Chapter Eight

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        "H-he barely fed me or gave me water... N-not to mention all the things he did to me..." Cooza said, his voice cracking due to strain and sadness. "I-I had enough... I fought back, a-and finally managed to escape..." His small hand held Sisco's in a tight grip, afraid to let him go. The tall green-haired listened both quietly and with anger, mostly angry with himself for letting his lover deal with something like this.

The cop had been writing things down as Cooza spoke, a thoughtful look on his face.
        "Alright Cooza, you keep saying 'he'. Who is 'he'? What did he look like?"
        "He said his name was Alex... Black hair, red eyes... Clothes torn everywhere and a red bandana... H-he was one terrifying person..." Cooza's hand unconsciously tightened around the one he was holding, Sisco placing a soft kiss on the back of it.
        "Thank you for sharing your story about the situation." The cop said, closing his notepad. "I'll get this information to the chief and we'll venture further into this." He stood, tipping his hat to the two males and walking out, leaving them alone.

Cooza moved over on the bed slightly, tugging Sisco's hand so he would come and sit with him. Of course, Sisco took the offer, kissing his lover's forehead softly as he sat with him and pulled him close.
        "I missed you too much..." The small black-haired male said softly, cuddling up to him and breathing in his scent.
       "Me too... Each day without you was hell." Sisco's hand went to Cooza's stomach, seeing it had grown quite a bit and smiled, feeling a soft kick. "I'm so happy you and the baby are alright... I was worried sick..." Cooza smiled weakly, tears filling his eyes as he looked down, sniffling softly.
       "S-Sisco, I'm s-so sorry..."
       "Why are you sorry? This whole thing wasn't your fault."
       "B-but it was! If I hadn't went out for that walk, none of this would've happened..." Tears were streaming down battered cheeks, his hands curling into the fabric of his boyfriend's shirt.
      "Cooza, baby, you're alright... It's fine. There's no need to cry, my love..." Sisco kissed his forehead, his cheek, and finally, his lips, pulling away after a few seconds. "This whole thing will be settled and this Alex guy will be caught. I'll make sure of it."

Cooza smiled slightly and wiped away his tears, leaning into Sisco.
      "I-I love you so much..."
      "I love you too. So much..."


      "Well good news. All of your tests came back normal, so you are free to leave. I just need Mr. Carlisle to sign a couple papers for your discharge." The doctor said, looking over the charts on his clipboard.
       "Thank you so much." Sisco said, getting up to go sign the papers.
       "If you could follow me." The doctor motioned the door, turning and walking out. Sisco went to follow, but Cooza's hand grabbing his stopped him.
       "Please tell me you have back-up clothes for me..." Yellow eyes poured into blue, Sisco sighing in annoyance.
       "I was in such a blind panic that grabbing clothes for you slipped my mind..." The taller blader thought for a second then looked at his shirt, pulling it off and handing it to his lover. "Here. This'll be big enough to cover the important things."

Cooza took it, standing carefully to get dressed. Sisco kissed his forehead, walking out of the room to give him privacy and went to sign the discharge papers. Walking up to the nurse's station, the green-haired blader found the same nurse that was working on the first floor. She smiled sweetly at him, that flirty look back in her eyes.
        "You here to sign the discharge papers for Cooza Ackerman?" She asked, the papers in her hand.
        "Yeah I am, actually." Sisco replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable. The nurse handed him the papers.
        "Just sign where they need to be signed and he'll be free to leave. Also, do you have a girlfriend?"

Sisco signed each paper and looked at her, an annoyed look in his eyes.
       "Sorry to tell you, but I'm taken." He said, handing her the papers.
       "Oh? Who's the lucky girl?" The nurse asked.
       "That would be me." Cooza's voice said behind Sisco, making the male smirk. "Except, I'm not a girl." He added, walking up and grabbing his lover's cast-covered hand. The nurse looked bewildered, in complete shock that she couldn't say anything. Cooza tugged at Sisco slightly, the two making their way to the first floor of the hospital and walking out, the smaller of the two taking in a deep breath of the outside air.
        "I can tell you missed the outside." Sisco said, looking at him.
        "Of course. You know how much I love nature."
        "I sure do." Sisco's free hand went to his pocket, drawing out the two beys that rested there. "Cognight really missed you, you know." He handed his lover his bey, smiling at his own.
        "I could tell. He glimmered at me when you were gone. Satan too."
        "Oh my god, Chris and Ang really missed you too, so be warned.
        "Thanks for the heads up."


Screams echoed through the BC Sol building when Chris and Ang seen Sisco and Cooza walk into the room, the two rushing over in tears and hugging the pregnant male tightly. Cooza giggled softly and hugged them back, his own tears streaking his cheeks. The three pulled apart, Ang's hands cradling the small male's cheeks, her thumbs rubbing away his tears as she smiled.
       "It's so good to have you back." She said, Chris nodding beside her.
       "It was different not having you around. You being gone really had an impact on the team." The maroon-haired female said after.
       "It definitely feels good to be back. I missed everyone so much..." Cooza smiled, looking at Sisco when he set a hand on his shoulder.
       "Goodness! Sisco, what happened to your arm?" Chris asked, catching sight of the cast.
       "Oh, I was tackled and landed on my arm the wrong way. Now I can't blade for six weeks..." Sisco growled lowly, planning to make a call to an attorney later.
       "That's horrible, you must feel awful..."

Sisco hummed in anger, crossing his arms the best he could and turned his head away.
       "Alright Cooza, I want you to go get cleaned up. I'm making a special dinner to celebrate your return!" Ang said, a wide smile on her face.
       "You got it Ang! Come on Sisco." Cooza said, grabbing Sisco and dragging him to the dormitory building to get to their room.


Cooza sighed in relief when he walked out of the bathroom clean and fully dressed, his five month baby bump definitely showing through the shirt he wore. Small bruises could be seen on his arms, face, and neck, but he didn't care. He was just happy that he was back with the team, back with his loving boyfriend, and back with his partner.

Sisco smiled at him, happy he was back home. He missed him so damn much.
       "Ready to go babe?" He asked, holding his hand out to him.
       "Definitely." Cooza smiled, taking his hand and squeezing it gently. The two walked out of their room, making their way to the dining hall for dinner. They both took a deep breath, Sisco opening the door and allowing Cooza to step in first.

Cheers and applause echoed through the room when he walked in, everyone being happy to see that he was back home and okay.
       "Welcome back!" Some came up and told him, some giving him a hug and some patting his shoulder affectionately. Sisco came up beside his and smiled, everyone dishing up for dinner.
       "Hey Cooza, what happened to your stomach?" Someone asked, making him stop and get a bit self conscious.
       "O-oh, this?" He asked nervously, his hand instinctively going to his stomach. "Well- y-you see... I'm- pregnant..." He said slowly, awaiting the criticism. Nothing was said, Cooza looking up and seeing everyone was silent, before everyone starting clapping and giving him congratulations. The small male breathed a sigh in relief, walking over to the counter to get some dinner.

Sisco, however, had a different plan. You see, before Cooza was taken, he was planning to ask him something really important. And now seemed like a perfect opportunity.
       "Hey Cooza?" He asked, getting the attention of his lover.
       "Yeah Sisco?" Cooza replied, turning to him. When he did, Sisco was down on one knee, an open ring box in his hand as he looked up at him with shining blue eyes.

"Will you marry me?"

NightBear15 signing off...

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