Before Parting

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The party went on all day until, after many games and dances, it was time to head for home. But before anyone left, three animals had something important to say.

"I just want to point out that my granddaughter is here today," Pops declared. Just then, Myron came up and whispered something in his ear. The basset hound's face grew worried as he commented, "Uh, was here, according to Myron. But she's going to be around a lot more, so you can see her then." Glancing around, Chloe noted that Leonard had also disappeared.

Scuffing her foot quietly, Angel took a deep breath and announced, "A few days from now, I'm going to be migrating south... and I won't be back until spring." Upon hearing this, Tiberius felt like someone had taken a long knife and drove it straight through his aching heart.

Finally, Sky came forward. "I have decided to officially move into the alley right behind Duke's apartment building so I can be closer to him," the Siberian husky stated loud and clear. Tongue hanging out of his mouth, Duke was so happy that he didn't even realize that he was accidentally wagging his tail in Tattoo's face.

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