Chapter Seven

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        "Cooza!" Sisco yelled, the tall green-haired male eventually coming through the front doors of the hospital. He stopped, looking around for a doctor or nurse. Somebody just needs to tell him where his lover is. He finally spotted a nurse's station, running up and slamming his hands on the counter, genuinely scaring the nurse sitting there.
        "Oh, hello. You need something?" She asked, looking up at Sisco with a small smile.
        "Cooza Ackerman... Where is he?" Sisco asked breathlessly, panting and hanging his head slightly. The nurse typed away on her computer, taking another glance at Sisco and pointing to a door labeled 'stairs'.
        "Take that door to the second floor and the signs will lead you to the ICU. That's where he's being monitored." She said sweetly, giving him a flirty smile.

Sisco ruffled his hair and nodded to her as a thank you, pushing himself away from the counter and going through the door, bolting up the stairs. Emerging through the second floor door, blue eyes looked around at the signs, following the directions to the ICU.
"Excuse me." Someone called out to him, making Sisco look at them. A doctor stood there, having a serious look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, but you can't be up here. Hospital officials only right now."
"No, you don't understand. A nurse said I could come up here to find who I'm looking for-"
"That doesn't matter. Hospital officials only sir."

Blue eyes narrowed at the doctor, the two having one intense staring contest.
"Like hell I'm gonna let someone like you keep me from the one I love..." Sisco growled, turning and continuing his walk to Cooza. A security official stood in front of him, making the green-haired blader grit his teeth and take a step back.
        "I believe I said to leave." The doctor behind him stated bluntly, his arms crossed. Sisco was silent, forming a plan in his head before sighing and turning back.
        "Alright alright, you win..." He muttered, taking a couple steps forward. He grinned suddenly and swung back around, sliding under between the guard's legs and booking it down the hall.

Heavy footsteps echoed after his own, immediately knowing the guard was running after him. Sisco wasn't phased. All those running drills Trad had the team do are really paying off in this situation. He ran through the halls, looking around to find his lover's name on one of these damn doors. Blue eyes glanced back to see the guard no longer chasing him so he slowed to a jog, eventually finding Cooza's name. His heart skipped a beat upon reading his name, his hand reaching out and grasping the doorknob. The door opened slowly, Sisco's blue eyes scanning the white room before landing on the form of his battered pregnant boyfriend.
         "C-Cooza..." He breathed, tears filling his as he watched dull yellow eyes open slowly and look at him.
         "S-Sisco...?" The green-haired male walked further into room, going to embrace his lover but was only tackled to the floor.

A loud thud and a sickening crack echoed through the room, Sisco crying out in pain when his forearm snapped. The security official had him pinned to the floor, his now broken arm laying in front of him as Cooza watched in horror.
        "S-Sisco!" The small black-haired male cried, his voice still unbelievable hoarse. "G-get off of him! He's hurt!"
        "Then he should've obeyed my order." The doctor from before answered, having heard Sisco's cry in pain. "Alright officer, you can let him up." Upon the dismissal, the guard above the tall blader got off of him. Sisco grit his teeth from the pain developing in his arm, shakily picking himself off the floor and holding his arm, taking a few steps to Cooza.

       "Ah ah, you need to get that arm set and in a cast." That god forsaken doctor said, making Sisco furrow his eyebrows in annoyance.
       "I-I'll still be here Sisco... J-just do it, please..." Blue met dull yellow, the smaller male noticing the unnatural sadness within his lover's eyes. Sisco sighed, turning again and reluctantly walking towards the door. "I-I love you..." Cooza called to him, the green-haired blader snapping his head back to him.
        "It's been too long since I heard you say that..." Sisco walked back, leaning down and capturing Cooza's lips in a sweet kiss.

Oh, how he's missed his lips.

The two pulled away after a minute, Sisco placing a soft kiss on his forehead before straightening up.
        "I'll be back, I promise." He said softly, a real smile playing at his lips. He let got of his broken arm and dug into his pocket, taking out Satan and Cognight and setting them in Cooza's hands. "Protect them for me while I'm gone." Cooza smiled at the sight of his beloved bey, running his finger along the layer disc.
       "I-I will Sisco... Promise..." The small, pregnant male said, tightening his hands around the two beys. Sisco walked to the door, the doctor having stepped out a couple minutes ago to talk to the security officer, sparing Cooza a gentle look and a small smile before he walked out, leaving the recovering male alone. Well- somewhat alone.

Tired yellow eyes gazed down at his and Sisco's beys, smiling when he seen the glint that shone on them both. He held them both close, placing a small kiss on the discs and leaning back into the hospital bed, playing with the rollers on Satan.


Sisco glared at the cast on his arm, cursing the security guard for breaking it in the first place. The cast ended just below the elbow on his right arm, his hand covered but his fingers and thumb able to move freely. He sighed, crossing his arms and looking to the doctor.
        "Can I go back to Cooza now?" He asked, a little impatient. The doctor  took care of the materials he used in setting Sisco's arm, glancing back at the other male.
        "Mr. Carlisle, I understand you want to be with him, but you can't. It's not my decision."
        "Then who's is it?!" Sisco asked again, getting frustrated.
        "The chief of police asked me not to permit anyone to see him until they got his testimony. Something about him missing for over two months."
        "Yeah, I know he was missing. The boy in there, he's my teammate. Not only that, he's my lover, he's pregnant with my child..."
        "I'm sorry, but I'm under order. I can't let you see him until the police gets his testimony."

Sisco stood up angrily, emotional blue eyes glaring into the eyes of the doctor.
        "I haven't seen the mother of my child in over two months and you still won't let me see him? Still won't let me be with him after he was ripped away from me?!"
        "Mr. Carlisle-"
        "No! I'm tired of people keeping me from him! First it was that damn police chief, and now it's you! When does it end?!" His cheeks felt wet and he knew he was crying, but he didn't care. All he wants is to be with Cooza. After two long months of them being apart, he wants to hold him and feel his warmth. He ruffled his hair in anger, taking his leave and walking out of the room, not wanting to deal with that fucking doctor anymore.

He walked through the halls again, ignoring the claims the doctor made and walked back to Cooza's room. Coming through the door, Sisco found a cop in there and growled, gritting his teeth.
       "Whoever the fuck you are, get out." He hissed, walking to Cooza's side.
       "Sir, the chief wanted me to get his statement, so you need to leave." The officer stated, a notepad in his hand.
       "Absolutely not. If you want his statement, you can get it while I'm right by his side." Sisco felt a small hand slip into his grasp, squeezing it gently.
       "Officer, please let him stay... He needs to hear this too..." Cooza said softly, squeezing Sisco's hand again. The cop sighed, defeated.
       "Fine, but if the chief sees I let someone in, she's gonna have my head." He said, adjusting the notepad and pen in his hands. "Now then, please tell me what happened the day you went missing."

NightBear15 signing off...

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