Tight Place

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Sliding down the tube, Snowball suddenly came to a stop. One by one, the animals behind him piled up. "Fat Dog, why did we stop?" the rabbit asked. "I got stuck!" Duke whimpered, unable to move around. Groans filled up in the tube. "Whoever's up there yet, don't jump in! We got a traffic jam here!" Ozone called up. "I'm the only one up here!" Tiberius's voice called down. It was then that Pops noticed that Norman was on top of him.

"Could you fly in here and start removing people out of this?!" Gidget asked gently but firmly. "Are you kidding?! My wingspan is too big for that! Plus, you guys are halfway through that death trap!" Tiberius informed the trapped animals. Huffing, Buddy suggested, "Could you wait at the bottom for us?" A moment later, they could hear the hawk passing by on the outside.

"Chloe, you are heavy!" Mel complained. Buddy muttered an agreement. Narrowing her eyes, Chloe hissed at the two dogs. "Can anyone move?" Gidget asked, hoping for a response. Unfortunately, several of the pets couldn't budge. "Well, I didn't think this was going to be the end of me..." Pops remarked, causing a few below him to panic. "We're not going to die!" Snowball shouted, trying to get Ozone's butt off his face. Duke whimpered some more.

"Guys, I think Sweetpea has an idea!" Leonard declared as the small parakeet clambered over him. "How..." Max began speaking but Buddy interrupted, "Of course! He's so small that he can move around yet!" Chirping to himself, Sweetpea squeezed past Duke. "I don't get it, what's his plan?" Snowball asked. Ozone shrugged his shoulders.

"Sweetpea, stop that! It tickles!" Duke called out. Realizing the parakeet's idea, Buddy cautioned, "Sweetpea, I would start flying as fast as those wings of yours can when the time comes." At that moment, everyone could hear the familiar sound of someone who was about to sneeze. "Get ready..." Snowball murmured.

Then Duke sneezed, causing the animals to rocket down the tube.

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