A Safer Route

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"Let me get this straight, you're taking all of us to the sewers just to escape this heat?!" Duke asked as the group followed Snowball. Nodding his head, Snowball added, "The Flushed Pets always held this place as sacred ground for all sorts of things. To get there, we need to take a secret route-"

"NO!" about half the pets screamed. They remembered too well of the secret route they had used before. Staring at them confused, Snowball went on, "A secret route to avoid bumping into a member of Death and Darkness on accident." Spinning around, he cried, "Let's get moving!"


"Uh, Snowball?" Buddy began asking when Chloe shouted, "Can you hurry up?! There are other people behind you!" The animals were all crowded on a wooden beam that stretched between two buildings. "Are you sure this will hold Duke and Leonard?" Max asked as he made it to the other side. "Of course!" Snowball reassured the small dog. However, it didn't seem so reassuring when everyone heard a loud snap under Duke's paws. Fortunately, no one fell down to the alley below with the broken wood.

"Alright, now we go through this!" Snowball declared, pointing at a large tube. "I don't think I'm going to fit..." Duke murmured, gazing down into the abyss. Suddenly, he let out a yip as he was pushed inside by Chloe and Ozone. "Thank you," Snowball spoke, hopping inside. He was soon followed by Leonard and Ozone. "We're doing this again?!" Mel whined as he and Buddy jumped in, followed by Sweetpea and Chloe. Max and Gidget jumped together with Pops on their tails.

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