Chapter One

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        "S-Sisco!" Cooza moaned when he felt his lover thrust his member into him entirely. Sweat dripped down Sisco's forehead, his hands gripping the bedsheets tightly as he thrusted harder and faster. Cooza moaned loudly, his moans like music to the tall green-haired male's ears.

Oh how he sounded hot whenever he moaned his name.

Their positions switched, Cooza now sitting on top of him. He moved his hips, riding his partner as the pressure and the pleasure increased for both of them. He kept one hand on Sisco's chest, the other gripping his own shoulder as he tried to move faster.

Sisco grabbed his hips, helping him move as he kept thrusting upward, ignoring the knot that kept tightening in his stomach. Cooza screamed out in pleasure when a nerve was struck, his yellow eyes clenched shut and tears sticking to his cheeks. The taller blader took back control, pushing Cooza's back into the bed and thrusting into him harshly, making his young partner cry out with pleasure.
         "A-ah- S-Sisco! I-I'm close!" The small black-haired male moaned, his hands gripping his arms tightly. The blue-eyed male groaned, his thrusts getting sloppy when his climax approached too.
        "M-me too..." He said softly, his hands tightening on the bed sheets and one of Cooza's legs.

Cooza screamed his name in ecstasy, his cum splattering across their stomachs and his entrance clenching down on Sisco's length. His blue eyes went wide and he groaned again, his nails digging into the smaller male's leg slightly as he came inside his partner. He hung his head, the two males panting and gasping for air after their regular sex session. Sisco pulled out and breathed heavily, leaning down and resting his forehead on Cooza's chest. Fingers ran through his messy green hair, making him look at his lover and smile softly.

He laid his body on the black-haired male's, his chin resting on his chest as cum-covered skin pressed together.
        "I-I love you s-so much..." Cooza panted, petting Sisco's green hair.
        "I... I love you too... So much..."  Sisco said breathlessly back, moving upward to place a soft kiss on his lips. A knock sounded throughout the silent room, making Cooza tense.

You must be wondering why, right? Here: nobody knows they're together. They've been keeping their relationship a secret from their team for almost four months(their four month anniversary being next week) and they've been wanting to keep that streak going. Sisco heaved a groan, throwing on his boxers and a loose shirt, walking over to the door and opening it.

Chris stood there, the bey trainer(Sisco could never remember his name) standing just behind her.
         "Sisco, others are giving me noise complaints about you and Cooza. Whatever it is that causes you two to make such a racket, bring it down so you're not waking people up." She explained, her arms holding each other.
         "Yeah yeah... You got it Chris." Sisco muttered monotonously, running his fingers through his messy green hair.
         "Alright. But if I get one more complaint about you two, there will be consequences. Good night."
         "Yes, good night." The blue-eyed blader closed the door, rolling his eyes after he did. He pulled his shirt off, walking back over and crawling under the covers with Cooza, pulling the small black-haired male to his chest.

         "We really do need to be quieter..." Cooza said softly, yellow meeting blue. "We can't risk the others finding out about us..."
         "Correction: you need to be quieter." Sisco smirked, pressing his nose into his lover's temple. "Always screaming and begging and moaning." Cooza blushed, burying his face into the taller male's chest.
         "Sh-shut up... You're the one that causes that..." The Cognight blader retorted, yawning softly after.
         "I know. But you sound so sexy whenever you do..." Cooza whined, rubbing his face into his chest and closing his eyes.
         "Q-quiet... I want to sleep..." He felt Sisco press his lips to his head and tighten his arms slightly, entering the sleep void.
         "Then sleep... I'm not against it either..." Sisco closed his eyes too, enjoying the shared body heat they're producing as sleep consumed his senses as well.


Morning rolled around, Sisco up and dressed after taking a shower. Cooza was up too, but he was laying up in his little hammock with a wet washcloth across his forehead. He wasn't really feeling well considering he threw up in his sleep last night, waking up covered in his own vomit.

Sisco felt bad for his smaller lover, helping with cleaning him up and getting him dressed in loose clothes. His bed sheets were in the hamper to be washed, fresh sheets going to be put down later. The tall green-haired blader stood on his bed, pressing a soft kiss to Cooza's cheek.
         "I'm sorry to have to leave you, but I need to get to training or that bey trainer will have my head." He said softly, bringing a hand up rub the smaller male's head. "I'll ask Ang if she could check on you while I'm gone."
         "It's fine... Be sure to tell Chris that I'm not feeling well..." Cooza replied tiredly, his yellow eyes half-lidded. Sisco pressed another kiss to his head, smiling slightly.
        "I will. Get some rest and I'll see you later. I love you..."
        "I love you too Sisco..."

Sisco got down from his bed and walked to the door, sparing another look to his sick lover before walking out and closing the door. He made his way to the dining hall, getting himself a tray of breakfast and looking towards Ang, the team's cook.
        "Good morning Ang." Sisco greeted, Ang looking up and smiling at him.
        "Well good morning to you too Sisco." She greeted back, her southern accent strong in her voice. "Where's Cooza?"
        "That's what I want to talk to you about. He isn't quite feeling good, so I was wondering if you could check on him while I'm training with the team."
        "Of course. After I finish up here, I'll take him some breakfast and some medicine."
        "I'd appreciate that, thank you." Sisco said, turning to walk to a table.
       "You really care about him, don't you?" Ang asked, making the blue-eyed male freeze. He sighed, turning to look back at her.
       "Yeah, I do. He's my friend." He replied, smiling slightly. Ang smiled back at him.
       "Don't you worry Sisco, I'll look after him while you're training with the rest of the team."
       "Thank you again. This means a lot to me."
       "You're welcome sweetie. Now go eat. You need your energy for training." Sisco smiled, liking her motherly attitude.
       "Yes ma'am."


Ang was walking down the hallway of the BC Sol dormitory building, carrying a tray of breakfast and some medicine for Cooza. Sisco was training with the team, but gave her his key to his room so she could get in. She adjusted the tray in her hands, fiddling with the key and successfully unlocking the door, turning the knob and pushing the door open.
        "Hi Cooza. Sisco told me you weren't feeling well, so I brought you so-" She stopped, not seeing the small black-haired male. "Cooza?"

She heard a noise, setting the tray on the dresser and moving towards it, soon finding Cooza throwing up in the bathroom. Ang bent down beside him, rubbing his back gently to sooth him. Cooza coughed, a gasp and a small sob coming from him when he stopped, tears dripping down his cheeks. Teary yellow eyes soon met Ang's concern-filled brown ones. He went to say something, but the burn in his throat just made him cough.

        "Ah ah, no speaking until we help with that throat." Ang said, helping the small male up. She had him sit down on Sisco's bed, grabbing the tray from the dresser and setting it beside him. Cooza immediately went for the cup of milk, taking a drink of that to help sooth his throat.
        "H-hi Ang..." He said hoarsely, smiling shyly. Ang smiled back at him, pouring some medicine onto a spoon.
        "Hi there sweetie. Sisco told me you weren't feeling well and he asked me to check on you. This should help you for a bit." She held up the spoon. Cooza hummed, closing his mouth around the spoon and taking the medicine, his eyes clenching shut at the taste.

Ang set the spoon back on the tray and had her hand push back his messy black hair, pressing her lips gently to his forehead.
         "Well, it doesn't feel like you're running a fever, so that's good." She said, brushing his hair back again. "It may just be a cold, but the throwing up is new to me."

Cooza coughed again, one hand rubbing his throat and the other rubbing his stomach.
         "I-it's my stomach... I-it keeps moving around, and it makes me throw up..." He said softly, his voice still hoarse. Ang hummed, standing.
         "Eat up sweetie. Maybe breakfast will help calm it down." She said, moving towards the door. "I'll bring some clean sheets for the bed so you don't have to lay on that hammock."
         "O-ok Ang... T-thank you..." Cooza said, picking up the fork from the tray.
         "You're welcome sweetie. I'll be right back."


Sisco ran a hand through his green hair, stretching out his arms. The team was done training for the day, so that meant he could take care of his sick lover. Ang had given him back the key to his room, and Sisco thanked her again for helping out. The tall blader unlocked the door to their room, opening it up to meet the darkness. He walked in and closed the door, setting his keys on the dresser and turning on the light.

He found Cooza asleep on his bed, the smaller male looking better than he did this morning. Sisco smiled slightly, walking over and placing a soft kiss on his forehead before grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom. He turned on the light and closed the door, turning on the water and setting his clothes on the sink. He dropped his vest to the floor, pulling off his shirt and dropping that too. He took off his glasses and looked into the mirror, pulling off his gloves and setting them on the sink.

Blue eyes caught something sitting in front of the mirror, a pale hand reaching down and grabbing it. Sisco picked up his glasses and put them back on to look at the item better, finding it to be a little pink stick. It had a plus sign on it, making his eyes widen and drop it. The green-haired male looked at the door, releasing the breath he never knew he was holding, getting undressed the rest of the way and stepping into the shower.
         'I don't believe it...' Sisco muttered in his thoughts, his hands against the wall as the water dripped down his bare skin. 'I'll ask him later...'

Twenty minutes later, Sisco came out of the bathroom dressed, drying off his hair with his towel. His blue eyes looked up, finding Cooza sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
        "Hey baby, how did you sleep?" He asked softly, the towel hanging around his neck.
        "G-good I guess..." Cooza mumbled, tired yellow eyes meeting blue. "How was training?"
        "It went fine. How training normally goes." Sisco replied, running his fingers through his still damp hair. "Oh Cooza, I want to talk to you about something."

Cooza tilted his head slightly, confused as to what his taller lover wants to talk about. Sisco sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his hands together before dropping them and looking at his boyfriend with skeptical blue eyes, it being a bit out of character for him.
        "Is something wrong?" The small black-haired male asked, yawning softly after. Sisco breathed out, reaching into the pocket of his shorts and pulling out the item he found in the bathroom, showing it to Cooza.
         "Is it true?" He asked, fear evident in his voice. "Are you pregnant?"

Cooza looked horrified, tears filling his yellow eyes as he looked down, nodding slightly.
         "I-I just found out this morning... I-I had a feeling, a-and I was picky with breakfast- S-Sisco... I-I really am pregnant..." Tears were streaming his cheeks at this point as a small sob broke his lips.
        "Oh Cooza... Don't cry... It's ok-"
        "B-but it's not okay! S-Sisco, I'm a guy! I-I'm pregnant! T-there's nothing okay about this!" Cooza cried, reaching his arms out to his lover. Sisco sighed, standing and picking up his small boyfriend, Cooza's arms around his neck and his legs around his waist.
        "Take a deep breath with me..." The tall male said softly, breathing in deeply. Cooza did the same, breathing in and releasing it. "Everything will be fine... We'll keep you're pregnancy a secret until you start to show."

Cooza nodded slightly, burying his head into Sisco's neck. The blue-eyes male sat back down on his bed, holding his lover in a close and warm embrace, his chin resting on his shoulder.
        "S-Sisco...?" He heard Cooza ask softly.
        "Yes baby?"
        "W-we have to at least tell Chris... A-and Ang..."
        "It's whatever you want to do Cooza. I'll support you all the way, no matter what." Cooza smiled slightly, nuzzling his neck.
        "T-then let's get it over with... M-might as well..."


The two walked into Chris's office, Sisco looking determined and Cooza looking terrified. Chris's blue eyes looked up, watching the two males as they walked up to her desk.
        "Sisco, good to see you again. Cooza, you're looking better. So sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well today." She said, giving them a small smile.
        "We need to talk." Sisco said simply, losing his determined look and coughing slightly. "Alone." He added, referring to the bey trainer standing beside the maroon-haired female.

Chris nodded, turning and looking at Trad.
         "Trad, if you would please step out so we can talk alone." She said sweetly, making the brown-haired male sigh.
         "Alright. I will be down the hall if you need me." The bey trainer said, walking across the room and out the door.
         "Ok boys, what is it you need to talk to me about?" She asked, folding her hands onto the desktop. Cooza whined involuntarily, moving a bit behind Sisco as his small hands gripped the fabric of the shirt he wore.
        "We'd just like you to know that... Cooza and I are having a baby." Sisco said, his hand resting on the smaller male's shoulder. Chris was silent, soaking in what he said, then giggled softly.
         "Sisco, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Cooza is a guy. Males can't carry children like females can." She stated, still giggling slightly.

Tears filled Cooza's eyes as he gripped the shirt tighter, sniffling slightly. Sisco bit back a growl and dug into his shorts pocket, pulling out the pregnancy test and setting it on Chris's desk.
          "Does that make it look like I'm joking?" He hissed, rubbing Cooza's shoulder gently to calm him down. Chris picked up the test, her blue eyes widening a bit when she examined it.
          "So... You're really having a child?" She asked, setting it back down on the desk.
          "I-it's true..." Cooza said softly, yellow staring tearfully at her. Chris took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. She opened them and smiled suddenly, bringing her hands up to rest her chin on them.
           "Well then, let me be the first to congratulate you on your pregnancy Cooza." She said warmly. "How many know right now?"
           "Just us and you. Cooza wants to tell Ang too. And I hope we can trust you to keep this from the team until he starts showing, and I hope you'll go easy on him when it comes to training. Other than this, everything should be fine." Sisco said, Chris nodding.
       "Consider your requests granted. I will inform Trad about easy training for Cooza." She said, folding her hands on her desk again. "And Ang should still be in the cafeteria if you'd like to tell her now."

Cooza's grip loosened on Sisco's shirt by this time and nodded.
        "T-thanks Chris..." The small black-haired male said softly.
        "You're welcome. Now Cooza, you need to be careful. Now that you're carrying a child, there are certain things you need to be mindful of. I'll find a parenting book so you can read about it. Sisco, be there for him whenever you can. These next nine months will be hard on both of you." Chris said seriously, the two males before her nodding.
         "Got it Chris, thank you." Sisco said, slipping his hand in Cooza's and walking him to the door. Cooza looked behind him, smiling slightly at Chris and waving before they disappeared out the door, Chris smiling and waving back.

A couple minutes later, Trad walked back into the room, tapping away on his tablet as he walked back to his spot by Chris.
        "Is everything okay with Sisco and Cooza?" He asked, looking at her.
        "Everything is fine. Cooza has been feeling a bit under the weather, but is okay to train. Still, to be safe, come up with a few easy training methods for him please." The maroon-haired female said, her blue eyes looking at him. Trad nodded, looking back at his tablet to find the methods.
         "Any chance he'll get any of our other bladers sick?"
         "Not a chance with this Trad. Don't worry." Trad nodded again, still tapping on his tablet.
         "Your call Chris. You're the boss."

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