A New Look

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"Angel?!" Gidget exclaimed, slowly turning around. The voice sounded the same but the crow no longer looked like a crow. "I thought she was a crow!" Duke hissed in Snowball's ear, who could only shrug his shoulders. "Actually, I'm a red-tailed hawk," Angel pointed out, overhearing Duke's comment. Bewildered, Buddy cried, "There's TWO of them now?!" Clearing his throat, Max spoke kindly, "How about we let Angel explain while we head back to the others, deal?" Everyone nodded their heads in unison.

As they walked back, Gidget listened as Angel told them how she was ashamed of her appearance and disguised herself as a crow. But she eventually learned that it didn't matter what she looked like, it mattered what was on the inside. The boys took that for an answer. But Gidget felt like there was more to the story just as they arrived back in the clearing. The other animals stopped what they were doing and stared in complete silence.

Just then, Norman and Lisa emerged from the crowd and bounded over to Angel with smiles on their faces. "Welcome!" they cried at the same time, holding up something in their paws. It was one of the flower halos that the two guinea pigs had made and given everyone. Smiling back sweetly, Angel allowed the pair to place it upon her head. "Were we celebrating or what?!" Pops suddenly called out. Immediately, everyone began moving again.

"You came back!" a voice piped up from behind Gidget and Max. Turning around, they found Tiberius entering the clearing. A warm smile was written on his face. "Of course I did," Angel replied, walking over to the older hawk and nudging his shoulder playfully. Gidget could hear a slight purring noise coming from within Tiberius's throat. "And everyone wondered why he was in grumpy mood lately," Gidget whispered in Max's ear. Her boyfriend nodded his head in agreement.

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