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Moaning, Duke slowly sat up. A small punch to his lower back told him that Snowball was underneath him. "Geez Fat Dog! I need to breathe!" Snowball exclaimed in one breath. Shaking himself, Duke looked around. Fortunately, it appeared that everyone had survived the explosions. However, the same could not be said for Danger. The warehouse was now ablaze, with the occasional firework bursting out.

"Uh, guys... who's that?" Chloe asked all of the sudden. The tabby cat pointed towards a low mist that appeared out of nowhere. Within the mist, Duke could make out a slim figure. As the stranger emerged, his eyes shone with tears and his heart swelled with love. Tail wagging, he whispered, "She's my mother." Yipping like a young pup, he bounded over to her. He tried to touch her paw but realized with sadness that he could only go through her.

"Old Roger!" Chloe and Leonard cried at the same time as an elderly bloodhound with one missing leg appeared. Pepe's tail was wagging so hard that his entire body shook. "Daddy!" Gidget yipped, rushing over to her father Rocky. Pops, meanwhile, stood face to face with a beautiful basset hound and a massive pit bull. "I'm so sorry Marty-" Pops began but the pit bull interrupted, "There's no need for that Jack." Pops then turned towards the other basset hound and whispered, "I missed you so much Bella." Smiling, Bella nuzzled his cheek lovingly.

"Rosa!" Tiberius cried happily, spying his sister. He limped painfully to her as fast as he could. He reached out to touch her outstretched foot, only to go through the same pain that Duke had experienced. Norman rushed over to comfort his friend. "Rex?!" Ozone and Nitro gasped, gaping in awe as a hairless cat with one green eye appeared. Jet and a pug followed him. Mel slowly approached the pug, Buddy and Sweetpea close behind him. "Are you my... father?" Mel asked quietly. The pug smiled warmly and nodded his head. Choking back tears, Mel's legs crumbled underneath him.

"Hey Snowball," a gruff voice spoke behind the rabbit. Whirling around, Snowball cried happily, "Ricky! Scrappy!" Tears of joy ran down his face as he greeted his comrades. Looking around, Max asked in a clear voice, "Why are you all here?" Stepping forward, Rex answered, "Danger is dead. You fifteen have completed the prophecy. We've come to thank you." As one, the spirits bowed their heads. A second later, they slowly faded away...

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