "This is my first contest."

I went back to the waiting room and said to the Evee twins "You're really strong and obedient." "The next matchups for the contest are Naru and Jacob." I go out on the battlefield and see another boy on the other side who must be Jacob. I call out the Evee twins and he calls out Onix and Geodude. He orders them to use rock slide. "Use quick attack to climb up the rock slide." I order, "Then use helping hand and energy ball."

The attacking and the dodging is flawless, and because energy ball is a grass type attack and Onix and Geodude are rock and ground types, the attack will do double damage. "Onix use dig," Jacob orders, "Geodude use rock throw." "Jump and spin to dodge," I order, "Then charge up and energy ball and fire when I say."

 They dodged the rock throw by the jump and Onix was still underground. When he finally came out I ordered them to fire. The attacks hit and defeated them. I looked up at the points again and saw that it was about the same as last time.

 I go back to the waiting room and think about how I'm doing so well in my first contest. I know that when I was younger I pretended that I was a coordinator and did some fake contests, but this was real. I couldn't be doing that well already. Plus, I was just making it up depending on the situation.

 "You doubt this can be possible." I hear the Evee twins say. "Well," I reply, "For a beginner, I'm doing better than I should be." "That's because we knew you would become a coordinator, so we practiced all the time."

How could they have known that? Well, they have been waiting for me ever since they hatched, and are telepathic, so they must be special in a way. "The final round of the contest and the deciding factor in who gets to go home with the Viridian Ribbon, its Grace versus Naru."

 I walk onto the battlefield and see another female coordinator on the other side. I send out the Evee twins and she sends out Wartortle and Spearow. "Spearow use sand attack." She ordered. "Jump, spin then use helping hand and energy ball." I order the Evee twins.

The sand from the sand attack is blown to the other side of the field and their attacks hit. "Quick attack." I order. The attacks hit again and Grace sends out her own attack. "Wartortle," she ordered, "Use water pulse. Spearow, aerial ace" "Use energy ball to counter"

 The water pulse is blocked and the aerial ace is knocked back. "Now quick attack." "Time." I look up at the points and see that I have won the contest.

AN: I did the full contest so you could get a feel for how they go. every contest after this will be edited to only show a specific round(s)

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