Wandering the City

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Duke stared at his paws as he trekked through the city. His fur was in matted clumps and his paws were scuffed up. His stomach growled at him, begging for food. How I wish I was back at the apartment... Duke thought sadly, letting out a small whine. He desperately longed to go home...

"Alright! We all know the plan?!" Max announced as the group split off in three groups. Ozone was going to take Mel, Buddy, Sweetpea, and Leonard downtown while Tiberius and Norman searched from the sky. Max was taking Gidget, Snowball, Chloe, Pops, and Linda with him towards upper Manhattan. Ozone and Snowball also managed to get the Alley Cats and the Flushed Pets onboard the mission. Meanwhile, Pepe stayed behind to monitor the cameras for any signs of Duke or Rocky. With a plan in mind, the groups set off to find the two dogs...

Padding down an alley, Rocky cautiously sniffed a trash can when a dark shadow passed over him. Looking up, he could make out the shape of a hawk circling above his head. Snarling, he tried to find a place to hide when something caught his attention. Smiling evilly, Rocky began forming an idea in his twisted mind...

Squinting, Tiberius was trying to do his best to scout the city. He took a little pride in his keen eyesight, which allowed him to see a small mouse from a thousand feet away. But now, his vision was distorted, completely out of whack. Even with Norman acting as his eyes, he almost crashed into a building twice. As if that wasn't bad enough, the hawk thought that there were more people on the streets than there actually was, which deeply disturbed him. How am I supposed to find anything when I can't even see my own talons in front of me?! he asked himself. Suddenly, the hawk saw, or at least he hoped he saw, something circling in the corner of his eye. But when he turned his head, it was gone. However, he thought he saw a flash of silver in the alley below.

At the same time, Norman saw Rocky duck behind a trash can. "Tiberius, it's Rocky! He's down there!" The hawk slowly descended to the sidewalk. After a bumpy landing, the two friends peered down the alley. "Norman, stay here," Tiberius whispered as he cautiously stepped into the alley. Gulping, Norman watched as the old hawk stumbled deeper inside. Reaching the end, Tiberius turned around and shrugged his shoulders, unable to find Rocky. Heading back, however, the hawk didn't have time to react as Rocky leaped out of nowhere and whacked him on the back of the head, again, with a metal pipe. Snarling, the Pomeranian took off, luckily without noticing Norman. Scared, the guinea pig ran over to the old hawk, who lay unmoving on the ground. "Tiberius, get up. Please get up. I can't lose you again," Norman whimpered, trying to wake the hawk. Yet Tiberius still made no signs of movement. Crying, the young guinea pig hugged the hawk as he pleaded, "Please, don't leave me..."

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