The War is Over

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Blinking away tears, Chloe whispered quietly, "Old Roger, I swear, I'll never forget you." She bowed her head as Leonard murmured in agreement. Pops strolled over and added wistfully, "I will never let Bella and Marty's stories fade." Sitting down, Pepe piped up, "God bless their souls." The two dogs and tabby cat gasped at the those words. "Pistachio, you can talk?!" Pops exclaimed.

Gazing at the afternoon sun, Ozone silently crept away from Nitro. Eyes down, he accidentally bumped into someone. Glancing up, the hairless cat met the eyes of Tiberius and Norman. "I'm sorry about your family," Ozone whispered, glancing back down at the ground. Lowering his own head, Tiberius whispered back, "I'm sorry about your father. No hard feelings?" With those last words, the old hawk extended his right wing. Smiling faintly, Ozone shook it and replied, "Yeah, no hard feelings."

As he wept, Mel could feel the presence of Buddy and Sweetpea. "Guess you're dating my sister," Mel spoke, recalling what they had learned earlier. Scuffing his foot, Buddy responded, "Yeah... please don't kill me!" Chuckling, Mel lightly punched the dachshund in the shoulder and replied teasingly, "As long as you treat her nice!" The three friends shared a laugh together.

"Rest in peace all of you," Snowball spoke softly, gazing at the sky. Sitting down on his right, Duke asked the rabbit quietly, "What do we do now?" Looking over at Duke, Snowball replied, "The war is over. We can live our lives out in peace." Padding over with Gidget at his side, Max added, "And now it's time to head home."

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