Chapter 20

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"Do you think she's dead?" A little voice whispers close by.

"No, stupid! Can't you see her chest moving? Clearly she's breathing." Another voice replies.

My eyelids flutter before opening and I come face to face with two little boys. A familiar one and a strange one. Both were blonde with sea green eyes.

"Ah!" That younger one, Trent, starts. I met Trent last night when he brought Thomas my sandwich.

The older one, who looks to be around ten, cackles with laughter. "That was great," he laughs. "You looked so scared." Trent huffs and crosses his arms.

"You're being a jerk!" Trent shouts.

"Shh!" The older one hushes. "You're going to wake up Tommy!"

I eye the boys in confusion. How could they wake up Thomas? It's not like he's- oh wait. I turn over to come face to face with a sleeping Thomas. My eyes widen and I scramble away from him, causing both little boys to laugh.

"You looked scared!" Trent giggles adorably. "Did you see that Timmy?"

Timmy nods laughing so hard that sound isn't even coming out. "She didn't know that she had slept with Tommy!"

My eyes widen even more if possible and I turn to Thomas. "Thomas we have a situation!" I say frantically. His only response is to snuggle deeper into the blankets and ignore me.

"Oh no! Hurry before we get caught!" Timmy says. Both boys sprint out of the room.

"Whoa boys. Where's the fire?" I hear Tyler's voice from the hall.

"Tommy and his lady friend slept with each other last night and now she's trying to wake him!" Trent replies in his country accent. I here Tyler begin to laugh loudly and double up my efforts on trying to wake Thomas.

"What do you want?" Thomas mumbles not opening his eyes.

"Timmy and Trent found us asleep in here together this morning and now they are running around telling your family you slept with me last night." I say in a rush.

He shoots upright and stares at me in shook. "They did what?"

Before I can answer, the boys repeat their story to another family member. Thomas jumps out of the bed and runs into the hall.

"I didn't sleep with anyone!" He says frantically. I hear multiple laughing voices and curiously climb out of bed. I move to stand in the door way watching the scene unfold in the hallway.

Tyler, Logan, and Thomas's mom are all laughing like crazy while the two younger boys keep insisting that they know what they saw. Logan catches my eyes and smirks.

"How you feeling this morning, Jay?"

"Horrible. Thanks," I answer sarcastically. Although, it is pretty true. I still feel terrible this morning. My head is pounding, my nose is stuffy, and my body aches like crazy.

Logan chuckles and comes over to kiss my forehead. "You still feel warm," he says in concern.

"I'm fine," I insist, coughing slightly.

Thomas comes over worriedly and places his hand on my forehead. "I don't know, Jay. You still feel like you're running a fever to me," he says. "Mom? What do you think?"

I look around but his mother and brothers are no longer in sight. He sighs and pushes me back into my room.

"Get back in bed," he tells me. "I'm going to get your medicine and some breakfast."

I nod, even though I'm not hungry and get back in bed. I don't even know why I need to stay here. It's just the flu. I crawl under the covers and Logan comes over.

"Get well soon." He pulls the blankets over me. "I'll be back after school." He kisses my forehead once more and leaves.

The next few days pass in a blur. Thomas waits on me hand and foot while I'm recovering. Timmy, who's real name is Timothy, and Trent came to my room often to play or watch tv with me. Everyday after school Thomas would come to my room and we would play twenty questions. A normal day would go something like this:

"What do you want to do when you graduate?" I ask starting the game.

"I want to go to college. I would major in agriculture and minor in business," Thomas replies. "Then I want to farm like my dad. What about you? What do you want to do?"

I shrug. "Maybe major in engineering and minor in business. I don't know," I lie. I know exactly what I want to do. "Next question, which Star Wars movie is your favorite?"

"Revenge of the Sith," he answers without thinking. "My turn! Which do you like more, the Lamborghini or your bike?"

"That's such a hard decision." I bite my lip. "I guess the Lamborghini?" I say uncertainly. "What's your favorite pastime?"

"Probably reading." He nods. "It's so relaxing and exciting at the same time."

"I know right?" I say excitedly. "You get to live so many lives and go on adventures and fall in love. It's amazing," I say passionately.

"I would have never guessed that you were such a big reader," Thomas comments.

And on and on we went. Finally, on Sunday after having spent four days with the Green family, Trinity allows me to go home. Thomas drives me home and parks in the driveway.

"Thanks for taking care of me these past few days," I say as I get ready to leave.

"Oh it's no problem," Thomas assures me with a smile.

"Bye," I say opening the car door. At the last minute I lean over and peck his cheek before hurrying inside. I lean against the closed door with a smile on my face. I can't believe I did that. I touch my lips. I really am falling for Thomas.

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