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"You can't catch me guys!" Mel shouted as he dashed through the trees. Laughing, Buddy and Duke chased after the pug, Pepe close on their heels. Max and Gidget shook their heads in disbelief as they watched Snowball hurry after them. "Let's see if I can catch up. You coming?" Max asked. Smiling, Gidget responded, "Yeah, I'll catch up." Nodding his head, the small dog raced after his friends.

Gidget sighed as she felt the sun warm her fur. To celebrate the end of July and the beginning of August, Snowball suggested they spent the day at Central Park. The white rabbit was trying out new ways to relax. Yet he still seemed wary of the slightest things. However, everyone else had bottled their worries to enjoy summer while it lasted. Well, almost everyone.

"Remind me again why we're celebrating summer?" Tiberius's voice interrupted Gidget's thoughts. Huffing, the Pomeranian turned around to face her friend. Ever since the beginning of July, the old hawk had become easily irritated and snapped at many. And Gidget was slowly losing her patience.

"Look, I don't know what your problem is but you better fix it soon!" Gidget growled. Suddenly, she regretted those words once she saw hurt flash in the hawk's light brown eyes. Taking a deep breath, she spoke in a softer tone, "I'm sorry. But, the way you've been acting lately is starting to frighten some people." Reaching out a paw to touch Tiberius's shoulder, Gidget continued, "If you need someone to talk to, you can always tell me and Norman, okay?"

Shrugging Gidget's paw off him, Tiberius grumbled, "Well, there you go, master detective! I've got no one to talk to anymore! I never see my friends anymore like I used to, and the one person I could is gone!" Sighing, he turned away and flew off, calling over his shoulder, "I'm just gonna torture some helpless squirrel." Gidget sadly watched as the old hawk left.

"Best to let him think his problems over by himself," Chloe whispered into Gidget's ear. Glancing behind her, Gidget watched as Chloe headed back towards the tarp they set up. Sighing quietly, the Pomeranian raced off to find Max, who she found with the others under a tree.

Noticing Gidget's arrival, Max informed quietly, "Buddy stopped for a break. While we were waiting, Mel continued onwards." Just a few seconds after the words left his mouth, the small group could hear screaming as Mel burst into the clearing. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" he shouted, passing them. Confused, Gidget looked back the way he came to find a dark figure flying towards them.

"Uh, he realizes that's just Tiberius, right?" Duke pointed out. Snowball and Max nodded their heads while Pepe raced after Mel, a look of fear on his face. Gidget was about to agree when she noticed three scars over the hawk's left eye. "Guys, that's a different hawk... RUN!" she shrieked. Terrified, they were about to run when a familiar voice called out, "Hi everyone!"

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