Cat Out the Bag

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Walking around, Pepe finally found the very person he was looking for. Padding over quietly, he sat down and stared at the figure beside him. Gazing out a window longingly, it took Leonard a while to realize that he was being stared at and no longer alone. Glancing down, the poodle spoke, "Hi there Pepe!"

Silent, Pepe narrowed his eyes, causing the larger canine to break out in a cold sweat. "Uh, I'm not hiding anything man!" Leonard exclaimed. The chihuahua narrowed his eyes even more. Trembling slightly, the poodle stammered, "Why... are you... like this?"

Pepe's eyes had now become small slits. Placing his forehead against the glass window, Leonard gave in, "Alright, I'll tell you! Just stop being so mean!" Pepe opened his eyes. Sighing, the poodle explained, "The reason why I haven't been around much is because... I have a girlfriend."

Shocked, Pepe listened quietly as his friend continued, "We met almost a month ago and I've been hanging out with her ever since. About two weeks ago, I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend... and she said yes." Looking down at the chihuahua, Leonard concluded, "Sorry I haven't hung out with you much." Pepe flicked his ear and thumped his tail. Rolling his eyes, the poodle replied, "I'll introduce you soon!" Smiling, Pepe trotted away.

Watching him go, Leonard muttered, "I hate it when he interrogates me..."

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