A Hurting Heart

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Gidget finally stumbled out of the bedroom, tears rolling down her face. Concerned, Max ran over to her and licked them away. "Where does it hurt?" he asked in between licks. "He slapped me across the face twice, but my real pain is in my heart," Gidget replied. Crying, she buried her face into Max's shoulder, soaking his fur with her tears.

"That's it! I'm shredding him into string!" Ozone declared evilly. Thinking quickly, Leonard and Snowball grabbed his hairless tail before the cat did anything stupid. Duke remained silent in a corner, still upset from Rocky's harsh words. Mel, Buddy, and Sweetpea tried to comfort him. "I'll rake his eyes out and shove them down his throat so he can see me tearing his vital organs out of his mangled corpse before feeding it to the filthy crows!" Tiberius stated. Plan in mind, he was about to fly over to the window when Norman grabbed his foot. Quickly, Duke ran over to help the guinea pig restrain the outraged hawk. Pops and Chloe, however, continued munching on their meals.

"Guys, relax. It's my problem, not yours," Gidget whispered softly. Max felt terrible for his girlfriend as he pulled her into a warm embrace. "Don't worry Gidget, we won't let him destroy us," he calmly reassured her, licking her cheek.

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